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View Full Version : Willie Nelson takes a hit: Singer arrested on dope charge

11-27-2010, 06:26 PM
Country music superstar Willie Nelson was arrested Friday morning for allegedly having about 6 ounces of marijuana after his tour bus was stopped at the Border Patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, about 85 miles east of El Paso.


What really caught my attention was this part:

The Border Patrol checkpoint along Interstate 10 at Sierra Blanca averages 10 to 15 drug-related arrests a day West said, and he expects several more arrests during the weekend as holiday travelers pack the road.

These Border Patrol checkpoints were ostensibly put there to catch professional smugglers, which is kind of a joke since everyone in that business knows exactly where the checkpoints are and when they're open. Everyone, that is, but the casual traveler who is likely to be surprised to get stopped and searched -- for drugs and whatever else.

I got hit up there many years ago. It's a huge checkpoint (actually resembles more of a border crossing) on a major highway, with long queues, drug-sniffing dogs, and all the rest of that "homeland security" bullshit. I thought it was very odd that the checkpoint was not even running at night, when most of the human-smuggling gangs are known to operate. (and then maybe that was the whole idea, *wink* *wink*)

Unlike a lot of recording artists these days (*spit* Gene Simmons *spit*) Willie Nelson always seemed like a genuinely good guy, so I'm sorry to see him get nailed again.

Waiting for the "Free Willie" benefit concert. :P

11-27-2010, 08:15 PM
Free Willie...

It's starting already.

A whisper. A careless ember and a breeze.


-doobs :mellow:

11-28-2010, 12:22 AM
life was in http://www.top39.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/SwatKats.jpg turmoil

11-28-2010, 01:06 AM
Unlike a lot of recording artists these days (*spit* Gene Simmons *spit*) Willie Nelson always seemed like a genuinely good guy, so I'm sorry to see him get nailed again.

Your album collection is not the most up-to-date, is it? :P