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View Full Version : Onlive Is now available for all you gamers

12-18-2010, 04:09 PM

I'm no gamer but thought it might Interest some people who like to keep up to date with new technology.
Instead of buying all the latest consoles/pc hardware etc to keep your system current and up to date to suit your games, you can now bypass doing all this and play your games via onlive, there servers do all the hardwork all you do is pay a subscription and pay for the box.

12-19-2010, 06:29 AM
Be sure to know that the streamed content is not HD quality yet. From what I hear it's more standard-def-ish. Obviously that is a limitation of bandwidth between server and user.

12-19-2010, 07:27 AM
Its new tech so I'm sure this problem will be ironed out soon, and yes I think the bandwidth issue is more the problem than anything else.
Its just good to see a company innovating new ideas that is better than the big guns like sony/microsoft etc, to bring to people on a budget the chance to play new games that are available via the cloud.
I think its the way forward and can only get better.

12-21-2010, 10:40 PM
I read about this almost 6 months ago and thought it was a pretty neat idea but I've played with my friends on xboxlive for a few years now and have a good friendship now that i dont see myself leaving xboxlive. Atleast not anytime soon