View Full Version : FileSharing Advanced Irc Leeching

11-08-2003, 06:26 PM
updated - 21/12/03

Credit - Magnet0

Explanations that don't have to be read and can be skipped are in italic


* Open mIRC

* In "DCC" choose "auto get file" and "if exists, resume" (this means that anyone who will send any file to you - you will auto accept it and start getting it - you will soon see why this is necessary, )

* In "IRC" -> check "rejoin channels on connect" and "rejoin channel when kicked"

* In "Connect" -> "Options", check "reconnect on disconnection"
Also, click on "Perform" -> in "All networks" (select from top list), paste:

/remote off
/pdcc on
/fsend on
/ctcps on
/raw on
/events on

"/Remote" makes sure you don't have problems with some chans, "/pdcc" and "/fsend" speed up sends and the 3 last ones allow the MAIN addition which will immediately be introduced (credit to the nice ppl at the mirc.com forum who wrote this code based on what i asked + stephen for his debugging :) ):

Exit the Options window, Press alt+r and paste this exact code in the window that pops up (it should be the mIRC Script Editor, Remote tab):

On *:GETFAIL:*: {
 btrunc $+(",$filename,") $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 512000 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0)

on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers off }

The first command is an implementation of RESUME ROLLBACK. I can't stress enough how important this is. This means that whenever a send dies and we resume, the file is resumed some 500KB (or any other number you choose) before the last reception. This should ELIMINATE corruption problems which I for one have had a lot of - cases where I'd download a 2 GB tar file, only to find out quite a few rar files inside were corrupted. And if you think that doesn't happen often statistically, think again. There are whole (packed) channels dedicated for sending missing rar files to ppl whose tars were corrupted. The best one i know of, btw, is #incomplete on Efnet, they have explanations there, a list of other similar chans, a web site (http://www.incomplete.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk), the works. It's a mandatory channel (actually more like a network) to know of, regardless.

The second command halts all existing timers upon a dcc send completion (a "download" in mIRC). At this point you might ask "WTF ?!!?!? " or something along those lines, justifiably. But this command is actually just a complement to something we'll do later. Let's carry on...

As we all know, IRC bots, even on the best, most popular and most quality channels, are highly unreliable. FACT - at ANY point a bot could die in the middle of a send to you, at which point 2 things would happen:

a) You would lose the send, obviously

b ) The "dying bot" *might* send you corrupt data (this is the only source for corruptions that I know of, other than the bot itself having a corrupt file to begin with, which is quite rare, especially on quality channels). But that's why we have implemented our own little system of resume rollback. Actually, mIRC has a small rollback of 8 kb upon resume, but that's not enough. I don't really know, maybe 500KB isn't enough as well, and whoever downloads from mIRC probably has a connection that downloads ~100KB in a second anyway, so maybe even setting a resume roll back of 1 meg or even more when dealing with large files would be better. the alteration to the code i gave is obvious (switch 512000 to whatever size you want, in bytes). In any case, moving on

If we're on a queue to a bot (i.e. when we type the trigger we got from ircspy, the bot sends us a message in the form of "all send slots full, queued you in position x out of y", which means you'll get the file when a send slot is freed [someone who's getting the file now finishes getting it], although there are x-1 before you), and that bot dies (disconnects or gets f/cked up for any reason), we're out of the queue (even if that bot returns/is fixed a second later). Accordingly, if we're receiving a file and the bot dies, the bot isn't going to automatically resend us the file, even if it returns ok later. And if we're merely on queue, we won't even hear the "triple-alert beep" mIRC would play when an ongoing send fails. Actually, even when a send fails I wouldn't count on alert beeps too much, as they are highly unreliable in mIRC - sometimes they beep, sometimes they don't.

So, seeing as a bot can die in any given moment, the only way to make sure you're downloading what you want until it's finished is to sit in front of the computer and monitor the send, right? Wrong. That's why we have a wonderful little command called "/timer". You can find the full syntax in mirc help, we'll just use a basic configuration. Timers will help us both GET in the queue, and STAY in the queue (or even better - quickly resume what we are getting) automatically.

For simplicity, let us assume that we're following KrackHead2k's (excellent) guide and get into whatever channel / network with the trigger "/ctcp xdccbot1 xdcc send #1" in your clipboard. Let's also assume that the queue if full (10/10 on queue for example). Many times all the good bots (I actually sort the bots by transfer speed in ircspy) have full queues. This means that when we fire up the command IRCSPY has given us, the bot will give us a message in the likes of "bot queue is full, try again later". The only way to work around this is to continuously type the trigger ourselves until we get lucky and query the bot right after some user has finished getting his file and a queue spot has cleared up, and before someone else takes it. However, this must be done in sufficiently long intervals, as spamming the bot every 10 secs is bound to have you quickly banned. Sometimes minimum bot intervals are stated in the topic or rules, sometimes they aren't. In the latter case, I recommend using ~6 minutes. Here's a simple timer command that does just that, that is, types in the trigger for you every 6 minutes automatically. Type it in the same place you put the IRCSPY trigger before:

/timer6 -o 101 300 /ctcp xdccbot1 xdcc send #1 (this timer's name is "timer6")

The "101" means that this timer will only be executed 101 times, which should be quite sufficient when our goal is simply getting into the queue, and setting it to 0 (infinite) or any significantly higher number is prone to be detected by the mods as abuse which would lead to a quick ban. If you HAPPEN to be in the vicinity of the computer, it wouldn't hurt to check from time to time whether you've gotten in the queue so you could shut the unneeded timer (with the command "/timer6 off"), although not necessary - this guide is all about downloading things off IRC without being around the comp. If the queue isn't full, skip what we just did (i.e. don't create timer6).

Now, onto the second timer (even if you're not on queue, you don't need to wait until you get in, put the following timer right after you put the last one and let them work simultaneously):

/timer7 -o 0 3600 /ctcp xdccbot1 xdcc send #1
thus we have created a timer called "timer7"

This timer will simply request the file from the bot every hour (i.e. type in the trigger automatically for us every 60 minutes).

Regarding both timers - if you're on queue or already downloading it at the moment the timer kicks in and sends the trigger to the bot - no harm's done, the bot tells you "you're on queue" or "already requested pack #1" or some such and as long as you keep reasonable intervals you shouldn't get booted. Going lower than an hour in this timer (=changing 3600 to something lower) is risking ban, as this timer is infinite, i.e. it will run until you shut it down (well, actually no because of the script we put in the beginning, but that's for later). This timer will make sure, once every hour, that we are downloading, and if not - we'll be put back on queue or resume the download without user interference (that's why we needed auto get and resume). [You might ask, "but what if a bot dies, and then before the timer kicks in (this could easily be 50 minutes) the queue is filled?" the answer to that question is that it almost never happens :) all slots + all queues, especially after a bot unexpectedly dies, take some time to fill. come to think of it, though, if everyone used this guide, I'm not so sure that would be true anymore :lol: ]

Now the second command in the script we wrote in the beginning kicks in - as soon as the download (any download) SUCCESSFULLY finishes, all timers are halted (terminated) and therefore we don't spam the bots with no need, which is always a good thing (both for you and for the channel). It also prevents you from trying to download something you already have, thus wasting BW and queue position. And finally think about this - the send finishes successfully, but the timers (or timer, if the finite one has finished or you shut it down) keep on going. so one of the timers re-requests the file, the bot sends it to you, mIRC cuts 8 kb off the full file you have (remember mIRC's built in resume rollback?) and THEN the bot dies and never returns again, before it sends u those 8 kb's you just cut off :D

Now, if you're downloading more than one file thing at the time.. Simplest thing I can think of is use multiple instances of mIRC, one for each file. They are allowed by mIRC itself (but don't use multiple sessions for the same chat room !!! it is called cloning and you will get banned !!!) and take very little resources. I seldom download more than one file since IRC usually maxes out my connection anyway.

And if you have other timers you don't want to be halted for some reason, you can easily alter the script i gave for example use:

on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers7 off }

instead, to shut down the infinite timer we've built rather then all of them (that's assuming timer6 is already shut down or finished, or never existed to begin with)

i think

on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers6 off }
on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers7 off }

would shut both of them, though i don't know mIRC scripting so i can't be sure (not sure if you can write "on FUBAR" twice). you can ask around on mirc.com's forums.


