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View Full Version : Real Gun Found During 'Law & Order: Los Angeles' Shoot

11-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Police officers were called to the scene after a cameraman spotted a semiautomatic handgun on a rock.

Police officers were called to the shoot of "Law & Order: Los Angeles" on Wednesday after a real gun was found on the scene, the Associated Press reported.
The NBC series' spokesperson said the crime drama was filming in the Culver City area when a cameraman spotted a semiautomatic handgun on a rock.
A police spokesperson said the gun was in working order and will be test-fired, with the results logged for possible crime matches.
Skeet Ulrich and Corey Stoll, who star as detectives in the show, were on location for a scene in which they arrest a man for murder.

11-04-2010, 12:08 PM
OMG, a guuuun? :fear:

It's odd that a gun would be left unattended (irresponsible, IMO), but is this truly newsworthy? I've got guns in several rooms of my house. Are people from other states/countries alarmed by this?

11-04-2010, 12:36 PM
OMG, a guuuun? :fear:
I've got guns in several rooms of my house. Are people from other states/countries alarmed by this?

Yes actually .

Odds that someone is going to break- in give you time to get one of your many guns ,release whatever safety measures are involved ,calmly confront him/them without blowing a hole in yourself ,a member of your family or not be disarmed - giving a -previously unarmed burglar both the means and the inclination to conversely put a hole in you - poor.
Odds that something is going to go horribly wrong and one of your prodigy is going to a suffer tragic accident - decidedly better.

Seriously dude ,burglars are like animals - more concerned about taking what they want and running away than starting any trouble . If however the person(s) is drug-addled and/or your property is worth more than your or someone else's life then obviously the circumstances are different but in that case I'd be more asking myself if the place I was living at was conducive to raising a family then whether to load my Berretta with flat or round point bullets.

11-05-2010, 02:40 PM
If I was half the man I used to be, I'd take 'em out with a kitchen knife as to not wake up the wife and kids.