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10-06-2010, 12:40 PM
1. Register on iTS recruitment forum located at
Direct link to registration page is
2. Log in and read the invite applications guidelines at
3. Create a new topic in the Applications forum, with the title ‘iTS Application’. The applications forum direct link is
Make sure to include answers to all questions, as mentioned in the app guidelines page.
4. Wait for staff approval – if you are selected, an invite will be sent to the E-mail address you specified. Good Luck!


10-06-2010, 03:52 PM
Level drop? :D

10-06-2010, 04:38 PM
it seems so

10-06-2010, 04:43 PM
Good, wouldn't harm to have some new good members. I only hope rules to apply strict enough :)

10-06-2010, 06:14 PM
Good, wouldn't harm to have some new good members. I only hope rules to apply strict enough :)
Here's the qeustionnaire. Kinda cliche but it's all up to who reviews the applications.
1) Are you a member of any BT related forums? (e.g.: TPS, FST, TR, T-I) If you are, please paste direct profile links to your accounts at these sites here, one profile link per line.

2) If you've answered the previous question affirmatively, please specify what the main topics that are of interest for you in those forums are, and how actively are you participating in them?

3) Please paste direct links to your profiles at all the trackers you belong to (one link per line). The more links you provide the better chance your application gets approved.

Note: we usually prefer experienced torrenters to provide at least 7 profile links (or more, the more the merrier), however if you don't have that many accounts do not be discouraged! We'll still review your application (although it might take a bit longer than usual to do so).

4) Have you ever traded BT invites or accounts before? If you have, which sites were involved in the trade? When did you trade for the last time?

5) What sort of content are you mainly looking for in a BT tracker?

6) Where are you from? (country/state/city)

7) What are your currently used IPs? Please specify all IPs you may be connecting to the site from, including (but not limited to) your home, work and seedbox IPs.

8) What are your currently used usernames in other trackers/forums/sites?

9) What is your approximate average seeding time on a torrent?

10) Please specify your current email address. You may also specify a backup address in case the first one doesn't work.

10-06-2010, 07:01 PM
Well for me it looks like pretty much TPS recruitment movement. I mean all these invite forums suck nowadays. So probably that system is the only one correct way to go with. That suck that they don't do interview somewhere instead of that app system. Also the tracker doesn't become any worse with this new opportunity. So leave your "level" comments away from this topic if only you wasn't joking :p

Ah and the last note. Personaly I prefer to not invite anyone instead of believing in new blood. Probably I'm too pessimistic.

10-06-2010, 07:52 PM
1) Are you a wank, isn't that what you are actually asking? (e.g.: TPS, FST, TR, T-I) If you are, please paste direct profile links to your accounts at these sites here, one profile link per line.

Yes but only here so I would consider myself only to be semi-wank if this were indeed "an invite forum" . It's a forum with an invite section .Unlike those others listed it wasn't created as or intended to be , an "invite forum"

2) If you've answered the previous question affirmatively, please specify what the main topics that are of interest for you in those forums are, and how actively are you participating in them?

Interpersonal interactions with people that I mostly don't like almost entirely about anything non bt related so in essence basically the same thing I do on trackers.Honestly mostly hoping to pick up chicks though but am slowly coming to the realization that this might not in fact be the best place to do it.

3) Please paste direct links to your profiles at all the trackers you belong to (one link per line). The more links you provide the better chance your application gets approved.
Note: we usually prefer experienced torrenters to provide at least 7 profile links (or more, the more the merrier), however if you don't have that many accounts do not be discouraged! We'll still review your application (although it might take a bit longer than usual to do so).

Note:I usually prefer people that aren't total mongs but then we all can't get what we wish for can we?
Btw experienced torrenter is almost universally synonymous with wank but we establish that I am one already so this question is redundant . Also just a comment but wouldn't being on fewer sites be looked as being more an asset than being on many?:blink:

4) Have you ever traded BT invites or accounts before? If you have, which sites were involved in the trade? When did you trade for the last time?

No but if I did ,do you really expect an honest answer?

5) What sort of content are you mainly looking for in a BT tracker?

Hopefully good stuff . But if not good will settle for either HD( but not shit HD don't insult me) or fast.
In that order good ,HD but not shit HD and fast . However the fast is negotiable if the site doesn't contain any Blacks or Jews.

6) Where are you from? (country/state/city)

Since you undoubtedly grabbed my IP is there really a need for me to tell you?And why do you seemingly assume that there are states in every country?

7) What are your currently used IPs? Please specify all IPs you may be connecting to the site from, including (but not limited to) your home, work and seedbox IPs.

