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View Full Version : SCT has been dead for 1 year

11-28-2010, 02:44 PM
1 year has passed and still no replacement site, no followup news on why and no site even close to what it was. SCC pales in comparison even with some of the community there like a refugee camp. Such a shame they pulled the plug and nobody stepped up to fill the gap.

Your thoughts?

11-28-2010, 02:53 PM
That you have nothing interesting to say and aren't very bright ?

Btw you did ask my thoughts concerning your post so I'm assuming that this is on topic and not contravening forum rules .:unsure:

11-28-2010, 02:55 PM
get a grip dude ......it`s gone ,,,,,,,,,,,,and never comes back

11-28-2010, 03:13 PM
and why you don't let him express his feelings ? we can talk about everything that's why this is a forum

11-28-2010, 03:27 PM
and why you don't let him express his feelings ? we can talk about everything that's why this is a forum

No one is stopping anyone from expressing their feelings , much like both robisoare and I were merely expressing ours.
Ironically seems that the only person the least bit interested in denying freedom of speech here is you r3volut1onx .

11-28-2010, 03:33 PM
right said

11-28-2010, 03:49 PM
http://www.scene-torrents.org/ :shifty:

11-28-2010, 03:54 PM
SCC pales in comparison even with some of the community there like a refugee camp.

For someone who doesn't care about their forums or IRC, care to elaborate on why SCC "pales in comparison" to ScT? Because I beg to disagree with that.

Anyway, ScT was a good tracker, no doubt of that, but it shut down and will probably never come back. Accept that and move on. :idunno:

11-28-2010, 04:19 PM
As if to prove the point beyond any reasonable doubt.

11-28-2010, 04:24 PM
SCC pales in comparison even with some of the community there like a refugee camp.

For someone who doesn't care about their forums or IRC, care to elaborate on why SCC "pales in comparison" to ScT? Because I beg to disagree with that.

Anyway, ScT was a good tracker, no doubt of that, but it shut down and will probably never come back. Accept that and move on. :idunno:
Simple, SCC is less 1337 :P

11-28-2010, 04:38 PM
In these days nobody cares about the 1337, now its about The Money you pay (aka donate) you get in - that simple

11-28-2010, 07:25 PM
Meh, I'm sure people have heard my opinion about this one before. The only thing that's left to say is:

In these days nobody cares about the 1337, now its about The Money you pay (aka donate) you get in - that simple

I never took you for an idiot up and until this point.

11-28-2010, 09:34 PM
SCC successfully replaced sct (in terms of content SCC is actually better right now), so i don't really understand why people still look for any other "replacements". And don't give me the old "community" bs, most of the regulars/staff moved over to scc when sct shut down. Besides, there was even a forum for ex-sct members. (don't know if it still exists)

So what's missing? The warm feeling of exclusivity? :unsure:

11-28-2010, 09:35 PM
ringhunter you can do whatever you want, the idiot is the one that pays .im sorry if i hurt your feelings

11-28-2010, 10:57 PM
As far as pre's and speed of torrents Sct in its day was Number 1
Lot of peeps used Sct as their axx to upload to other sites, even if scc got a better pre by 3 sec's still better off at Sct as torrent speed would max out the server, only site I had to limit server download speed as not to crash the BT client
Plenty of sites to replace it that's for sure but Sct will go down as one of the best.

11-29-2010, 04:12 AM
SCC successfully replaced sct (in terms of content SCC is actually better right now), so i don't really understand why people still look for any other "replacements". And don't give me the old "community" bs, most of the regulars/staff moved over to scc when sct shut down. Besides, there was even a forum for ex-sct members. (don't know if it still exists)

So what's missing? The warm feeling of exclusivity? :unsure:

Disagreed. ScT was not only quality by virtue of its member base (which in fact did not all move to SCC, I can list dozens of names from the forums that are currently inactive on SCC that I used to enjoy the company of/hearing their opinions out on ScT). ScT was quality by the (as ironic as it sounds) love that went into the tracker, and the dedication of its member base. The ScT uploaders were willing to spend upwards of tens of thousands of dollars to keep the quality and happiness levels on-site up for all members. The last time I turned to see how SCC's volunteer uploaders were doing, all I saw were complaints of issues on weekly packs (which I don't care about, personally) and missing uploaders after the PS3 jailbreak (which was promptly fixed). Add to that the fact that ScT had a bunch of dedicated users that even after the shutdown were resilient in not offering their services anywhere else (say what you want, one member was offering 6 dedicated 10gbit servers to the swarms, I'm unaware of any other tracker that is currently getting as much support) and were dedicated to ScT, and you have your answer for why SCC, as great as it is, still does not match up to ScT.

One thing I will add, though, is the fact that SCC trumps ScT in other regards. Take for example the fact that I can download music singles/club remixes from SCC, or that the packs are perhaps even better than the ones ScT used to offer (I dont remember anything on ScT that made me quite as happy as seeing the complete gamecube collection on SCC). Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but at the time of ScT's existence, SCC was the more exclusive tracker, considering it had a more limited member-base and an arguably more elitist community (given their pretimes etc.)

EDIT: And oh, eclecticist/sctcom went down about a couple of months back. Not a total loss, considering there was 0 activity on there anyway.

As far as pre's and speed of torrents Sct in its day was Number 1
Lot of peeps used Sct as their axx to upload to other sites, even if scc got a better pre by 3 sec's still better off at Sct as torrent speed would max out the server, only site I had to limit server download speed as not to crash the BT client
Plenty of sites to replace it that's for sure but Sct will go down as one of the best.

This is arguable. There's definitely a difference in perspectives, though, depending on which prebot you'd trust the most. Even though there was no doubt ScT had quality access, I doubt the prebot they were privy to was at the caliber of a private ring's prebot such as SCC's (and FTN soon enough, I presume). Lots of people used SCC as secondary access at the time, since ScT had a stronghold on the no-spam issue, which meant that unless you had a different method of obtaining those releases, you should have also needed to rely on SCC (if you needed them, that is, which I do every now and again, personally). We're agreed on your last statement.

11-29-2010, 04:38 AM
ScT is missed. I don't think it can ever be replaced, but other sites match up well in certain respects.

11-29-2010, 06:38 AM
Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

11-29-2010, 06:58 AM
Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

Some people were born stupid, some became stupid spending to much time in the BT-scene ... when did you become such a retard?

11-29-2010, 07:35 AM
Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

Some people were born stupid, some became stupid spending to much time in the BT-scene ... when did you become such a retard?

he is back

11-29-2010, 01:23 PM
Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

I'd ask you what you think a good forum post entails but it's obvious by your attempt at a sentence that you couldn't muster the think part.Besides I don't want to unnecessarily burden your mother( poor woman) with anymore of your crying about how people are always making fun of you just because your stupid and ugly -not to mention a chronic masturbator .
Although considering the "stupid and ugly " part I guess there could be some sense in that .

Btw thanks for attempting to write writing that, as it was a nice diversion for the ScT twaddle.Even ringhunter's essay couldn't disguise the fact of how patently stupid the whole thread is .Proves that you can write well, you can write long , but because of the original subject matter anything said is still going to end up being silly.

PS if people really paid out of their own pockets for " 6 dedicated 10gbit servers to the swarms" that is truly sad.

I'm sure that while the masses of mouth-breathing adolescents appreciated the increased speed at which they could download Transformers 2 and the last season of Heroes the thought does cross my mind that the same money spent could probably have saved several hundred people from starving to death in Sudan.
Of course the "generous" donor wouldn't be seen as "cool" by the legion of internet wanks and any "glory" would be lost and there are clearly already too many people on the planet ,so obviously he made the wise choice.

11-29-2010, 02:02 PM
is it bad that I still haven't deleted ScT from my hotlink bar in firefox? *sigh*

11-29-2010, 02:41 PM
PS if people really paid out of their own pockets for " 6 dedicated 10gbit servers to the swarms" that is truly sad.

I'm sure that while the masses of mouth-breathing adolescents appreciated the increased speed at which they could download Transformers 2 and the last season of Heroes the thought does cross my mind that the same money spent could probably have saved several hundred people from starving to death in Sudan.
Of course the "generous" donor wouldn't be seen as "cool" by the legion of internet wanks and any "glory" would be lost and there are clearly already too many people on the planet ,so obviously he made the wise choice.

The same goes for anything really. An opera singer doing it for money, instead of trying to entertain the poor, a theist not giving up all his money (that would really be a benefit to everyone) and an owner of a server farm deciding to aid copyright infringement instead of running a viral ad/game that helps the cause in Haiti (given that I assume said person was going to own the servers anyway). It's just perspectives, and oft people have eschewed opinions on what is right when they have the resources to be used at their discretion. Just look at addon3475 and dictionaries. More on that later.

From my side of things, I enjoyed the speeds (as great as Demonoid is, I've had enough of waiting two weeks for a torrent's arrow to flip 180 degrees), and I'm sure "generous" donations had a major part in why that was so. Whether the resources could have been used more aptly or even better is arguable, yet meaningless. I'd rather the person spend the money on something as pointless, yet harmless as bittorrent and its silly speeds, rather than growing weed or conium in their own backyard (who said intelligence had anything to do with anything?). They made a difference in their own bubble of a world, and they were happy until exactly one year ago, so who am I to argue what pit they should have thrown their money/"generosity" into?

I say "generosity" since there's no way for me to know if the servers were pre-owned and doing nothing, if the person would have bought them anyway (the way I see it, he might have as well, and this served as a donation from what was hopefully a much greater supply) and if the person thought he deserved anything in return.

Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

Derp. By the way, that last "ahhhh", is that you screaming at the brink of your epiphany, or is it the sort that a toddler makes when a great weight is lifted off his chest (presumably in the form of another toddler)?

is it bad that I still haven't deleted ScT from my hotlink bar in firefox? *sigh*

Yes. It was gone a couple of months after everything settled down from mine. (I wanted to have a smiley here, but they all seemed equally annoying, feel free to use your imagination to insert one here.)
On the contrary, though, I know people with it still as their homepage. Not the most gracious way to break-up with a website, if you ask me.

11-29-2010, 03:18 PM
I was on there for the last 3 months of it's life. My only real memory of it was Feeling asking for like 9000 Euro before... If you want a replacement, it's unlikely to come... "Scene axx" is so common nowadays that any shite-site can pay for it, with auto upload scripts included ffs. The leetness of such BT sites is fading.

11-29-2010, 03:54 PM
ScT is past for 1 year, and what once gone, never comes back. Now SCC is as good as ScT, may be even better..
so, no need to cry for a dead tracker.
I pray for ScT, may torrent god bless you in torrent heaven. :P

11-29-2010, 04:58 PM
ScT is past for 1 year, and what once gone, never comes back. Now SCC is as good as ScT, may be even better..
so, no need to cry for a dead tracker.
I pray for ScT, may torrent god bless you in torrent heaven. :P

They unlike OiNK had only scene content.. SCC probably wins them in everything now.. maybe except for retention which is somewhat countered by the free leech packs at SCC.

Idol.. don't feed the troll.. he is clearly one.. :huh:

11-29-2010, 06:33 PM
The same goes for anything really. An opera singer doing it for money, instead of trying to entertain the poor, a theist not giving up all his money (that would really be a benefit to everyone) and an owner of a server farm deciding to aid copyright infringement instead of running a viral ad/game that helps the cause in Haiti (given that I assume said person was going to own the servers anyway). It's just perspectives, and oft people have eschewed opinions on what is right when they have the resources to be used at their discretion.

The difference imo is in the former two cases ( that being the opera singer and the theist )they are occupations and as far as I know people still require money to live . I don't know about the sever farmer though because I've frankly never eaten serve .
I did have blowfish once but I'm only really mentioning that because I know you have an affinity for blow or blowing or something like that.

@Lovestoned I have nothing against trolls ,sometimes being one myself.The only thing that bothers me is when they ( as is the case with strapon169) totally lack originality and wit .

11-29-2010, 09:05 PM

and very sweet 2nd post. :huh: Congratulation, not you made your 2nd post. Only 18 posts to go. :)

Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

I also didn't see this type of post before. :P

11-29-2010, 10:40 PM
Disagreed. ScT was not only quality by virtue of its member base (which in fact did not all move to SCC, I can list dozens of names from the forums that are currently inactive on SCC that I used to enjoy the company of/hearing their opinions out on ScT). ScT was quality by the (as ironic as it sounds) love that went into the tracker, and the dedication of its member base. The ScT uploaders were willing to spend upwards of tens of thousands of dollars to keep the quality and happiness levels on-site up for all members. The last time I turned to see how SCC's volunteer uploaders were doing, all I saw were complaints of issues on weekly packs (which I don't care about, personally) and missing uploaders after the PS3 jailbreak (which was promptly fixed). Add to that the fact that ScT had a bunch of dedicated users that even after the shutdown were resilient in not offering their services anywhere else (say what you want, one member was offering 6 dedicated 10gbit servers to the swarms, I'm unaware of any other tracker that is currently getting as much support) and were dedicated to ScT, and you have your answer for why SCC, as great as it is, still does not match up to ScT.

One thing I will add, though, is the fact that SCC trumps ScT in other regards. Take for example the fact that I can download music singles/club remixes from SCC, or that the packs are perhaps even better than the ones ScT used to offer (I dont remember anything on ScT that made me quite as happy as seeing the complete gamecube collection on SCC). Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but at the time of ScT's existence, SCC was the more exclusive tracker, considering it had a more limited member-base and an arguably more elitist community (given their pretimes etc.)

EDIT: And oh, eclecticist/sctcom went down about a couple of months back. Not a total loss, considering there was 0 activity on there anyway.

Well, i don't feel like i missed anything when sct shut down, and the tracker was my primary source for scene content (and non scene occasionally). The community was nice, there were many trolls and flamming going around the forum and also pretty informative and knowledgeable (I can compare it with HDBits userbase actually)... but come on, i don't think it was really that great. Not saying that there were not dedicated members on there, but many of them made having the best upload speed/amount or the most seedboxes a competition just to feed their egos.
Now about SCC packs... i don't think the missing rars and stuff is a problem anymore last time i checked (i couldn't care less about weekly packs, so i can be wrong on this one). And about the exclusivity of both, i still think sct was more exclusive. I remember when scc handed invites to its members like candy (3 at a time) when in sct you had to pay 20€/win a competition to get one. That's why maybe people can't get over it: they've spend their money and time on it like they never did on any other tracker, so they valued the tracker.

I still think SCC successfully replaced sct... but what do i know, your needs may be very different from mine ;)

11-29-2010, 11:10 PM
i miss idoleyes posts in the sct jailbait thread :(

11-30-2010, 02:04 AM
Who cares, it's just a torrent site. Not like they had anything exclusive to offer that you can't find on other trackers.

11-30-2010, 02:08 AM
Anyway, ScT was a good tracker, no doubt of that, but it shut down and will probably never come back. Accept that and move on. :idunno:

Some time ago u were saying something about a sct v2 :P

11-30-2010, 11:40 AM
Some time ago u were saying something about a sct v2 :P

Great, it didn't work. Now everyone will PM me for invites. :dry:

11-30-2010, 01:48 PM
PM anon-sbi for invites

11-30-2010, 03:05 PM
PM anon-sbi for invites
please somebody give this guy a lol.

11-30-2010, 03:58 PM
As much as I liked ScT I hate to admit I didn't use it nearly as much as my other trackers. It was just too damn hard to seed there if you couldn't compete with the seedbox whores. Didn't have the money either to keep buying upload credit. So when it went down it sucked, it just wasn't a loss I couldn't handle since I already got most of my scene releases from ratio free trackers and easier to seed places. And I say all this as a member who was there for several years and had a pretty good ratio at the time.

SCC is replacing them now, as a tracker where I watch very closely how much I download except for in the Archive section. It is most useful when I want to watch the new episodes of the shows I follow right away. If its not a show or a movie I can't wait to download the pretimes aren't as important.

11-30-2010, 04:22 PM
Some time ago u were saying something about a sct v2 :P

Great, it didn't work. Now everyone will PM me for invites. :dry:

how many invites do you have? ;) :lol:

11-30-2010, 04:54 PM
PM anon-sbi for invites
please somebody give this guy a lol.

lol cinephilia

11-30-2010, 05:14 PM
how many invites do you have? ;) :lol:


12-03-2010, 08:07 AM
how many invites do you have? ;) :lol:


That must have been expensive! :O

12-03-2010, 10:09 AM

That must have been expensive! :O

may be $10/invite.. :P

12-03-2010, 11:36 AM
That must have been expensive! :O

Not at all, I only had to put I'm an anti-trader and community lover in my custom title, avatar, signature, and username. :yup:

By the way, thanks a lot, Swift... I did get PMs asking me for ScT v2 invites. :lol:

12-03-2010, 01:49 PM
Well, as long as you are anti-trader, then we know the invites will go to only "good" people in v2.

Thanks for the invite! Pretimes are so good, I've already downloaded tomorrow's releases @ 12GB/sec.

12-03-2010, 01:52 PM
Well, as long as you are anti-trader, then we know the invites will go to only "good" people in v2.

Correct. I hate trading. I only do giveaways. :yup:

Thanks for the invite! Pretimes are so good, I've already downloaded tomorrow's releases @ 12GB/sec.

The community is great, also. A user answered my question before I asked it!

12-03-2010, 02:04 PM
And the one who answered your question hasn't even been invited yet! :O

12-03-2010, 03:09 PM
That must have been expensive! :O

By the way, thanks a lot, Swift... I did get PMs asking me for ScT v2 invites. :lol:

rofl.. Now it seems like many people secretly following your posts as well.

12-03-2010, 06:06 PM

The worst part is that I'm not joking. :P

Or should I say the best part?

01-11-2011, 09:52 AM

01-11-2011, 12:51 PM

good work bumping this thread

btw you have given some of the guys here another chance to make fun of sct v2 invites till death

01-11-2011, 03:09 PM
Hey feeling! Lemme ask you something... why'd you do it? :D

01-11-2011, 07:31 PM
Hey feeling! Lemme ask you something... why'd you do it? :D

Because he can?

01-11-2011, 08:30 PM
z0mg h4x :o ScT is dead 1337-stuff

01-11-2011, 11:20 PM
Hey feeling! Lemme ask you something... why'd you do it? :D

Because who force her is against a torrent site, i guessing if ScT moved their data from USA to another country like CHINA before happens what happened then will not see Feeling says meow.

01-11-2011, 11:47 PM
Only downside was that they used donations for personal gain

01-12-2011, 01:00 AM
Only downside was that they used donations for personal gain

Who really cares if they made money. The site ran flawless, great speeds, excellent content. IMO SCC does not even come close to being a replacement... But to each there own I guess.

01-12-2011, 01:14 AM
Hey feeling! Lemme ask you something... why'd you do it? :D

Because who force her is against a torrent site, i guessing if ScT moved their data from USA to another country like CHINA before happens what happened then will not see Feeling says meow.

Issit cause I am high or are you just slapping words into each other when you type?

01-13-2011, 12:05 PM
I had both of em but I used SCC most of the time mainly because I was a member there first. I'm just glad one of em is still here.
The sites that I worry about losing are the specialty ones like Whatcd, Bitme, PtP and BCG. There are a ton of sites you can get identical scene content from and even the beginner ones have pretty good pretimes.

01-13-2011, 05:11 PM
The sites that I worry about losing are the specialty ones like Whatcd, Bitme, PtP and BCG.

Thankfully all of them are kind enough to disable you for inactivity, and keep all your details in the database forever.

01-13-2011, 10:59 PM
The sites that I worry about losing are the specialty ones like Whatcd, Bitme, PtP and BCG.

Thankfully all of them are kind enough to disable you for inactivity, and keep all your details in the database forever.

Isn't that sweet of them. It's like you're immortalized for all e-ternity(cwutididthur?)

01-13-2011, 11:22 PM
Isn't that sweet of them. It's like you're immortalized for all e-ternity(cwutididthur?)

Immortalized as a disabled user :lol:

01-14-2011, 09:22 PM

01-19-2011, 02:24 PM
I was a member of ScT for a brief period of time. I don't have anything positive or negative to say about the site.

01-19-2011, 04:56 PM
ScT!! i use to love typing those 3 letters:(

01-19-2011, 04:57 PM
ScT!! i use to love typing those 3 letters:(

The letters still mean the same thing. :rolleyes:

01-19-2011, 05:40 PM
The letters still mean the same thing. :rolleyes:


I knew there was a subliminal message in their acronym.

01-19-2011, 06:05 PM
Can i have invite?

01-19-2011, 07:26 PM
ScT!! i use to love typing those 3 letters:(

Did you get the same warm feeling when you typed cTS then or was the whole thing totally Pavlovian?

01-19-2011, 11:57 PM
You could even bring Freud into play, psychoanalyzing the fact that the acronym starts with S, possibly meaning sex - sex-city. I can see why he loves it.

But more likely his penis only grows for R33T BT.

01-20-2011, 12:50 AM
Sex-city was r33t back in the day.

01-20-2011, 02:04 AM
I was a member of ScT for a brief period of time. I don't have anything positive or negative to say about the site.

Good contribution to the thread :thumbsup:

02-01-2011, 07:14 PM
Best 4ever R.i.P Again!, im last!

02-02-2011, 03:28 AM
So....does anyone actually know why they shut down?.I wasn't very convinced by that cryptic last message.

02-02-2011, 06:25 PM
So....does anyone actually know why they shut down?.I wasn't very convinced by that cryptic last message.

Less than a month before closure, there was a drive to raise funds (10,000 Euro if I recall) for new servers.

Time went on. Then BREIN [Dutch anti piracy firm] took down a topsite called LOOP. This was supposedly the topsite behind ScT [All trackers which race/trace release have a topsite behind them, some P2L, others own the actual site], and thus ended ScT's racing career.

We were promised we would hear something in 6 months times, but as far as I'm concerned (and a damn many others), the staff did a runner with 5 years worth of profit [off of donations].

http://fileshare freak.com/2009/11/28/scenetorrents-shutting-down-for-good-confirmed/

02-03-2011, 05:19 AM
I heard that is a wonderful site.
Does anyone has an invite for me, please? :D

02-03-2011, 09:26 AM
scenetorrents is dead?

when the fuck did this happen?

02-04-2011, 06:29 AM
scenetorrents is dead?

when the fuck did this happen?

did u look @ the thread title?


02-04-2011, 06:56 AM
scenetorrents is dead?

when the fuck did this happen?

I think you are back here after 1 year or so.. :unsure:

02-04-2011, 07:27 AM
if you cant see the sarcasm in his post then im so sorry for you

02-04-2011, 07:31 AM
So....does anyone actually know why they shut down?.I wasn't very convinced by that cryptic last message.

Less than a month before closure, there was a drive to raise funds (10,000 Euro if I recall) for new servers.

Time went on. Then BREIN [Dutch anti piracy firm] took down a topsite called LOOP. This was supposedly the topsite behind ScT [All trackers which race/trace release have a topsite behind them, some P2L, others own the actual site], and thus ended ScT's racing career.

We were promised we would hear something in 6 months times, but as far as I'm concerned (and a damn many others), the staff did a runner with 5 years worth of profit [off of donations].

http://fileshare freak.com/2009/11/28/scenetorrents-shutting-down-for-good-confirmed/

didn't they say some of them were facing charges or something?.Never heard anything official on that.Seems it was bs.

02-04-2011, 07:51 AM
if you cant see the sarcasm in his post then im so sorry for you

seariously saying, I just can't.. I go through all these posts casually almost 90% of time.. so.. :idunno:

02-05-2011, 08:24 AM
Yes yes --> Move on - its dead and not coming back.

02-07-2011, 11:25 PM
That you have nothing interesting to say and aren't very bright ?

Btw you did ask my thoughts concerning your post so I'm assuming that this is on topic and not contravening forum rules .:unsure:

Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

I'd ask you what you think a good forum post entails but it's obvious by your attempt at a sentence that you couldn't muster the think part.Besides I don't want to unnecessarily burden your mother( poor woman) with anymore of your crying about how people are always making fun of you just because your stupid and ugly -not to mention a chronic masturbator .
Although considering the "stupid and ugly " part I guess there could be some sense in that .

Btw thanks for attempting to write writing that, as it was a nice diversion for the ScT twaddle.Even ringhunter's essay couldn't disguise the fact of how patently stupid the whole thread is .Proves that you can write well, you can write long , but because of the original subject matter anything said is still going to end up being silly.

PS if people really paid out of their own pockets for " 6 dedicated 10gbit servers to the swarms" that is truly sad.

I'm sure that while the masses of mouth-breathing adolescents appreciated the increased speed at which they could download Transformers 2 and the last season of Heroes the thought does cross my mind that the same money spent could probably have saved several hundred people from starving to death in Sudan.
Of course the "generous" donor wouldn't be seen as "cool" by the legion of internet wanks and any "glory" would be lost and there are clearly already too many people on the planet ,so obviously he made the wise choice.

When did you become such a douche? Damn, if this is how members here treat each other now then this place is not worth anyones time... if you wanna hang out with the smart kids go to the drawing room or I guess the lounge? Shit man, this is the internet, there is a huge variety of different intellects all connecting to it, and adding to it. If you don't like what you see try just ignore the thread, if you ignore it it will go away. There is no need to start a flame war where everyone just insults everyone else's intellect. FST used to be a pretty accepting place, now judging by the several threads I have lurked through......

The smartest person knows that he really doesn't know very much at all.

02-07-2011, 11:46 PM
Idoleyes u suck........ Never seen such an annoying idiot in any forums ..ahhhh

I'd ask you what you think a good forum post entails but it's obvious by your attempt at a sentence that you couldn't muster the think part.Besides I don't want to unnecessarily burden your mother( poor woman) with anymore of your crying about how people are always making fun of you just because your stupid and ugly -not to mention a chronic masturbator .
Although considering the "stupid and ugly " part I guess there could be some sense in that .

Btw thanks for attempting to write writing that, as it was a nice diversion for the ScT twaddle.Even ringhunter's essay couldn't disguise the fact of how patently stupid the whole thread is .Proves that you can write well, you can write long , but because of the original subject matter anything said is still going to end up being silly.

PS if people really paid out of their own pockets for " 6 dedicated 10gbit servers to the swarms" that is truly sad.

I'm sure that while the masses of mouth-breathing adolescents appreciated the increased speed at which they could download Transformers 2 and the last season of Heroes the thought does cross my mind that the same money spent could probably have saved several hundred people from starving to death in Sudan.
Of course the "generous" donor wouldn't be seen as "cool" by the legion of internet wanks and any "glory" would be lost and there are clearly already too many people on the planet ,so obviously he made the wise choice.

When did you become such a douche? Damn, if this is how members here treat each other now then this place is not worth anyones time... if you wanna hang out with the smart kids go to the drawing room or I guess the lounge? Shit man, this is the internet, there is a huge variety of different intellects all connecting to it, and adding to it. If you don't like what you see try just ignore the thread, if you ignore it it will go away. There is no need to start a flame war where everyone just insults everyone else's intellect. FST used to be a pretty accepting place, now judging by the several threads I have lurked through...... The smartest person knows that he really doesn't know very much at all.

Not that you care but I hardly "started" anything and if having an opinion other than the ones that you seemingly endorse classifies me as a "douche" then guilty I guess .
Odd for you to say that though as I'm apparently not alone in voicing intolerance of things I don't like .:mellow:

Btw if you were a little more tolerant and less quick to pass judgment you might see that as I have said counting now exactly 14007 times , I'm rarely being serious.
Now you want to bad-mouth me for not having a good sense of humour instead of actual intent to cause ( mostly ) anyone true grief then fine .

I will be douchey enough to quote this though "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."

That's sort of what you said , just the truer reciting.

02-08-2011, 12:09 AM
That you have nothing interesting to say and aren't very bright ?

Btw you did ask my thoughts concerning your post so I'm assuming that this is on topic and not contravening forum rules .:unsure:
You may try to build up an aura of being smart/wise/whatever, but this post tells me that really you are either immature, pretentious, extremely self-absorbed, or a combination of the three.

Your posts (these ones at least, I couldn't be bothered to look up your history) certainly do not come off as funny to me, building yourself up by tearing others down is not humorous nor a good way to interact with people. Give respect-> receive respect. People will not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.

