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12-09-2010, 03:13 PM
What, do you think, makes a good member of a private tracker different from a bad member? It seems to me I still don't understand what makes a good member of a private tracker different from a bad member because people like kukushka feel ashamed that both of us are Russian-speaking people. As some of you may remember, another hdbits member told me, "Go back to Mininova where you belong." A few months ago, I posted this question in the bitmetv forums, and tequilavip (who's one of the bitmetv mods) responded (I don't exactly remember his response), saying something like this, "A good member is someone who uploads stuff, someone who doesn't cheat..." And I don't remember what else he said... Sometimes I feel mentally retarded 'cause I don't understand how people view me as a person... Anyway, what, according to your opinion, makes a good member of a tracker different from a bad member?

12-09-2010, 03:36 PM
first of all u need to get over what people think abt u.in which ways will it effect ur morals and influence u as a person?if someone is in a deceit of falsely assuming who u r its their problem not urs, u r too soft dont let anyone play with ur emotions and why the heck will someone for u to decide where u belong mininova or hdbits? u got to know urself better and also u must consider the fact that everyone has a different opinion abt different things, some thought bhagat singh was a terrorist others believed he was a freedom fighter and its just the same with u, me and everyone
On topic:
first and foremost thing is to understand the rules of the tracker and abide with them, that in my opinion is very very important indeed, different trackers have different rules some encourage u to upload content like what.cd other want u seed it back like 0day trackers all in all the staff of the trackers knows whats good and bad for them so just by following rules and seed hard i think u deserve a place everywhere

12-09-2010, 04:43 PM
Oleg, the issue people have with you (from what I've seen anyway) is that you seem to lack an understanding of a lot of basic computer concepts. The sort of people who torrent, and especially the sort of people who hang out on IRC are generally pretty knowledgeable about computers, and when you act the way you do they tend to think you're trolling rather than asking a serious question. In HDBits (especially since you got in during the closure) there's a huge sense that someone doesn't deserve to be a member if they don't know at least the basics about HD encoding.

My advice to you is that if you dislike a community, don't force yourself to hang out there. You can still belong to a torrent site without using their forums or IRC.

12-09-2010, 05:44 PM
by following rules and seed hard i think u deserve a place everywhere

No one "deserves a place" anywhere as far as torrent trackers are concerned. Access to them is a privilege, not a right.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure this has been discussed plenty of times in the past already. :ermm:

12-09-2010, 06:12 PM
my advice is join another site, perhaps learn about encoding if it interests you, make rips that other people want idk your question is obviously rhetorical so i thought id throw in my 2c.

12-09-2010, 06:17 PM
what did OlegL do? Lemme into the infoz :D
and a good member is someone who sucks staffer cock and has a big epeen.just my imho

12-09-2010, 06:25 PM
what did OlegL do? Lemme into the infoz :D

Protip: search his post history before asking, it could save you time and bandwidth.

12-09-2010, 08:51 PM
all members are good members until they do something bad.

a noob isnt a bad member, i know sod all about V0 V1 etc, or HD encoding (i just watch and listen to the shit) I also know nothing about cracking PC games, or even modding consoles (well Wii was easy but soldering and crap), I can burn/put them on an external hdd and play the things (some of the time) so does that make me a bad member/owner of BCG?

and we were/still are noobs about 1 subject or other.

I really dont understand these trackers that say you have to know the far end of a fart and which way it blows, before you can join it, personally i just wouldnt bother.

12-09-2010, 09:14 PM
Well, at the end of the day, you just want to get some files that you need for your personal need, from the trackers.. Be a good member or bad member, doesn't matter. Generally, the traders & cheats are treated as bad members which I do not support.

Traders come due to the *invite system* and they don't do anything worng. Everyone have some amount of e-penis and they have something more. Hype of tracker= more trading.. See in the trade section. More than 90% of people would trade: hdbits,ftn,fsc or extigo. Why? because of their shitty invite system.

Cheats are nothing but people with low speed or don't have the money to buy seedbox for their use and those who wanna have large e-penis. The *ratio-system* is the main reason for these persons. Go to ratioless trackers and you will not see any cheats there.

So, the conclusion is: everyone is good member except they try to DDOS any tracker or try to hack into the db of any tracker.

As some of you may remember, another hdbits member told me, "Go back to Mininova where you belong."
for this answer, I'll say 2 things:
1. Either he is a stupid 16 year old fella who thinks that this bt trackers are all in his life and thinks everyone same as him.
2. His e-penis is very big. Need to cut down a bit for the shake of his personal life. :P

12-09-2010, 09:25 PM
Go to ratioless trackers and you will not see any cheats there.

Not true, many people cheat on ratio-free trackers just for the hell of it. Specially when their name begins with an F and they offer promotions and perks based on your uploaded amount, even if they don't keep track of ratios.

Personally, I don't approve of that behavior. Ratio-free trackers are already making it very easy for you to "survive" by just, well, seeding. It's kind of indecent to fake upload, but who cares anyway. :idunno:

12-09-2010, 09:31 PM
Let me speed this topic up, since it's not getting there fast enough. Torrentday. Torrentday. Torrentday. Now let's wait around for that tool to come around and explain how he's the embodiment of a perfect member, and cheaters are evil.

12-09-2010, 09:38 PM
Torrentday. Torrentday. Torrentday. Now let's wait around for that tool to come around and explain how he's the embodiment of a perfect member, and cheaters are evil.

You forgot the part about being 150% sure I got banned on every tracker I'm a member of. You must also use my name about fifty times in the same paragraph, so as to cause a seizure on most readers. But well, it's a good attempt.

12-09-2010, 09:44 PM
No one "deserves a place" anywhere as far as torrent trackers are concerned. Access to them is a privilege, not a right.
looks like you've finally been brainwashed by all the trackers you belong to. although access to trackers may not be an absolute right, it's far from being a privilege.

i'd even say that new trackers should consider themselves lucky to still get loads of members given that nowadays, supply exceeds demand.

12-09-2010, 09:48 PM
looks like you've finally been brainwashed by all the trackers you belong to. although access to trackers may not be an absolute right, it's far from being a privilege.

If you look at your trackers' rules, you'll notice they allow their staff to disable you for any reason, or even no reason at all, if they want to. Meaning, that as I see it, access to them is a privilege at its core. Hence what I said. :unsure:

12-09-2010, 10:46 PM
No one "deserves a place" anywhere as far as torrent trackers are concerned. Access to them is a privilege, not a right.
looks like you've finally been brainwashed by all the trackers you belong to. although access to trackers may not be an absolute right, it's far from being a privilege.

i'd even say that new trackers should consider themselves lucky to still get loads of members given that nowadays, supply exceeds demand.

you deserve to be reported for flamming the thread.