* The -o trigger on our timers means that they will keep working even if mIRC gets disconnected from the network, which could very well happen. That's why we have enabled "automatic reconnection" and "rejoining the channel" on that event. In other words - we have created a "leave and forget" system which makes IRC much like k-lite in that regard, albeit much less sophisticated, accurate and reliable (mostly due to the fact the network itself and the bots aren't)

* Obviously, this system can be improved. For example, one might write a script that rather than running a crude timer that makes sure we're downloading every hour, would retype the trigger as soon as it's notified that the bot is on the network (after it, or you, got disconnected) or that the download has failed for any reason, but the bot is still there. I think it would require the use of the "notify" system in mIRC (which is useful by itself) and shouldn't be too hard. I haven't had time to try it myself though - and you'd have to change the script for every download you do (to put in the bot name and trigger)

* I recommend everyone to verify resume rollback is functioning well (it will require a restart of mirc since part of the implementation is in the start up) - go to some xdcc channel, download a file, any file, and when it reaches say 500K hit cancel (don't press the X button as it won't count as a failed download and the script wouldn't be triggered!!!) and then check to see if the file is 400K in your hard drive as it should be. If this is not the case, double check everything and if it still doesn't work ask here :)

Also, another little tip is that some some channels may change the default xdcc send command so you'd have to msg their bots with "xdcc OPTIC send #1" or "xcdd gimme #1" or the likes to get a file, in stead of the usual "xdcc send #1". For whatever reason they're doing this, the command IRCSPY and the likes would put in the clipboard won't work. So its important always to check the chan's topic as well as !rules and !help etc triggers - keep an eye out for notices in the main chat, too. A good strategy would be to look at the commands for other bots in the chan when their ads pop up (not necessarily the one you want to download off), especially if they have the same "structure". For example, looking at XDCCBOT2's command would give us a good idea on how XDCCBOT1's command would look like (simply switch XDCCBOT2 with XDCCBOT1 in XDCCBOT2's cmd). However, [uber]bot1 may have an entirely different command syntax - but again, it's pretty rare. Actually, it's best to ALWAYS read the topic and use !help triggers etc, as they can provide very interesting information. For example, some channels allow "xdcc list" which lists all the bots and packs in the chan (while others ban you if you type it). Some chans will allow "!xfccfind searchstring" or "@find searchstring" while others will ban you for it, etc. In channels that allow either of these 2 or some similar commands, keep in mind that they usually support wildcards, for example "!xdccfind *sam*" will find both "samuel" and "osama" :D

Whoever goes exactly by this guide wouldn't need the services of an anti-virus program.. ever. It goes without saying that you don't download anything you haven't asked for explicitly from a bot, fserv or the likes. Yeah, i know auto get is on so simply delete whatever was sent to you that you didn't ask for (never happened to me yet, though). And bots serving proper releases just never have viruses, it's unheard of. However, users of k-lite (or should i say *KMD*), that's a whole different story :P

One last thing: taken from Winrar WinRAR 3.30 Beta 1 changelog (http://zonehd.net/downloads.php?op=voirfich&fid=127):

Now it is possible to decompress TAR, GZIP and ISO9660
archives of any size. Previous versions could not handle
files of these formats, if they exceeded 2 GB.
so make sure you use a later version of winrar if you unpack tar files larger than 2 GB, or just use winzip. I'm not sure how winace handles such files, so I wouldn't take any chances

PS - there exist scripts/programs meant for downloading off xdcc's that have similar features I believe - they go by names like "bottler", "xdcc catcher" "ork" and others. The problem with them is that all the chans HATE them and if they detect you're using such a script - perm ban, goodbye. And they have ways to know. However, following this guide shouldn't get you banned/kicked (it hasn't gotten me anyway) from anywhere. Especially if you happen to shut the first timer (the 6 mins interval one, that only exists to get you into the queue) after you got in, or there's a free queue slot and you don't have a need for it, or u use a number smaller than 100 repetitions if you happen to know that chan is not extremely packed and busy. Lastly, none of these scripts/progs have adjustable resume rollback as far as I know, which is something I wouldn't go without anyway (DC++ has it for ages, and for a good reason).

11-08-2003, 07:12 PM
I didn't read that long ass thread but I hope u aren't encouraging leeching.