Basically my whole point is just to try and be kind and tolerant of others. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all. (Remember this? The same thing all of our mothers taught us in primary school.)

02-08-2011, 03:17 AM
That you have nothing interesting to say and aren't very bright ?

Btw you did ask my thoughts concerning your post so I'm assuming that this is on topic and not contravening forum rules .:unsure:
You may try to build up an aura of being smart/wise/whatever, but this post tells me that really you are either immature, pretentious, extremely self-absorbed, or a combination of the three.

Your posts (these ones at least, I couldn't be bothered to look up your history) certainly do not come off as funny to me, building yourself up by tearing others down is not humorous nor a good way to interact with people. Give respect-> receive respect. People will not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.

Basically my whole point is just to try and be kind and tolerant of others. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all. (Remember this? The same thing all of our mothers taught us in primary school.)

Oddly I'm not trying to build any kind of aura . :unsure:
As for trying to be kind and tolerant as I tried but apparently failed to point out in my previous post you are on pretty shaky ground expounding those sentiments in the very same paragraph that you are( for whatever reason) failing to do so yourself .

Btw I'm sorry that I apparently disappoint you .I may well be immature and quite likely self-absorbed ( I don't think I'm particularly pretentious , I just have a certain style of writing) but in any case I prefer both to insincerity .
Anyway I'm reasonably sure that this is still just a silly bt related internet forum and anything I say here will not be taken too seriously to heart by anyone ( present company excepted) or long remembered whether I wish it to be or not .

Also I obviously don't agree with the " If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all " as applies to any topic open for discussion . I mean what's really the point of discussion then if you know going in that everyone is either going to agree or else just not say anything?

Lastly no one ( at least not myself) is saying anyone is worthless here or ( present company excepted) trying to deny then their voice ,it's just talk and if you can't understand that then maybe I'm not the only immature one here .

Btw I really don't feel like going back and seeing where you took that quote of mine from ( I find myself to be generally as boring as you do) but I'm sure it's completely out of context either as pertains to that particular thread or taking into account general past history with the person I spoke it to.

05-28-2011, 04:45 PM

05-28-2011, 06:07 PM
I still think there would've been something in the actual news about it if that story was completely true. The press would have run something on a large secretive piracy ring (as they would describe it) being busted in the UK.

05-28-2011, 06:42 PM

another new story unfolding?

05-28-2011, 06:44 PM
If the article is true I can only hope that feeling has some good lawyers and that these FACT assholes lose big time. The next thing I want to read is "Case dropped - admin walks free."

05-28-2011, 07:04 PM
I still think there would've been something in the actual news about it if that story was completely true. The press would have run something on a large secretive piracy ring (as they would describe it) being busted in the UK.

Agreed, the only new thing we've learned is that FACT were involved, and I'm sure they would've bragged about it somehow - look at BREIN or Antypiratbyran [thihnk I got that right...], every time they arrest someone, they act like it's a major victory.

05-29-2011, 02:57 PM
On a totally unrelated note. It just goes to show, or rather put in perspective, that the 'world' doesn't end if one tracker goes kaput. BT land is not static. As much as one tracker can seem the best at the time, something new always comes around. SCT was at its core,known for great content and fast speeds. Loads of other trackers do that now, and new ones will in the future. Puts the whole craze to belong to one site in a better perspective.

05-29-2011, 03:06 PM
ScT was in the past, move on for freaks sake. It was a torrent site, like the other 100 that are around today, want a community, go bum a irc channel

05-29-2011, 03:34 PM
ScT was in the past, move on for freaks sake. It was a torrent site, like the other 100 that are around today, want a community, go bum a irc channel
Listen to this guy for freaks sake!

05-29-2011, 04:12 PM
Such a shame they pulled the plug and nobody stepped up to fill the gap.

Your thoughts?

gaps filled - http://torrentfreak.com/scenetorrents-the-untold-story-of-raids-and-arrests-110528/

05-29-2011, 06:09 PM
ScT was in the past, move on for freaks sake. It was a torrent site, like the other 100 that are around today, want a community, go bum a irc channel

Some of us have very close friends involved in this whole mess. So let people move on there own, they don't need your encouragement.
Also, some individuals who make a hobby out of torrenting, or for people who had just donated money before it shut down, this is closure.

05-29-2011, 06:45 PM

good read, thanks for the update!

05-29-2011, 07:04 PM
Such a shame they pulled the plug and nobody stepped up to fill the gap.

Your thoughts?

gaps filled - http://torrentfreak.com/scenetorrents-the-untold-story-of-raids-and-arrests-110528/

Thnx you for the authoritative source

05-30-2011, 12:34 PM
Look, ScT and SCC were the best Scene trackers out there. Sure you have GFT but the site was infamous for scene spam, rather than solid releases, or TorrentVault but their whole operation was blown open by a single scene notice. TorrentLeech tried to step up, and to some extent they have done successfully, but the countless p2p re-encodes ruined that site. For whatever reason, none of the newer sites have lived up to the hype: SeX, SBT... they're decent trackers, but neither had the hardcore membership you build up from 4 years of exclusivity, and tbh, those are the only newer sites I'd rank... the rest just seem to run stock TBDev or have shite layouts :/

05-30-2011, 01:18 PM
I have yet to find a site that has more uploaded daily than SCT did..

05-30-2011, 01:51 PM
i havent been keeping track for quite a while now but what ever happened to Scenexpress of SeX or whatever it was going by? wasnt it trying to replace ScT? im guessing it failed...

05-30-2011, 01:54 PM
but the countless p2p re-encodes ruined that site.

Plenty of decent encodes from source @ TL.

05-30-2011, 02:47 PM
what ever happened to Scenexpress of SeX or whatever it was going by? wasnt it trying to replace ScT? im guessing it failed...

They died. :cry:

05-30-2011, 06:49 PM
what ever happened to Scenexpress of SeX or whatever it was going by? wasnt it trying to replace ScT? im guessing it failed...

They died. :cry:

They didn't disappoint anyone.
It was public knowledge it was destined to fail, even before it opened. You just had to read their manifesto, with all those sounding adjectives.

05-30-2011, 08:03 PM
yeah i didnt really expect them to succeed but i knew they claimed to be the replacement for ScT and i hadnt kept track so i was just curious... tho i wasnt ever a part of ScT so a replacement has never actually mattered to me lol all i know is there was a lotta hype and disappointment about it and its unfortunate demise

05-30-2011, 09:57 PM
i think the x (lol) was just a replacement for scenelife (scl)

05-31-2011, 03:02 PM
but the countless p2p re-encodes ruined that site.

Plenty of decent encodes from source @ TL.

TL is a brilliant tracker in that it was the original home of imagine, stg... so many p2p cam/TS groups, it's hard to imagine a p2p scene without it. But the whole thing was heavily saturated with want-to-be-encoders - ofcourse let them try, but when you consider AutoGK as your encoder of choice you hardly understand the entire process of deinterlacing, decimation, colour spaces... then there's the basic fact that there's only one or two groups to be supplying the key components of a cam and line audio, so ultimately you have the same files just being re-encoded over and over and over...

06-03-2011, 12:40 PM
lol. I love SCT .... , but now SCC FTW ! :)

06-03-2011, 04:42 PM
lol. I love SCT .... , but now SCC FTW ! :)

lol. I love FreshonTV ... , but now BitmeTV FTW ! :)

06-03-2011, 05:37 PM
lol. I love SCT .... , but now SCC FTW ! :)

Sorry, but I only use torrents for music, and get it from OiNK and Elektronik.


06-03-2011, 05:52 PM
^^wasn't oink taken down sometime in 2007 Anon?
when did it come back up?

06-03-2011, 05:54 PM
You mean OiNK v2? Sometime last year. They sent invites to all the l33t users in the old database. The tracker is hosted on the same server as the new ScT. :shifty:

I wasn't even a member on the original OiNK, but since they knew I'd be a great one on the new site, they contacted me anyway.

06-04-2011, 08:04 AM
You mean OiNK v2? Sometime last year. They sent invites to all the l33t users in the old database. The tracker is hosted on the same server as the new ScT. :shifty:

I wasn't even a member on the original OiNK, but since they knew I'd be a great one on the new site, they contacted me anyway.

Don't forget to mention the side of begging donation cuz you must have honnor to being one of these V2. :lol:

06-05-2011, 03:47 AM
Server costs aren't as much of a problem as they used to be on the old sites. Less users equals less hardware requirements. ;)

I almost didn't recognize you with your new avatar, by the way.

06-05-2011, 05:19 AM
I almost didn't recognize you with your new avatar, by the way.

Yeah, he no longer has a douche-y looking avatar. It'll be hard to remember that he's kind of a douche this way. Have I made it clear that I don't have any appreciation for daniel? I guess he followed my advice, so I know he can read and understand (proof below)

so what's the point :lol:

Has anyone else pointed out that your avatar is lame? No... I think I mean to say stupid, but that doesn't quite capture it either. A tineye search revealed it's some actor named Michael Emerson. I haven't watched anything he's ever been in, but clearly you're not using a character shot, no, just a picture of Michael Emerson. It's sort of gay, and the guy gives of a sort of douche vibe. Then I'm thinking, maybe you're not even a fan of Michael Emerson, maybe you are just trying to convey your inner personality. So if I ignore the fact that the avatar is of an actor named Michael Emerson, and I focus on douche vibe, it just leaves one assumption. That is, you could be quite exactly what I feel from seeing your avatar. Is that right, are you a douche?

06-05-2011, 07:55 AM
Yeah, he no longer has a douche-y looking avatar. It'll be hard to remember that he's kind of a douche this way. Have I made it clear that I don't have any appreciation for daniel? I guess he followed my advice, so I know he can read and understand (proof below)

so what's the point :lol:

Has anyone else pointed out that your avatar is lame? No... I think I mean to say stupid, but that doesn't quite capture it either. A tineye search revealed it's some actor named Michael Emerson. I haven't watched anything he's ever been in, but clearly you're not using a character shot, no, just a picture of Michael Emerson. It's sort of gay, and the guy gives of a sort of douche vibe. Then I'm thinking, maybe you're not even a fan of Michael Emerson, maybe you are just trying to convey your inner personality. So if I ignore the fact that the avatar is of an actor named Michael Emerson, and I focus on douche vibe, it just leaves one assumption. That is, you could be quite exactly what I feel from seeing your avatar. Is that right, are you a douche?

I didn't see your advice before but I'll make it very short, it just a picture not else. And by the way I don't care if you had or have appreciation for me. Take it easy you're not real you're just a part of an illusion called FST's drama so save your opinions and judgments for morons as sprotmotor1989.

I almost didn't recognize you with your new avatar, by the way.

Now you did. :D

06-05-2011, 08:48 AM
you're not real you're just a part of an illusion called FST's drama
What are you?

06-05-2011, 11:42 AM
Server costs aren't as much of a problem as they used to be on the old sites. Less users equals less hardware requirements. ;)

I almost didn't recognize you with your new avatar, by the way.


06-05-2011, 12:18 PM
you're not real you're just a part of an illusion called FST's drama
What are you?

I'm the same as long as we're still writing in fourm.

06-05-2011, 02:52 PM
I didn't see your advice before but I'll make it very short

Could you make it longer, there wasn't much substance in that one, and I'm nowhere near full. Bad news, this is me taking it easy. You'll know when I'm trying. This is just me making up for all the times I ignored to point out the douche factor, and I haven't quite explored why I feel that way about it. The new avatar might be a "better" than the old one, but it's still kind of lame. I don't feel that you earned it.

What are you?

I'm the same as long as we're still writing in fourm.

Also you're English became really broken here, so you didn't technically answer AbyBeats' question.

-signed imaginary FST personality

06-05-2011, 04:11 PM
Also you're English became really broken

Can't pass up making people smile. :idunno:

06-05-2011, 05:55 PM
Also you're English became really broken

Can't pass up making people smile. :idunno:

I'm not touching it, leaving it just like that

06-05-2011, 06:16 PM
I've been living an illusion for one year and a half now? :dabs:

06-05-2011, 06:20 PM
I've been living an illusion for one year and a half now? :dabs:

Eather you or everyone else. :idunno:

06-06-2011, 07:32 AM
Could you make it longer, there wasn't much substance in that one, and I'm nowhere near full. Bad news, this is me taking it easy. You'll know when I'm trying. This is just me making up for all the times I ignored to point out the douche factor, and I haven't quite explored why I feel that way about it. The new avatar might be a "better" than the old one, but it's still kind of lame. I don't feel that you earned it.

What are you?

I'm the same as long as we're still writing in fourm.

Also you're English became really broken here, so you didn't technically answer AbyBeats' question.

-signed imaginary FST personality

Shut the fuck up.

06-06-2011, 10:50 AM
Shut the fuck up.

Is that something an imaginary personality can do? By that I mean, listen to and obey the imperative of Michael Emerson's #1 fan. Also, this is nothing but a continuing response to your original question, "so what's the point". Does this mean you've got your answer now, that you do not wish to have your inquiry further investigated?

06-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Shut the fuck up.

Is that something an imaginary personality can do? By that I mean, listen to and obey the imperative of Michael Emerson's #1 fan. Also, this is nothing but a continuing response to your original question, "so what's the point". Does this mean you've got your answer now, that you do not wish to have your inquiry further investigated?

Blah blah blah

ok ok you can consider me anything you want, I said before I don't really care about your judgement. End of the story

now get the fuck out.

06-06-2011, 01:01 PM
ok ok you can consider me anything you want, I said before I don't really care about your judgement. End of the story

now get the fuck out.

Yeah I know I can, for I am capable of that simple task. If I'm an FST personality, getting the fuck out would be logically impossible. For if I were to get the fuck out of FST, I wouldn't be an imaginary FST personality. Perhaps you mean I should convert myself into becoming personality of another domain, or terminate my very existence. I'm eagerly awaiting your next command, I can't wait to decide if I should comply with it.

You still haven't let me know if your original inquiry has been addressed, awaiting feedback...

06-06-2011, 03:24 PM
If I'm an FST personality, getting the fuck out would be logically impossible. For if I were to get the fuck out of FST, I wouldn't be an imaginary FST personality.

I don't think you understood him. He asked you to "get the fuck out", which means you should get him out.

06-06-2011, 03:37 PM
I don't think you understood him. He asked you to "get the fuck out", which means you should get him out.

Alas, the emphasis not being interpreted correctly in text. Thanks for clarifying. However, I have no means of removing him. I can only do this:

Hello, Michael Emerson's #1 fan, bye bye Michael Emerson's #1 fan. Per your instruction, do not return to this site.

06-06-2011, 04:44 PM
ok ok you can consider me anything you want, I said before I don't really care about your judgement. End of the story

now get the fuck out.

Yeah I know I can, for I am capable of that simple task. If I'm an FST personality, getting the fuck out would be logically impossible. For if I were to get the fuck out of FST, I wouldn't be an imaginary FST personality. Perhaps you mean I should convert myself into becoming personality of another domain, or terminate my very existence. I'm eagerly awaiting your next command, I can't wait to decide if I should comply with it.

You still haven't let me know if your original inquiry has been addressed, awaiting feedback...

If you were imaginary ,you would probably be a lot taller.

06-06-2011, 06:05 PM
I'm actually a midget next to chavis, therefore I must be real

06-06-2011, 07:05 PM
I'm a sweet potato.I think therefore I yam.

06-06-2011, 09:31 PM
I'm a sweet potato.I think therefore I yam.

I lurk therefore I yam.

I read both of these within a 30 second time period, you went for the 2-for-1.

06-06-2011, 10:20 PM
Potatoes are brilliant ,I think it has something to do with the starch.
Btw from this point on I'm no longer replying to anything you post on the possibility that you are in fact imaginary and I don't want to be perceived as some lunatic talking to himself.

06-06-2011, 11:44 PM
Potatoes are brilliant ,I think it has something to do with the starch.
Or that they can power light bulbs?

Btw from this point on I'm no longer replying to anything you post on the possibility that you are in fact imaginary and I don't want to be perceived as some lunatic talking to himself.

Yes this is what we agreed to, I must refrain from replying to anything you post on the possibility that I am in fact imaginary, and you don't want to be perceived as some lunatic talking to himself.

01-23-2012, 10:16 PM
well i still miss them and its a damn shame fact does suck

01-27-2012, 09:34 PM
Scene-torrents...Brings back memories. That was my most cherished tracker. lol

01-27-2012, 10:18 PM
Scene-torrents...Brings back memories. That was my most cherished tracker. lol

SCC is NOT even close to SCT , not in the same League.

SCT & UK-T are in same League, IMHO

01-27-2012, 11:16 PM
Scene-torrents...Brings back memories. That was my most cherished tracker. lol

SCC is NOT even close to SCT , not in the same League.

SCT & UK-T are in same League, IMHO

Yes dead.

01-28-2012, 02:59 AM

SCC is NOT even close to SCT , not in the same League.

SCT & UK-T are in same League, IMHO

Yes dead.