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12-01-2010, 09:18 AM
running xp ..

will also be running PHP ,MySQL ,Apache Server


12-01-2010, 12:26 PM
how do i share files between two pc,s

A shared network folder? Simple Socket File Transfer? :unsure:

12-01-2010, 04:06 PM
Dropbox with the LAN option ticked, in case they are in the LAN.

12-01-2010, 08:02 PM
the thing is i don't have the second pc ..

i was trying to setup a server and a client to learn php or asp .. a few basic things ..

12-03-2010, 06:20 AM

let me give you quick basics if you want to fool around with them.
First you don't need php for mysql to host files. Apache can handle that, alone. Apache is the webserver. It serves what already there to other guys.

Apache is a genious when it comes to handling connections and stuff, its mod rewrite is awesome as vodoo. But it only serves the existing content. If you want a basic html site with few pages it can handle, but if want something fancy, with a working backbone, something can take orders and create pages, something that process info, you need more than apache.

PHP and MySQL comes in for this. PHP is a programming language(embedded scripting lang.) and MySQL is a database that helps php. For example a webstore without php needs a separate page for every product for apache, but php need only one product page pattern and the info of other products. PHP can apply the product info to that page pattern to generate the requested page. and MySQL is the sidekick of php and extremely helpful in many tasks.

12-04-2010, 09:09 AM
Simply Install "xAMPp" and u are ready to go.....

12-04-2010, 11:07 AM
1 gb/s server, ftp client, firewall ... you have a modem don't you?

12-06-2010, 08:27 AM
forget the easyPHP or xAMPp, forget the WAMP stacks, if you want to learn , you need to build your own LAMP stack, by hand.

12-07-2010, 11:07 AM
Burn it on a DVD, tie the DVD to a pigeon's back and send the pigeon over.

12-11-2010, 04:22 PM
forget the easyPHP or xAMPp, forget the WAMP stacks, if you want to learn , you need to build your own LAMP stack, by hand.

neah, I think for learning xampp is the best as xampp is easiest to handle.. right?

12-12-2010, 07:06 PM
For Windows XP:

Right click the folder -> properties, then under the sharing tab, choose share this folder, give it a name.
Then -> start -> run -> cmd
type ipconfig
take note of what the IP address of your computer is

Go on second computer, my computer -> map network drive
type in the ip address of the first computer and add /foldername

ie: //

I may have the // backwards, i'm too used to Unix

At that point you've just mapped a shared drive from one computer to another in your home (on windows XP)!

12-14-2010, 07:56 PM
xampp is easiest to handle.. right?
you gotta define "handle" here, if you mean getting it to work, you are right. But I don't think x offers the same tools and versatility that L offers, neither the security. There is a reason the server word is heavily dominated by the L.

12-23-2010, 12:11 AM
Just echoing and addind something to Expeto's more informed posts but nevertheless... Install WAMP if you want to start scripting quickly, it comes with a server a database and PHP. If you want to learn more about system management (IT part) then yeah you probably should install everything separately. If you, however, want to get down to the programming side of things or do something right now, then go for WAMP. We use it at work at a small online school and it's cool and multiplatform. I code in windows (that's what the computers at work have) and then pu it on the Red hat server.

If you just want to share files then just apache will do just set up the right folders and such, then your IP will give access to your webserver. here's an article ai just found which seems good: