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View Full Version : req :tvstore.me

10-13-2010, 02:39 AM
i am bitmetv and tvtorrents.ro member and good user there
i want to join and try tvstore.me

if u help i will be happy thanks

10-13-2010, 03:17 AM
i am bitmetv ......and good user there

This doesn't exactly speak to that fact.:unsure:

have :torrentvault and bitmetv invite

need :http://tvstore.me/ or http://7track.org/ invite account

10-13-2010, 04:35 AM
being a trader thats is not meaning a bad user on tracker...if someone is a good user on bitmetv he is Judge of the world and everyone knows bitmetv rules and staffs are stupid around ...
if someone good at bitmetv he must deserv tvstore it is not important being a trader or a nontrader :)

10-13-2010, 12:02 PM
if someone good at bitmetv he must deserv tvstore it is not important being a trader or a nontrader :)

I'm at Bitmetv too and I'm no trader, thus I feel I deserv tvstore more than you!

10-13-2010, 12:20 PM
Guys, we have not yet opened the registration. Neither invitation, nor free registration. The process of migrating former Bitgate users is still going on. Please, be patient - I let you all know, when we open our gates. I think I do not encourage my members to invite Condor.:)

10-13-2010, 12:22 PM
if someone good at bitmetv he must deserv tvstore it is not important being a trader or a nontrader :)

How do you figure being a "good" member of a tracker makes you deserving of anything? Would someone please explain that to me again?
Also was for being a good member of BMTV and being a trader ,well could be true but I think you would be hard pressed to get any staff from there to agree about that . I think that was my point ,it being their site and their opinions in this case therefore the only ones that seem to matter.

10-13-2010, 01:38 PM
if someone good at bitmetv he must deserv tvstore it is not important being a trader or a nontrader :)

I'm at Bitmetv too and I'm no trader, thus I feel I deserv tvstore more than you!

i deserv all accounts because i give another account or invite for get it...

Guys, we have not yet opened the registration. Neither invitation, nor free registration. The process of migrating former Bitgate users is still going on. Please, be patient - I let you all know, when we open our gates. I think I do not encourage my members to invite Condor.

i am happy with bitmetv but maybe i will not wait you invite and find an account :P

How do you figure being a "good" member of a tracker makes you deserving of anything? Would someone please explain that to me again?

i can explain

because tvstore is a tv tracker like bitmetv isnt it, and they are the tv best tracker with stupid rules ,staffs, and it is not easy to build a good ratio with home connection and they havent got any bonus or something... if someone good member at bitmetv he deserv tvstore...
to being a trader not change this...

10-13-2010, 02:03 PM
You make no sense. You don't deserve anything. You, or anyone else for that matter.

Some people take torrenting too deep in their lives.

10-13-2010, 02:11 PM

i am happy with bitmetv but maybe i will not wait you invite and find an account :P

I personally assure you that I will ban you immediately. This is not a place for you, Dude.

10-13-2010, 03:03 PM
You make no sense. You don't deserve anything. You, or anyone else for that matter.

Some people take torrenting too deep in their lives.

this is torrent site accounts , i will trade it, i will use it, i will giveaway it..i dont need any rules of staffs or a trackers...
u dont decide i deserv or not...only u can say ''u dont deserv''... i will take what i want ...

yes i live in this forum more than four years like u ...

I personally assure you that I will ban you immediately. This is not a place for you, Dude.

are u serious :P

look i made a request here, why u all fighting me ... if someone who want to fill my request, he will never ask u..

10-13-2010, 03:33 PM
You make no sense. You don't deserve anything. You, or anyone else for that matter.


It's not anyone's fault that your experience with keeping a good ratio on BitMeTV wasn't the best, you should have seen that coming. The fact seeding isn't exactly easy there can be readily learnt by just reading a review. That and also it's clear that their staff (or at least one of them) doesn't want you on TVStore at all, and will do whatever's necessary to ban you if you join... so what's the rush to join a place you're not welcome at?

If you want a TV tracker that's not hard to seed on, try TvT.com or FreshOn.

10-13-2010, 03:33 PM
I personally assure you that I will ban you immediately. This is not a place for you, Dude.

i found an account what will U say for this ? .your super mega nontrader member made a trade with me ...
