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View Full Version : Syncthebits finally closes the door!

08-24-2010, 04:07 AM
this tracker was more agonizing death than scl in its time.

here quote from owner:

This week it became clear to me that STB will not be able to support its self and i can no longer put my own money into the site to keep it afloat. So im sorry to announce that STB the tracker as we have known for the last 2 years is gone. Im sorry.
I have created this forum to get feedback from some of our users that were very active at the site to see if there is any interest in keeping this forum online and building STB around a forum based community..
Please give me any feedback or ideas that you guys have.
The only thing I am ruling out is a Torrent Tracker since we have tried that and it did not work out.

no money, no activity. srslously, who needs a tracker to seed a 520kb app ? its stupid.

who goes next? scenexpress? it's on the good way, also dead as a cemetery!

Here is a screenshot for scenexpress (or the cemetery) .


08-24-2010, 04:16 AM
BOUT TIME dude. Sharing <10mb files is just not practical for private torrenting.

08-24-2010, 04:30 AM
Ahahaha, I'm sorry for laughing during a time of mourning for site-ops/mods/dedicated users, but I just think the reaction the site is getting in return for the news is hilarious.

I've said there's no room for competition in the Cell Phones market. The veterans are already all locked up in their respective DDL forums, setup with their connections, their sources, and their consumers. There's no reason any of those legends should choose to relocate to a new ecosystem, and anyone trying to start a tracker in turn, will simply fall of short of even "acceptable," due to the fact that they'd be playing catch up. The practicality of sharing small files using torrents is irrelevant, when the methods of distribution of content have been settled for a long time now. There are some things that warrant torrenting, such as Music, and others that the protocol should be warded away from due to established, gargantuan producers/distributors; applications of both the desktop and the pocket kind fall into the latter description.

EDIT: It's like hoping a DDL forum can be as comprehensive as What.CD, for lack of a better example.

Tv Controls you
08-24-2010, 04:45 AM
I think a forum STB would be alot more practical for its usage as the overhead on a low bandwidth forum is dirt cheap.

I fully respect their effort and the time they put into their tracker, as STB clearly is looking to seed for the community
Although, It was just so unpractical having a dedicated tracker for such small files that were only ever needed once in a blue moon.

Looking forward to a forum arising from this all...

08-24-2010, 03:16 PM
All trackers are shit. Fact. (me and Hombre BFF :P)

Seriously, it was a bad idea for reasons explained above. It's never good to see a tracker go, though.

08-24-2010, 03:56 PM
you are right.. Looks like scenexpress is going in that way..
ScL was one of the best trackers around, but SeX is a sh*t, very low speed & above all if you will not login for more than 4 weeks, account disabled.. arrogant staffs are not doing any good for them. If I've the right info then I think they haven't got any donation will date.

Am I right? ;-)

Silent death..

08-24-2010, 05:31 PM
I hope he keeps it as a forum though and hosts all the files on DDL(not to echo all the same replies so far, but this is something he should had done from the beginning).

But then again, there are forums that are older and more established, so who knows how well it would work.

08-24-2010, 05:45 PM
if you will not login for more than 4 weeks, account disabled..

Well, it's like that on most trackers out there - it's just the number of weeks that varies. You should turn to criticizing their minimum of two 100MB snatches per month policy or whatever it was. :lol: