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11-10-2003, 12:18 AM
hi, i was wondering if anyone have problem dling and uploading stuff to people
who r on the eDonkey network.

man its bullshit , the status in the tranfer of the shareaza says pending even though their is like 8 sources for the file...

11-10-2003, 12:26 AM
I have used shareaz before , it sucks, when theres like 20 source for a file , it says sources needed, utter crap.

11-10-2003, 12:32 AM
HOLY CRAP , i finally connected to one of the eDonkey users, the time it took was around 5-7 hrs LOL!!

12-09-2003, 04:38 PM
if you have router or firewall try forwarding some ports to connect to edonkey servers

good luck!

12-10-2003, 04:16 AM
I've never been able to get Shareaza to connect to an actual eDonkey2000 client for a download, even if theres hundreds of them in the list.

In my experience, Shareaza connects to:

eMule clients, not a problem
other Sharaza clients seem to get preference... unsurprisingly
eDonkey hybrid
eDonkey 1.X

But eDonkey2000 client connections just sit there, counting down to 00:00, then the countdown restarts, with the time doubling each cycle.

This is probably why some of you guys have had like 20 clients in your list but no sources.
Shareaza and the official eDonkey2000 client just don't seem to play well together.

I've seen a post pointing this fact out on the Shareaza Forum, but there was no replies and nothing''s changed over the last couple of versions...

Shareaza is good, but it's not perfect... yet.

12-10-2003, 09:53 AM
Ive been using both Shareaza and KL for a while now and find both work okay. To be honest I don't watch who I connect to on Shareaza as I find that watching downloads can make me go slightly crazy. I'd rather let it do it's thing.

12-17-2003, 07:34 PM
You must have a fast internet connections to use shareaza

12-17-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by VxD@18 December 2003 - 05:04
You must have a fast internet connections to use shareaza
Not true. I'm stuck with a 56K connection and I use it.
I just limit my downloads to files no bigger than 150MB, but thats my choice.

12-18-2003, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by VxD@18 December 2003 - 08:34
You must have a fast internet connections to use shareaza
Why do you say that - I'm only on ADSL 128Kb and it goes okay.

12-19-2003, 04:20 AM
eDonkey is that way, 1KB transfers and queues in the thousands. the highest I have ever seem was 600000+. You can expect a file to have thousands of sources but none or only a few to start downloading. It could take you 1 month to download a file just from edonkey. That's the way it is, even though there are 1.5 million users (all searchable)

EDIT: Oh you guys might want to watch out with edonkey, the amount of connections it can make can kill routers and modems. You can change the amount of connections per second in the Advanced part in the settings.

From the Shareaza Forums:

Download the latest beta, go to the Advanced Options setting, and find the 'Downloads.ConnectThrottle' option.

I think it throttles how many ten connections per (VALUE).

1000 MS = one second.

If you have a less than sporty ADSL line you might want to set it to something ludracris like 3000 MS, the gentle caress of a drunken lover stumbling to find the snap of your bra.

Also, make sure you've capped your upload limit to something below your maximum speed so you have bandwidth to spare.

Neo 721
12-20-2003, 12:54 AM
E donkey is realy P2P of the past and should be sorted out, sharaza was just trying exploit it and failed.

12-20-2003, 04:43 AM
Actually, I find edonkey to be better at searching faster than FT. It can search many, many users (the possibility of 1.3million +) very quickly (partly because of its centralization, but the protocol is constantly being updated [Kademilia]). it barely has any overhead too, only a couple KB in about 5hrs. FT is very slow at searching compared to G2, ed2k.