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View Full Version : Actors that haven't been in a poor film?

10-31-2010, 08:09 AM
Simple question but I'm not sure there actually are any.
Was debating this with my kids a few weeks ago and the only name we could come up with was Will Smith although Wild Wild West made it close.

Rejected suggestions (with poor films in brackets):
Robert De Niro (Machete)
Samuel L Jackson (Snakes On A Plane)
Bruce Willis (Hudson Hawke)

Any suggestions?

10-31-2010, 03:00 PM
If you are going to argue Will Smith :sick: then I'm going to argue Denzel Washington .Also is you discount what he did as a kid when he had no control over his own career DiCaprio .Also until ,again arguably, The Incredible Hulk Ed Norton . Brad Pitt minus The Mexican comes close .
Not saying that all the movies involved are necessarily "gems" btw ,I just don't think they fall under any approximation of "bad".

I also read James Dean and I can't disagree with that.Sometimes it pays to live fast die young and leave a pretty corpse.

10-31-2010, 03:37 PM
Can't really disagree with you on James Dean since I haven't even watched Rebel Without A Cause but I believe the general consensus is that he never played a bum note, as it were. Not sure how pretty his corpse might have been, though. :)

Haven't seen The Mexican but Pitt is a pretty good shout apart from Ocean's 12.
DiCaprio has surprised me in a few films - Shutter Island, The Aviator, Body Of Lies, Gangs Of New York - but he's made a lot that we hadn't seen and also we all considered The Quick And The Dead a turkey.

We weren't judging an actor's ability (e.g. Will Smith wasn't great in MIB) but their propensity for choosing the right work. 'Average' films are OK as far as we were concerned (e.g. Wild Wild West).

I am now wondering who would be top of an IMDB list of average ratings for actors' bodies of work. Hmmm...

10-31-2010, 03:59 PM
Haven't seen The Mexican but Pitt is a pretty good shout apart from Ocean's 12.
DiCaprio has surprised me in a few films - Shutter Island, The Aviator, Body Of Lies, Gangs Of New York - but he's made a lot that we hadn't seen and also we all considered The Quick And The Dead a turkey.

We weren't judging an actor's ability (e.g. Will Smith wasn't great in MIB) but their propensity for choosing the right work. 'Average' films are OK as far as we were concerned (e.g. Wild Wild West).

See I on the other hand thought that The Quick and the Dead though far from perfect had a whole lot going for it . That as opposed to The Wild Wild West that dragged memories of Robert Conrad ,Ross Martin and most importantly Michael Dunn's Dr. Loveless not only through the mud but a pile of shit and a bucket full of God-awful while it was at it as well.( Actually I think the root of my dislike for Will Smith stems entirely from this).
Seriously WWW was to me the even a worse abomination than the Starsky and Hutch remake and that's saying a lot.

Btw another "funny" remake this time of The Green Hornet with Seth Rogan is on tap (although supposedly it might never see the light of day being truly that bad).
Kill me.Kill me now.

11-01-2010, 02:24 AM
George Clooney (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000123/) in the
The American (2010 (http://www.imdb.com/year/2010/))

11-01-2010, 08:00 AM
James Dean was great in Giant.

11-01-2010, 05:24 PM
George Clooney (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000123/) in the
The American (2010 (http://www.imdb.com/year/2010/))
What does that have to do with anything?
If it's suppose to be an example of poor movies that Clooney's been in ,he's been in far worse.