View Full Version : HD-Spain review

06-13-2011, 09:48 AM
HD-Spain | HDS | HD | 2011

Tracker: HD-Spain
URL: http://www.hd-spain.com/
Open Signups?: No.
Category: All about HD.


The various categories of HD-Spain

Really huge archive of torrents. For example, "Just" more than 100 pages of Only Full-Blu Ray!

Torrents Most Seeded:




* It is prohibited from using this forum / tracker for HD-Spain to distribute or download any audiovisual material by members who do not have the legal rights to do so. In Spain it is quite legal by the exercise of the right of private copying, residents of foreign countries consult the legislation applicable to your territory.

* It is prohibited from using this forum / tracker for HD-Spain to distribute or download any software, including one whose license permits, and the disclosure of any key or activation key software licensing . The software creates the concept of backup, as opposed to private copying, distribution is not allowed at all.

* It is prohibited from using this forum / tracker for HD-Spain for distribution or downloading of material related in any way with child pornography and the like.

* It is prohibited from using this forum / tracker for HD-Spain for any profit-making activity.

* None of the files for private copying is hosted on HD-Spain since all links have been provided by registered users of this forum / tracker. The only torrent files to the distribution of private copies of the original files.

* Administrators, moderators and other staff members of this forum / tracker for HD-Spain do not get any responsibility for incorrect use of these files, the statements made by members of the website or any other action taken by same in any section. For your information I do know that in Spain has banned public display of private copying and obtaining economic benefit from their distribution.

* The required reading this disclaimer implies full acceptance of the terms thereof. Also the lack of standards does not excuse therefore can not be argued that reason should be reprimanded or cancel an account for non-compliance.

Userclasses And Promotions:

The different userclasses of the site.



* Ratio less than 0.25 with 20 GB downloaded Screener stay in range for more than 7 days or non-compliance.
* No access to tracker
* Access restricted to forum subforum Bans


* Ratio below 0.5 with 20 GB downloaded
* Access restricted tracker. You can only download torrents that have previously completed in order to seed and increase your ratio to rise in rank
* Access restricted to different sub forums forum of information. Read-only (can not write messages)
* See Unlimited
* If within 7 days, no amount of range, the account may be canceled

# SD:

* Ratio greater than 0.5
* Full access to public forum
* 6 slots down
* See Unlimited
* This range is set by default when entering for the first time tracker


* Ratio greater than 1 with more than 100 GB downloaded and completed at least 10 torrents
* Full access to public forum
* 10 slots down
* See Unlimited


* Ratio greater than 1.5 to more than 200 GB downloaded and completed at least 20
* Full access to public forum
* 20 slots down
* See Unlimited

Speed: Great speed. Really fast!

Contents: 10/10 - If you're an HD Lover, you MUST have this tracker. Especially if you're european, you can find all you need. Pratically almost every torrents has more than a language, like French, Italian, German and other european ones.

HD-Spain is really awesome, much more than other "country" tracker like HDFrench or other...... then the archive of the Full Blu-Ray is really awesome!

Another thing, you can't upload n one stuff of HD-Spain on other trackers, HD-Spain has a own relase group, GrupoHDS, this tracker is extremely strict in this, therefore there's much stuff

06-13-2011, 02:58 PM
You didn't make this review. :dry:

06-13-2011, 03:22 PM
no, I found in google, and I saw that was not here

06-13-2011, 04:22 PM
What's the userbase?

06-13-2011, 04:48 PM
What's the userbase?

Members: 17.607

06-14-2011, 02:16 AM
Members: 17.607

A large number of members

06-14-2011, 04:42 PM
thx for review, or for copypasting, but anyway

anyone aware what is actual situation with invites on HD-Spain?

06-14-2011, 08:46 PM
-I'm sorry for my English, I used google translator

En relación a las invitaciones los miembros que obtengan invitaciones en los repartos periódicos pueden hacer libremente uso de ellas, teniendo en cuenta las siguiente normas:

No está permitido ningún tipo de comercio con las invitaciones, más allá del intercambio de una invitación por otra, en caso de detectar este tipo de actividad será motivo de cancelación de cuenta del usuario y todos sus invitados.
Además os advertimos que si detectamos intentos de comerciar con las invitaciones el registro de nuevos usuarios volverá a cerrarse por tiempo indefinido.

Los invitantes responderán ante esta comunidad de sus invitados. Recomendamos encarecidamente dar invitaciones solo a conocidos, amigos, familiares de los que tengáis seguridad que estarán dispuestos a respetar las normas de esta comunidad.
Las sanciones por invitar a nuevos miembros que incumplan las normas se establecerán a criterio del Staff, según la gravedad de la infracción del invitado, y se comunicaran al afectado.
Las infracciones más graves serán las relacionadas con falseo de ratio, resubida de material de esta web y en general cualquier acción que ponga en peligro la continuidad de esta comunidad, en estos casos la sanción seria la cancelación de cuenta de invitado e invitante.
Las demás infracciones, consideradas menos graves, podrán acarrear la pérdida de invitaciones temporal o permanente del invitante.

