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06-12-2012, 12:41 AM
Well hello guys nice place you have here :)

hope to see you guys around.

06-12-2012, 12:43 AM
Sometimes I hate identifying myself as an anime fan :emo:

06-12-2012, 03:46 AM

06-12-2012, 03:56 AM
Hi there! Glad to be here :)

06-12-2012, 08:23 AM
I'm new to filesharingtalk.com. I've only been FSing for a bit over a yr, so a relative noob.

06-12-2012, 11:56 AM
wohoo i have some invites to share

Also cooties if my instincts are correct.

06-12-2012, 12:06 PM
wohoo i have some invites to share

Also cooties if my instincts are correct.
I think they're not.

But maybe you could catch stupid. There's always that :eyebrows:

06-12-2012, 12:28 PM
Also cooties if my instincts are correct.
I think they're not.

I don't know, I had you pegged for a cunt from the get-go.

06-12-2012, 12:44 PM

I remember when you were all about peace on earth and everyone getting along and bittards holding hands across the borders and stuff. Therefore, I believe you thought I was a fluffy bunny.

06-12-2012, 12:46 PM

06-12-2012, 12:51 PM
Hello All

Looks a great site, hope i can contribute in some way.

Thanks Mad

06-12-2012, 12:57 PM
Hello All

Looks a great site, hope i can contribute in some way.

Thanks Mad

Well it seems we are in need of a fluffy bunny, are you a fluffy bunny? :blink:

06-12-2012, 02:08 PM
Hello everybody, this site looks very informative and I look forward to working with some of you.

06-12-2012, 02:25 PM
Hello everybody, this site looks very informative and I look forward to working with some of you.
oic. So that's how it is :dry:

06-12-2012, 09:34 PM

06-13-2012, 12:29 PM
Hello ppl

06-13-2012, 02:33 PM

06-13-2012, 05:16 PM
Hello Everyone!!!
I've just joined the site today n it seems interesting. :shifty::happy:

06-13-2012, 06:00 PM
hi guys, was going through your site yesterday and felt compelled to join by the sheer quality. It's great stuff right here. Looking forward to having fun and contributing whatever I can. Cheers :)

06-13-2012, 09:50 PM

06-14-2012, 02:18 AM

06-14-2012, 11:28 AM

I think the real question is "Can you speak English?"

06-14-2012, 12:03 PM
hello peeps! I just joined FST! good talk ;)

06-14-2012, 03:55 PM
Hi Everyone, I have just joined today. looks a very good site, hope to speak to some of you soon.

06-14-2012, 04:27 PM
Hi Everyone, I have just joined today. looks a very good site, hope to speak to some of you soon.

Of all that people who have said that maybe you will actually be the one to mean it.

06-14-2012, 04:46 PM
hello peeps! I just joined FST! good talk ;)

Thanks for listening.

06-15-2012, 01:42 AM

06-15-2012, 02:10 AM
Is it just me, or does everyone else checking the n00b thread to welcome new members simply go through the list going spammer, spammer, future bit-tard, spammer and then just click back on the browser button out of depression more than anything else? :idunno:

I'm only offended by the ones that go "Hope to talk to all of you later" or mention "community" and then never post again.

No wait I'm also offended by the people who use this thread as a contrivance to obtain the magic 10 post count.

Hey, what do I get when I reach 10 posts? Do I get an award or some special power like x-ray vision or something ? :) I actually just posted to say Hi and introduce myself, not a spammer ( I don't know how you would ever make money that way, seems way too time consuming just to get one or two people on your site ) or a bit-tard ( whatever that is, maybe a computer retard, in which case maybe I am one since I don't know what it is :) )

06-15-2012, 04:02 AM
hello, my name is teorema, I'm woman.

06-15-2012, 06:24 AM
hello, my name is teorema, I'm woman.

Show us your tits or gtfo. :blink:

06-15-2012, 09:18 AM
Hello everyone looks like a nice site

06-15-2012, 09:18 AM
I'm only offended by the ones that go "Hope to talk to all of you later" or mention "community" and then never post again.

No wait I'm also offended by the people who use this thread as a contrivance to obtain the magic 10 post count.

Hey, what do I get when I reach 10 posts? Do I get an award or some special power like x-ray vision or something ? :) I actually just posted to say Hi and introduce myself, not a spammer ( I don't know how you would ever make money that way, seems way too time consuming just to get one or two people on your site ) or a bit-tard ( whatever that is, maybe a computer retard, in which case maybe I am one since I don't know what it is :) )I saw your other posts before I saw this one and I have to say that not only can your posts definitely not be considered spam - that they are also well written and, zomfg, informative and helpful.
It doesn't actually happen that often as most of the new sign-ups are people who want to amass the requisite number of posts to get into the torrent-invite section, and don't really care how they do it.


06-15-2012, 11:22 AM
Hey, what do I get when I reach 10 posts? Do I get an award or some special power like x-ray vision or something ? :) I actually just posted to say Hi and introduce myself, not a spammer ( I don't know how you would ever make money that way, seems way too time consuming just to get one or two people on your site ) or a bit-tard ( whatever that is, maybe a computer retard, in which case maybe I am one since I don't know what it is :) )I saw your other posts before I saw this one and I have to say that not only can your posts definitely not be considered spam - that they are also well written and, zomfg, informative and helpful.
It doesn't actually happen that often as most of the new sign-ups are people who want to amass the requisite number of posts to get into the torrent-invite section, and don't really care how they do it.