12-09-2010, 10:47 PM
He isn't flaming anyone.

12-09-2010, 10:57 PM
Trying to pretend that cheaters are just some altruistic people with slow connections that can't make ends meet is laughable at best. They're a bunch of lazy assholes who merely want to grab as much as possible without having to seed or give anything back to the sites in question. You can ramble on about bandwidth caps and slow upload pipes all day long, but I know plenty of people who make due with what they have and I respect them for it. I don't have an ounce of respect for anyone who's thwarting the entire principle behind torrenting, which is that everyone in the swarm should be sharing back to increase swarm speed and longevity of the files.

Oh and re: Right, not a privilege, it's clearly a privilege. I don't see it ingrained in any charter of rights that I have the right to be a member of X tracker. And your membership can be arbitrarily revoked at any point. I'm not sure how that equates to anything else.

12-09-2010, 11:16 PM

12-10-2010, 12:04 AM
looks like you've finally been brainwashed by all the trackers you belong to. although access to trackers may not be an absolute right, it's far from being a privilege.

If you look at your trackers' rules, you'll notice they allow their staff to disable you for any reason, or even no reason at all, if they want to. Meaning, that as I see it, access to them is a privilege at its core. Hence what I said. :unsure:
well, if you talk about privilege, it implies that they actually do people a favor by letting them join their tracker.

12-10-2010, 12:16 AM
Well, at the end of the day, you just want to get some files that you need for your personal need, from the trackers.. Be a good member or bad member, doesn't matter. Generally, the traders & cheats are treated as bad members which I do not support.

Traders come due to the *invite system* and they don't do anything worng. Everyone have some amount of e-penis and they have something more. Hype of tracker= more trading.. See in the trade section. More than 90% of people would trade: hdbits,ftn,fsc or extigo. Why? because of their shitty invite system.

Cheats are nothing but people with low speed or don't have the money to buy seedbox for their use and those who wanna have large e-penis. The *ratio-system* is the main reason for these persons. Go to ratioless trackers and you will not see any cheats there.

So, the conclusion is: everyone is good member except they try to DDOS any tracker or try to hack into the db of any tracker.

That might fly if anyone really needed to be either a member of a certain tracker or belong to a certain userclass. Truth is that people who break tracker rules are of a certain mindset where their concerns simply outstrip those of all others . The fact that it is bt as opposed to "real life " has little if anything to do with it.
I think in some countries that's called being selfish.

Btw I'm not defending either ratio systems or user classes .I can't say that I know the inner workings of trackers but the first seems archaic in this age of vastly different upload speeds and the second is little more than elitism and therefore has to be largely counter-productive.

As for what makes a good user I think there are a lot different things ,many of which people rarely are given credit for . One of the reasons that I have a problem with underclasses actually .
There are probably members of certain trackers that don't post much or aren't blessed with blazing upload speed but would probably rather lose a pinky than see harm done to the site . That may not be an ultraleet userclass member but that a great member as I see it.

12-10-2010, 12:18 AM
The original purpose of this thread was to discuss something different from what we are discussing now, but maybe I shouldn't have created this thread. Maybe it's just another dumb FST thread and I apologize if you feel I should never have created it.

12-10-2010, 12:22 AM
well, if you talk about privilege, it implies that they actually do people a favor by letting them join their tracker.

Actually they are but the notion shouldn't be taken to extremes .
I think the problem with the word privilege is that it drums up images of special entitlement ,which belonging to a bt tracker should never , but obviously often does, constitute.

12-10-2010, 12:51 AM
Maybe I am a bit cynical today, but it appears to me as if the notions of "good member", and "community" seem to be dying out.

Trading (and selling) of invites are rampant, pay-to-leech and profiteering are "accepted", and anyone who says otherwise is "naive". The sites that have made these practices "acceptable" are gutting it, and will be the (legal) reasoning why filesharing needs to be regulated/eliminated. If these trends continue, the MPAA and RIAA are correct- these actions are counter to a notion of "library" and sharing, and amount to selling stolen goods. This is a problem on both the user, and tracker ends.

The corruption present in this community is wretched. If there is not a massive call for change, what is the point of private sites, rules, and "acceptable etiquette" on a site? The growing attitudes seems to be, "Take what you want. Who cares, it's just BT".

I would like to be wrong here, but rarely does anyone even bring up the question (like in this thread) of how someone should conduct themselves in the community. Sad.

12-10-2010, 01:14 AM
good user: on fst, someone who does not cheat. on sb-i, someone who does.

12-10-2010, 02:07 AM
I'll say again, bandwidth. It's a simple question, deserving of a simple answer. The big problem is that the vast majority of people, who play all too frequently, in this field don't torrent to torrent, they torrent to gain the esteem of peers. What makes these private trackers go around is bandwidth. Bandwidth. BANDWIDTH.

How that bandwidth is spent by the people who play is a revolving cycle of backstabbing and asslicking, yes, usually done simultaneously. Granted, there are a good number of people who work their asses off for the enjoyment of others, yeah, but they are the ones who do it for the sharing, not the recognition, and they are vastly outnumbered by the people who accord too much value to the social interactions they have on a daily basis online, and the weight their nickname carries.

The smaller the group, the more weight each individual voice has, and the more empowered those individual voices feel. That feeling of empowerment can be pretty addictive, and I think that gets demonstrated every day in bt.

So, I guess if I am going to give a wordy answer to your query OleGL, it would be that a good user has the sense to not over-invest themselves, while actually using all these flipping trackers. A bad user is anyone else, because they are not using the tool of the torrenting protocol as it is intended, and that makes them a waste of resources(which, despite all outward appearances, are NOT limitless). If people of like interest gather around that interest, the community is inevitable.

12-10-2010, 02:21 AM
It's really simple. Seed

It doesn't matter if you post on forums, play on IRC etc. Just download, (maybe even upload if safe) and SEED

It doesn't matter if you know your shit. Fuck, even if I could soldermod any console with complex instructions, I'm not good enough to be at BCG, because unlike the tracker shit, I do know my electronics shit, so guess we're in the same boat Olegl (http://filesharingtalk.com/members/229202-OlegL) BTW this has nothing to do with stoi, who is a standup guy. It was one of his Nazi admins.


12-10-2010, 06:05 AM
Go to ratioless trackers and you will not see any cheats there.

Not true, many people cheat on ratio-free trackers just for the hell of it. Specially when their name begins with an F and they offer promotions and perks based on your uploaded amount, even if they don't keep track of ratios.

Well, but the most important part of that tracker, invite, is almost impossible to get without donation. So, what's the point of cheating?? just to have larger & harder e-penis? :unsure:

I'll say again, bandwidth. It's a simple question, deserving of a simple answer. The big problem is that the vast majority of people, who play all too frequently, in this field don't torrent to torrent, they torrent to gain the esteem of peers. What makes these private trackers go around is bandwidth. Bandwidth. BANDWIDTH.

But I, myself saw 3-4 users cheating the ratio in some torrents, even though they use ovh boxes for some torrents at the same time.
So, I don't think it is only the bandwidth that makes user(s) good or bad.

12-10-2010, 06:34 AM

Did you expect a collective of thieves to thrive by upholding outstanding morals and values? You're naive. And no, I'm not just being ironic. There are more things that fit into the equation than what the eye sees. There has to be time put in to the websites. Money for the hosting. Money for the uploading. Money for the quality. So fuck all of that, if people think that you shouldn't be repaid for your work in anyway you deem fit. Either in time, appreciation, or (oh my-) money.

There are probably members of certain trackers that don't post much or aren't blessed with blazing upload speed but would probably rather lose a pinky than see harm done to the site . That may not be an ultraleet userclass member but that a great member as I see it.

good user: on fst, someone who does not cheat. on sb-i, someone who does.

You guys made me happy for posts that aren't as shallow as the rest. :)
To be honest, this is what I agree with the most, and what I'd assume is true. Absolute dedication is not necessary, but I'd say admiration/time given/respect for a website is what makes one member valued over another. In this day and age, the protocol has become about requiring more members, as opposed to each member making a true difference. (see Tranny's post, for example). How could they not, every member has umpteen trackers and aims to keep a good ratio on all of them. However, I doubt any tracker staff can deny that it's their dedicated/exclusive collection of members who adore and truly give back to the tracker (in terms of money, time and uploads/seeds/bandwidth) are the ones that truly make a difference. Someone who agrees with the way the website is headed/its foundational motives (Cine's sb-i example) and someone who is willing to love and give everything they can back to the website. A good member isn't empirical, it's just a member who isn't treating the place like he does everywhere, someone who actually gives back care to the website (the ideal members give into the tracker as much as staff do). My definition of a good member isn't that he dedicates 2TB of his monthly unlimited bandwidth to SCC, but that he dedicates 70 or 80gb's of bandwidth over his bandwidth cap in order to see the site thrive.


While you and I will disagree on the bandwidth issue, as that is disposable, anyone can provide it, I will nod my head to everything else you said. Anyone can provide the bandwidth you need, even you, but it takes a "special" someone to dedicate their time and effort. I'm sure you don't call bandwidth whores that do it for the e-fame, or the big numbers under the nickname or the user classes "good members". That's reserved for the people that do stuff for PTN. Stuff out of the ordinary, that as you said, was a dying/over-swamped breed.

12-10-2010, 07:13 AM
Did you expect a collective of thieves to thrive by upholding outstanding morals and values? You're naive. And no, I'm not just being ironic. There are more things that fit into the equation than what the eye sees. There has to be time put in to the websites. Money for the hosting. Money for the uploading. Money for the quality. So fuck all of that, if people think that you shouldn't be repaid for your work in anyway you deem fit. Either in time, appreciation, or (oh my-) money.

I base my views of the community on a library model. Yes, it is necessary for libraries/trackers to receive money to keep the lights on, and provide services. What keeps popping up is the "I am selling a product" mentality that will be the death to our ability to continue this vast collection of media long-term.

The more of these mega-profit trackers that get busted, the more it hurts the small, FSC-type tracker that seeks operating expenses. All will be lumped into the same category, and that is not right. There are right and wrong ways for this community to conduct itself. We are crossing a point of no return- and you are not helping, ringhunter.

12-10-2010, 08:31 AM
Sometimes I feel mentally retarded 'cause I don't understand how people view me as a person...

Wasn't it suggested before that you need to stop caring what a bunch of douchebag strangers online think of you? It's a little saddening to see that you haven't yet put that into practice, OlegL.

Just download whatever you want, seed it back the best you can, and don't worry about anything else. BT is simply a means to obtain files. Not something that you should allow to make you feel "mentally retarded".

12-10-2010, 09:17 AM
BT is the P2P-method of 'the masses'.
'The masses', just as in real life is populated mostly by ignorant retards and plain scum, hence the continuing downfall of the BT-ethics.
Don't expect this to change anytime soon, or even ever ... This protocol is fucked up and clearly a victim of it's own popularity.

The little % of upstanding and caring members are turning silent on trackers, or are gradually shifting to other P2P-methods that involve less bullshit and focus mainly on the files.

@ OlegL ... grow a pair will you ;)
Most of these 'powerfull'/knowledgeable and so-called smart people online are usually the biggest losers in real life, so i wouldn't give their opinions too much consideration.

12-10-2010, 09:34 AM
@ OlegL ... grow a pair will you

12-10-2010, 10:52 AM
Sometimes I feel mentally retarded 'cause I don't understand how people view me as a person...

Wasn't it suggested before that you need to stop caring what a bunch of douchebag strangers online think of you? It's a little saddening to see that you haven't yet put that into practice, OlegL.

Just download whatever you want, seed it back the best you can, and don't worry about anything else. BT is simply a means to obtain files. Not something that you should allow to make you feel "mentally retarded".

what he said................

Most of these 'powerfull'/knowledgeable and so-called smart people online are usually the biggest losers in real life, so i wouldn't give their opinions too much consideration.

truth be said

12-10-2010, 11:44 AM
well, if you talk about privilege, it implies that they actually do people a favor by letting them join their tracker.

Maybe, though that's not what I meant.

good user: on fst, someone who does not cheat. on sb-i, someone who does.

I could tell you why such a black and white view is wrong, but no one cares anyway. :idunno:

Well, but the most important part of that tracker, invite, is almost impossible to get without donation. So, what's the point of cheating?? just to have larger & harder e-penis? :unsure:

There may be some of that thrown in. :yup:

But I, myself saw 3-4 users cheating the ratio in some torrents, even though they use ovh boxes for some torrents at the same time.

Just curious, what made you realize/think they were cheating? :unsure:

12-10-2010, 12:01 PM
what did OlegL do?

What did U do to get banned at BTN?

12-10-2010, 01:15 PM
I'll say again, bandwidth. It's a simple question, deserving of a simple answer. The big problem is that the vast majority of people, who play all too frequently, in this field don't torrent to torrent, they torrent to gain the esteem of peers. What makes these private trackers go around is bandwidth. Bandwidth. BANDWIDTH.

How that bandwidth is spent by the people who play is a revolving cycle of backstabbing and asslicking, yes, usually done simultaneously. Granted, there are a good number of people who work their asses off for the enjoyment of others, yeah, but they are the ones who do it for the sharing, not the recognition, and they are vastly outnumbered by the people who accord too much value to the social interactions they have on a daily basis online, and the weight their nickname carries.

The smaller the group, the more weight each individual voice has, and the more empowered those individual voices feel. That feeling of empowerment can be pretty addictive, and I think that gets demonstrated every day in bt.

So, I guess if I am going to give a wordy answer to your query OleGL, it would be that a good user has the sense to not over-invest themselves, while actually using all these flipping trackers. A bad user is anyone else, because they are not using the tool of the torrenting protocol as it is intended, and that makes them a waste of resources(which, despite all outward appearances, are NOT limitless). If people of like interest gather around that interest, the community is inevitable.

Maybe I'm overly simplifying things here but it seems to be that what your are saying is what makes a "good" member is entirely dependent not on how much they "contribute" ,but on how much they "contribute" benefits others.
Along those lines though I think pure bandwidth is a little short-sighted since who is arguably of greater "benefit " the person with a 100GB seedbox that grabs every torrent only to delete it as soon as it's "benefits" as lost or the person that grabs what is reasonable and seeds it until their hard drive gives out?
Sure trackers "need" speed but a lot more than that they need lasting content and in the dictionary " lasting" oddly enough is synonymous with dedication . I looked up speed and didn't see any similar connection. Lots of cool cars though.

Btw I'm not saying that someone who downloads very little and sits seeding on it ad infinitum is necessarily a "good" member since as I noted earlier it's all ( maybe?) about how what someone does benefits other members( I guess?) .

12-10-2010, 01:26 PM
well, if you talk about privilege, it implies that they actually do people a favor by letting them join their tracker.

Actually they are but the notion shouldn't be taken to extremes .
I think the problem with the word privilege is that it drums up images of special entitlement ,which belonging to a bt tracker should never , but obviously often does, constitute.
and yet, i see plenty of tracker continually looking for new blood, begging for donations and imploring their members to keep the site alive.

good user: on fst, someone who does not cheat. on sb-i, someone who does.

I could tell you why such a black and white view is wrong, but no one cares anyway. :idunno:
i was just kidding :console:

12-10-2010, 01:33 PM

While you and I will disagree on the bandwidth issue, as that is disposable, anyone can provide it, I will nod my head to everything else you said. Anyone can provide the bandwidth you need, even you, but it takes a "special" someone to dedicate their time and effort. I'm sure you don't call bandwidth whores that do it for the e-fame, or the big numbers under the nickname or the user classes "good members". That's reserved for the people that do stuff for PTN. Stuff out of the ordinary, that as you said, was a dying/over-swamped breed.

I was being a literalistic asshole with my bandwidth comment. I answered the question he asked in the thread title with Occam's razor in mind. The simplest answer to that question is bandwidth, as that IS what makes the difference between a good torrenter and a bad torrenter in an analytical, nonhuman world.

You may not believe this, but I actually greatly dislike the closed tracker mentality at this point. I very much lean in the direction that MBM does as far as the library of the internet comment. I am also NOT solely dedicate to PtN. I seed at a lot of trackers, and I upload files where I'm able. And, no, I do not consider bandwidth whores good for anything other than making seedbox companies richer by the byte. Yes there is a place for seedboxes, but the average user(before anyone goes ZOMG WTF!1!1!1, I grant that there are exceptions) neither needs nor should have a dedicated server just for fucking torrenting. But, they do need to use the sites they are on.

The ideal torrenter seeds to exactly 1:1 in an ideal world. That way, everyone gets a solid ratio, noone needs to cheat, you don't need to buy storage just to seed a file on a site you simply CANNOT get banned from, because everyone minds the global traffic economy. That 1:1 is what the protocol was designed around. The dearth of that understanding is what has been driving this field into the dirt for all the small sites.

And there is a difference between a good member(median) and a great member(exceptional), and there are a multitude of factors that make those differences, but anyone who seeds to a ratio of 20:1 is just being a greedy asshole, barring them being the only seeder for years, which is fast becoming a fabled user.

12-10-2010, 02:18 PM
I don't think there is a single set of criteria that qualifies someone as a good user.

But I would say anyone who adds content to the tracker or keeps content on the tracker is a good user.

Uploaders are important to any site, but just as important are the people seeding torrents uploaded months and years ago, keeping them alive for anyone who might want to grab them later.

12-10-2010, 05:46 PM
Just curious, what made you realize/think they were cheating? :unsure:

Staffing at 1 torrent site for last 1 year or so.. So, the anti-cheating system shows me, and the detailed peerlist helps me too.. like, you have IP & port. Try to connect with that torrent to that peer. If you do not succeed, then he/she is cheating, as simple as that. :)

no cheting software can beat htis.. ;)

12-10-2010, 06:09 PM
i was just kidding :console:

Sorry about that! :)

Staffing at 1 torrent site for last 1 year or so.. So, the anti-cheating system shows me, and the detailed peerlist helps me too.. like, you have IP & port. Try to connect with that torrent to that peer. If you do not succeed, then he/she is cheating, as simple as that. :)

Actually, there's a multitude of reasons that statement is wrong. What if you're in my IP filter? What if my network went (and is still) down? What if I've already opened too many upload slots for that torrent and thus am refusing connections (I assume that "succeed" means being able to download from the suspect)?

12-10-2010, 06:52 PM
(I assume that "succeed" means being able to download from the suspect)?

yup... You are right.
But the other possiblities that you told me, can be a reason, but if I test that for 2-3 times or more, I can be >90% sure that peer is fake peer. :)
Well, nobody can be perfect, so, its just another 90% right try.. Worthy..

12-11-2010, 03:53 AM
(I assume that "succeed" means being able to download from the suspect)?

yup... You are right.
But the other possiblities that you told me, can be a reason, but if I test that for 2-3 times or more, I can be >90% sure that peer is fake peer. :)
Well, nobody can be perfect, so, its just another 90% right try.. Worthy..

and i still wondering how you get booted from sdbits :mellow:
i mean the 'real' reason :yup:

12-11-2010, 05:00 PM
yup... You are right.
But the other possiblities that you told me, can be a reason, but if I test that for 2-3 times or more, I can be >90% sure that peer is fake peer. :)
Well, nobody can be perfect, so, its just another 90% right try.. Worthy..

and i still wondering how you get booted from sdbits :mellow:
i mean the 'real' reason :yup:

may be someday I did the same to any of their staffs. :huh: ;)

12-11-2010, 08:50 PM
by following rules and seed hard i think u deserve a place everywhere

No one "deserves a place" anywhere as far as torrent trackers are concerned. Access to them is a privilege, not a right.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure this has been discussed plenty of times in the past already. :ermm:

please stop spamming.....if you have nothing interesting to say....9,746 post full of spam

12-11-2010, 08:52 PM
Add me to your ignore list if you dislike my posts so much.

Make that 9747.

12-11-2010, 08:59 PM
No one "deserves a place" anywhere as far as torrent trackers are concerned. Access to them is a privilege, not a right.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure this has been discussed plenty of times in the past already. :ermm:

please stop spamming.....if you have nothing interesting to say....9,746 post full of spam

If that qualifies as spamming, let's just erase 90% of the content of this section...

12-11-2010, 09:00 PM
Make that 9747.

how much to get orange?

12-11-2010, 09:04 PM
how much to get orange?

Those aren't based on postcount, they're given if you're News or Newsgroups Moderator.

12-11-2010, 09:07 PM
Those aren't based on postcount, they're given if you're News or Newsgroups Moderator.

then someone just lied to me :angry:

12-11-2010, 09:22 PM
No one "deserves a place" anywhere as far as torrent trackers are concerned. Access to them is a privilege, not a right.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure this has been discussed plenty of times in the past already. :ermm:

please stop spamming.....if you have nothing interesting to say....9,746 post full of spam

What the fuck is it with these people ? This is the only forum that I ever heard of where some people think posting is a bad thing.
I guess that goes back to my point where a lot of these twits see this site only on a want /get basis.

Btw I hate to shock you but you are not the sole judge of what people find interesting. :unsure:

12-11-2010, 09:24 PM
try Word Game Section.

i'm lovin it! :happy:

12-12-2010, 12:14 PM
and i still wondering how you get booted from sdbits :mellow:
i mean the 'real' reason :yup:

may be someday I did the same to any of their staffs. :huh: ;)

Yeah I'm sure they are just shaking in the boots at the thought of getting banned from whatever tracker you staff :rolleyes:

It's amazing, nowadays theres so many trackers anybody can make staff :lol:

12-12-2010, 01:34 PM
good members have mustache? :unsure:

12-12-2010, 01:35 PM
It's amazing, nowadays theres so many trackers anybody can make staff :lol:

just like you & iPlay :yup:

12-12-2010, 01:50 PM
It's amazing, nowadays theres so many trackers anybody can make staff :lol:

just like you & iPlay :yup:

its an honour to have u here with us sir
really i love the way u post

12-12-2010, 02:48 PM
I see a bit of talk about bandwidth being the difference between a good and a bad user.

Personally, I use a seedbox for virtually everything I download (except for .mp3's). Not because I'm a ratio whore (couldn't give a fuck about ratio... anything above 1:1 is just taking way ratio opportunities from other users) but because I live in a country where my shitty 90GB monthly data cap costs a small fortune ($150p/m) and the speeds aren't that great either (15Mb/s down 3Mb/s up). So, in order to obtain the content I'm after, I let the seed box take care of the costly part... the seeding back. This way, I get around 90GB of actual content each and every month. (usually go over my cap, by around 10 - 30GB each month... so ends up costing a ton more). That way, I feel I've had value for the cost of the connection. I don't download a game I won't play. I've never downloaded a movie or tv episode either myself or my Girlfriend haven't watched. Sometimes I post on tracker forums. Sometimes I hang out in their IRC channels. Sometimes I even upload stuff or send a little donation in the direction of a trackers paypal account. Hell, sometimes I even log in to the tracker I Admin at. That to me, makes me a good user in my opinion. I don't understand what else is really needed from a user. Sure, to some people, gigantic fucking ratios look cool, and a mammoth snatch list filled with shit you couldn't possibly have had time to watch/listen/use is nice and all... but to most, you just look like a douche.

As for the user base of the little tracker I call home... if I see a user that downloads the odd file, logs in to the site and looks around maybe once or twice a week/fortnight, and seeds their stuff for an extended period (as we don't always have a ton of leech activity) so another user later down the line can snatch it too, and maybe (just maybe) pops in to the IRC channel, or says hi on the forums, then that's enough for me. To me, that's a good user. Anyone that goes above and beyond all that, is a great user. :)

(probably not much more than worthless blah blah, but I still wanted to throw my 2c ramble in to the mix).

12-14-2010, 03:32 PM
Sometimes I feel mentally retarded 'cause I don't understand how people view me as a person...

Wasn't it suggested before that you need to stop caring what a bunch of douchebag strangers online think of you? It's a little saddening to see that you haven't yet put that into practice, OlegL.

Just download whatever you want, seed it back the best you can, and don't worry about anything else. BT is simply a means to obtain files. Not something that you should allow to make you feel "mentally retarded".

But still, I don't think that members of private trackers usually hear about themselves the comments that are as strong as "Go back to Mininova where you belong" or am I wrong?

12-14-2010, 04:33 PM
what was the story behind those comments?

12-14-2010, 04:58 PM
I am talking about this comment that somebody made about me on filesharingtalk: "Have you maybe considered that you are in fact retarted? There are 20,000 members who seem to get by just fine. I seriously doubt that each and every one of those members finds the staff weird. I certainly don't. The forums provide an insane amount of knowledge about video encoding, HDTV's etc. The torrents are always on time and well encoded. You are the odd one out of the group.

Go back to mininova where you belong. "

You'll find this comment if you look for it.

12-14-2010, 05:37 PM
i have no words, i can just tell u to go back and this very thread from beginning and put all that advised to u into practice

12-14-2010, 06:12 PM
In the words of IdolEyez787:

Well hung

12-14-2010, 06:14 PM
In the words of IdolEyez787:

Well hung

she bang, she bang
she boom, she boom

12-14-2010, 06:16 PM
Those aren't based on postcount, they're given if you're News or Newsgroups Moderator.

then someone just lied to me :angry:

you wanna be orange?

just like you & iPlay :yup:

its an honour to have u here with us sirreally i love the way u post

Why are you so sure about the word sir ?? She can be maa'm too. :P

12-14-2010, 06:21 PM
A good user is one who can easily join another tracker by proving that he doesn't need that new tracker(Just like banks will lend you money when you can prove you don't need it)....

12-14-2010, 11:07 PM
A good user is one who can easily join another tracker by proving that he doesn't need that new tracker(Just like banks will lend you money when you can prove you don't need it)....

Yeah I always find it funny when I see people making fun of any high level tracker request and telling the OP all the reasons why they don't need that tracker, especially because I almost always recognize those who are making those type of replies as members of at least some of those trackers themselves. If you look way back through their post history you'll find a request thread they made that they conveniently have long since forgotten about or replies in any kind of giveaways where those special invites were given out (usually if the staff of said high level trackers start an official recruitment thread its more respectable to beg there).

There's only a few ways you join a tracker - by starting a request thread and opening yourself up to ridicule, by replying in a giveaway but the rarity of the tracker will determine the rarity of seeing a giveaway, or getting your online buddies to invite you. That last one is usually a give and take relationship, you invite them somewhere and they pay back the favor in time or vice-versa. The odd time some generous member will offer you an invite out of the blue; it's just that those random strokes of luck don't happen often and for members who are relatively anonymous, meaning they don't spam up forums and IRC channels, they rarely if ever happen.

Just as much as you can say nobody really needs a tracker, by the same token you can say nobody doesn't really not need a tracker. This is more true for specialty trackers, as there are just too many generic 0day trackers these days that only a handful of them really stand out as being invaluable.

The real bad members are the ones who beg for invites to trackers they never intend to use much or just use as trading commodity.

12-15-2010, 12:29 AM
Yeah I always find it funny when I see people making fun of any high level tracker request and telling the OP all the reasons why they don't need that tracker, especially because I almost always recognize those who are making those type of replies as members of at least some of those trackers themselves. If you look way back through their post history you'll find a request thread they made that they conveniently have long since forgotten about or replies in any kind of giveaways where those special invites were given out (usually if the staff of said high level trackers start an official recruitment thread its more respectable to beg there).
Ever stop to consider that it's precisely because we're members there that we can tell you the reasons you don't need it? For most of us, including myself, we bought into the hype when we started torrenting. Once you actually join said "1337" sites you realize that it's all pointless and is just an account that could've gone to some new torrenter without any sources for material. Any "high level" 0-day tracker can easily be replaced by SCC, or whatever the best ratioless tracker is these days (PTM/GFT?). Most of the exclusive content sites are better in a way but there's still only a very specific subset of people who need them, and those people have a way of finding their way there naturally. You don't need to be a member of E**** to download FLAC, there's plenty of FLAC at What/Waffles. You don't need to be a member of TT to download trance, there's plenty at TranceRoute. In my personal experience, the only hard to join tracker that offered a significant improvement to my ability to find quality content was HDBits.

There's only a few ways you join a tracker - by starting a request thread and opening yourself up to ridicule, by replying in a giveaway but the rarity of the tracker will determine the rarity of seeing a giveaway, or getting your online buddies to invite you. That last one is usually a give and take relationship, you invite them somewhere and they pay back the favor in time or vice-versa. The odd time some generous member will offer you an invite out of the blue; it's just that those random strokes of luck don't happen often and for members who are relatively anonymous, meaning they don't spam up forums and IRC channels, they rarely if ever happen.
I disagree. There's the oft overlooked method of "open signups and unlimited giveaway threads". There are also IRC interviews and application forms in several places.

Opening a request opens people to ridicule here because the requesters generally have either dubious reasons or a dubious past. I've seen plenty of people come and go here, and the cynic in me has seen plenty of jackasses that sign up a new account to make a request, only to eventually be linked to trading history down the road. When the forum openly allows proxied browsing, you can never tell for sure. I'd be comfortable inviting (most of) the regulars here to a tracker, but the regulars are precisely the people who don't need said trackers. And sure, a random stroke of luck doesn't happen if you don't participate in a community, but I'm never going to PM some random dude out of the blue and be like "hey, here's an invite for you". The give and take thing is BS. When I invite people somewhere I expect to receive nothing in return. At the end of the day, I treat invites with their original purpose: to be distributed to friends, or at least people I interact with. Not some random dude with an easily faked ratio test or profile screenshot in exchange for rep points.

Just as much as you can say nobody really needs a tracker, by the same token you can say nobody doesn't really not need a tracker. This is more true for specialty trackers, as there are just too many generic 0day trackers these days that only a handful of them really stand out as being invaluable.

The real bad members are the ones who beg for invites to trackers they never intend to use much or just use as trading commodity.
Actually you can. What people know of the "rare" trackers is what they've learned from the reviews and hype. It's a lot easier to tell you it's BS if you're already a member there. Most of the people I see here requesting something like, say, TranceTraffic, barely even listen to edm. What/Waffles would probably have enough mainstream edm to last them a lifetime. The people I know who make good use of that place are DJs that mix together samples from obscure artists or want the latest pre-release track from some no-name group that isn't popular enough to leak to a site like What.

It seems to be a common misconception that these sites are somehow better contentwise than their larger counterparts. Fewer members = fewer torrents. As such, when there's better availability for content in general elsewhere, you're looking for a specific reason they'd like to join... whether they seem like they'd be a good "fit" for the community. Maybe in the case of a site like Pedro's or E they really have a thing for full album artwork scans at 600dpi or anal tagging and filenames. But just saying "I've heard they're the best FLAC trackers ever" doesn't do much. What has 200K FLAC torrents, Demonoid and rutracker have far more than that too (though for those you'll need to learn how to read EAC logs).

tl;dr, don't make sweeping assumptions about a concept you don't understand.

12-15-2010, 02:11 AM

Really insightful post. Usually walls of text mean that the poster is going to put up a bunch of bullshit he pulled out of his ass, but you and a few other members at FST have done the opposite.

It's true - you only really want it until you have it. It's like the inverse relationship of "You don't realize what you have until it's gone." Your happiness at getting said trackers peaks, plateaus, and usually falls back down to when you didn't have it. Actually, the excitement level of having the tracker may be higher when you didn't have it than when you had it. It's for this reason that I'd like invite/account giveaways to be legal. Seriously, does knowing someone online ensure that they'll be a good user of a site? Not really. I have a few accounts I'd like to give away, because I have absolutely no use for them, got them during open signups, and would like to open another wanna-have's eyes. But alas.

As for proof of how not all guys get ridiculed with high level requests:

I'd also like to add a point to the main discussion. You'll see many so-called "good" members of private trackers come and go, with ridiculous high ratios / 1:1 ratios depending on your standpoint of what's a good user. But take those same users, give them the public torrent sites, and you will immediately see who share for the sake of sharing, and who share because it enlarges their e-penis. I think most "average" users of BT turn out to be good users, with their flailing posts of "thank u uploader, i will seed back." These guys have no intricate understanding of the mechanisms of the BT world, but with their limited knowledge of "seeding is good" turn out to do more good than the average "good" private tracker member. As the saying goes, Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.

12-15-2010, 12:51 PM

^^^^^^^^^^gud yooser.

12-15-2010, 01:13 PM
scene trackers? good user=good ratio

12-15-2010, 04:39 PM
^^^^^^^^^^gud yooser.

That or you've learnt to use BEncode Editor.

