View Full Version : Three new Weezer albums this year!!!!!

10-30-2010, 04:12 PM
Holy fuck, I am floored by how awesome Weezer has been to its fans this year.

The "Hurley" LP was above average, it had some catchy songs such as 'Ruling Me', 'Trainwrecks', 'Memories', 'All My Friends Are Insects', and most of the rest were a good listen too.

Then in a few days Pinkerton Deluxe (36 tracks!!!!) and 'Death to False Metal' release.

The former has a bunch of stuff you'll find on Cuomo's demo albums, but in better quality, and then some great live and acoustic versions of Pinkerton era songs.

Death to False Metal is re-recorded demos from the 90's that Weezer never released. Gave it a few listens and it's even better than their Hurley LP! 'I'm a Robot' and 'Blowin' My Stack' are early favorites. How can you hate such a fun band that trolls its own fans and now all metal fans? :lol:

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:0twdBzE_GJ_neM:http://blog.albumartexchange.com/assets_c/2010/09/weezer-deatht_03-thumb-450x450-5204.jpg&t=1 lol

I'm so happy to see this song-writing trend since 2008, and their releases this year, as they have finally broken out of their major label contract and are now on an Independent, show great promise of better stuff to come. But then again I'm a sucker for everything 'Weezer', and think all their records are good fun.