Canadian so what'd you expect?
You probably should brace yourself for a bunch of posts about " Goin' to the cottage but have to stop at the Beer Store and pick up a two-four first" and "Geez,them blackflies are biting something fierce " though.

06-15-2012, 02:52 PM

06-15-2012, 03:13 PM

06-15-2012, 04:31 PM
HI Manker, thanks for the warm welcome. I actually am not sure if I have an interest in the private torrent sites, as I feel I can get everything on the public sites I visit without ratio restrictions....however that opinion might change in time if I can find a valid reason for using a private site. My main interest in this site is using it to get and share information on file sharing and related topics. :) I suppose that is good and well since this forum is called file sharing talk ! And Idol Eyes...LOL...that well discribes my childhood upbringing. Indeed I did spend many summers in a cabin by the lake with blackflys biting the hell out of me, and yes, most Canadians love thier beer. However in my adult years I find myself on the west coast ( I grew up back east ) in a place called Brittish Columbia, and in my particular region we get basically no winter, it doesn't really snow. Kinda of a weird place for Canada, it's concidered paridise ( for Canada ) and here in BC many people perfer herbal intoxication over alcohol, but I guess it's a personal preference. :) Spent a couple of years in Florida and the people there were very nice.

06-15-2012, 04:39 PM
British Columbia?Is that near Chinese Venezuela?

06-15-2012, 05:30 PM
:) It is an odd name for a province ( or state as Americans call them ) We are much more brittish than Columbian...actually maybe not since there is quite a lot of drugs here now adays... :)

06-15-2012, 07:46 PM
Apparently Canadians are slow on the uptake.

06-15-2012, 10:01 PM
hello, my name is teorema, I'm woman.

Hi and Greetings. I think the file sharing community needs more women. If we were honest half of us guys on this site are downloading files for thier wife or girlfriend. I hope you get great help on this site.

06-15-2012, 10:14 PM
If we were honest none of us would be downloading files.

See slow on the uptake.Told you.

06-16-2012, 03:30 AM
What is more honest than sharing a file ? What is right and wrong is in the perception of the beholder, and many people feel that sharing information is akin to freedom of speach. I thought this would be filesharing 101, so really who is slow on the uptake ? :)

06-16-2012, 08:10 AM
hello, my name is teorema, I'm woman.

Hi and Greetings. I think the file sharing community needs more women. If we were honest half of us guys on this site are downloading files for thier wife or girlfriend. I hope you get great help on this site.

You seem a nice guy so I will explain my previous bluntness. We have alot of spammers who log on here, they introduce themselves with one post and then disappear for the required two weeks to get over being n00balicious so that they are of the member class rather than n00bs with the restrictions that has, then they can spam away in one of two ways with links in their signature or spambot posts.
The weirdly artificial I'm woman first post followed by no further posts is a 99% bet that this another spam account. Sadly you get used to spotting them after awhile, so the harsh comment I made, was meant to be funny, not cruel since it is quite hard to be cruel to a spambot. :idunno:

06-16-2012, 08:14 AM
Just joined great service :P

06-16-2012, 01:21 PM
What is more honest than sharing a file ? What is right and wrong is in the perception of the beholder, and many people feel that sharing information is akin to freedom of speach. I thought this would be filesharing 101, so really who is slow on the uptake ? :)


No offense, dimwit.

Btw I killed a whole Kindergarten class but I don't see anything wrong with that so I'm going to go to the police station and ask them for more bullets as I've seem to have used all of mine.

06-16-2012, 02:16 PM
I thought you wanted members who didn't spam their way to the invites section and posted stuff about stuff because of their love of stuff.

06-16-2012, 06:29 PM
I thought you wanted members who didn't spam their way to the invites section and posted stuff about stuff because of their love of stuff.

I'll try and put this in cycling terms so that you can better understand.

There is no such thing as a true victory without first having suffered through some adversity.

Also I thought I mentioned jokes and no requirements about them being funny.

06-16-2012, 09:30 PM
I'll try and put this in cycling terms so that you can better understand.

There is no such thing as a true victory without first having suffered through some adversity.

Also I thought I mentioned jokes and no requirements about them being funny.

I'll try and translate this back into layman's terms. He basically said he wants mlindsay to get hit by a car. He is harsh.

06-16-2012, 09:37 PM
Thanks Atremis for clearing that up. :) I did think it was a little funny saying : " I am woman " but I thought it could be someone that uses english as a second language, or maybe a power statement: " I am woman, hear me roar " Lets hope you are right, which I am sure you probably are. And IdolEyes, I'm not sure what you have against Canadians, but I get the feeling you are one of us :) After all, why else would you have a huge gold maple leaf as your icon. You do of course realize that the maple leaf is on our flag, and is one of the biggest patriotic symbols we have. You shouldn't be ashamed of being Canadian, many superstars in Hollywood are Canadian like Justin Beiber...er...wait...maybe that's a bad example :(

06-16-2012, 11:18 PM
Thanks Atremis for clearing that up.........Lets hope you are right, which I am sure you probably are.

This padawan has much to learn does he.:no:

Besides how to spell Artemis correctly mean I.


06-16-2012, 11:27 PM

You sent me a friend request today but frankly I'm going to need a little more than a month old "Hello" to make up my mind.

Tell me do you generally hate how sneaky,artificial and self-serving people here are? If you do then maybe we can bond over that.