I have a seedbox , if my activity here and the fact that I am an experienced torrenter isn't enough this should irrefutably establish my wankdom... errrr semi-wankdom.

8) What are your currently used usernames in other trackers/forums/sites?

Again more or less pointless because if I'm concealing anything I'm not going to put it in here am I?( No offense but boy you're stupid)

9) What is your approximate average seeding time on a torrent?

Site and torrent dependent isn't it? I wouldn't seed some dumb fuck straight to video movie on a 0day site for six months but conversely I'd feel bad if I didn't seed say Captain Blood for as long as humanly possible on a little unassuming site that cared about such things. But then again unless you demand some proof I'm quite likely to not be entirely truthful am I? ( This, this being your total lack of apparent reasoning ability , is getting old)

10) Please specify your current email address. You may also specify a backup address in case the first one doesn't work.

Give me a minute to create one.

10-06-2010, 08:14 PM
invite sent Idol. you'll have to create the right email to receive it.

10-06-2010, 08:29 PM
I don't understand email ,could you mail it to me?

c/o The Prime Minister's Office
24 Sussex Drive Ottawa Ont CA K1A 0A4

10-06-2010, 08:58 PM
I'll be stopping by your office shortly to kick you square in the balls for squashing government accountability.

10-06-2010, 09:03 PM
Please tell me those aren't the questions you have to answer on those forms. Please.

10-06-2010, 09:58 PM
Just another elitist site with crappy retention and generally full of fuck.

10-06-2010, 10:06 PM
It's not really elitist ,at least it didn't use to be ,although they have added a couple of staffers that I wish they hadn't. Of course a site has to be staffed and knowledgeable people willing to do the job are probably few and far between.
As for the retention and the fuck that's more a function of the members than the site.

10-06-2010, 11:08 PM
Thanks Idol for saving my time . Those questions are asking too much and unneeded info

10-06-2010, 11:28 PM
I can't find review. :( link?

10-06-2010, 11:33 PM
I can't find review. :( link?


10-06-2010, 11:42 PM

Thanks. It seems good. But they are asking too much info.....

10-07-2010, 12:11 AM
iTS is like ScL , nice forums inactive tracker

10-07-2010, 02:03 AM
and will die soon ? :/

10-07-2010, 02:23 AM
Thanks Idol for saving my time . Those questions are asking too much and unneeded info

I'm only posting what b2owulf had in his spoiler .As for being overly intrusive I never thought as much since the tracker staff have potentially a lot more to lose than you do.
My point , if I had any ,to that bit of whimsy was that while I know you have to ask something ,several of the questions are outright silly.
I mean anyone that is up to no good is just going to lie about everything anyway and the one question about being on seven other trackers to me doesn't show anything except that you are seven times as less likely to actually use iTS.

I guess someone there thinks that you need to be in the special twit club( because like it or not most people who are on all the impotent trackers are twits) or something in order to apply as opposed to just being a person of no pretense that enjoys movies and wants instead of "needs" to be a member of the site .
Fact is I could list a couple dozen people who are traders that are on seven(or seventeen) sites but not one trader that is on only one. So iTS 1 Sense 0

10-07-2010, 05:42 AM
This is a very good news ,very good

10-07-2010, 07:54 PM
Just another elitist site with crappy retention and generally full of fuck. I remember you. Weren't you the guy that came to their channel a few times and outright *begged* to be allowed back to the site, only to get denied? I specifically remember you because you sounded all mental and were telling some stories about being on prescription psychiatric meds. No wonder you're bitter.

10-07-2010, 07:58 PM
Just another elitist site with crappy retention and generally full of fuck. I remember you. Weren't you the guy that came to their channel a few times and outright *begged* to be allowed back to the site, only to get denied? I specifically remember you because you sounded all mental and were telling some stories about being on prescription psychiatric meds. No wonder you're bitter.

He even made a thread about himself and his mental problems on UK-T.

10-07-2010, 08:04 PM
It would appear that my memory did not betray me this time then. Soon all the people who were banned will start trolling this thread. Good to see you around again by the way, Polarbear.

10-07-2010, 08:13 PM
He even made a thread about himself and his mental problems on UK-T.

I remember that too. He's borderline....something, apparently.

10-07-2010, 09:33 PM
It would appear that my memory did not betray me this time then. Soon all the people who were banned will start trolling this thread.

I remember I got an invite that was immediately revoked, and when I asked about it Benchez was all like "I woulda let you in, if you had said you were TSOL. But since you didn't say that, you're a sketchbag. So no". This was before the application questions were so intrusive by the way. And I doubt I would have used the site anyways except maybe to troll all the douchebags in the forums, so good call on his part.

