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View Full Version : [Giveaway] PTF (x6)

05-26-2011, 04:23 PM
PTF is a general tracker (packs, movies, tv, music, games, xxx, etc.) with a mix of scene and internal releases. It's a great community with a modest user-base. They have regular site-wide free-leech (every weekend) as well as many permanent free-leech items, and a comprehensive seeding bonus system. They also have some fast request fillers.

Please provide me with SpeedTest and 2 recent tracker profiles with positive ratios.

Hit-n-runners need not apply;
Minimum Seeding Requirements: 1:1 Ratio OR

downloaded amount 0.1MB - 30MB = 12 Hours Total Seeding Time
downloaded amount 31MB - 300MB = 1 Day Total Seeding Time
downloaded amount 301MB - 800MB = 2 Days Total Seeding Time
downloaded amount 801MB - 10GB = 2 Days Total Seeding Time
downloaded amount More than 10GB = 2 Days Total Seeding Time

Thanks for clicking.