06-17-2012, 12:10 AM
[QUOTE=mlindsay;3685780]Thanks Atremis for clearing that up.........Lets hope you are right, which I am sure you probably are.

This padawan has much to learn does he.:no:

Besides how to spell Artemis correctly mean I.

Hi Idoleyes,
If anyone is to take offense to any accidental misspelling of Artemis, I thought it would be Artemis, however they don't seem to have a problem. You keep constantly making references to my lack of intellegence, however I have been very polite and easygoing, it's not because I lack witty and mean retorts. And yes...I do have much to learn. In fact I go out of my way to learn something new every day, and I'm sure you wern't born with all the knowledge you have now, however I will not claim to know more than you or state I am better than you, because I feel everybody has something to learn from each other. :) might sound sappy but it's true. What seems strange is that your details state you have over 20,000 posts. Quite impressive :) Sounds like you have been here awhile. I would have thought long standing respected members would want new and interested members to provide a fresh knowledge base, instead of only listening or respecting a handfull of established members. Why would you even need a site, eight or nine of your friends talking through email should provide your needs. It's obvious for some weird reason I must have offended you in some way, or maybe you simply feel that I am inferior. I will not be scared away by bullies, as I am sure you are trying to drive me away. Your insults do not hurt me since you don't even know who I am, and it would be impossible to base any judgement based upon fact. Should I be so worried about spelling mistakes that if I make one I will be ridiculed and deemed not worthy of your peers ? What is your secret to never making mistakes or grammatical errors ? It must be really gratififying to know you are perfect, or maybe you are so concerned with other peoples opinions you would be embarrassed if someone caught you making a mistake, forcing you to spend a half hour staring at your post trying to avoid any imperfections in your enlightened communications you so generously bless us with. Personally I feel that people are more interested in the substance of the post and not if I accidently put the r in front of the t instead of behind it. As for Artemis, I did not in any way mistake the spelling of your name on purpose, it was by accident. Maybe I should look for spelling and grammatical errors on Idoleye's posts, and then nag on him, but really I am more interested in talking about filesharing, that is why I'm here and not on a forum concerning perfecting english. With all the abbreviations that the internet community uses, I think it's hillarious that someone here would care to show their superiority ( or complex of ) in that fashion.

06-17-2012, 12:44 AM
Hi Everyone, I have just joined today. looks a very good site, hope to speak to some of you soon.

06-17-2012, 05:11 AM

This padawan has much to learn does he.:no:

Besides how to spell Artemis correctly mean I.

Hi Idoleyes,

Phew, that took a couple of attempts to read, you have heard of paragraphs? Or does your religion forbid them? As for Idol, he didn't get enough maple syrup this year and as a result he's just mean, I've tried to console him with some very expensive manuka honey but it's just not the same thing. :idunno:

As for the eight or nine people who know each other, it depends, there are about twenty regulars in the lounge, which is fairly insular, but each section has it's own regular posters, and not all the same posters so it really is a case of horses for courses.

As for speeling and grammatical errors, you haven't met our tyrant yet, the frustrated schoolmaster with the salmon corrective marker, the dreaded manker, so think yourself lucky, but spend any time at all in the lounge and you will be corrected with glee by that grammar nazi.

06-17-2012, 06:01 AM
Thanks Artemis, I must realize that Idoleyes is probably just a joker and a little razzing never hurt anybody ;) I certainly do know about paragraphs, and out of respect I will certainly try to form them for you guys in future long posts. I was simply a little taken aback, but I suppose if a long member like idoleyes is giving me a little raz, than that's better than being ignored :) I will try to earn your guys respect and I hope I was not harsh in any way in my last post.
By the way, I made my avatar a beaver. Partly because it's a symbol of national Canadian pride, but also : who doesn't enjoy looking at a nice furry beaver ?
P.S, maybe I am a little slow on the uptake because I just now got your reference to maple syrup LoL :) that's great ! Up here it's true, we do love maple surup ( the real stuff ) so much that I almost took that statement for granted. In fact my wife is babysitting her two nieces and in the morning she is making them pancakes and ....well you know.

06-17-2012, 06:50 AM
hello forum

06-17-2012, 11:04 AM
nice to join the club

06-17-2012, 12:01 PM
hello guys, trying to contact stoi from blackcats, need some help recovering my account.

cant seem to find anyway to message him?

can anyone point me in the right direction?



06-17-2012, 12:13 PM
Thanks Artemis, I must realize that Idoleyes is probably just a joker and a little razzing never hurt anybody ;) I certainly do know about paragraphs, and out of respect I will certainly try to form them for you guys in future long posts. I was simply a little taken aback, but I suppose if a long member like idoleyes is giving me a little raz, than that's better than being ignored :) I will try to earn your guys respect and I hope I was not harsh in any way in my last post.
By the way, I made my avatar a beaver. Partly because it's a symbol of national Canadian pride, but also : who doesn't enjoy looking at a nice furry beaver ?
P.S, maybe I am a little slow on the uptake because I just now got your reference to maple syrup LoL :) that's great ! Up here it's true, we do love maple surup ( the real stuff ) so much that I almost took that statement for granted. In fact my wife is babysitting her two nieces and in the morning she is making them pancakes and ....well you know.

I'm sort of fascinated by what thought process might have brought you to the conclusion that I might in fact not be being serious after me repeating posting that I was not being serious didn't seem to work.

Also generalizations are for dimwits ( that's a generalization so the statement may or may not be ironic) and I if I was from Canada I could unequivocally tell you that I don't like Maple syrup as it is both sugary and sticky and so exceedingly bad for one's teeth.

I also don't like pancakes ,the word razzing or twos.

Paul Anka's from Ottawa and Diana is the Roman equivalent if any noob's out there care.

No didn't think so.

06-17-2012, 12:52 PM
Hello everyone.

06-17-2012, 01:23 PM
hello from norway, live in thailand,go back too norway next year

06-17-2012, 05:06 PM
Hi Idoleyes, finally I am starting to get your humor, bad on my part. The one thing I dislike about internet forums is that I can't see expression on faces or hear tone of voice, so sometimes it's hard to get the true meaning behind a post. That's why I use a lot of those smiley faces :) so people know I am being lighthearted or nice. ( not trying to suggest you should use them ) I'm not a huge fan of them myself, but I see no better alternative. Sometimes even trying to agree with someone might come across sarcastic or insulting.
By now you all must be almost sick this particular noob posting on this thread, so I think I will look at some of the other topics on this forum. Maybe I will even try to contribute something of use. Oh and I almost forgot...What's wrong with twos ? They're actually company wheras three's a crowd. I also meant to call you a long standing member, not a " long member " LOL. You very well might be a " long member " but I don't know you well enough to make that claim :)

06-17-2012, 05:45 PM
hello guys, trying to contact stoi from blackcats, need some help recovering my account.

cant seem to find anyway to message him?

can anyone point me in the right direction?



Try posting on this (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/446639-Blackcats-login-page-key-phrase-forgotten) thread, or go to their IRC channel.


06-17-2012, 07:00 PM
Hi Idoleyes, finally I am starting to get your humor, bad on my part. The one thing I dislike about internet forums is that I can't see expression on faces or hear tone of voice, so sometimes it's hard to get the true meaning behind a post. That's why I use a lot of those smiley faces :) so people know I am being lighthearted or nice. ( not trying to suggest you should use them ) I'm not a huge fan of them myself, but I see no better alternative. Sometimes even trying to agree with someone might come across sarcastic or insulting.
By now you all must be almost sick this particular noob posting on this thread, so I think I will look at some of the other topics on this forum. Maybe I will even try to contribute something of use. Oh and I almost forgot...What's wrong with twos ? They're actually company wheras three's a crowd. I also meant to call you a long standing member, not a " long member " LOL. You very well might be a " long member " but I don't know you well enough to make that claim :)

He isn't being light, he is generally disgusted by you and every regular around here. You can try long and hard to gain his approval but you'd have better luck drawing maple syrup from a corked bat. That doesn't mean you should give up, I haven't learned my lesson quite yet, but one day padawan, one day.

06-17-2012, 07:41 PM
hi all

06-18-2012, 12:45 AM
He isn't being light, he is generally disgusted by you and every regular around here. You can try long and hard to gain his approval but you'd have better luck drawing maple syrup from a corked bat. That doesn't mean you should give up, I haven't learned my lesson quite yet, but one day padawan, one day.

Mjmacky subscribes to the adage "If at first you don't succeed,fail,fail again".

Also "Nothing fails like failure".

06-18-2012, 01:42 AM
Mjmacky subscribes to the adage "If at first you don't succeed,fail,fail again".

Also "Nothing fails like failure".

I think it was some guy with autism that said something about failing 99 times. I'd like to up the ante and say I've failed many more times.

06-18-2012, 10:42 AM
Hello everyone, i am new to this forum.
looking forward to make some new friends.

06-18-2012, 10:54 AM
Hello everyone, i am new to this forum.
looking forward to make some new friends.

If your avatar of Michael Caine as Harry Palmer isn't purely accidental then you are off to a good start.

06-18-2012, 11:01 AM
You click on people's profiles :crazy:

06-18-2012, 11:05 AM
I don't see any other way to effectively stalk.

06-18-2012, 11:16 AM
If only we had an expert here to help.
I think there used to be a stalker here but it was a while ago and I can't remember his name or even which balustrade he leaned on.

06-18-2012, 11:32 AM

06-18-2012, 12:44 PM
Hi Idoleyes, finally I am starting to get your humor, bad on my part. The one thing I dislike about internet forums is that I can't see expression on faces or hear tone of voice, so sometimes it's hard to get the true meaning behind a post. That's why I use a lot of those smiley faces :) so people know I am being lighthearted or nice. ( not trying to suggest you should use them ) I'm not a huge fan of them myself, but I see no better alternative. Sometimes even trying to agree with someone might come across sarcastic or insulting.
By now you all must be almost sick this particular noob posting on this thread, so I think I will look at some of the other topics on this forum. Maybe I will even try to contribute something of use. Oh and I almost forgot...What's wrong with twos ? They're actually company wheras three's a crowd. I also meant to call you a long standing member, not a " long member " LOL. You very well might be a " long member " but I don't know you well enough to make that claim :)

First of all if you are going to use a smiley for Idol it is probably best to use this one:http://i.imgur.com/eoprZ.gifIt best suits his general outlook on life. But once you get to know him he's a real anti-social guy, what you see is what you get. He was a rodeo clown in the Calgary stampede years ago and it all went very badly, he doesn't like to talk about it but it took a week to get the clown shoes off, and he has never been the same since.

06-18-2012, 05:18 PM
i am fucking bored

The most boring thing on this site I can find is your comment. :) Lots of fun topics on this forum, and there is whole other sections of the site other than the forum. You can click the home tab on the top of your screen and it well lead you to lots of news articles and hot topics. If you look around a little deeper, this is actually one of the more comprehensive sites ( at least that I've seen ) and there are even files here to download. So it's more of a forum/news/download site. If you look a little harder I'm sure you can find some stuff to do on this site. I wouldn't be the best source but I'm sure some of the more experienced users could give you some recommendations on some cool topics new members might be interested in. There is on particular subject if you are a new user you might find helpful : Tutorials and Guides.
Hope you find something to do :)

06-18-2012, 07:16 PM
i am fucking bored

The most boring thing on this site I can find is your comment. :) Lots of fun topics on this forum, and there is whole other sections of the site other than the forum. You can click the home tab on the top of your screen and it well lead you to lots of news articles and hot topics. If you look around a little deeper, this is actually one of the more comprehensive sites ( at least that I've seen ) and there are even files here to download. So it's more of a forum/news/download site. If you look a little harder I'm sure you can find some stuff to do on this site. I wouldn't be the best source but I'm sure some of the more experienced users could give you some recommendations on some cool topics new members might be interested in. There is on particular subject if you are a new user you might find helpful : Tutorials and Guides.
Hope you find something to do :)

meet J-dye.

06-19-2012, 12:46 AM
Hello people, I've had some invites for the trackers I signed up for wasting away for a while now, figured I'd get rid of some and maybe get a few myself. Looking forward to bullshitting with you guys for a while.

06-19-2012, 05:33 AM
hello all,the site looks great

06-20-2012, 02:26 AM

06-20-2012, 03:38 AM
Been here awhile, just haven't said hello. I know a lot of you though :)

06-20-2012, 04:06 AM
Been here awhile, just haven't said hello. I know a lot of you though :)

You sir, are a master of understatement. :blink:

06-20-2012, 04:40 AM
Been here awhile, just haven't said hello. I know a lot of you though :)

Out with it, what do you want?

06-20-2012, 09:50 AM
Been here awhile, just haven't said hello. I know a lot of you though :)

Out with it, what do you want?


06-20-2012, 12:34 PM
That's right. I figured I'd see if I could garner some votes for my pup. Figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

06-20-2012, 12:55 PM
That's right. I figured I'd see if I could garner some votes for my pup. Figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.Yeah but 93% of the users on here are fully paid up members of PETA and consider that to be animal exploitation.

Idk if you're female, and if not, if you know any females, but getting your tits out might be the only way to circumvent the moral dilemma we face.

06-20-2012, 04:43 PM
Out with it, what do you want?


I should have checked this thread first, I'm all gloating like nobody noticed.

06-20-2012, 08:00 PM

I should have checked this thread first, I'm all gloating like nobody noticed.116598

06-20-2012, 08:01 PM
Make sure to read the guides and diss Idoleyes with malicious intent, dont hold back. Whats the worst youll get a warning ? :)

06-20-2012, 08:15 PM
Make sure to read the guides and diss Idoleyes with malicious intent, dont hold back. Whats the worst youll get a warning ? :)

I checked and other than that paper on redundancies this was the first time in history that anyone was brilliant enough to use "diss" and "malicious intent" in the same sentence.

Let's talk about dis .Let's talk about dat.

06-20-2012, 10:34 PM
Hello everyone

06-21-2012, 03:46 AM
Hello everyone. I'm new here and hope to make some pirate friends. I'm not really looking for any invites to trackers but there are a few left on the wish list. I have about 4 years of experience in torrent world. I use a seed box and also play a little on usenet a bit. Found this site on accident. Somehow I came across a thread that was here about a year ago for recruitment into TTC. I read a bit more on the site and decided to join. Site looks great and will be as active as I can.

06-21-2012, 06:11 AM
Hello everyone. I'm new here and hope to make some pirate friends. I'm not really looking for any invites to trackers but there are a few left on the wish list. I have about 4 years of experience in torrent world. I use a seed box and also play a little on usenet a bit. Found this site on accident. Somehow I came across a thread that was here about a year ago for recruitment into TTC. I read a bit more on the site and decided to join. Site looks great and will be as active as I can.

I heard Winter was coming, but this is a bit of a disappointment.

06-21-2012, 08:40 AM
Hey everyone, new to this site. Looks fantastic tho

06-21-2012, 11:33 AM
Hello everyone. I'm new here and hope to make some pirate friends. I'm not really looking for any invites to trackers but there are a few left on the wish list. I have about 4 years of experience in torrent world. I use a seed box and also play a little on usenet a bit. Found this site on accident. Somehow I came across a thread that was here about a year ago for recruitment into TTC. I read a bit more on the site and decided to join. Site looks great and will be as active as I can.

I heard Winter was coming, but this is a bit of a disappointment.

The story started to lose me somewhere around the seedbox chapter.

06-21-2012, 01:31 PM
Hello everyone. I'm new here and hope to make some pirate friends. I'm not really looking for any invites to trackers but there are a few left on the wish list. I have about 4 years of experience in torrent world. I use a seed box and also play a little on usenet a bit. Found this site on accident. Somehow I came across a thread that was here about a year ago for recruitment into TTC. I read a bit more on the site and decided to join. Site looks great and will be as active as I can.

I heard Winter was coming, but this is a bit of a disappointment.

It has already arrived in this corner of the world.

Are you still on tTC, jacky? I haven't logged in to my account in a while now.

06-21-2012, 01:34 PM
I heard Winter was coming, but this is a bit of a disappointment.

It has already arrived in this corner of the world.

Are you still on tTC, jacky? I haven't logged in to my account in a while now.

I seriously considered doing a new recruitment drive on its anniversary, which is sometime in July I think.

06-21-2012, 01:37 PM
Consider me recruited.
I'm building up my 1337 torrent sites so that I can buffer every account and then sell them so I can start over from my new abode somewhere in the Bahamas which I would have purchased with my ill-gotten gains.

06-21-2012, 01:41 PM
I seriously considered doing a new recruitment drive on its anniversary, which is sometime in July I think.

Definitely looking forward to it!

06-21-2012, 03:12 PM
Hello everyone!

06-21-2012, 08:43 PM
hi everyone

06-21-2012, 09:03 PM
hello forum looking for few invites

06-22-2012, 04:39 AM
Hi everyone :)

06-22-2012, 04:55 AM
Hello Everyone

06-22-2012, 04:58 AM

06-22-2012, 06:13 AM
hello forum

06-22-2012, 06:49 AM

06-22-2012, 07:27 AM
oops wrong forum, my bad

06-22-2012, 08:09 AM

06-22-2012, 10:50 AM
And so it begins...
It's a pleasure to be here, you've had useful information that matters for a long time.
Glad to be here.

06-22-2012, 02:52 PM

06-22-2012, 08:08 PM
Hi all! Just joined up. looking forward to some great messaging.

06-22-2012, 09:41 PM
Hello everyone.

06-22-2012, 10:08 PM

06-23-2012, 12:25 AM
Hi all! Just joined up. looking forward to some great messaging.

I guess we can assume you're just being honest.

06-23-2012, 12:29 AM
Hi all! Just joined up. looking forward to some great messaging.

I guess we can assume you're just being honest.

I'd suggest if it's messaging he wants to do then maybe just get a MSN account but you know.

06-23-2012, 07:02 AM

06-23-2012, 10:32 AM

06-23-2012, 10:45 AM
Hello Everyone!!

06-23-2012, 12:23 PM
Hello Everyone, I have to learn a lot yet, but what I see seems to be allright !!!!

06-23-2012, 10:17 PM
hello every one

06-23-2012, 11:44 PM
hi all glad to be on board

06-24-2012, 12:30 AM
Hello Everyone

06-24-2012, 06:28 AM
Hi guys!

06-24-2012, 10:33 AM
hello everyone

06-24-2012, 12:40 PM
Seriously I beginning to think a lot of these are copy/pastes and you aren't really being sincere.

06-24-2012, 08:17 PM
hello! great site guys, keep it up!! (insert william wallace freedom death cry)

06-25-2012, 12:59 AM

06-25-2012, 12:18 PM
Hello Friends!!!!!!!!!

I am newbie here . i am here to discuss some new topics and gain some knowledge.

06-25-2012, 05:32 PM

06-25-2012, 05:44 PM
Hello @ll!!
"lachgummi007 loaded!

06-25-2012, 06:57 PM
Hello all. New to the site but loving what I see so far!

06-25-2012, 07:30 PM
Hello @ll!!
"lachgummi007 loaded!

I understood the 'Hello" and after that things got confusing.

06-27-2012, 04:25 AM
hello peeps :)

06-27-2012, 08:13 AM
Hello FST!@!!

06-27-2012, 08:27 AM
Hello to all my friends
glade to be here

06-27-2012, 12:49 PM
What do all the banned users with 2 poasts do with the second post?

Do they all say my cock is bigger than your cock, at which point Manker pops up saying prove it! So they post a pic proving it, then he bans them? :blink:

06-27-2012, 01:13 PM
Hello to all my friends
glade to be here

Hello LAMOVIDA. :sleep:

06-27-2012, 01:15 PM
Hello to all my friends
glade to be here

Hello LAMOVIDA. :sleep:

Glade to see you on your toes.

06-27-2012, 01:24 PM
Glade to see you on your toes.

I can't let manker ask for more cock pictures, that's what Skype's there for.

06-27-2012, 01:26 PM
This division of labour rather suits me.

06-27-2012, 04:01 PM
hello & good day from a glasgow noob lol .. just gonna have a look around the site speak to u guys soon ;)117304

06-27-2012, 09:01 PM
Hello everyone!

06-27-2012, 10:12 PM
whats up folks. new here. wanted to say hello!

06-28-2012, 12:39 AM
Hello everybody !
Nice to be here.
Cheers from a brazilian noob ! :)

06-28-2012, 01:58 AM
Hi, thanks

06-28-2012, 03:59 PM
hi everybody

06-29-2012, 03:41 AM

06-29-2012, 06:29 AM
hello i want to be a terrorist when i grow up

06-29-2012, 01:43 PM
Hello people

Came to this forum while surfing the web. For now, I'm trying to understand how this works.

06-29-2012, 02:04 PM
Hello people

Came to this forum while surfing the web. For now, I'm trying to understand how this works.

Well you type words in, hopefully in a coherent order, and if someone likes them they will reply, if they don't like them, they will tell you to do something horrible with an aubergine :blink:

06-29-2012, 02:30 PM
So either way, a reply is guaranteed :blink:

06-29-2012, 04:33 PM
So either way, a reply is guaranteed :blink:

Exactly, someone has to reply unless it's the Drawering Room or something.

06-29-2012, 04:36 PM
So either way, a reply is guaranteed :blink:

Exactly, someone has to reply unless it's the Drawering Room or something.