11-08-2003, 10:22 PM
nope, that's just the way one downloads off IRC

if you want to share there, you can open an fserv, is has nothing to do with the way you download (well actually if you share there you could get distro access)

check out the pinned "IRC newbie guide" in this forum - this is just a complement

besides, i usually download stuff off irc and then share it on P2P so i wouldnt call it leeching per se

11-08-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by venom_il@8 November 2003 - 22:22
besides, i usually download stuff off irc and then share it on P2P so i wouldnt call it leeching per se
i would consider us "distributers"

11-08-2003, 11:25 PM
Nice guide and very informative. :)

11-08-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Gutter+9 November 2003 - 00:16--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Gutter &#064; 9 November 2003 - 00:16)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-venom_il@8 November 2003 - 22:22
besides, i usually download stuff off irc and then share it on P2P so i wouldnt call it leeching per se
i would consider us "distributers" [/b][/quote]

N£MO - Wow, u actually read it ?&#33;?? that&#39;s gotta be a first from what i saw in the other thread it was on before :lol:

11-09-2003, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by Gre1@8 November 2003 - 19:12
I didn&#39;t read that long ass thread but I hope u aren&#39;t encouraging leeching.
IRC is leeching ;)

11-26-2003, 06:48 AM
Nice Guide

11-26-2003, 08:37 AM
Thanks for the great guide.

11-26-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by venom_il@8 November 2003 - 13:26
Also, click on "Perform" -> in "All networks" (select from top list), paste:

/remote off
/pdcc on
/fsend on
/ctcps on
/raw on
/events on

i cant find perform, where is it.

slick nick
11-27-2003, 05:07 AM
hey venom the resume tip was good but i stopped reading when i got to the timer part. good tip on how to do it since i was wondering. But don&#39;t most rooms ban you for setting timers on the bot. this is the same thing right? i&#39;m certain i can find channels that don&#39;t ban for timers. this should most definately be added to that irc thread from krackhead.

11-27-2003, 05:23 AM
yes IRC is for leeching then we spread it too other p2ps

12-04-2003, 01:04 AM
I&#39;m glad you liked it :)

Jay - maybe we don&#39;t have the same mIRC version - I have 6.12 and it&#39;s right where the guide says: tools -> options -> connect -> options (you have to click the little &#39;+&#39;) -> the perform button is there

slick nick - well like i said i never got banned for it but if a chan says in the topic "no timers" or some such (and I saw at least one chan that said) i guess it could be a little dangerous. If you read the part about the timers, you can see everything is done there to bother the bot as little as possible - this is done by using reasonbale intervals, stopping the timer when it&#39;s not needed anymore etc

RE adding this to the newbie guide.. we&#39;ve tried that before but ppl got confused so i think I&#39;ll ask Krackhead to simply add a link to here


12-06-2003, 06:20 PM
thank you for the guide, I read the entire guide and I&#39;m going to use it for my downloads from now on.

12-06-2003, 07:36 PM
nice work mate :)

12-06-2003, 10:06 PM
Good looking guide filled with lots of great info.. though, not all accurate/necessary. Regarding XDCC bots, get XDCC Klipper, its a small script which does requesting, resuming and get on que functions of all bots on a particular channel. Why write lines of code, when tons of scripts have been written to do it for you? :o

On another note, I know of no such &#39;bug&#39; for using WinRAR with TAR files. I download 4.3 GB TAR files for DVD-Rs and have had no corruption errors to speak of. There could be a published bug of sorts, though I have had NO problems using winRAR, and I highly recommend it to the users here. :huh:

12-06-2003, 10:12 PM
thanks for sharing this tutorial - If I will begin IRC some time
I will need it ;)

12-07-2003, 03:02 AM
thanks for the positive input all :)

Jibbler -

a) as the last paragraph says:
there exist scripts/programs meant for downloading off xdcc&#39;s that have similar features I believe - they go by names like "bottler" "xdcc catcher" and some others. The problem with them is that all the chans HATE them and if they detect you&#39;re using such a script - perm ban, goodbye. And they have ways to know.

you could use scripts, but it&#39;s always a risk. also, the only code you have to put in is some 2 odd timers.. a matter of seconds in any case, so there&#39;s not a whole lot to argue about anyway B)

B) it might depend on the file itself and SOME tars would only work in winzip. maybe. maybe it was fixed in the latest winrar version, i can&#39;t remember what ver i had when i couldnt open that tar.. in any case, this is again a moot point. winrar has no advantages over winzip in opening tar files so there is no reason why not to use winzip for that task. I&#39;ll edit the guide however and delete the bit about winrar not supporting it well (and replace it with a mere recommendation)- just in case they have fixed it and the information i gave was not accurate, which, by what you&#39;re saying might very well be the case

please, feel free to address any other part of the guide you feel need adjusting :ph34r:

12-07-2003, 03:33 PM
good guide though i canyt be bothered to read it all or use it :P

12-13-2003, 03:53 AM
yeah....i&#39;ll try out this irc thing after finals....which is after next week..... :lol:

12-14-2003, 05:56 PM
nice guide---read most of it--i agree with jibbler though, why be bothered taking up an hour doing all that when theres a million scripts to do it for you? and iv never had a problem with any script.