I do believe what Qlix said has some truth behind it. I can think of tons of sites with staffers that love to play god, and this particular application is one of the most elitest things I have seen in trackers. I honestly have no hard feelings about being rejected from that particular community; this isn't just me trolling.

10-07-2010, 10:10 PM
I remember I got an invite that was immediately revoked, and when I asked about it Benchez was all like "I woulda let you in, if you had said you were TSOL. But since you didn't say that, you're a sketchbag. So no". This was before the application questions were so intrusive by the way. And I doubt I would have used the site anyways except maybe to troll all the douchebags in the forums, so good call on his part.

the app system hasn't changed a bit, given someone recommends you. this is a completely different one. anyone from anywhere can request for one, no recommendation of existing member needed. some additional info is asked of course but the basics are still the same.

this isn't anything "new" btw. more or less the exact process has been run through irc channel for about a year now. the only reason forum was set up was 1) not everyone uses irc. loads prefer forum over irc usage 2) it's easier to communicate back-and-forth (if any additional info/detail need) overtime from forum 3) no need to have exclusive recruitment in any tracker or invite forum

...and this particular application is one of the most elitest things I have seen in trackers. I honestly have no hard feelings about being rejected from that particular community; this isn't just me trolling.

i would think elitism would be more along the line of "fuck off you can't have any invite for another bloody year or so" as opposed to (all) members can recommend a friend. on top of that non-members can apply through IRC as well as forum.

10-07-2010, 10:27 PM
I can think of tons of sites with staffers that love to play god, and this particular application is one of the most elitest things I have seen in trackers. Well I have to partially agree with you on the first statement. It's true that there are staffers on some sites out there who have a serious god complex, but I've been a member of the particular site in question for a while and I've never known its staff or members to act elitisticly in any way on any site related matter. And I'm saying that as a person who dislikes elitism deeply; I've been on trackers of pretty much all levels and have let the highest ones die since I didn't like the attitude of people there, not to mention couldn't find anything remotely interesting. As for the second statement you've made, I have to respectfully disagree with you, as I can't see anything elitistic about the questions. You could, perhaps, argue that about the 7 profile links requirement, but the note that follows it puts it in the right perspective imho. Anyway, it's a matter of personal opinion I guess.

10-07-2010, 10:30 PM
...i would think elitism would be more along the line of "fuck off you can't have any invite for another bloody year or so" as opposed to (all) members can recommend a friend. on top of that non-members can apply through IRC as well as forum.

Precisely...Very good point.

10-07-2010, 10:32 PM
i would think elitism would be more along the line of "fuck off you can't have any invite for another bloody year or so" as opposed to (all) members can recommend a friend. on top of that non-members can apply through IRC as well as forum. That's a very good point, actually. You would expect anyone who is opposed to the "elitism" of so-called "higher ranked" trackers to jump up and down in joy when one of the more elusive sites opens its doors to the public, but I guess some people will never be content and will always have something negative to say about everything.

10-07-2010, 10:35 PM
i would think elitism would be more along the line of "fuck off you can't have any invite for another bloody year or so" as opposed to (all) members can recommend a friend. on top of that non-members can apply through IRC as well as forum.
Isint iTS opening up because of the "Ghost town effect"?And how was the donations for the past few months if you dont mind me asking,just curious to know,thats all.

10-07-2010, 10:37 PM
I see it as:

-no invites --> As squirrel complained. Is this being 'elite', or is it just being stupid? because a tracker will die if not enough invites are handed out. I have never really noticed this happen except with HDBits maybe, and they seem to be doing ok cause there are so many users.

-invite app --> Completely up to staff discretion. To me this is absolute rule by an 'elite' group, if invites do not exist as well. But then I do see the point that anyone can attempt to join. Still, it's a few select people playing God in my eyes. Is that elite? Fuck if I know.

-invites --> Transfers the power in the userbases hands. I guess this is also 'elite' but spread over more people, cancelling out some of the l33tness. Really that term is such bs it will be interpreted differently by everyone.

-open signups --> Now you are bordering on being a public tracker. Definitely not elite in any sense.

By the way, not trying to say being 'elite' is strictly a bad thing. It just seems like a lot more micromanagement which means way more rewardless(?) work on the staffers part. Hopefully it pays itself off with a perfect economy.

10-07-2010, 10:54 PM
I see it as:

-no invites --> As squirrel complained. Is this being 'elite', or is it just being stupid? because a tracker will die if not enough invites are handed out. I have never really noticed this happen except with HDBits maybe, and they seem to be doing ok cause there are so many users.

