View Full Version : Recent giganews header download- totally incomplete as of now

09-06-2010, 11:31 PM
whats going on? All my headers are shown incomplete and i cant download shit using them. Is anyone having the same issue? all stuff posted <3 h ago

09-07-2010, 03:35 PM
What groups?

Seems to work for the few groups I have a.b.warez and a few other naughty ones :P

09-07-2010, 04:18 PM
On newsleecher forums some guys also noticed it since supersearch engine grabs headers from giganews.

alt.binaries.erotica was completely fucked up for several hours on giganews.

09-07-2010, 07:47 PM
Been noticing this lately especially in alt.bin.tv - umm Giganews is getting to big for their boots getting retarded with their retention level....no surprise here :D

09-07-2010, 08:48 PM
Fortunately its only compressed headers that are fucked up. SO if u get nzb for instance or use another means of getting necessary data u can download it..but still.. really frustrating

from giganews

Yesterday, our feeding between our locations had problems
>and now we have a backlog of header information. That means the
>articles have made it to all the sites, but the headers haven't. So,
>NZB files still work, but you see incompletes when looking at groups.

09-08-2010, 01:00 AM
There is a rather long and involved discussion going on over at Newzbin(2) about a lot of this...

But I noticed in the past couple of weeks that Newzbin(2), using whatever service they are to vacuum up things, was having a fair amount of problems, simply because I tend to keep a fairly strict eye on 3-4 different providers (mostly Giganews, Astraweb, Usnenet-News, and occasionally some others I have block accounts with just for this purpose), that 'usually' were not getting any 'gaps' in coverage while Newzbin(2) was getting massive 'gaps'.

One other 'vacuum' out there I use extensively, Newzleech, didn't appear to have any problems, even on parts that Giganews (in quite a few cases) appeared to be. Where exactly the problem originated, or the 'gaps' were being created, is still a bit of a mystery, but from my perspective (and the files/nzb's I ran down) it appeared to originate with Giganews, and get replicated from there. Neither Astraweb or Usenet-News had the same 'gaps', in the same files, that they had.

Any service relying on Giganews as a central (or only) 'peer', therefore, was in big doo doo. Just kinda goes to show that some kind of 'defense in depth' is needed. But like I said, it 'appeared' that way for the gaps that I tracked down, possibly it might be different with others.

Kinda goes to show that usenet is not perfect, by any means. But some of the operators don't keep a well-trained and eagle eye on their (or others) operation(s).

BTW, I might add that I appear to be getting some malware from the Newzbin(2) site; not completely verified, but just about there confirming it. Anyone logging in to it should be aware (it's ether them or this site...)

09-08-2010, 02:33 AM
whats going on? All my headers are shown incomplete and i cant download shit using them. Is anyone having the same issue? all stuff posted <3 h ago

yeah your not the only one... just about everything in a.b.teevee and .x264 is incomplete for me.
im with supernews

09-13-2010, 03:36 AM
the problem is still there\\\ none of my autodownloads worked FFS
had to get all thes tuff through nzb's grrrrr

09-13-2010, 05:20 PM
BTW, I might add that I appear to be getting some malware from the Newzbin(2) site; not completely verified, but just about there confirming it. Anyone logging in to it should be aware (it's ether them or this site...)

While investigating this, I found that one (or several) of the programs that web folks use to 'serve' up the advertising (just like at the top of this page!), were totally hacked by the 'usual suspects', and it meant that any web site using that 'system' was feeding malware of all types and descriptions to their users.

This has gotten totally out of hand, and 99% of it is coming right out of far east commie-land. What is worse is that many of the largest ISP's in the U.S. (hmm, like the Comcast I'm on) don't appear to be taking much of a proactive approach to blocking the IP addresses from these industrial spy/malware 'factories'. It really makes the wave of crud we lived through during the collapse of the Soviets 20 years ago look like child's play. The good blocking programs out there seem to be on their toes, though, and a lot of the 'majors' are just now releasing their '2011' versions, so look for good deals.

Add: Had a bit of time to take a look see at Giganews, and whether or not they were still in 'massive skip mode' today....

YEP, it appears so, in looking at things that were posted withing the last 24hrs or so. Both Astraweb and Usenet-News, NO PROBLEMS whatsoever. Both GN/US and EU have problems, although not quite the same 'skips', but simply very large 'gaps' in their articles.

In case anyone missed it, Newzbin moved their feed over to US/Astraweb, but today is non-responsive for whatever reason.

Okay, it's back up; but still appears to be 'sourced' from Giganews as there are massive 'skips' in the 'raw' listings.

Pitiful. Don't use Giganews to generate ANY nzb, go over to Newzleech or other place.

UPDATE: Except, of course, they use Giganews as their feed, so everything the last few days has been toast, just like alll the other nzb generating engines out there.

09-16-2010, 12:30 AM
Giganews is one of the very few usenet providers that does not keep a server status page, and they did not report this problem on their website's blog (which is apparently only used for reporting good news/things to brag about).

Is there any mention of this problem on Giganews own internal newsgroup giganews.general?

09-16-2010, 02:49 AM
Oh yes, lots and lots. It seems to have now been corrected (somewhat, I guess I could take a few hours and....) but interestingly enough (!!) ....

Some of the folks are pointing fingers at what I tripped over, a malware attack that got 'into the works', so to speak.

Those lazy 'web masters' maybe didn't keep up their attention (again, this last weekend comes to mind), and kerplunk!

Who knows, again, seems to be running okay right now, and from what I can see a large number of the 'holes' have been filled in.
Hopefully lots to all.

09-16-2010, 04:19 AM
and from what I can see a large number of the 'holes' have been filled in.
Hopefully lots to all.

A number of my posts are coming up as terribly incomplete when searched on newzleech, but all fine on binsearch, you think those will eventually get filled? I don't know how to compare this to header downloads, I don't do headers myself

09-16-2010, 04:55 AM
Check back on Newzleech, that's what I first used and tons are being 'updated' and complete or nearly complete (only like .1% off or so), so I'd say yes.

Of course, some 12 hrs from now when I'm into SERIOUS d/l'ing, the proof will be in how well it goes.

EDIT: In looking back hard about 4 days ago or so (12-13th) it appears that there are still some serious gaps in their headers, whereas those from the 14th-15th are 'filled in'. So, perhaps the 'work goes on', but the proof will be in the d/l'ing, like I said.

09-16-2010, 04:46 PM
remember most of the auto-posters and posters use Astraweb and was having issues last week, incomplete should be fixed for now, just remember the majority use Astra for posting.