12-14-2003, 09:24 PM
writing "/timer -o 0 300 /msg xdccbot xdcc send #1" takes hours ?

12-15-2003, 06:39 PM
Thanks a lot man, now I can be a little more l33t than my friends :P

12-16-2003, 04:25 AM
Great guide&#33; I wish I had seen it before I figured everything out by myself. I just have to note, though, that one part of your script is potentially problematic. Specifically:

On *&#58;GETFAIL&#58;*&#58; {
&nbsp;btrunc &#036;filename &#036;iif&#40;&#036;calc&#40;&#036;file&#40;&#036;filename&#41;.size - 102400 &#41; &#62; 0, &#036;ifmatch, 0&#41;

This doesn&#39;t provide any allowances for long filenames. For instance, I got that script from the "incomplete" website, and I started using it. I found it didn&#39;t seem to work at all, and for the longest time I didn&#39;t know why. I also noticed around that time, though I didn&#39;t associate it immediately, that when I started Windows XP, it gave me a message about having a file called "Program" in the root of C drive, and that it could cause problems with programs. Whenever that message came up, some of my startup programs didn&#39;t load, and some other things didn&#39;t work.

I kept deleting the file, but it kept showing up. I couldn&#39;t figure out when it was showing up, so I didn&#39;t know how to fix it. One day, I decided to finally ask someone how to fix the rollback script since it didn&#39;t seem to be working. After talking with some people, they figured out that the "&#036;filename" part of the script wouldn&#39;t handle long filenames. And sure enough, with testing, I found that when it runs the "btrunc" command with a long filename without quotes, it cut the filename off at the first space. So "C:&#092;Program Files&#092;Mirc&#092;Download&#092;blahblah.divx.movie.avi" became "C:&#092;Program". So that was when I found out where that "program" file was coming from.

So the guy showed me how to correct the script, and I thought I would post it here for anybody that keeps the default download directory for mIRC. The corrected script is:

On *&#58;GETFAIL&#58;*&#58; {
&nbsp;btrunc &#036;+&#40;&#34;,&#036;filename,&#34;&#41; &#036;iif&#40;&#036;calc&#40;&#036;file&#40;&#036;filename&#41;.size - 102400 &#41; &#62; 0, &#036;ifmatch, 0&#41;

The &#036;+(",&#036;filename,") part puts quotes around the filename, so it retains the spaces. It works great, and I no longer have corrupted downloads.


Rip The Jacker
12-16-2003, 04:34 AM
Great guide venom_il, glad to finally see it pinned&#33; B)

12-16-2003, 09:17 AM
hey what do you know, cool B)

stupendo44 - thanks for the fix. i&#39;ll test it soon and upadte the guide

krack - 10x &#33;

12-20-2003, 12:56 PM
about timer 6, is there any way that timer auto shutdown when ur in qeuie?

12-21-2003, 12:35 AM
I suppose there is a way, I just don&#39;t know it :D

probably involves scripting - you might want to try and ask at mirc.com forums ?

12-22-2003, 06:20 AM
sorry but i cant take it any more, Fuck this Guide, No corruption <_< :angry:
i was downloading ROTK its was 2Gb as usuall before finishing Bot went offline and becuz of u guyz that saing no corruption i continue that download with another BOT and Guess wat after waiting for more then 24Hrs i got corrupted file :angry: :angry: :angry:

12-22-2003, 02:10 PM
bawa, bawa ... :frusty:

we told you numerous times, never resume from another bot

you will almost positively get corruptions

RTFG - read the... fine... guide
it instructs you to download from the *same* bot ...

12-22-2003, 02:14 PM
evey one know if resume from same bot we never get corrupted file thats not big deal, not getting corrupted files resuming from diffrent bot that main thing

12-22-2003, 02:28 PM
correct, and if its just a bad rar file, jump on a news group and grab a par file, problem fixed
a par file will replace any bad rar, ANY :)
just need to get a par file for the cd, cause they&#39;re par files for cd1/cd2/cd3

12-22-2003, 02:57 PM
any FREE newsgroup

and the file was .tar

12-22-2003, 08:32 PM
well, i&#39;m sorry then.. but if the other bot has a different file, there&#39;s not much you can do as far as i know

12-24-2003, 06:14 AM
Its me again :D ;)

IS there any way to know for how much time a Bot will be online? cuz allways when downloading large file before they finish&#39;s the Bot goes offline or the packet is removed

12-24-2003, 03:24 PM
sorry, Im afraid it&#39;s one of IRC&#39;s shortcomings..

that&#39;s why unless something is extremely urgent to me (like eps of angel.. bahh i cant wait), i just emule it.. can&#39;t be bothered with bots, the mule might be slow but it always gets the job done with no hassle B)

12-25-2003, 08:14 AM
Seems theres many ways to download off irc because, theres a cool http and, ftp script for mIRC. Now Iroffer, That Smokes Downloads Fast.
Anyone got a kazza script for mirc?

12-28-2003, 06:03 AM
Kazaa script for mIRC?&#33; And what do you think the function of the script it going to be. You can&#39;t compare HTTP, FTP, and Kazaa in the same group. What are these HTTP and FTP scripts you are talking about? I think you may be mistaken about what you&#39;re actually doing, so please give me a chance to correct you, or maybe I&#39;ll learn something I didn&#39;t know.


01-05-2004, 03:39 AM
/remote off?
That&#39;s okay for just grabbing a file in one of them "happy peaceful" channels on them "friendly peaceful" networks, but don&#39;t be using that on just any network....
It&#39;ll come back to bite you in the nuts if ya do... heh....
there&#39;s always some lamer who will abuse that if you&#39;re using a script that has some decent protections worked into the remotes, and most of them don&#39;t even need a reason to be complete and utter buttbugs.

01-06-2004, 01:44 PM
huh? why use any script, this guide is for the default client. and i don&#39;t really understand what you&#39;re saying, how exactly can it be abused?

all i know i once got into a channel and was kicked immediately, this repeated a couple of times until i asked someone he said type /remote off and it worked perfectly. so this is basically the only reason it&#39;s there..

Evil Gemini
01-25-2004, 02:33 AM
Sorry to sound dense guys, but i dont understand how to apply the rollback code.

On *&#58;GETFAIL&#58;*&#58; {
btrunc &#036;+&#40;&#34;,&#036;filename,&#34;&#41; &#036;iif&#40;&#036;calc&#40;&#036;file&#40;&#036;filename&#41;.size - 102400 &#41; &#62; 0, &#036;ifmatch, 0&#41;

Do i do this before i click a link on packetnews, or before ??

and do i have to modify part of the code ? or thats the exact thing i paste in ? :helpsmile:

01-25-2004, 03:00 AM
Wow did u really compose that and wirte the whole thing out all by yourself? If you did good job

01-25-2004, 03:40 AM

01-25-2004, 06:21 AM
Nice guide

Evil Gemini
01-25-2004, 09:37 AM
Is anyone going to help me ? :helpsmile:

01-25-2004, 01:39 PM
In mIRC, click the Tools menu, then click "Scripts Editor". Make sure you are on the "Remote" tab. Then copy and paste the code into the big white area. Then click OK and the script will be active.


Evil Gemini
01-25-2004, 05:44 PM
Cool, thanks man :)

01-27-2004, 12:34 AM
Thanks for the good words guys :)

and of course thanks to all the kind helpers B)

03-17-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by stupidguy@7 December 2003 - 15:33
good guide though i canyt be bothered to read it all or use it :P
STFU&#33; Lol I&#39;ve read it all now and it&#39;s a great guide thanks. :)

04-24-2004, 08:33 AM
:huh: There any script that resumes(or restarts) a lost connection when the speed fluctuates and falls below the minimum speed requirement? :helpsmile:

04-24-2004, 08:36 AM
use xdcc klipper man , does it all , resumes ect

XDCC Klipper 4.33 (http://xdccklipper.justaboard.com)

05-01-2004, 07:35 AM
Very usefull guide&#33; Thanks&#33; ;)

07-19-2004, 05:59 AM
thanks for the info man :)

01-13-2005, 01:02 PM
i just downloaded Mirc 6.16, copied these scripts into the script box :

On *:GETFAIL:*: {
&nbsp;btrunc $+(",$filename,") $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 512000 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0) }

on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers off }

/timer7 -o 0 100 /msg amugen xdcc send #13

and it doesn't seem to resume after 100 seconds. Can someone please help.