Aren't there invites available there for VIPs? If that is the case it's even more elitist than zero invites seeing that the staff first "gift" someone with VIP status and then on top of that "gift" only these "special " people with invites. With no invites everyone is in the same boat at least so consequentially that's not elitist at .

Just another elitist site with crappy retention and generally full of fuck. I remember you. Weren't you the guy that came to their channel a few times and outright *begged* to be allowed back to the site, only to get denied? I specifically remember you because you sounded all mental and were telling some stories about being on prescription psychiatric meds. No wonder you're bitter.

You know it's possible just not to like a site . Everyone is so knee-jerk with the bitter statements.
Could be that he's just a non-bitter idiot.

10-07-2010, 11:12 PM
You know it's possible just not to like a site. You must've missed the bit where I highlighted the part about him begging to return. What can I say, sure sounds like he didn't like the place.

10-08-2010, 01:50 AM
I see it as:

-no invites --> As squirrel complained. Is this being 'elite', or is it just being stupid? because a tracker will die if not enough invites are handed out. I have never really noticed this happen except with HDBits maybe, and they seem to be doing ok cause there are so many users.

-invite app --> Completely up to staff discretion. To me this is absolute rule by an 'elite' group, if invites do not exist as well. But then I do see the point that anyone can attempt to join. Still, it's a few select people playing God in my eyes. Is that elite? Fuck if I know.

-invites --> Transfers the power in the userbases hands. I guess this is also 'elite' but spread over more people, cancelling out some of the l33tness. Really that term is such bs it will be interpreted differently by everyone.

-open signups --> Now you are bordering on being a public tracker. Definitely not elite in any sense.

By the way, not trying to say being 'elite' is strictly a bad thing. It just seems like a lot more micromanagement which means way more rewardless(?) work on the staffers part. Hopefully it pays itself off with a perfect economy.

you're trying too hard to get your point on top.

invites do exist fyi. not many but they do. no i don't have any. on contrary some 'normal' members do.

10-08-2010, 12:11 PM
but the no invits point is bad, as no invites eans, more traders, chaters searching for that tracker, increase in the so cllaed tracker level, getting attention, and admin is in danger.. :-P right??

10-08-2010, 12:57 PM
I don't think so.

In this situation being with very little amount of invites would not attract more traders (cheaters won't be interested as it's no-ratio tracker) because of invite application system (basicly it's open for everyone) and, in my opinion, it's the best possible way of letting new members in.

10-08-2010, 01:15 PM
Hmm,funny they didn't ask for a softcopy of the applicant's birth certificate, that's important too..

10-08-2010, 01:57 PM
Hmm,funny they didn't ask for a softcopy of the applicant's birth certificate, that's important too..
yea when applying for a passport.

10-08-2010, 02:49 PM
Hmm,funny they didn't ask for a softcopy of the applicant's birth certificate, that's important too..

What are you applying for??

10-08-2010, 03:34 PM

Unless I'm sarcastic or I'm playing sides, I normally won't make a point unless I believe it. I do believe 'iTS' is one of the elite trackers as it stands right now, and I don't mean that in a critical sense. Both you and me are active on an elite 0day tracker (the most elite one I know of that is still around). Anyways this doesn't even add anything to this discussion, I just didn't want you to get the wrong impression that I am using the word 'elite' in a negative connotation like Qlix seemed to use it.

Hmm,funny they didn't ask for a softcopy of the applicant's birth certificate, that's important too..

What are you applying for??

I am guessing it's either 0day or movies? It's mentioned in the fine print, I think somewhere between the slot for your social security number and your mother's maiden name. :unsure:

10-08-2010, 04:40 PM
but i certainly did.................

10-08-2010, 11:06 PM
I guess someone there thinks that you need to be in the special twit club( because like it or not most people who are on all the impotent trackers are twits) or something in order to apply as opposed to just being a person of no pretense that enjoys movies and wants instead of "needs" to be a member of the site .
Fact is I could list a couple dozen people who are traders that are on seven(or seventeen) sites but not one trader that is on only one. So iTS 1 Sense 0

In the past iTS staff members have encouraged users to invite friends and family that use no other torrent sites; the rationale being that someone who has iTS as his only private site might actually download stuff, whereas the elites just want the account and have little intention of using it. Unless there has been a change in direction, I imagine you could get an application approved even if you said that you are not on any trackers (assuming that was true).

10-09-2010, 12:48 AM
The only thing that has changed is that in those days, IdolEyes used to have a brain and used it from time to time. Nowadays he just takes everything he reads at face value.

10-09-2010, 03:13 AM
The only thing that has changed is that in those days, IdolEyes used to have a brain and used it from time to time. Nowadays he just takes everything he reads at face value.

“Innocence can be defamed and called stupidity. Honesty can be called gullibility. Candor becomes lack of common sense. Interest in your work can be called cowardice. Generosity can be called soft-headedness, and observe : the former is disturbing.”

Btw I don't take "everything" I read at face value .I only wish that I could. Of course I could make the argument hat you are in return taking everything that I say at face value but that would be oblivious.

Still stupid for the application to ask questions of liars and thieves and expect the truth though.

I think I would ask something that didn't necessarily have a right or wrong answer or was totally based on appearances .At least then I could get some small measure of the person other than "I belong to such and such and therefore I am":mellow:

Maybe an essay on Keats or something.I always liked Keats.

10-09-2010, 12:05 PM
I just didn't want you to get the wrong impression that I am using the word 'elite' in a negative connotation like Qlix seemed to use it.
well, there's a big difference between being elite and thinking you are elite.

basically the same difference between french and americans :coffee:

10-09-2010, 12:10 PM
I just didn't want you to get the wrong impression that I am using the word 'elite' in a negative connotation like Qlix seemed to use it.
well, there's a big difference between being elite and thinking you are elite.

basically the same difference between french and americans :coffee:
Aren't you defeating your own point ?

10-09-2010, 02:58 PM
Hmm,funny they didn't ask for a softcopy of the applicant's birth certificate, that's important too..
yea when applying for a passport.

Thanks,Passport created!

Ontopic - This is a ludicrous questionnaire. It did cross my mind once to join this site , but reading that put me off. Frankly,I would never relish membership of a site that is solely focussed on traders. Just my opinion though,no offence meant to anyone.

10-10-2010, 08:14 PM
The only thing that has changed is that in those days, IdolEyes used to have a brain and used it from time to time. Nowadays he just takes everything he reads at face value.

“Innocence can be defamed and called stupidity. Honesty can be called gullibility. Candor becomes lack of common sense. Interest in your work can be called cowardice. Generosity can be called soft-headedness, and observe : the former is disturbing.”

Btw I don't take "everything" I read at face value .I only wish that I could. Of course I could make the argument hat you are in return taking everything that I say at face value but that would be oblivious.

Still stupid for the application to ask questions of liars and thieves and expect the truth though.

I think I would ask something that didn't necessarily have a right or wrong answer or was totally based on appearances .At least then I could get some small measure of the person other than "I belong to such and such and therefore I am":mellow:

Maybe an essay on Keats or something.I always liked Keats.

I changed my mind .They should simply ask if you think that Barry Lyndon is a "great' film and disqualify anyone that answers yes.:mellow:

10-10-2010, 10:44 PM
I would be equally supportive of making potential members beg for their membership publicly. I'd get a laugh, Qlix would get his account back, gods still get to play staff; win-win-win right?

10-11-2010, 12:00 AM
“Innocence can be defamed and called stupidity. Honesty can be called gullibility. Candor becomes lack of common sense. Interest in your work can be called cowardice. Generosity can be called soft-headedness, and observe : the former is disturbing.”

Btw I don't take "everything" I read at face value .I only wish that I could. Of course I could make the argument hat you are in return taking everything that I say at face value but that would be oblivious.

Still stupid for the application to ask questions of liars and thieves and expect the truth though.
I find it interesting that you presume to know what the expectations of the relevant people are.
Taking into account you're familiar with some of the figures involved, I would expect you not to presume anything.

p.s.: I would've probably been impressed with the Maslow quote if you hadn't botched it.

10-11-2010, 12:26 AM
“Innocence can be defamed and called stupidity. Honesty can be called gullibility. Candor becomes lack of common sense. Interest in your work can be called cowardice. Generosity can be called soft-headedness, and observe : the former is disturbing.”

Btw I don't take "everything" I read at face value .I only wish that I could. Of course I could make the argument hat you are in return taking everything that I say at face value but that would be oblivious.

Still stupid for the application to ask questions of liars and thieves and expect the truth though.
I find it interesting that you presume to know what the expectations of the relevant people are.
Taking into account you're familiar with some of the figures involved, I would expect you not to presume anything.

p.s.: I would've probably been impressed with the Maslow quote if you hadn't botched it.

Barry Maslow? Even though I'm not a huge fan I've always liked "I Can't Live Without You"

Btw I'm not presuming or assuming anything .I also, although superficially it may appear otherwise , not attempting to tell anyone how to do anything .I'm only stating my opinion in a somewhat mock serious fashion ,which actually not knowing the figures involved :O ( whatever that means) I haven't been given ( intentional altering botching of quotes or not) real reason to change an iota .