As you can see, the world isn't perfect. :lol:

12-15-2010, 05:08 PM
Clearly I've been mislead because my first thought was tits.

Wait what are we talking about again?

12-15-2010, 05:11 PM
...Wait what are we talking about again?

I'm not sure, tits or twats? I vote for tits.

12-15-2010, 05:17 PM
^^^^^^^^^^gud yooser.

That or you've learnt to use BEncode Editor.

As you can see, the world isn't perfect. :lol:

Noo, him gud yooser i now dat bcuz he tel me

...Wait what are we talking about again?

I'm not sure, tits or twats? I vote for tits.
You forgot ass.

12-15-2010, 07:03 PM
A good user is one who can easily join another tracker by proving that he doesn't need that new tracker(Just like banks will lend you money when you can prove you don't need it)....

Why would you what to join a new tracker if you really don't need it ? Are you still going to be a good member of the "old" tracker? I mean either the "old" tracker or the new tracker is bound to suffer by the fact so .... :unsure:
Is this some sort of trick question?

Not that anyone needs any tracker btw.
Sadly the same thing can't be said for borrowing money. Even if you have a good job I don't think too many of us have a few hundred thousand dollars idly lying around when we want to buy a house.

12-15-2010, 07:44 PM
^^^^^^^^^^gud yooser.

That or you've learnt to use BEncode Editor.

As you can see, the world isn't perfect. :lol:

DRATS! Foiled again! I'll get you kids one of these days!!!!!!

12-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Hot well-endowed women are all good users.

12-15-2010, 11:11 PM
Hot well-endowed women are all good users.

Yeah and members with 'Anti-trader' in their user titles absolutely have to be anti-traders :lol:

I also like how it's all capitalized just for extra emphasis.

It's amazing, nowadays theres so many trackers anybody can make staff :lol:

just like you & iPlay :yup:

What are you talking about? I don't staff for iPlay.

12-16-2010, 12:36 AM
Hot well-endowed women are all good users.

You're exceptionally bad at this.

12-16-2010, 05:02 AM
I am still curious, how many of you have ever been told things similar to "Go back to Mininova where you belong"?

12-16-2010, 05:40 AM
I really doubt anyone has told you that to your face, and:
1. If they did, they're retarded for implying that BT is somehow relevant and on-par with real life
2. If you're hurt by what someone said to you online, you have problems my friend
3. dvd

12-16-2010, 05:47 AM
2. If you're hurt by what someone said to you online, you have problems my friend

It's not about feeling or not feeling hurt; I am just curious if other people here have been told stuff like that as well.

12-16-2010, 07:00 AM
I am still curious, how many of you have ever been told things similar to "Go back to Mininova where you belong"?

/me raises his hand:console:

Might even have the irc log hidden and locked in a file somewhere...

/me goes rummaging...

Session Start: Fri May 21 17:17:45 2010
<~Intr4ns1t> I totally know what I'm talking about ******!
<******>stfu nub
<******>go back to mininova where you belong, fucktard
<~Intr4ns1t>awwww :(
*Intr4ns1t boohoos all the way to mininova

12-16-2010, 09:59 AM
Session Start: Fri May 21 17:17:45 2010
<~Intr4ns1t> I totally know what I'm talking about ******!
<******>stfu nub
<******>go back to mininova where you belong, fucktard
<~Intr4ns1t>awwww :(
*Intr4ns1t boohoos all the way to mininova

They knew you were staff and still talked to you that way? Pretty ballsy of them.

12-16-2010, 02:47 PM
3. dvd


12-16-2010, 03:12 PM
They knew you were staff and still talked to you that way? Pretty ballsy of them.

Let me make something as clear as I can. Being staff on a tracker is not a position of superiority. Period. All these "staffers" that think otherwise are full of shit, and all the regular users who treat them as if they are superior are one of the biggest problems in BT. I've been saying it since I started staffing myself, but people take this shit too seriously. Anyone who accords me or any other staffer with god like powers is just daft, and needs a reality check. Don't get me wrong, I respect other staff that work hard, as they do it for nothing most of the time, but the great staff are the ones that realize this is nothing more than a diversion, not a life altering endeavor. Same goes for members too.

EVERYONE fucks up at some point, and the unbelievable level of "accountability" in BT is stupid ironic.

12-16-2010, 05:00 PM
They knew you were staff and still talked to you that way? Pretty ballsy of them.

Let me make something as clear as I can. Being staff on a tracker is not a position of superiority. Period. All these "staffers" that think otherwise are full of shit, and all the regular users who treat them as if they are superior are one of the biggest problems in BT. I've been saying it since I started staffing myself, but people take this shit too seriously. Anyone who accords me or any other staffer with god like powers is just daft, and needs a reality check. Don't get me wrong, I respect other staff that work hard, as they do it for nothing most of the time, but the great staff are the ones that realize this is nothing more than a diversion, not a life altering endeavor. Same goes for members too.

EVERYONE fucks up at some point, and the unbelievable level of "accountability" in BT is stupid ironic.


12-16-2010, 05:14 PM
wait patiently and dont call us sir? :yup:

12-16-2010, 06:43 PM
Let me make something as clear as I can. Being staff on a tracker is not a position of superiority. Period. All these "staffers" that think otherwise are full of shit, and all the regular users who treat them as if they are superior are one of the biggest problems in BT. I've been saying it since I started staffing myself, but people take this shit too seriously. Anyone who accords me or any other staffer with god like powers is just daft, and needs a reality check. Don't get me wrong, I respect other staff that work hard, as they do it for nothing most of the time, but the great staff are the ones that realize this is nothing more than a diversion, not a life altering endeavor. Same goes for members too.

EVERYONE fucks up at some point, and the unbelievable level of "accountability" in BT is stupid ironic.

I also accord you with god-like powers for that, Intr4ns1t

12-17-2010, 01:36 AM
/me raises his hand:console:

Might even have the irc log hidden and locked in a file somewhere...

/me goes rummaging...

Session Start: Fri May 21 17:17:45 2010
<~Intr4ns1t> I totally know what I'm talking about ******!
<******>stfu nub
<******>go back to mininova where you belong, fucktard
<~Intr4ns1t>awwww :(
*Intr4ns1t boohoos all the way to mininova

That breaks my heart more than most of the old Disney movies where the main character must go on without a mom, or something. And it's Christmas. :sadwalk:

BTW, Intr4ns1t, I hope all is going well with your change of path. Drop me a PM if you have a chance, would really like to hear from you. :)

12-17-2010, 02:07 AM
/me raises his hand:console:

Might even have the irc log hidden and locked in a file somewhere...

/me goes rummaging...

