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05-26-2011, 09:36 PM
...to all my friends hereabout.

Sorry this is late. :huh:

05-26-2011, 10:11 PM
Feliz Navidad, Kev! :)

05-26-2011, 10:17 PM
Feliz Navidad, Kev! :)

Ah, lookee who.

How's that youngster?

05-27-2011, 04:47 AM
He is doing amazingly well! :happy: He works several times as hard as his twin sister to do the same things. What's truly astounding is that she has not left him in the dust. While she is already up and walking, he has now gotten to the point where he can move from his stomach to sitting perfectly and maintain the position. He has also gotten fed-up with her stealing the toys he plays with, and has developed the arm strength and attitude to hold her off.

I had read that it is somewhat common for Down's babies to take up to 3 years to say their first words. At 14 months, he says both "mum-mum", and "bubba" (bottle). He has met every marker his physical, and speech therapists have been looking for.

We got blessed with two wonderful kids. It is his constant hard work (whenever he is alone, or playing, he is constantly practicing and working on skills) that has really won me over. Both kids did a fantastic job at watching a public play this past weekend. At 15 months, they have better self-control than many 20 year olds I have seen. One lady even complimented my wife on how well-behaved our daughter was. Not to mention, she loved the performance- especially the singing/music parts. :)

We have a lot of therapy/doctors appointments, and a heart surgery when he turns 2, but life is not hell by any means. There's crying, spills, and tantrums- which the kids do, too... but things could be MUCH worse.

*EDIT* Almost forgot to mention that my wife and I have completed our Master's together, and have recently completed the graduation ceremony. Having that out of the way is a big relief. The past months of trying to juggle that part- along with our theses, has been a bit too much. Whew!... Now we can focus entirely on life stuff, which includes an endless remodeling of the house. :pinch: /EDIT*

How is life going for you these days?

05-27-2011, 07:55 PM
Life is hectic to the extent I'm figuring I'd better make peace with the fact, 'cuz it's not likely to settle out, like, forever.

Seems like yesterday I posted pics of my first grandson, and today my daughter informs me she's started on our sixth grand-child.

Life charges ahead, and I'm looking to lift on the throttle and dab at the brakes, if you know what I mean.

To provide the perfect metaphor, I am going to take a lap (at speed...well, my speed, anyway) of the Brickyard, next month.

My mind is filled to overflowing with everything but making money, and the tab on life just goes up, and up...

Congratulations to you and your Missus - makes me miss schooling, actually.

Got to be a large load off.

So glad to hear about your young'ens...how they are doing, and you and your wife likewise...fills me with joy.

Take good care of yourself and your brood, now - I'll be around, around.

05-27-2011, 09:09 PM
...to all my friends hereabout.

Sorry this is late. :huh:

That's OK - the weather is surprisingly appropriate :ermm:

05-27-2011, 09:38 PM
...to all my friends hereabout.

Sorry this is late. :huh:

That's OK - the weather is surprisingly appropriate :ermm:

Boy, ain't it.

The grass is still growing like nuts, though.

Speaking of which, there are some nuts pervading here, lately.

Are they entertaining?

05-27-2011, 10:16 PM
[]and today my daughter informs me she's started on our sixth grand-child.[]overflowing with everything but making money, and the tab on life just goes up, and up...

Congratulations to you and your Missus - makes me miss schooling, actually.

Got to be a large load off.

So glad to hear about your young'ens...how they are doing, and you and your wife likewise...fills me with joy.

Take good care of yourself and your brood, now - I'll be around, around.

Thank you for all of your kind words! Part of me is happy we waited until I was "ready" (educated, and settled) the other part wishes I could have experienced this amazing joy years ago. I even get to stay home and raise them. As soon as they are old enough to mow the lawn, I'll have life perfected. :shifty:

Congrats on the continued growth of your own bloodline! Nothing in my life has even come close to this, I am delighted to hear you have experienced so much of this kind of joy yourself. :happy:

05-30-2011, 03:57 AM
I can't believe you guys are still here posting after all these years. Brings back memories of highschool. Its weird how time flys by..

05-30-2011, 04:00 PM
I can't believe you guys are still here posting after all these years. Brings back memories of highschool. Its weird how time flys by..

Oh, we're not actually here, Smith.

Was high school fun for you?

My pops was school board president for 12 years - school was a real, uh...blast.