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View Full Version : [GA] 2x SCC

10-24-2010, 12:52 AM
I have 2 invites to SCC to giveaway. SCC is a 0day tracker, please do not request an invite if you know you will not use the site.


1. You must not have a SCC account already.
2. You must have been a member at FST for at least 3 months. Or have 2 other member of FST who can vouch for you, and have been members at FST for at least 6 months.
3. State your country.
4. Post your SpeedTest result.
5. Post a screenshot of your ratio on your 2 most used torrent sites.

I would also like to make an request for an invite to Revtt, rather than start a separate thread, this request is unrelated to the giveaway, and has no influence on who will receive the scc invites. So if you are in a generous mood, and have a spare invite, please pm me. Thanks :D

10-24-2010, 02:07 AM
Hey mate, Id appreciate an SCC invite, I won't let you down man! I juss need it to access some good movies and applications.

Nice Giveaway man!

Demonoid: http://img251.imageshack.us/i/demonoide.png/
ProAudioTorrents: http://img222.imageshack.us/i/proaudio.png/
Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/result/980398310.png

10-24-2010, 03:28 AM
Hi KRink

I would really like an invite for scc!! never had an acc there...



thanks a lot!!!


10-24-2010, 05:20 AM
Hey mate, Id appreciate an SCC invite, I won't let you down man! I juss need it to access some good movies and applications.

Nice Giveaway man!

Demonoid: http://img251.imageshack.us/i/demonoide.png/
ProAudioTorrents: http://img222.imageshack.us/i/proaudio.png/
Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/result/980398310.png

ramzouzy, PM your email.

Hi KRink

I would really like an invite for scc!! never had an acc there...



thanks a lot!!!


Itzik007, do you have 2 members that have been on FST for at least 6 months who can vouch for you (that you are not a cheater, etc.)?

10-24-2010, 06:02 AM
Itzik007, do you have 2 members that have been on FST for at least 6 months who can vouch for you (that you are not a cheater, etc.)?


10-24-2010, 06:47 AM
Itzik007, do you have 2 members that have been on FST for at least 6 months who can vouch for you (that you are not a cheater, etc.)?


LOL, Itzik007, you can kiss your chances on this one good-bye. You just got served!

10-24-2010, 12:09 PM
I would also like to make an request for an invite to Revtt, rather than start a separate thread, this request is unrelated to the giveaway, and has no influence on who will receive the scc invites. So if you are in a generous mood, and have a spare invite, please pm me. Thanks :D

Since this is the invite and not the trade section I guess it is fair game to ask what happened to your previous RevTT account ?


and of course to mention this for the unwary



LOL, Itzik007, you can kiss your chances on this one good-bye. You just got served!

Also hardly think it matters since both the OP and ramzouzy are active traders .In fact the OP previously had a SCC account ,lost it and traded his way back in to acquire his current one.


LOL, Itzik007, you can kiss your chances on this one good-bye. You just got served!

Also hardly think it matters since both the OP and ramzouzy are active traders .In fact the OP previously had a SCC account ,lost it and traded his way back in to acquire his current one.

10-24-2010, 12:20 PM
Also hardly think it matters since both the OP and ramzouzy are active traders .In fact the OP previously had a SCC account ,lost it and traded his way back in to acquire his current one.

...it still is in OP's best interests to- not invite a trader. :P

10-24-2010, 12:24 PM
It's also in anyone's best interests, seeing that your account is more or less tied to his , not to be invited by one.

Btw if they or anyone else here wishes to trade that is their prerogative . I just don't like it when in both the cases of giveaways and requests traders purposely make people maybe otherwise not involved in that side of bt complicit to their actions

10-24-2010, 12:28 PM
It's also in anyone's best interests, seeing that your account is more or less tied to his , not to be invited by one.

true if you plan to have a heavily buffered account. But if you're aiming for a 1:1 ratio on a site that's hard to get into, getting invited by a trader is a win-win situation, specially since you're getting it for free.