01-13-2005, 05:23 PM
i just downloaded Mirc 6.16, copied these scripts into the script box :

On *:GETFAIL:*: {
&nbsp;btrunc $+(",$filename,") $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 512000 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0) }

on *:FILERCVD:*: { .timers off }

/timer7 -o 0 100 /msg amugen xdcc send #13

and it doesn't seem to resume after 100 seconds. Can someone please help.


/timer7 -o 0 100 /msg amugen xdcc send #13

doesnt have to mean it will restart your download after 100 sec. it means it will check if there are slots availeble every 100 sec. so if the bot is offline or there are no slots it wont download again.

03-19-2005, 08:58 AM
Venom i cant get the Resume Rollback to work im using MIRC 6.16. Please help this would be Soooo great if i could get this to work.

06-14-2005, 12:41 AM
very useful thx

06-16-2005, 11:41 PM
Great guide


08-03-2005, 02:35 AM
i cant ever find anything im looking for on irc spy especially scene dvdr releases is there another way to look?

08-09-2005, 06:41 AM

I am a newbie to this IRC stuff but the guide provided a lot of knowledge. Thanks for the guide.

I have a question. I am not sure what i have to replace in the code for the two timers because i dont use one single command to get a file. I actually need two commands :

1. /ctcp asdf Windows Programs
2. get \cd and dvd programs\nero systems\nero_6.6.0.12_ultra_powerpack.rar

Where i guess asdf is the name of the bot?

Would love if someone could help me out here ... I am downloading a file ... and i am pretty sure that the connection will be killed at least once before completion of the download ... so if i could get that code up and running it would be great ...

How do i modify the timer code for such cases ?

11-17-2005, 05:48 PM

thanks ;)

01-05-2006, 06:47 PM

06-01-2006, 11:03 PM
Was missing these a lot


06-20-2006, 09:05 PM
great guide thanks

06-24-2006, 12:03 AM
thank you for the guide.

06-25-2006, 05:45 PM
I didn't read that long ass thread but I hope u aren't encouraging leeching.

What other fookin way is there to get anything on IRC? Anyway it is a good tutorial, thanx for posting it.

I use Packetnews/XDCC Catcher. Thats the only way to get anything, but you hafta manilupate the ID that catcher generates so that it looks like you are using mIRC or something else.

I been booted from rooms and networks for using Catcher even when I was using mIRC! So I use either one, catcher is easier. Dont wanna talk to anyone on IRC anyhoo, Ahaha!

There are 3 alternatives: Newsgroups-Usenet like Alt.Binaries.ISO and etc. IRC channels, where you are at the whim of any op to wants to kick you inna butt or generally emit testosterone at you, and Torrents.

Of the 3, Torrents is the one where you are mot likely to download a fookin virus or other piece of a pup or parasiteware or trojans.

Thanx for the Info! I spend lots of time in IRC, this is really helpful!

06-25-2006, 05:51 PM
Hey everyone, for mIRC leechin, I highly recommend grabbin a script called dccAssist.

The dccAssist home page hasn't been workin the last few times that I checked. However, you can DL dccAssist on my site:

I download anime from fansub distro bots, and dccAssist works great ifya want to dl anime, or whatever else!

07-12-2006, 02:06 AM
great helped alot


07-12-2006, 02:29 AM
you are most welcome noob!

yup, DCCassist makes mIRC function more like a traditional P2P program...still a bit awkward, but beats the hell out of P2P apps that everyone & their grandma uses heh!

It is also better than having to cut & paste XDCC packet requests, and manually reconnect to servers & channels (if I could remember the names.) I wish I had DCCassist years & years ago!


01-09-2007, 07:58 AM
nice and easy

thxx man

01-15-2007, 03:16 PM
nice post dude ez to read

01-15-2007, 06:21 PM
thxx mate for the info

very easy way

04-11-2007, 12:58 AM
Nice to see my script mentioned. :)

I'm still working on v1.80, though no doubt it will get released eventually...

05-24-2008, 07:21 PM
Nice guide with very informative

08-27-2008, 02:40 PM
Nice guide and thanks for sharing , will definitely try it

09-02-2008, 08:22 PM
Nice guide thank you ;)