Aclaraciones sobre el sistema de reparto de invitaciones

Las invitaciones se reparten en base al comportamiento general de cada usuario en esta comunidad. Se tienen en cuenta mas aspectos que el rango o ratio, por ejemplo la antigüedad. No vamos a entrar a desgranar los detalles exactos utilizados para asignar invitaciones, puesto que planteamos estas como un reconocimiento a vuestro aporte a la comunidad pero no queremos os pongáis a realizar acciones solo para recibir invitaciones. El comportamiento valorado debe ser, “intento aportar mi granito de arena a la comunidad, en el más amplio sentido, porque el bien de la comunidad será mi propio bien” y no “voy a a aportar esto, siempre que me venga bien, para recibir algo a cambio”.
Los repartos de invitaciones se realizaran periódicamente. Inicialmente se ha establecido un periodo trimestral, las invitaciones se repartirán coincidiendo con el inicio de cada trimestre natural, salvo esta primera, así que el próximo reparto será a primeros de abril. Esta periodicidad podrá ser modificada sin previo aviso por el Staff, en función de cómo vayan los repartos.
En cada reparto que se haga, el número máximo de invitaciones alcanzable para cada rango será, 3 para FullHD, 2 para HDTV y 1 para SD. Esto no significa que se repartan a todos, ni en esas cantidades, es el MAXIMO alcanzable, se deben cumplir el resto de requisitos para conseguir invitaciones.
Las invitaciones son acumulables, hasta un máximo de 3, es decir si os ha correspondido una invitación y no la utilizáis se acumula a la/as que os correspondan en el siguiente reparto.
A quien no se le hayan asignado invitaciones en un reparto es porque incumple los requisitos, puede ser uno, varios o todos.
En ningún caso está permitido pedir invitaciones a nadie del Staff. Si no se os ha adjudicado ninguna en el ultimo reparto, o necesitáis mas de las que os han tocado, deberéis esperar al siguiente reparto. La petición de invitaciones podría dar lugar a sanciones.

Google translator:

In relation to invitations members get invitations in the regular distribution, you can freely use them, taking into account the following rules:

It is not permitted to trade any invitations beyond the exchange of an invitation by another in case of detecting this type of activity will be grounds for termination of user account and all your guests.
Also note that if you detect attempts to deal with invitations to register new users will be closed indefinitely.

The answer to this community inviting your guests. We strongly recommend giving invitations only to familiars, friends, families of security that you have be willing to respect the rules of this community.
The penalties for inviting new members who break the rules will be established at the discretion of Staff, according to the gravity of the infringement of the guest, and communicated to the plaintiff.
The most serious violations are those related to falsify ratio, re-raise material on this website and in general any action that endangers the continuity of this community, in these cases the penalty would be the guest account cancellation and inviting.
Other offenses considered less serious, may result in loss of invitations temporary or permanent inviting.

Clarifications on the distribution system of invitations

Invitations will be distributed based on the general behavior of each user in this community. It takes into account more aspects than the range or ratio, such as seniority. We will not get to reel off the exact details used to assign invitations, since we raised this as a recognition of your contribution to the community but we do not set yourself to take action only to receive invitations. The behavior should be valued, "I try to do my bit for the community in the broadest sense, for the good of the community will be my own good" and not "going to a make it, always comes to me, to receive something in return. "
Distributions of invitations will be made periodically. Initially established a quarterly period, the invitations will be distributed to coincide with the beginning of each calendar quarter, except the first, so the deal will close in early April. This schedule may be changed without notice by the staff, depending on how you go deals.
In each deal is made, the maximum number of invitations will be achievable for each range, 3 to FullHD, 2 for 1 for SD and HDTV. This does not mean that they are distributed to all, or in those quantities, the peak, it must meet the other requirements to get invitations.
Invitations are cumulative, up to 3, ie if you have received an invitation and you do not use it, it stacks up to which you correspond on the next deal..
To whom no invitations have been assigned in a deal is because comply with the requirements, may be one, several or all.
Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to ask for invitations to the Staff. If you are not awarded any in the last deal, or need more of which I have touched, you will have to wait for the next deal. The invitation request may result in sanctions.

07-04-2011, 08:24 PM
Great tracker, i am spanish (spain)
Essential for full BD.
Another thing to note, has a great forum with lots of participation.
Sorry my english :happy:

07-05-2011, 08:33 PM
Too bad many torrent titles aren't dubbed in english, you have to use something like imdb.es to search by name if you're not Spanish or searching for spanish movie.

07-06-2011, 06:02 PM
Normal is a tracker Spanish (Spain), speaking in Spanish and all the titles are translated into Spanish.

07-06-2011, 06:22 PM
Anybody have stats for this tracker :


subjective ratings on pretime, speed, content and overall


07-19-2011, 09:17 PM
Kflint - has no information about what questions.
Sorry. :(

Registrations closed until further notice.