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View Full Version : Zonealarm Pro firewall - does it create issues with bit-torrent?

09-13-2010, 09:49 PM
OK, I got ZoneAlarm Free Firewall on my computer at work, and I am really happy with it. I like that it is easy to use and works with the company imposed antivirus software.

I am thinking up upgrading to ZoneAlarm Pro firewall which also comes with identity theft and anti-spyware protection for $30 usd, for my home computer, but I have a couple of questions:

1) Does Zonealarm or Zonealarm Pro create any issues with Bit-Torrent?

2) I really like Zonealarm, but do you think the Pro is a good value?

3) How good is their identity theft protection, has anyone used it?

09-14-2010, 04:00 AM
it is bit intrusive, i didnt like it so much.
no need for firewall if router have. all u need is filter income connections, not outgoing one.

09-14-2010, 10:41 AM
identity theft protection

There is no such thing as "identity theft protection", its just plain virus/spyware protection.

I wouldn't pay a dime for it.

09-14-2010, 06:08 PM
There is no such thing as "identity theft protection"

Outpost v4 has a similarly-named feature that will block all outgoing packets that contain certain strings, or replace them with stars. They advice you to add your personal information, credit card numbers, etc. to the blacklist. I've never seen that on another firewall, but then again I haven't tried too many.

09-14-2010, 09:46 PM
Thanx for the great input.

09-22-2010, 02:17 PM
The best identity theft protection in not to put anything on your PC in the first place, not even passwords with browsers offering to remember them for you. It just sets them up to be stolen. People who bank online and store their account numbers and things are just asking for trouble. Drive to the dang bank for goodness sakes. I have a keyboard with macro keys that can store my passes with one click of a key, I can enter any number of saved words. Even a keylogger would not find the passwords from a macro single key hit.

09-24-2010, 07:59 AM
The best identity theft protection in not to put anything on your PC in the first place, not even passwords with browsers offering to remember them for you. It just sets them up to be stolen. People who bank online and store their account numbers and things are just asking for trouble. Drive to the dang bank for goodness sakes. I have a keyboard with macro keys that can store my passes with one click of a key, I can enter any number of saved words. Even a keylogger would not find the passwords from a macro single key hit.

I think macros offers great protection against keyloggers, but they make you more vulnerable offline attacks. Virtual keyboard is my favourite

09-24-2010, 01:31 PM
There's no real benefit from ZoneAlarm, so why would ya want to use it? Or even pay for it???

09-30-2010, 01:00 AM
zone alarm KILLED ME!!

had to uninstall it...

not recommended

10-06-2010, 01:22 PM
The greatest benifit Zone Alarm offers to file sharers and keygen users is its manual configuration during install (pro only). With the manual configuration checked, everything but ZA itself must ask for permission to connect to the net at least once. If you check always allow you do not get bothered by that one again and if you check never allow you also do not get bothered unless you update the program to a new .exe file. That way no program you install can call home without you knowing and your keygen fixed applications stay fixed. Granted there are still a few popups that occur especially during installs with Yellow windows and Red windows being system and file warnings (the green ones are for internet access). The free one can do the same, but its not a simple check mark during install to get the full manual protection.
I still use the version 8 cause my serial works for it and it updates fine, version 9 might be a little different I don't know. Another thing I like about the allow or not choice is that programs often try and trick you into allowing them by calling on windows explorer (windows explorer is trying to connect to the internet) DUH! if that shows during an install you know its not WE its the program, and at that point I never check always or never, I just allow or disallow depending on whats being installed. If the program is legit (a windows update) I will allow it to connect once. If the program is a trial that I have nor fixed yet I might allow for that session but I will not fix it until I reboot and start a new session where it has to ask again. So for Windows Explorer I never choose always or never, just leave it open and see what uses it.

As for bittorrent, I use uttorrent set to use plug and play and all I have to do is allow both internet access (green window) and server access (blue window) and its good to go without any port setting crap. Server access is necessary for torrents so you can upload and share what you already downloaded. Its the only server "allow" on my machine and the plug and play aspect finds the port listed in my uttorrents settings and uses it.

10-12-2010, 04:40 PM
There's no real benefit from ZoneAlarm, so why would ya want to use it? Or even pay for it???

This. +1

10-14-2010, 10:16 PM
it is really bad.

switch to kis11