Or the cycling fred.

06-29-2012, 04:43 PM
Exactly, someone has to reply unless it's the Drawering Room or something.

Or the cycling fred.

Cycling is popular here beyond all expectations.

06-29-2012, 07:05 PM
hello all!! happy sharing!

06-29-2012, 07:12 PM
Or the cycling fred.

Cycling is popular here beyond all expectations.

Beyond zero then.I'll request a general holiday.

06-29-2012, 09:07 PM
After much ponderousness, I've just thought of something to talk about regarding cycling.

06-29-2012, 10:29 PM
After much ponderousness, I've just thought of something to talk about regarding cycling.

I'm pretty sure the answer is "you cycle off the drugs so you don't test positive".

06-29-2012, 11:05 PM
No :snooty:

I've actually though of something else, too, but I'll ask Snee or ...ermm ... ckrit instead.

06-29-2012, 11:14 PM
No :snooty:

I've actually though of something else, too, but I'll ask Snee or ...ermm ... ckrit instead.

I'd hurry , apparently he's on vacation and the countdown to sun-baked rain soaked incoherence started a good couple of hours ago.

In other news it's been like 32C here for the better part of two weeks and I thought there was some sort of Canadian law against that sort of thing.

06-30-2012, 01:04 AM
sup folks, thought I'd stop in and say hey... so..


06-30-2012, 05:44 AM
hello FST !!! best wishes to all

06-30-2012, 09:16 AM
Hello i m shilpa..i m very new here..i want to share ideas and views related various topics...thanx

06-30-2012, 12:03 PM

06-30-2012, 12:12 PM
No :snooty:

I've actually though of something else, too, but I'll ask Snee or ...ermm ... ckrit instead.

Since you're staff or something would you mind counting up the exact number of people who put "looking forward to talking to you all :)" or similar and never bothered to post again?

06-30-2012, 02:46 PM
No :snooty:

I've actually though of something else, too, but I'll ask Snee or ...ermm ... ckrit instead.

Since you're staff or something would you mind counting up the exact number of people who put "looking forward to talking to you all :)" or similar and never bothered to post again?Yes :)

06-30-2012, 03:19 PM
Since you're staff or something would you mind counting up the exact number of people who put "looking forward to talking to you all :)" or similar and never bothered to post again?Yes :)


Btw expect another PM re: cruelty.

06-30-2012, 03:31 PM
A positive answer and a happy smilie and yet still the little people aren't happy.
I'm going to have to suggest we take on a new moderator or three because the workload is just too much.

Anyone will do altho' not mbm because he seems to really want to do it and he owns several guns and to be honest if you add some intoxicating internets power to that mix you've got a powder keg of batshit just waiting to blow up in the face of some sleepy village in Washington state.
Or he could just explode all over Oleg's face.

Either way; what about chavois?

06-30-2012, 03:35 PM
Wot about chavois wot?

06-30-2012, 06:33 PM
Hello People

07-01-2012, 02:20 AM
Hi everyone, looking forward to share the knowledge :)

07-01-2012, 06:34 AM

07-01-2012, 04:29 PM

07-01-2012, 05:00 PM
sup folks, thought I'd stop in and say hey... so..


Hey, I hope you've got your winter woolies on! :blink:

07-01-2012, 06:05 PM
Hello everyone,
My name is Dusty. I am an encoder, site coder, movie geek, and a torrent freak. :) I saw a tread on here talking about my site, so I figured I would sign up and make some new friends.

07-01-2012, 07:17 PM
Hello everyone,
My name is Dusty. I am an encoder, site coder, movie geek, and a torrent freak. :) I saw a tread on here talking about my site, so I figured I would sign up and make some new friends.

I'm a picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover and I'm a sinner so needless to say if we went to a bar I would be the one to get the girls.

07-02-2012, 10:37 AM
Hi people! My first day here and really happy

07-03-2012, 11:31 AM
Hello ..:)

07-03-2012, 12:24 PM
hi there just joinned hope to stay a long time here and help to everyone :D

07-03-2012, 01:17 PM
hello all
looking forward to my stay :)

07-03-2012, 11:16 PM
I am new and thank you for this site. I hope to learn alot and help as well.

07-03-2012, 11:38 PM
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :)

07-03-2012, 11:41 PM
Hey guys, I'll do my best to help everyone who need :)

07-04-2012, 11:32 AM
Hi everybody. Looking to see what this place is all about!



07-04-2012, 01:21 PM
Hi, i'm new. Time will tell if i'll stay. ;-)

07-04-2012, 01:24 PM
Hi, i'm new. Time will tell if i'll stay. ;-)I see that tautology is a particular talent of yours.

07-04-2012, 02:08 PM
Just discovered this place and looking forward to exploring.

07-04-2012, 02:53 PM
Hello everyone .......I am new here..........Hope I will have a great time here

07-04-2012, 03:12 PM
Hi everyone. Looks like a great site and I cant wait to join in the fun!

07-04-2012, 11:32 PM
Hello there

07-05-2012, 12:24 AM
Hello everybody!!
I'm Jony and I'm from Japan
I'm glad to join you.

