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08-25-2010, 08:26 PM
First, I just want to say,
I don't care about what you say about me looking for high level trackers, if you have that to say, I'm just going to ignore your posts. I've been around here long enough (not always a poster, I tend to lurk moar) to know that that goes on.

Anyway, I'm a uni student studying engineering, and I want the books. I've searched demonoid, and stumbled accross various alternatives to most of the books that I'm looking for, but I need the actual books, for exercises for uni, and convenience.
I'm also interested in programming, and general computers and developing my skills, in these and other aspects. Looking for ableton training, and CAD training, along with modelling etc, (obviously all staggered through time.) This is why I want it.

I know it's tough to keep a ratio there, but I have enough decent ratios, and a 25/2 connection at home and a 100Gb/100Gb connection in uni in about 3 weeks time that I can keep the ratios.


08-25-2010, 09:29 PM
I'm sure you'll become one of the BitMe's members.
BitMe needs you!
Good luck! :)

08-25-2010, 09:39 PM
For the record, you're looking for the wrong tracker. BitMe tends to be closer to e-learning/self-improvement/general development, while gigapedia and Bibliotik reign the textbook/alternatives category.

08-26-2010, 11:31 AM
Never heard of gigapedia, but I'll check it out, thanks :)

08-26-2010, 02:11 PM
he must have meant docspedia

08-26-2010, 02:19 PM
he must have meant docspedia

Gigapedia is also an actual site, if that's what you're wondering.

08-28-2010, 09:22 AM
tutela, if you still haven't been invited to bitme, pm me w/ your e-mail address

08-28-2010, 09:30 AM
tutela, if you still haven't been invited to bitme, pm me w/ your e-mail address

seems like you got a lot of invites :P.

cheers , congratulations tutela

08-28-2010, 09:34 AM
out of curiosity, i just now logged back into my ancient bitme account and apparently i've been awarded 3 invites ;/

08-28-2010, 09:42 AM
out of curiosity, i just now logged back into my ancient bitme account and apparently i've been awarded 3 invites ;/

That doesn't happen a lot these days :D.

08-28-2010, 11:32 AM
Don't know what the story is with this guy, but I sent him a PM, and waiting on his invite, will close thread for now.

Thanks th0r

08-28-2010, 10:24 PM
reopened this thread to say thanks to th0r who came through for me at least. Thanks :)