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View Full Version : Rift - PC MMORPG

mr. nails
04-15-2011, 07:04 AM
Anyone playing this? If so, how is it? What's good? What's bad? etc. I've weened myself off of WoW and I'm getting the itch for some MMO action. Sadly I've only been 5 months clean, but it feels like an eternity. I love the class creation tree builds and that they do in fact have a Paladin class and PvP!


04-18-2011, 04:12 PM
Never really got into MMORPG's, a friend at work who plays WoW and Rift enjoys Rift but always notes it's not a WoW killer as some people put it.

mr. nails
05-30-2011, 04:27 AM
i ended up buying Rift. there's a FREE 7 day trial for the game which is what got me. you DO NOT have to enter a credit card number or any sort of currency while you enjoy the FREE trial.

which can be found HERE. (http://www.riftgame.com/en/news/articles/05102011_free_trial.php)

i love the talent trees in this game. so many different types of specs u can play as. it's wonderful!

i've did pretty much all that there's to do up to 20+ levels.

1. quest
2. dungeons (5-man)
3. rifts
4. pvp

i like it all. is it better than WoW? no. is it a WoW killer? possibly. games only 2 months old whereas WoW is 7 years.

anyhow, i'm enjoying it and i bought the Digital Colletor's Edition for $40. Free mount, pet, 2 bags, and some potions.

05-31-2011, 04:36 AM
I tried to get into WoW, but after it's been out for so long, I just don't have the enthusiasm to invest any time into it. Rift came out and made me think... but it's mostly a WoW clone from what I hear. Anyways, I'm personally waiting for Star Wars: The Old Republic to debut, that's the one I want eating away at my time.

05-31-2011, 11:24 AM
I tried to get into WoW, but after it's been out for so long, I just don't have the enthusiasm to invest any time into it. Rift came out and made me think... but it's mostly a WoW clone from what I hear. Anyways, I'm personally waiting for Star Wars: The Old Republic to debut, that's the one I want eating away at my time.

The Old Republic is going to be awesome! I had recently picked up the old WoW again, but it's hard not to get bored by it. Hopefully SWTOR takes MMORPGs to the next level!

mr. nails
06-01-2011, 05:03 AM
Rift came out and made me think... but it's mostly a WoW clone from what I hear.

and WoW is an EQ clone. what's ur point?

Anyways, I'm personally waiting for Star Wars: The Old Republic to debut, that's the one I want eating away at my time.

u be waiting a long time then. it's already been pushed back to 2012.

06-01-2011, 12:23 PM
My point is what's the point? You might as start playing Everquest 2 for that matter.

Last I heard, SWTOR plan for Q3/Q4 release of this year (http://www.starwarsmmolevelingguide.com/category/news/), what's your source for 2012 release date? Regardless, no big deal to wait, it's not like I have so much free time to fill.

06-03-2011, 12:40 AM
Getting into MMOs back with EQOA (PS2 EQ game), then moving to City of Heroes, to EQ2, then finally WoW. Warcraft is the only one that kept my interest for any length of time. EQOA when it first came out was my favorite, City of Heroes had superior graphics but the gameplay got a little stale after a while. EQ2 was too complex for me for some reason. I didn't enjoy it. Tried a trial of WoW, needless to say, I have been sucked in ever since Vanilla WoW. Things have only gotten better.

Needless to say, I have not tried Rift. I have heard it is fun, I have also heard it is bad. But, from my understanding it is fun at first and loses it's appeal after a while. Not to mention with no Mac version, that makes me even less inclined to try it. I really hate booting up Windows to play a game. If there isn't a Mac version, no deal for me.

06-03-2011, 05:06 AM
EQ2 was too complex for me for some reason... needless to say... I have been suck... Needless to say... I have heard it is fun, I have also heard it is bad... no Mac version... I really hate booting up Windows...

There, I shortened your post with just the parts that capture you, you needn't say anything.

I'm surprised not more game companies actually port their games to the shitty OS system. I mean, what more do you want than a demographic of suckers willing to shell out cash.

Still, nobody has responded about the SWTOR release date, fact checking and research is poorly represented on this board.

06-03-2011, 08:10 AM
"Star Wars: The Old Republic is expected to launch in the second half of 2011. Information on the release date and pre-order programs will be released as it becomes available."

From SWTOR's official forum as well as wiki.