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View Full Version : I want to organize my music collection(folders)

09-21-2010, 05:46 PM
Hi everyone !

I was wondering how can i organize my music folders . Basically what i want to do is each folder to have a name like every other folder , for example [year] - [Band] - [Album] . Right now my music folders are a mess and it would a week or so to organize 500gb . I don't know if foobar can do this . Anyway is there a program that can easily and automaticaly that can do this and maybe even get the album covers ?

Thanks !

09-21-2010, 09:44 PM
Quite recently I used a program called "mp3Tag" to organize all the songs copied off of my iPOD. It wasn't perfect mind you because of the excess special characters which is due to the Russian, Hungarian and other language folk metal I listen to but it did allow me to sort everything by the tag. Link below to the site and the trial version worked just fine.


09-21-2010, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the suggestion but in trial mode you get "Trial" in the tag comment . But there is another tag editor which is free and even better , mp3tag.de

09-22-2010, 12:28 AM
Mp3tag will automatically changing the folder hierarchy and then use Mp3Tag.de remove the comment section from the audio. I did say it wasn't perfect. :lol:

09-22-2010, 03:52 AM
when i download a more big pack of music (scene releases in folders and all sorted genres)...if possibly mp3 the scene can be sorted by genre releses singles, but after sorting I would like to remain in the original scene release form(in folders)... maby Who knows what could be a good program that can do this ?

09-22-2010, 03:57 AM
I do...


and I use Tag & Rename pretty much does all and it's decent I think.

09-22-2010, 04:26 AM
when i download a more big pack of music (scene releases in folders and all sorted genres)...if possibly mp3 the scene can be sorted by genre releses singles, but after sorting I would like to remain in the original scene release form(in folders)... maby Who knows what could be a good program that can do this ?

what software do you use for this?

09-22-2010, 09:59 AM
To give an example what i want to do it , is :
1. Tag my mp3s through web (amazon, freedb etc)
2. get covers
3. i have a folder of Metallica which has the following folders , Master of Puppets , Black Album , etc
I want those folders to have [year] - [Album] name , how can i do these ?

Can mp3tagpro do this ? because i haven't found an option for the folders , only for mp3s

09-22-2010, 06:22 PM
Oh, I thought you had your mp3's tagged with covers and what not. One could try MusicBrainz and then mp3tag but I'd rather do them manually.

10-04-2010, 05:57 PM
try tagrunner!!

Best tool by far when it comes to tagging in my opinion, also searches for lyrics and adds them to the .mp3 file.

Does not support renaming unfortunately and isnīt developed any further, but still the best solution for me.

Best regards!

10-04-2010, 11:48 PM
I personally use my own music folders, but, iTunes has some advanced features to organize music.
Also the Zune Software too - beautiful btw.

10-05-2010, 03:34 AM
Try mediamonkey.

It too is a good choice for these kind of things.It has an autotag feature which will allow you to directly tag most of the songs from the internet.

10-15-2010, 06:07 AM
+1 for mediamonkey.. The auto-organize feature is awesome..