View Full Version : Frugal Usenet unlimted usenet for 60 bucks per year from blocknews!

11-13-2010, 07:00 AM
saw this pop into my blocknews account page. http://frugalusenet.com 60 bucks for the entire year! if you download just or mostly newer stuff its a great deal and you could even use a small block account for stuff older than 100 days.

11-13-2010, 07:53 AM
I think it is a smart business plan. Swintec seems to be targeting the price-conscious experienced users, who don't require a lot of hand-holding like many beginners would, so they can save substantial money by eliminating tech support.

A service like this practically requires a block account in addition, as I would think that sooner or later most every user will eventually need to download something that is over 100 days old.

This reminds me ... Does anyone know what ever happened to Cheapernews? It seems the website has been down for many months. It was about the same retention and price as FrugalUsenet - or at least while it lasted.

11-13-2010, 05:19 PM
Cheapernews usenet servers have been down for at least 3 weeks. Though I have no idea why.

11-13-2010, 06:45 PM
Cheapernews usenet servers have been down for at least 3 weeks. Though I have no idea why.

BECAUSE you told everyone the secret.

11-13-2010, 07:27 PM
100 days should be good for most that only grab tv shows and stuff plus way back 100 days was unbelievable!!! i dont know what happened to cheapernews or budget news but those were never really run right anyways i dont think. maybe this is blocknews way of getting those customer type.

was cheapernews free somehow?

11-13-2010, 08:43 PM
seems reasonable for only new stuff

but astra $96 vs $60 yearly

and $8 vs $5.99 monthly

they should make it even cheaper really....

11-13-2010, 09:19 PM
but astra $96 vs $60 yearly

and $8 vs $5.99 monthly

does astraweb even have a monthly option for 8 bucks? why would you use that figure in the comarison of monthly cost?

more like 11 vs 5.99

if you need a cheap account for new stuff anyways why would one spend 36 more dollars a year to begin with?

i kicked astraweb to the curb years ago

11-13-2010, 09:55 PM
well the $96/year works out $8/month - guess it depends if you can afford the upfront payment or not

Maybe because they think $36 extra is worth it for the extra 719 days retention instead of a block account? (But yes if you only ever want brand new stuff this is good - and if you very rarely want older stuff a block account is good)

11-15-2010, 09:10 PM
well the $96/year works out $8/month - guess it depends if you can afford the upfront payment or not

i know that but in your other post you compared astrawebs yearly cost divided by 12 to frugal usenets standard monthly price. it made me think you were spinning the numbers for whatever reason in astrawebs favor. if you wanna keep things level it would be astraweb $8 a month versus frugal at $5 per month when dividing both of them out.

anyways..ive been using this service since sunday and it is working great for me. i never really looked at ages of what i download but 75 gbs so far and it is all stuff. wanted and all within frugal usenets retention. i usually dont buy unlimted accounts but may just pay the 60 for the year and be good to go with my block account backup as needed.

11-19-2010, 06:02 PM
This is nice. Looks like this is what I'm going to go with for new stuff since it looks like Just4Today is gone. They really should make this a bit cheaper though. You're only saving two dollars if you go with the yearly plan instead of monthly. Fifty for a year would be even better.