07-05-2012, 03:26 AM

07-05-2012, 05:40 AM

07-05-2012, 10:16 AM
Hello everyone. Decided too join this great little place. I'm a complete n00b too all this Usenet stuff but it seems fun and with some huge benefits compared too Rapidshare and torrents. Wish me good luck as I'll differently need it :cry: Usenet, NZB, PAR and Newsbin my hear is already spinning :)

07-05-2012, 12:04 PM

07-05-2012, 01:04 PM
I'm a complete n00b too all this Usenet stuff but it seems fun and with some huge benefits compared too Rapidshare and torrents. Wish me good luck as I'll differently need it :cry:

You can start here (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/383155-Noob-s-guide-to-usenet)!

07-05-2012, 03:37 PM
Yo Yo Yo!

07-05-2012, 05:02 PM
hi hi, happy to be here

07-06-2012, 09:21 AM
:), Hello Everyone

07-06-2012, 02:05 PM
hello to all

07-06-2012, 02:52 PM
Hello Guy's.
This site looks awesome.Hope i can find here a few good informations.
See you soon.

Greetz Diddl1896

07-06-2012, 03:42 PM
Hello Guy's.
This site looks awesome.Hope i can find here a few good informations.
See you soon.

Greetz Diddl1896

There's heaps of great info here:

I found out that you shouldn't eat yellow snow,
That steamrollers don't actually roll steam,
That if you are walking on eggs you shouldn't hop,
And I just found out some stunning news. An new dive team to the Titanic found the swimming pool still full after 100 years. :blink:

07-06-2012, 05:21 PM
And I just found out some stunning news. An new dive team to the Titanic found the swimming pool still full after 100 years. :blink:
ROLF. That diving crew must have been very high on something.

07-06-2012, 10:21 PM
Hello everyone

07-06-2012, 11:36 PM
Hi howss it

07-07-2012, 08:49 AM
Howdy.. im not new to the scene , but i am returning after an absence.. hope y'all havin a lovely day.. and hope one or two will chat n share the goodness.... good to be here and thanks for having me..

07-07-2012, 11:53 AM
Howdy.. im not new to the scene , but i am returning after an absence.. hope y'all havin a lovely day.. and hope one or two will chat n share the goodness.... good to be here and thanks for having me..

Well looky here, it's the stuffington post.

07-07-2012, 12:06 PM

07-07-2012, 01:12 PM
Greetings....my first time here!

07-07-2012, 07:19 PM

07-08-2012, 04:35 AM
Hello, noob to this site. Hope it's as good as it looks.

07-08-2012, 09:46 AM
hello forum ..

07-08-2012, 10:25 AM
hello everybody :)

07-08-2012, 11:55 AM

07-08-2012, 03:23 PM

07-09-2012, 02:57 PM
Hello all

07-09-2012, 11:15 PM

07-10-2012, 07:34 AM
Hello, new here, nice place to be :)

07-10-2012, 06:17 PM
hello forum, i have just joined today, im from brazil, all of my friends say this is the best site on the web, i hope to learn more here.

07-10-2012, 06:58 PM
Hello everyone! First time here, looks great so far :)

07-10-2012, 08:49 PM

07-10-2012, 09:30 PM
hello forum, i have just joined today, im from brazil, all of my friends say this is the best site on the web, i hope to learn more here.

All of your friends hate you and were just pulling a prank on you.

07-11-2012, 02:01 AM
Have a nice day~:music::yahoo::yahoo::clap::thumbsup:

07-11-2012, 05:21 PM
hi everyone and thanks for letting me join your forum

07-11-2012, 05:28 PM
hi everyone and thanks for letting me join your forum

That's called lack of oversight, please promptly remove yourself.

07-11-2012, 09:15 PM
Hello !!

07-12-2012, 11:53 AM
hello !! thank you !!

07-12-2012, 11:55 AM
hello !! thank you !!

You are not welcome, sincerely, not yours.

07-12-2012, 03:20 PM
Hello Everyone............

07-12-2012, 05:12 PM
hello. looks like a good site :)

07-12-2012, 07:00 PM
hello to everyone!

07-12-2012, 09:07 PM

07-13-2012, 08:48 AM
Hello everyone ! I`m new member of this community my name is Gorka and hope to make a lot of new friends . Cheers !!

07-13-2012, 09:01 AM
Hai im Beast

07-13-2012, 09:42 AM
Hai im Beast

I'm hunter, hello lunch.

07-13-2012, 11:06 AM

This is not true, this is the best!!!


hello forum, i have just joined today, im from brazil, all of my friends say this is the best site on the web, i hope to learn more here.

All of your friends hate you and were just pulling a prank on you.

07-13-2012, 01:13 PM
Hai im Beast

It's the third time you say hi already :unsure:

07-13-2012, 08:19 PM
Hi everyone, seems pretty cool here.

07-14-2012, 12:39 AM
Hai im Beast

It's the third time you say hi already :unsure:

So maybe I should put him out of his misery. :naughty:

07-14-2012, 02:55 AM

07-14-2012, 12:53 PM
Hi everybody!

07-14-2012, 03:19 PM
i likt this forum very much.........

07-14-2012, 06:18 PM
Hi every one I just joined,good to be here.

07-15-2012, 04:57 AM
Hi to all

07-15-2012, 03:23 PM
Hi everyone. Nice to be a member. Thanks for adding me.

07-15-2012, 03:33 PM
Hi everyone. Nice to be a member. Thanks for adding me.

Nobody added you, so time to restart your suicide plan.

07-15-2012, 04:14 PM
Hi everyone, just joined.

07-15-2012, 06:37 PM

07-16-2012, 06:08 PM
Hello, happy to join the club :)

07-16-2012, 09:49 PM
Hi all.

I am happy to join the amazing community!