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View Full Version : Astraweb/US - Back from Zombieland

07-24-2011, 09:45 PM
It appears that in the last 24 hours, Astraweb has 'returned from the dead' so to speak.

All my tests today (as of the time/date stamp on this message) come out either squeaky-clean or with maybe on error block. The EU server appears to be the same, but not any better (that one error block is on EU as well, but is okay on Blocknews).

That includes my testing 'regime' of things I had previously d/l'ed at 100%, and were super-hammered during the peak of the 'event' (well over 5% error rate). As for those nzb's that folks here had posted as examples, I grabbed them today as well, now at 100%.

Won't know if it's really 'good to go' until I do some BIG transfers (100-200GB) later on this week (several things around that 1Mar 'bad spot' I've been putting off getting due to the 'problems').

I started this new thread so that folks know that the 'fix' has apparently been applied. If anyone trips over something that hasn't recovered, I guess post it here, especially if it's a previously 'known bad' nzb.

07-25-2011, 05:30 AM
good to know =)