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View Full Version : More Problems on Astraweb (US)

08-08-2011, 04:03 AM
Earlier this evening, I noticed that Astraweb/US was once again having serious connection problems (tons of 'connection: timouts' and the like) while connection speed (that is, if a real connection could be established before it dropped) was slowed to a crawl.

Speed and connections to other servers (including Astraweb/EU) continued to work just fine.

One of these days these folks will clean up their operation, or hire folks that will run it properly.

And yes, I complained (once again) in their email system. Fat lotta good that will do.


As is fairly typical, 2-3 hours later things calmed down. They really need to do a top to bottom review of their operations.

08-09-2011, 03:03 AM
I just sent in my cancellation. I think I may try UseNetServer which is a buck cheaper. :cool:

08-09-2011, 07:38 AM
good luck with dmca & overal completion problems(highwinds)

AW isnt perfect but i prefer to have techncal glitches from time to time rather than dmca and large completion issues

08-09-2011, 09:39 AM
I just sent in my cancellation. I think I may try UseNetServer which is a buck cheaper. :cool:

I'll do the same at the end of this month.

08-09-2011, 03:16 PM
Been having problems too. Newsbin Pro is reporting all kinds of connection issues with Astraweb here lately. Also the speed drops sometimes nearly 20Mbps. It is annoying but what other alternative is there to them that doesn't have the DMCA take downs like Hypatia mentioned. I guess I will stick with it and hope they get their shit straight soon.

08-10-2011, 12:57 AM
It happens now and then, oh well, I noticed it for a bit that my speed had dropped but shit happens. Like you said an hour or two later it was fine.

08-10-2011, 02:02 PM
It happens now and then, oh well, I noticed it for a bit that my speed had dropped but shit happens. Like you said an hour or two later it was fine.

A lot of folks over the months/years have seen the same thing, this was the first time (probably in ages) since it was so 'up front' (read: several hours) long of an 'event'.

99.99% of the time, things run great. Then it 'runs off the rails'. It's one of those things that, in the scope of usenet, if it doesn't get too bad (those couple of hours becomes couple of days, or like the recent article mis-completion/missing parts routine) doesn't become the norm instead of the occasional burp.

Again, I honestly don't see how they can run a plant like this without generating reams and reams of error files. Unless they are like a lot of folks these days, they simply ignore the problem(s) until, like I said, then entire operation runs off the rails.

'What a way to run a railroad'.

08-11-2011, 11:43 PM
What are the thoughts on Supernews? It was my understanding that they were based off of giganews' backbone. Are they subject to the same DCMA complaints?

08-12-2011, 06:27 AM
What are the thoughts on Supernews? It was my understanding that they were based off of giganews' backbone. Are they subject to the same DCMA complaints?

Seems like it to me. Not very often I see it but sometimes I get missing articles on the same type of stuff as I did when I had GN.

I'm mostly downloading movies and can't say I had any big problems with GN before I switched to AW/SN though but more is better and you never know when you want to check out an episode of something they've fucked up.

One thing I haven't noticed before now is that with 10 connections to EU and 10 connections to US AW servers, and 20 to SN have made Newsbin download 200GB more from SN compared to AW. I guess it has something to do with speed and the fact that I always get "login rejected" on a few connections to AW when I fire up Newsbin (gone after a minute or so though).

08-12-2011, 03:42 PM
According to this site http://www.newsgroupservers.net/newsgroup_server_resellers they are a Giganews reseller.

08-12-2011, 03:52 PM
its more than just reselling..they are in bed together...lol

08-14-2011, 06:57 PM
i just bought my first astraweb account after having read they did not delete hbo-shows (like giganews does) only to find that none of the true blood season 3 nzbs work (incompletes or not downloadable...)
is this new ?

08-15-2011, 04:44 AM
You need to properly list the nzb that you are having trouble with, and do some basic checking of them (like where did they originate, what was the routing to Astraweb, what program was used to post them, and if the skips or errors are shown to be available anywhere else (like a fills server, i.e., Blocknews etc.)

But something is going on yet again with Astraweb/US tonight, one week later (exactly) that I started this thread. I've just about come to the conclusion they are doing some sort of maintenance activity during this period of time. I'm on their server just about 24/7 other than the weekends, and this is pretty obvious since it seems to happen like clockwork. But it had never occurred previous to last Sunday, I'll be interested to see if it happens again NEXT Sunday as well. That will be the clincher.

08-15-2011, 05:37 AM
it would be better if you could give us direct links to nzbs you are having priblems with

ive just run through nzb download checker true blood s03 from this site(720p pack) and it is perfectly healthy(100% completion)(EU server)

PS what newsreader are u using?