10-24-2010, 12:31 PM
It's also in anyone's best interests, seeing that your account is more or less tied to his , not to be invited by one.

true if you plan to have a heavily buffered account. But if you're aiming for a 1:1 ratio on a site that's hard to get into, getting invited by a trader is a win-win situation, specially since you're getting it for free.

Tell that to the people on What that lost their accounts.

Also I defy anyone to show me one site that is so singular in content that you "need' to be a member by hook or by crook. Or need to be a member period.

10-24-2010, 12:41 PM
You have PM!

10-24-2010, 12:59 PM
Tell that to the people on What that lost their accounts.

Also I defy anyone to show me one site that is so singular in content that you "need' to be a member by hook or by crook. Or need to be a member period.

I can't say much about What since I don't know much about it.

And "need" in this context is a strong desire to be a part of something exclusive. It's not so bad really- the level whoring phase wanes after a while anyway. And it feels like a need too, trust me! I mean sure IPT probably beats FTN in all angles but speed and pretimes, but if someone isn't applying for an FTN for lulz it will probably keep him really happy for a while. Hell, I remember how I hunted BitMe for 2 months only cause i wanted to be a part of an exclusive ebook tracker and it did mean the world to me for a week after I got it. So no matter how pathetic it sounds, it makes people happy and that's the whole point of doing anything right? But I still wouldn't give an invite to someone just to make him happy lol, so I guess I just contradicted myself in this ramble.

10-24-2010, 01:40 PM
It was a good ramble though.

10-24-2010, 02:42 PM
this is my speed test but it is not correct I dont know what is going on so , I dont know what should I ask . it is better that this .
Saudi arabia
edit: new http://www.speedtest.net/result/1002725373.png

2 ratioproofs:

I hope it is OK

10-24-2010, 03:00 PM
No 1: # Do not offer our invites publicly. --SCC rules

No 2: @MedChive: I don't think Saudi Arabians are allowed to signup. :\

10-24-2010, 03:48 PM
Itzik007, do you have 2 members that have been on FST for at least 6 months who can vouch for you (that you are not a cheater, etc.)?

I can vouch for him being a trader. :yup:

Champo101, as far as I know, SCC hasn't banned Saudi Arabia.

10-24-2010, 03:51 PM
No 1: # Do not offer our invites publicly. --SCC rules

No 2: @MedChive: I don't think Saudi Arabians are allowed to signup. :\

giveaways on all boards will be closed if no 1 is followed

no 2 they are allowed

10-24-2010, 03:57 PM
No 1: # Do not offer our invites publicly. --SCC rules

No 2: @MedChive: I don't think Saudi Arabians are allowed to signup. :\

giveaways on all boards will be closed if no 1 is followed

I think that's the idea .:unsure:

10-24-2010, 04:02 PM
I have some doubts.

10-24-2010, 04:27 PM
I have some doubts.

10-24-2010, 04:52 PM
what? why you loled?:ermm:

10-24-2010, 05:53 PM
Itzik007, do you have 2 members that have been on FST for at least 6 months who can vouch for you (that you are not a cheater, etc.)?

I can vouch for him being a trader. :yup:

Champo101, as far as I know, SCC hasn't banned Saudi Arabia.
good news . thanks.

10-24-2010, 07:42 PM
I still have one invite to SCC to giveaway.

Since this is the invite and not the trade section I guess it is fair game to ask what happened to your previous RevTT account ?


and of course to mention this for the unwary



LOL, Itzik007, you can kiss your chances on this one good-bye. You just got served!

Also hardly think it matters since both the OP and ramzouzy are active traders .In fact the OP previously had a SCC account ,lost it and traded his way back in to acquire his current one.


LOL, Itzik007, you can kiss your chances on this one good-bye. You just got served!

Also hardly think it matters since both the OP and ramzouzy are active traders .In fact the OP previously had a SCC account ,lost it and traded his way back in to acquire his current one.

First all, you are taking posts out of context, http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/3...92#post3345492 (http://filesharingtalk.com/381514-GA-Revtt-x-4?p=3345492#post3345492) I never received the invite, and http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/4...ffles-or-revtt (http://filesharingtalk.com/425465-have-TL-and-SCC-want-bitme-waffles-or-revtt) obviously I changed my mind and decided not to trade my invites or this thread wouldn't be here.

Your assumption that I "previously had a SCC account ,lost it and traded his way back in to acquire his current one, " is incorrect, I have been a member at SCC since it opened it's doors, my account was later disabled for inactivity because at the time I was not using the site, rather ScT was a better source for 0day, but when ScT was shut down, I was comp'd an account by the siteops at SCC, just like they did everyone else who was a contributing member at ScT.

Have I traded before at FST? Yes, and I have had much luck in doing so, with only a few bad apples. The vast majority of the people I have traded with don't cheat, follow all the site rules, and maintain a good ratio, and for obvious reasons - they don't want to lose their account at a place like SCC. Are there bad traders and cheaters out there who will trade the account that they just received in a giveaway in a heartbeat? Yes there are, and those are who you need to watch out for.

Obviously you're against trading, but for all anyone knows you have duplicate accounts here at FST, and are a trader yourself. The fact is, that when i joined this site there were very few giveaways, and most everyone was involved in trading to gain access to the various private trackers, including FST forum moderaters. A lot of the same poeple on FST who spout an anti-trader dogma, are the same people who initially obtained all their trackers by trading, and "retired", many creating a dupe account here on FST to erase any traces of evidence of trading, for fear mainly of people like yourself spamming on any thread they may create (similar to what you're doing). I am not one of these people, I decided to keep one account here at FST, and I could really care less about your anti-trader BS.

If you do a giveaway here at FST, there is always a chance you'll get fucked. The truth is you'll never know who exactly you're are dealing with on FST, even the squeakiest clean member could have a dupe account, and is solely trying to obtain your invites so he/she can trade them for another tracker of higher value on the WTAW thread. From my experience, I can say that if you're careful, most of the time you have nothing to worry about. I have had several generous members here at FST give to me in the past, and I occasionally come to return the favor to other members.

Do you have to believe anything that I have said? Do I care if you believe anything I just said? Not really.

10-24-2010, 10:42 PM
Obviously you're against trading, but for all anyone knows you have duplicate accounts here at FST, and are a trader yourself. The fact is, that when i joined this site there were very few giveaways, and most everyone was involved in trading to gain access to the various private trackers, including FST forum moderaters. A lot of the same poeple on FST who spout an anti-trader dogma, are the same people who initially obtained all their trackers by trading, and "retired", many creating a dupe account here on FST to erase any traces of evidence of trading, for fear mainly of people like yourself spamming on any thread they may create (similar to what you're doing). I am not one of these people, I decided to keep one account here at FST, and I could really care less about your anti-trader BS.

Obviously I'm not against trading ,I'm against dishonesty and at present the two by necessity go hand in hand.
As for
The vast majority of the people I have traded with don't cheat, follow all the site rules, and maintain a good ratio, and for obvious reasons That's very selective reasoning since I'm fairly sure "don't trade accounts" is also one of those rules . Or is it a case of " I will obey all the rules just as long as they don't happen to get in the way of me getting what I want"? In which case I hope you and your exemplary colleagues don't suddenly determine that you want my TV or car.
Also about the "spam" and the "fear of it" is that what the cool kids are now calling "spam" - merely trying to keep things as on the up and up as possible ?

Besides if your vision wasn't impair by mock outrage then perhaps you would have seen that all I did was attempt to show that for obvious reasons ,which you have gone to great lengths to agree with, that you probably didn't care if someone was a trader or not.

And I totally agree that the majority of slimy people here never show their true face/intent to the light of day so forgive me if I continue to "spam" in a vain attempt to warn people from inadvertently putting their foot in something they never intended .

Btw I believe that you believe what you said. I think after that everything else is pretty much moot.

10-25-2010, 04:14 AM
I still have one invite to SCC to giveaway, I am going to start a new thread as this one has gone completely off-topic.