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View Full Version : Tracker with blu ray rip untouched

02-15-2011, 08:34 AM

Before trying trading invites, i need to find the tracker of my wishes ^^

I'm currently looking for a tracker with blu-ray rip untouched, by that i means that the video didn't suffer any re-encode, the audio HD english (and french if possible) are still there without compression and french subtitltes are also still there.

Does anyone know a tracker that would fit my criteria?

Thanks in advance for your answers

02-15-2011, 11:59 AM

All are open for signup (So no trade i guess?) And are dedicated to untouched BR25 and BR50. They are all of English Origin so u have check for french language

02-15-2011, 04:08 PM
Maybe you don't know this, but trading will get you in trouble if the staff on the tracker of your "wishes" finds out.

02-15-2011, 10:10 PM
BD25 and 3DBluRayISO are good bets for your needs.

02-21-2011, 01:26 AM
I have heard that CHDbits is a great site to download BDs.

02-21-2011, 04:30 PM
I have heard that CHDbits is a great site to download BDs.

So, you're not a member?

Anyway, invites are supposedly as hard to get as in HDBits these days.

03-01-2011, 03:34 PM
BD25 is dedicated to the (pointless...) 'BD25' format. Most of those releases are not 'untouched' - while the HD audio tracks are usually included, the video is re-encoded more often than not, since most original Blurays are larger than 25GB.

The best sources for 'untouched' Bluray ISOs / folders are the big Chinese trackers, besides HDBits.org, of course. Chinese trackers like CHDBits, HDChina, TTG, HDStar, HDRoad etc. have some strong competition going on for the fastest release, especially as far as major mainstream titles are concerned. These days, they usually are the first to release untouched Blurays, beating the 'traditional scene' often even. That's why I suggest that you try to get on one of those sites. HDStar had opened signups just recently if I'm not mistaken, most of the others do open their gates from time to time, too. But forget about trading though, that is prohibited on all of those sites.

An alternative to full Blurays are remuxes. Remuxes are MKV rips of Blurays with untouched video and normally HD audio, too. So you get the same quality of the original Bluray combined with the ease of use, convenience and smaller size of the MKV format. You will have to do without extras, trailers and whatnot usually included on Blurays, though, but most of that stuff is pretty useless anyway. Proper remuxes also include commentary tracks, various subtitle streams and chapters. The best source for remuxes is Awesome-HD, probably the only source for proper remuxes these days. The Chinese trackers have a ton of remuxes, too, but those releases usually lack any 'extras' like subtitles, commentary etc.

03-25-2011, 01:42 AM

03-30-2011, 07:14 PM

Untouched Video and Audio look in the title description for this as example : Fair.Game.2010.1080p.Blu-ray.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FraMeSToR
REMUX is the video and audio is taken from the original blu-ray source and merged into a .mkv or .iso file usually with subs

if you see x264 of the title description than the video is re-encoded to a smaller size, some even may convert the original audio but the best encoders don't do that.
I always take the FraMeSToR REMUX releases cause I like everything untouched and highest quality possible :naughty: :D

The best source for remuxes is Awesome-HD, probably the only source for proper remuxes these days. The Chinese trackers have a ton of remuxes, too, but those releases usually lack any 'extras' like subtitles, commentary etc.

Disagree, framestor-hd got also remuxes, i find them better than the hifi ones, simply cause the got multiple subs and here comes the best part the original .sup/pgs subs are added in a seperate folder of the remux releases so if wanted you can demux the framestor release and add the pgs subs and merge them, that offcourse if your favorite mediaplayer supports that format mine does and have yourself a remux with hq subs :naughty:

03-31-2011, 10:21 AM
First of all, Framestor have just recently started to release remuxes, as have other groups. At the time I wrote that statement, it was absolutely valid. HiFi clearly were pioneers when it comes to 'proper' remuxes, the first group that released them on a regular basis. While other groups occasionally released remuxes in the last few years, e.g. Eureka, they usually lacked HD audio. And while chinese tracker internal groups like CHD or HDStar / beast released remuxes regularly, with HD audio most of the time, they lacked other features like integrated subtitle streams, chapters or even commentary audio streams.
A proper remux for me not only includes 'untouched' audio and video streams, but also includes all the other 'goodies' of the main video of the original Blu-ray (not extras and other crap, of course) like subtitle streams, secondary audio tracks (-> commentary) chapters, basically making full use of the advantages of the MKV format.

I actually agree with your statement about PGS subtitles, since I myself repeatedly suggested them to implemented in the A-HD forums, knowing how fugly vobsubs (.sub / .idx) look with HD movies, and how time consuming text subs (.srt, .ass) are to create due to OCR. Text subs are the most compatible format, but it's not practicable to OCR multiple subtitle streams, even foreign ones, for each remux. PGS comtability has improved considerably over the last few months, many streamers support them, I actually use PGS subs for my own remuxes. So I do applaud Framestor for providing PGS subs with their remuxes (I actually did already :)), it's clearly a very good step in the right direction.

03-31-2011, 12:34 PM
I don't like remuxes, most of them still have to much info or not enough subs etc ... so what I do is I download the full BD's and make my own remux ... I extract the main movie, chapters and subs I want and cram them into an iso. That way I keep the untouched video/audio but don't have all the extra crap they fill the BD's with.

My sources are mainly HDBits and Usenet, occasionally a DDL-board if I can't find it anywhere else..

03-31-2011, 03:42 PM
I usually download full Blu-rays and create my own remuxes, too, for similar reasons, but the better remux releases do save you some bandwidth. If I know that the source Blu-ray doesn't really offer more (at least relevant for me) than the remux, I clearly prefer the remux. Saves me some time, too.

04-06-2011, 07:48 PM
3dblurayiso.com needs invitation code to register.


All are open for signup (So no trade i guess?) And are dedicated to untouched BR25 and BR50. They are all of English Origin so u have check for french language

04-06-2011, 08:32 PM
usenet. :lol:

yeah i know, i know.. i just couldnt help myself...