That breaks my heart more than most of the old Disney movies where the main character must go on without a mom, or something. And it's Christmas. :sadwalk:

BTW, Intr4ns1t, I hope all is going well with your change of path. Drop me a PM if you have a chance, would really like to hear from you. :)

Invite sent. Enjoy and be good!

Ah shit, wrong forum. Hey MBM :P

12-17-2010, 02:43 AM
What the fuck is it with these people ? This is the only forum that I ever heard of where some people think posting is a bad thing.
I guess that goes back to my point where a lot of these twits see this site only on a want /get basis.
agreed. in the past, it even resulted in me being warned :(



12-17-2010, 06:17 AM

12-17-2010, 06:51 AM
That is funny.

12-17-2010, 08:09 PM
What the fuck is it with these people ? This is the only forum that I ever heard of where some people think posting is a bad thing.
I guess that goes back to my point where a lot of these twits see this site only on a want /get basis.
agreed. in the past, it even resulted in me being warned :(



It wasn't the spam , it's that I just don't like the gheys person of colour foreigners wise asses you but I could hardly have put that now could I?:unsure:

Btw since the infraction apparently had zero effect , no harm no foul.:)

12-17-2010, 08:26 PM
Invite sent. Enjoy and be good!

Thanks for the invite, Intr4ns1t. I have to decline, however, since my wife occasionally stumbles across my bookmarks, and "HairyMenInPanties.Com" would cause strife in our marriage. Thanks anyway. Perhaps cine would be able to put it to better use.

12-17-2010, 08:36 PM
:lol: well, don't say I never offered :P

12-17-2010, 08:41 PM
It was obvious your heart was in the right place. :D

12-17-2010, 08:49 PM
What the fuck is it with these people ? This is the only forum that I ever heard of where some people think posting is a bad thing.
I guess that goes back to my point where a lot of these twits see this site only on a want /get basis.
agreed. in the past, it even resulted in me being warned :(



I feel the irony.

Fuck sake you have a long list of infractions :O

12-17-2010, 08:51 PM
agreed. in the past, it even resulted in me being warned :(



I feel the irony.
The irony in that is that there is no irony.

12-17-2010, 09:18 PM
I feel the irony.
The irony in that is that there is no irony.

Is this irony?

12-17-2010, 09:32 PM
I feel the irony.
The irony in that is that there is no irony.

That's copyrighted btw .Not that any of you scoff-laws apparently care about such things though.

12-17-2010, 09:37 PM
The irony in that is that there is no irony.

That's copyrighted btw .Not that any of you scoff-laws apparently care about such things though.

Come and get me, copper.:gunsmilie

12-17-2010, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the invite, Intr4ns1t. I have to decline, however, since my wife occasionally stumbles across my bookmarks, and "HairyMenInPanties.Com" would cause strife in our marriage. Thanks anyway. Perhaps cine would be able to put it to better use.

You don't have to put it in your bookmarks to use it. :shifty:

12-18-2010, 12:41 AM
Something tells me you are not only a member, but a popular site model, anon... :D

12-18-2010, 01:26 AM
Something tells me you are not only a member, but a popular site model, anon... :D

If you signup with me as your referrer, I'll become Power User. :01:

12-18-2010, 01:31 AM
The irony in that is that there is no irony.

Is this irony?

Nah, all of them were irony.

12-18-2010, 03:51 AM
On an whole other level, what's the point of quoting other members in your signature? It's becoming trend that I don't particularly enjoy, especially when the quote is totally uninteresting...

12-18-2010, 04:13 AM
I don't know, personally I think a quote or a statement says something about what I found humorous or interesting, more than a graphic signature or no signature at all. Obviously midway through forum activity people start associating statements/different stances to the specific people and the whole point becomes moot, but I still do it as a cheeky finger-flip to Idol. It probably annoys him, a tad, even if he won't admit it. And that's the humor in it for me.

Some idiots' posts on the other hand deserve to be immortalized temporarily (woo oxymorons) because I can't get over the shock of how stupid their statements are, which explains those specific signatures that I've had in the past.

It's the same with any signature really. A graphic, a quote of a user, a quote from a famous person, a descriptive list of things about the person, e-penis pictures, penis pictures. It's just a way to add associations to a user. Like the point of having an avatar that is not you. (I still have no idea what your avatar is, looks like an old comic, but I wouldn't know to be honest, never been a comic person).

12-18-2010, 04:44 AM
On an whole other level, what's the point of quoting other members in your signature? It's becoming trend that I don't particularly enjoy, especially when the quote is totally uninteresting...

those quote from IdolEyes787 :naughty:

12-18-2010, 04:56 AM
It's ringhunter you are talking about, KF. We're just lucky he didn't post a link to his post history...:tease:

I actually agree with ringhunter. It works quite well as an inside joke among those who know the frequent posters. I think it's good for the FST community.

12-18-2010, 01:37 PM
Something tells me you are not only a member, but a popular site model, anon... :D

Oh! you don't know that? he is already a role model for 1 very popular site other than this.. ;)

12-18-2010, 01:56 PM
he mean no harm except helping needy cheater people and give oppoturnity for coder to improve their site

12-18-2010, 04:49 PM
Oh! you don't know that? he is already a role model for 1 very popular site other than this.. ;)

That's just one of the many forums I post on in a daily basis. :idunno:

12-19-2010, 11:05 AM
Oh! you don't know that? he is already a role model for 1 very popular site other than this.. ;)

That's just one of the many forums I post on in a daily basis. :idunno:

Wow!! I'm thinking how many posts do you make regularly?? 200? ;) or even more than that?

12-19-2010, 05:21 PM
Wow!! I'm thinking how many posts do you make regularly?? 200? ;)

You may be quite close. :blushing:

12-19-2010, 08:09 PM
That's 200 mostly readable, mostly interesting, sometimes funny, occasionally valuable posts. I challenge 200 newbs typical FST members working together to equal that effort.

/me waits 45 seconds for anon to see this post and respond to it... 45, 44, 4....

12-19-2010, 08:23 PM
That's 200 mostly readable, mostly interesting, sometimes funny, occasionally valuable posts.

Or they're all spam like 90% of what I post here on FST. You be the judge. :happy:

Sorry to let you down on the 45 seconds thingy, my network's quite slow today. :(

12-19-2010, 09:09 PM
Admit it, my friend, you're just getting slow in your old age. :D

12-19-2010, 09:19 PM
old age

You make me sad... :(

12-20-2010, 05:56 AM
everyone use forum for fun (except some group ofc) so definitely post for fun and spam..
JDye is one icon

12-20-2010, 12:39 PM
I feel the irony.

Fuck sake you have a long list of infractions :O
i'd like to thank Skiz and LightOnTheLedge, without whom this wouldn't have been possible :yup: