View Full Version : Twizted replaced Replica?

02-28-2011, 05:03 PM
It seems Twizted is on a roll lately regarding releases. Reminds me of Replica back in the day.

Perhaps former Replica suppliers formed their own group; Twizted?

Would make sense since Replica is not releasing anything spectacular lately.

what do you guys think?

02-28-2011, 05:06 PM
I think that you are confusing this with the bt section.

If you want to talk about actual movies or TV here though feel free.

02-28-2011, 06:16 PM
Moved to File Sharing section.

03-01-2011, 01:11 AM
I think that you are confusing this with the bt section.

And you are confusing the bt section with the file sharing section, it's not protocol specific. Just saying ;)

03-01-2011, 04:35 AM
sorry guys.
i wasn't sure. Thanks 4 the move.

03-07-2011, 10:12 AM
Gullivers.Travels.DVDR-TWiZTED --> [Nuke] stolen.from.p2p_i56.tinypic.com.vwps1c.jpg

Just more p2p lamers...

03-07-2011, 12:06 PM
I think that you are confusing this with the bt section.

And you are confusing the bt section with the file sharing section, it's not protocol specific. Just saying ;)

Probably because I really don't care one way or the other.:idunno:
A nose by any other name would smell as sweet.

03-07-2011, 02:44 PM
Didn't know there were people who still download DVD-R.
For me it was never an appealing format.

03-07-2011, 03:18 PM
TWiZTED release DVDRips, too.

It's funny how the traditional scene accuses those groups to be 'lame' who get their sources / supplies from bittorrent trackers. Fact of the matter is that these days, P2P groups are quite often faster than the traditional scene, especially when it comes to major movie titles. The Chinese trackers in particular regularly beat the traditional scene when it comes to Blu-ray releases.

The traditional scene is probably feeling threatened by these developments. Only those kind of releases that need considerable reverse engineering know-how, e.g. games and applications, are still strictly traditional scene. For now that is, as this might change in near future, too, with P2P groups emerging for those kind of warez also.

03-07-2011, 05:01 PM
The P2P Scene is superior for pre-pre-retail material; I'm talking about CAMs, TSs, TCs, WPs, SCRs, PPVRiPs, R5s. But that's only because there's safety in numbers. I remember when ORC released Inception (Inception.iNTERNAL.CAM.XviD-ORC) and the 720p equivilant, both were released as internal, ie the release is not to be spread beyond whatever sites ORC chose, because they want to protect themselves - hell the releases even got nuked because nobody knew if they were the real deal or spam. P2P also plays a considerable part in releasing WEB MP3s, but that's really only on Blogspots, and even at Scene level WEB is considered shit.

However, when it comes to pre-retail... DVDs, BDs, CDs and as you said, PCISO and hardcore cracking, The Scene wins hands down, no questions asked.

03-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Not BDs anymore, seriously. As I said, the Chinese HD trackers regularly beat the traditional scene when it comes to Blu-rays, major titles even. Recent examples: Black Swan, The Fighter (full Blu-ray), Tangled.

It's probably similar for many DVDs, too, but those are becoming obsolete anyway.

03-07-2011, 07:08 PM
I was actually wondering the same thing as the OP. I have a lot of friends who are dumb with computers & technology, so you say XviD or DivX and they say huh? So often I have to grab the NTSC DVDR releases. Some of them I've showed the unlock region easter egg so they can roll with PAL too.

03-07-2011, 09:16 PM
Btw., why does this section even exist? Today, Filesharing = Bittorrent (de facto). Just merge both forums I say.

03-07-2011, 09:19 PM
FTP, BBS, DDL; none of these are obsolete. :whistling

03-07-2011, 09:20 PM
There's more to filesharing than BT, Usenet and eMule. That's why this section exists.

03-07-2011, 09:24 PM
That's more leeching than sharing though. Fine with me, but not what I'd define as filesharing. The difference is that not only the original uploaders shares files with others, but those who leech those files automatically share, too.

03-08-2011, 12:10 AM
yeah scene is kind of slow these days

03-09-2011, 05:30 AM
Not BDs anymore, seriously. As I said, the Chinese HD trackers regularly beat the traditional scene when it comes to Blu-rays, major titles even. Recent examples: Black Swan, The Fighter (full Blu-ray), Tangled.

Add Tron:Legacy to the list. Chinese HD trackers own Bluray these days.

03-14-2011, 05:31 PM
Filesharing = Bit-torrent? I don't think so.

03-14-2011, 05:37 PM
What other filesharing protocol is relevant these days?

03-14-2011, 05:40 PM
What other filesharing protocol is relevant these days?

It depends on who you ask :shifty:

03-14-2011, 05:52 PM
I'm just curious. As I explained earlier, DDL or newsgroups are not what I would define as filesharing. So what filesharing protocols besides bittorrent are relevant today? eDonkey / eMule? Still existing, but more or less dead these days. Kazaa? Soulseek? DC?

03-14-2011, 05:59 PM
Where I live on, Ares has more users than torrents. In some countries it's the same with eD2K (Spain, Italy) or DC++ (Romania, I hear).

03-14-2011, 06:08 PM
Really? That comes as a surprise to me. Once in a while, internet traffic statistics (world wide, Europe, North America etc.) are released, and bittorrent takes the lion's share of P2P traffic these days, by quite some distance.

The share of P2P traffic is actually decreasing, as legal alternatives are becoming more important (iTunes, streaming services etc.).

03-15-2011, 03:30 PM
What other filesharing protocol is relevant these days?

Private RAR hubs on dc++/airDC if you're lucky to be on them.Single users can be sharing anywhere up to 50tb on their own.

03-15-2011, 04:11 PM
I'm aware of Direct Connect. However, the question was how relevant is it today? How many people actually share files over DC these days? Activity went down a lot after numerous busts in the last few years. It's a very 'private' matter these days indeed, for obvious reasons, hence the relevance as a filesharing protocol is rather low.

While the popularity of bittorrent (and P2P in general) suffered from the closure of public trackers / indexes like mininova etc., the torrent scene evolved. Private trackers are more popular than ever, and unlike many other forms of file sharing, bittorrent has actually become a source of pirated material itself, and not just a way of distributing warez released by the traditional scene.

03-15-2011, 05:11 PM
Fair point, I guess it's relative to the individuals circumstance.

I haven't used BT for about 4-5 years.

03-16-2011, 10:41 AM
DC remains popular in UK universities; Unfortunately the UK infrastructure is particularly shit, to the extent that even the universities network is saturated with users... I know from personal experience that University of Surrey block BT + ports. Only way to sharefiles was through DC.

03-17-2011, 04:47 AM
I have not seen that replica team realeases stuff recently. TWiZTED is a good team as well.

03-21-2011, 07:00 AM
replies are a bit off topic guys.
I for one have been collecting DVDR basicly since it was introduced to the scene 8 or 9 years ago.
I believe one of the first "good" DVDR releases was Lord of the Rings 1, done by a group called Hamburger or was it Replica? Can't remember.
The movie releases are going more into HD. DVDR container was more than good enough for me. Guess i'll have to get used to HD now.

Anyway, the point is that Twizted have good retail releases and 9 out of 10 ripped perfectly for those who still care about quality DVDR.
Also the really good movies i buy in stores. Can't beat to have the original sometimes.

03-25-2011, 09:20 AM
twizted are a good team, and nice people.. im 99% sure they didnt replaced replica ;) (talks somenone who knows)

04-01-2011, 10:31 AM
Didn't know there were people who still download DVD-R.
For me it was never an appealing format.

Same here...

04-08-2011, 09:18 AM

Not so legit after all..

04-08-2011, 09:33 AM
Goal to prove:
TWiZTED/DEFACED run a P2L P2P FTP, w/ Scene rls. [Their rips are retail.]

Gullivers.Travels.DVDR-TWiZTED [Nuke]stolen.from.p2p_i56.tinypic.com.vwps1c.jpg

Hohoho! Looks like they still stealing [TWiZTED.Ways.As.There.P2P.Reencodes-SPARTACUS]

After following the trail, we found what we believe to be TWiZTED/DEFACED's true source.
It's a P2l P2P FTP [*] by the name of SW - Scene Warez. This is not a scene
site, but one where the Colombian owner [feel that shiver down your spine? ;)] has
a good pre-retail supply, andallows for customers to access releases on the FTP before he spams one click
links everywhere. It is even bragged about on his "advert" he will get "exclusive material"
faster than "public sites".

We found their source then but, what if TWiZTED/DEFACED went beyond being just customers?
What if they are the owners?

Having added the SW admin on MSN:
ME says: you get nice releases before the scene though in many cases (from what i can see on your website)
FTP-SW says: I have some foreign clients because I am very quick releases R1 - R4
ME says: do you know anyone in twizted?
FTP-SW says: yep, u ? i have acc in ftp scene
FTP-SW says: In the ftp are with some days notice before posting to the blog of ftp or sw web.
ME says: it is on the ftp site before it is posted on the blog?
FTP-SW says: yes

We are aware that chat logs can be made up; we can only offer our word that this is true.

There's a lot of content; most of it is the owner's own supply, for which there are custom releases,
as well as a lot of P2P releases, and Scene releases too [obviously there's a leak somewhere...].
These release, in many case swere uploaded onto the FTP days before being posted on the blog!
Check proofs and you'll see DVDRs are up before TWiZTED pre them.

Never underestimate someone's intelligence - people learn
from their mistakes. And unfortunately, we believe
TWiZTED/DEFACED learned their lesson from Gulliver's Travels, now knowing
that they need to make releases on SW different to their own.
At the moment, all we have is damning coincidence. Not 100% proof,
but we'll leave the decision between you and your sysop.

http://scene-warez.org/ftpsw/?p=1236 Posted 5/3/10
Gullivers.Travels.DVDR-TWiZTED Pre'd 5/3/11 *Nuked*

http://scene-warez.org/ftpsw/?p=373 Posted 11/12/10
The.American.DVDR-TWiZTED Pre'd 13/12/10

http://scene-warez.org/ftpsw/?p=470 Posted 30/12/10
Twelve.2010.LiMiTED.DVDR-TWiZTED Pre'd 31/12/10

http://scene-warez.org/ftpsw/?p=597 Posted 13/1/11
Red.DVDR-TWiZTED Pre'd 15/1/11

http://scene-warez.org/ftpsw/?p=1524 Posted 28/3/11
Harry.Potter.and.the.Deathly.Hallows.Part.1.DVDR-TWiZTED pre'd 29/3/11

Feel free to search for yourself on http://scene-warez.org/ftpsw/
for similar cases. There are plenty.

However, sometimes the releases are different. TWiZTED/DEFACED pre, then they
get posted on SW. Proof gets requested and provided, but if TWiZTED/DEFACED were only
customers, they'd wouldnt have access to the discs. This is where our
belief that TWiZTED/DEFACED are the owners comes from. And barring them admitting it,
or the occasional fuck up from their side, there's only one way to prove it:
SW Admin IP: 186.114.45.* <---- Masked because we aren't scum who pre anything.* <---- Check proofs.
[We forgot to screenshot first IP, but both do locate to Bogota, Colombia]

We accept we may not have solid proof, but the coincidences in timings are
too obvious to ignore. If you are on a site affilled by TWiZTED/DEFACED,
then ask the sysop to check that IP against TWiZTED/DEFACED members. More
importantly if you have friends on sites affilled by TWiZTED/DEFACED,
then you need to pressure them into asking.

Nothing more, nothing less, but what results is the truth. However,
at the end of the day, TWiZTED/DEFACED have been caught stealing from this site,
Gulliver's Travel is simply not the only instance of it, and the shit they're
involved in could be endangering your site and you.

This was our original NFO on the matter, but as you can see, we did not have
hard evidence. Instead we did a pretty dumb thing; we asked people ourselves
to help us out in contacting sysops, and investigate and nail 'em propa!
... Ofcourse we knew they would find out, especially when we got in touch
with one of TWiZTED's oldest sites [im sure they know which], so by longetivity,
this is a site with a high chance of having had a colombian IP log into it
from a TWiZTED member.

It came back negative. We were expecting this because we pastebin'd the NFO,
and gave it out too. But we were also then expecting something else to happen...

On the 4th of April, approximately 2 days after we were told by the sysop
the colombian IP had never beeen logged, SW's blog, FTPSW went down.
They knew someone was onto them, and they knew what info we had, but,
TWiZTED, your removal of blog FTPSW is only confirmation there is a connection.
A strong one at that. How else would you know all we had on you was a few web links
from you blog?

The only way to browse FTPSW Blog is through google cache... Check Pics.
What's the date on that? The 4th. By today it was down.

Message to all. Our scene is now manipulated by greed: this group puts out
a lot of content, and in turn is in hot demand. But it was because of this
supply they were able to profit, and in turn only become a security risk,
and especially the largest one to the scene since the FBI by the number of affil
requests they get a day [supposedly 5+].

Have your sysop look at this NFO. Check the IPs. Check our screenshots and twizted pres.
Check Google Cache if our example weren't enough. You could be at risk because
of some beaner's desires to make money.

Let's act together, and make sure that doesn't happen. Purge TWiZTED/DEFACED!

with proofs: http://www.mediafire.com/?nr6po9pv5zlimb9

04-15-2011, 01:24 PM
Still, their releases are of very good quality.

04-16-2011, 01:54 PM
Their releases were good certainly, but they were a big security risk... check the IP proof... naked! no protection :O Seeing as they were running a warez board they were even a risk to their own business lol