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Mr AnDy D
11-05-2003, 12:23 AM
How many GB's can everyone's computer hold? Mine can only hold 20, I heard some old a lot more then that. what's the most? My computer is almost full, I'm using about 19.55 GB's now on my computer, wonder if that has any effect on dl speed...when I had about 10 GB's my dl speed was much faster...

11-05-2003, 02:03 AM
I have a 160GB drive at about half capacity, and an 80GB drive at 3/4 capacity. No problems here. :)

Rip The Jacker
11-05-2003, 02:47 AM
37.2GB Capacity
15.2GB Used
22.0GB Free

11-05-2003, 03:50 AM
Well I have an 80 GB HD and I've used 64 GB so far so next week I'm getting a 120 GB HD :D :) :D :D :) :D

11-05-2003, 04:10 AM
I have 2 20Gb hdds

Once I have the money I will go get a PC with 2 80Gb Hdd most likely

11-05-2003, 04:38 AM
C: 10.5

D: 3.35

Sucks don't it.

11-05-2003, 04:48 AM
C:3.72T 1.76F
D:6.00T .80F
F:15T 3F (windoz lol)

11-05-2003, 04:52 AM
C: Capable of holding 20g. Left: 3g
D: Capable of holding 20g. Left: 12g

11-05-2003, 05:39 AM
100 gb, 93 after counting out windows XP and other preinstalled stuff. My next computer upgrade, when I have money for one, will be a hard drive (at least 80 gig, but I think I've seen 200 gigs for sale...)

I'm usually stuggling to keep more than a few hundred megs free, with a reformat just a week or so ago tho I've got 60 gigs free atm.

11-05-2003, 05:43 AM
just bought me a 180gb harddrive and i have 80gb already in my pc :D

11-05-2003, 05:55 AM
he he ..

200gb and 80gb in one computer, 60gb amnd 40gb in another..

although a friend of mine bout 5 200gb hdds .... she has too much money on her hands :P

11-05-2003, 05:59 AM
i got 320GB of space

just added another 160GB hdd to make it 320

11-05-2003, 06:05 AM
Because of programs like e-zbios i don't think there is really a limit except for that of you operating system. Windows XP's is 9 TB (terabits) or 9,000 gigs.

11-05-2003, 06:07 AM
80 gigs. 20 gigs free

Desert Eagle
11-05-2003, 08:38 AM
I need to upgrade. I only got 17 GB

11-05-2003, 08:43 AM
Laptop 10GB
Free at the moment 250MB (ouch)

Desktop 120GB
Free at the moment about half

11-05-2003, 09:19 AM


2nd HDD(system1) it supposed to be 40 GB but it shows 31GB why?

11-05-2003, 11:41 AM
i have 120gb, i have about 30gb left untill i got my adsl, and ibve only had it for 3 weeks, and ive downloaded 33.5gb in 3 weeks.

in a nut shell, i have about 0mb free in my 120gb harddrive.

11-05-2003, 02:37 PM
2nd HDD(system1) it supposed to be 40 GB but it shows 31GB why?

If you format alot then that would explain it

11-05-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by O'Neill@5 November 2003 - 18:37

2nd HDD(system1) it supposed to be 40 GB but it shows 31GB why?

If you format alot then that would explain it
Nop i dont format that much
when i buy this HDD the shown size was 31gb, i used partition magic to restore wasted files and i found 8gb wasted size but i couldnt restore it
i think i should give it another try but it would be risky cuz any mistake with OS partition will damege windows :(

11-05-2003, 04:00 PM
C: 13.9 GB, 7.53GB Free
D: 74.5 GB, 16.8GB Free :D

11-05-2003, 04:30 PM
15 gig desktop 6 gig free 9 used (got it free)
200 cds 23 dvds -
scattered around room (all full)
waiting for 120 gig hard drive 2 have lots of rebates
-im cheap- :)

11-05-2003, 07:57 PM
Currently using a 40 gb hdd...

11-05-2003, 11:02 PM
how many? 10 - 20? I do not know exactly...
...but not few...


~nice dreams...