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11-07-2010, 11:01 PM
Today, I did something stupid and moaned about it on a website because no one in real life cares. FML.

11-07-2010, 11:14 PM
Today, I did something stupid and moaned about it on a website.

You mean twice don't you?

11-08-2010, 06:50 AM
Technically this would make it twice. Unless of course this is the website and original moan. Please clarify.

Webz, where people can pretend to care. So much easier than "real life". As disgusting is that is, unfortunately it is true.

11-08-2010, 11:38 AM
That's interesting, so you think people are more likely to pretend to care online than IRL?

I've always expected less pretension online (unless someone wants an invite :frusty:). IRL we are forced to at least try to get along with co-workers, family, customers, etc. Online, unless we want something, we can be as hostile as mods/rules will allow for the site/section. It is unlikely that we will be forced to reconcile for that hostility, too.

BTW, Idol licks monkey ballz. Fact. :yes:

11-08-2010, 12:54 PM
That's interesting, so you think people are more likely to pretend to care online than IRL?

I've always expected less pretension online (unless someone wants an invite :frusty:). IRL we are forced to at least try to get along with co-workers, family, customers, etc. Online, unless we want something, we can be as hostile as mods/rules will allow for the site/section. :

I really hear where you're coming from my friend and I just want you to know if there is anything that I can ever do for you no matter how great or how trivial , just say the word and consider it done.:)
PS How is your health and your family? Nothing but the best for both I hope.:):):)

"Idol licks monkey balls" .Hahaha you really got me there. Your sense of humour is quite astounding .Ever consider a career as a professional comic?:):):):):)

11-08-2010, 01:42 PM
exercise dude.It helps for awhile.

11-08-2010, 08:44 PM
That's interesting, so you think people are more likely to pretend to care online than IRL?

I've always expected less pretension online (unless someone wants an invite :frusty:). IRL we are forced to at least try to get along with co-workers, family, customers, etc. Online, unless we want something, we can be as hostile as mods/rules will allow for the site/section. :

I really hear where you're coming from my friend and I just want you to know if there is anything that I can ever do for you no matter how great or how trivial , just say the word and consider it done.:)
PS How is your health and your family? Nothing but the best for both I hope.:):):)

"Idol licks monkey balls" .Hahaha you really got me there. Your sense of humour is quite astounding .Ever consider a career as a professional comic?:):):):):)

Thanks, Idol. Really LOVE the smileys. How's that genital rash healing? Hopefully doctors will determine just what is causing those bleeding sores.

The family is doing great. Thanks for asking!