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08-28-2011, 03:28 AM
backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads

I think I may believe that as well. Despite the fact that I don't know who is in charge. Fucking dickheads, all of those people I don't know who they are.

Nobody is in charge. Therein lies the beauty.
That and there aren't any wankers if you don't count polarbar polarbear (obviously ) and possibly that insufferable ca-aok idiot .

08-28-2011, 04:28 AM
I aim to please.

08-28-2011, 06:02 AM
Weren't you on CFS, one of the guys who pushed for my ban?

I seriously doubt it...He wasn't even a member of CN at the time. Not his personality either.

08-28-2011, 06:18 AM
Thanks bumrocks, that would be correct, I was only on CN when it first opened, right around the time I took a break from the BT world for awhile, I missed all that drama.

Really don't know where all the hostility is coming from, is it because I Staff at sites? Is it because account trading isn't neccessarily frowned upon here? Frankly I don't really care about trading invites, give aways, as long as the person is responcible and will use the account, and it won't jeopardize your own account...who cares??

A friend gave me the link, I said I would check it out, doesn't sound like I'm the one being 1337 or elisted, all I've gotten is shit from a few people, I expect it from backie, cause he doesn't know me, and just assumes bullshit, but didn't think I'd find a few other backies here lol - take that as a compliment backie, goat fucker.

08-28-2011, 06:37 AM
JebusAT you seem like a level-headed person and I've heard good things about you from reputable staffers. But you are just showing up out of nowhere applying for a topsite/exclusive forum, and there are obvious trolls in this thread. It's pretty easy to give off the appropriate impressions and signals especially with a low post count like you have. Also the fact that in the past people given benefit of the doubt have been disappointing, might make cynics out of some members. You probably have cynicism towards certain aspects of torrenting if you've been in the business for so long, so you must understand.

Basing the responses on trading or you being a staffer could not be further from the truth. Although it is nice to hear you are not some anti-trader nutjob as those people are pretty lame, from my experiences. And I honestly don't think our assumptions are completely wrong, if your 'friend' is infact one of the people trolling for an invite which I do believe to be the case here...

08-28-2011, 06:49 AM
Well, backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads. I don't know if he's right about that, but that's what I want to find out, so I hope I'll be invited to TTC.

I could ask him if he like likes you, if you want...

08-28-2011, 07:38 AM
@1000PossibleClaws, he's pretty well known outside of here on a number of well-known sites, if that means anything. And yeah, it makes sense to be skeptical of someone with that low of a post count here asking for stuff like this :P

As an aside/more related to the topic at hand:
I'm not sure if I gathered exactly what you guys are looking for in new recruits, it seems like there's no real general guidelines other than that you guys are looking for something/someone different. I'll throw my hat in the ring, just because I'm curious more than anything else. So I'm just gonna try out an app, divide it into semi-coherent sections, and see what you think. Feel free to ask me anything/ridicule it

Torrenting experience: Been downloading random shit for years, but have been on private trackers for the last 2 years and change. Been doing encodes/fills at random places, mostly at goem and CN. Staffed at TBH before it went under, not sure if that hurts or helps :P

Posting/Talking stuff: Do a decent amount of posting at goem, at both versions of CN and dabble on IRC chans from time to time. I post here from time-to-time, but I am mostly a lurker. Reason my account is so old with so few posts for 3+ years is because I never ventured out of the NZB section til then :P

Random shit I know: I dunno, I read a lot of random stuff, dabble in this and that. Know a bit about random movies, music and tv stuff. Not really technical, just things you glean from watching tons of movies and TV shows. Know a tad bit about SD encoding from experience. Just a jack of all trades if it comes to random useless shit :P

Why you should invite me: I have no idea really. Maybe I bring some random thing to the table that might interest you guys, or maybe you just want a goofy rambling buffoon on your site, who knows? :P If nothing else, I am good for telling a random dirty joke or two.

Hope you liked the application, or found it humorous. If not, well, there you go.

If you made it this far, you deserve a laugh:

A man walks down a beach one day to find an armless, legless girl crying. The man asks, "Why are you crying?" The girl responds, "I have never been hugged by a man before!" The man then hugs her, and starts to leave. She then cries twice as loud. The man asks, "What's wrong now?". She says, "I've never been kissed by a man before!" So the man shrugs, and hugs the girl. A bit annoyed, the man starts to leave again only to hear the girl cry 10 times as loud as before. The man yells, "And what is wrong now?" The girl says, "I've never been fucked by a man before!" to which the man picks her up by two stumps, and chucks her in the middle of the ocean, screaming "Well, you're fucked now!" XP

08-28-2011, 10:46 AM
@kingeater - nice ending story, I laughed :))

08-28-2011, 12:41 PM
I think I may believe that as well. Despite the fact that I don't know who is in charge. Fucking dickheads, all of those people I don't know who they are.

Nobody is in charge. Therein lies the beauty.
That and there aren't any wankers if you don't count polarbar polarbear (obviously ) and possibly that insufferable ca-aok idiot .

polarbear never counted, and I see he still doesn't 2 years later.

08-28-2011, 02:53 PM
Thanks bumrocks, that would be correct, I was only on CN when it first opened, right around the time I took a break from the BT world for awhile, I missed all that drama.

Really don't know where all the hostility is coming from, is it because I Staff at sites? Is it because account trading isn't neccessarily frowned upon here? Frankly I don't really care about trading invites, give aways, as long as the person is responcible and will use the account, and it won't jeopardize your own account...who cares??

A friend gave me the link, I said I would check it out, doesn't sound like I'm the one being 1337 or elisted, all I've gotten is shit from a few people, I expect it from backie, cause he doesn't know me, and just assumes bullshit, but didn't think I'd find a few other backies here lol - take that as a compliment backie, goat fucker.

Then I stand corrected.I have very bad memories of the brief time that I was on CFS and honestly many usernames in the fog that is my memory are similar enough to confuse one with another.
Btw just for the record no real hostility at least on my part to anyone involved even including gameover.

08-28-2011, 03:01 PM
JebusAT you seem like a level-headed person and I've heard good things about you from reputable staffers. But you are just showing up out of nowhere applying for a topsite/exclusive forum, and there are obvious trolls in this thread. It's pretty easy to give off the appropriate impressions and signals especially with a low post count like you have. Also the fact that in the past people given benefit of the doubt have been disappointing, might make cynics out of some members. You probably have cynicism towards certain aspects of torrenting if you've been in the business for so long, so you must understand.

Basing the responses on trading or you being a staffer could not be further from the truth. Although it is nice to hear you are not some anti-trader nutjob as those people are pretty lame, from my experiences. And I honestly don't think our assumptions are completely wrong, if your 'friend' is infact one of the people trolling for an invite which I do believe to be the case here...

Thanks 1000possibleclaws, here is an answer I can understand. My low post count is completely my fault...lol usually I'm a post whore...I'm getting back into the swing of things again. If me not being accepted or voted in based on my lame post count after being here 4.5 years, completely understandable - it does come across like I am here just to get in to your TTC, fair enough, I'll be more active here, and perhaps next time you will consider me ;). My friend wasn't trolling for an invite, just asked if I was on TTC...which I replied yes I am, not knowing it was a sub-forum within FST. After a conversation - me thinking he was talking about the site FFT, and him talking about FST - we eventually realized we weren't talking about the same place and he pointed me in this direction. My friend(s) here have been long time active Members...and aren't the nutjob Staffers you are referring.

Anyways, thanks again for your reply.


Then I stand corrected.I have very bad memories of the brief time that I was on CFS and honestly many usernames in the fog that is my memory are similar enough to confuse one with another.
Btw just for the record no real hostility at least on my part to anyone involved even including gameover.

I think that is where I remember your nick Idoleyes787 - yeah CFS is a fucked up place - hopefully with their V2...things change.

08-28-2011, 03:32 PM
I think that is where I remember your nick Idoleyes787...

He wasn't there by that name...You still remain confused after that confusing conversation you had with that nutjob staffer.

08-28-2011, 03:46 PM
Yes...yes I am, so where do I know that Nick from??

08-28-2011, 03:57 PM
Yes...yes I am, so where do I know that Nick from??

Sure you are not confusing him with someone who went by EpicEyes? Although I haven't seen him anywhere for quite a while....

08-28-2011, 04:26 PM
Rhetorically speaking, why would anyone who is not active on the board become an asset to the TTC?

Unfortunately my judgement tells me it will be a stepstone for the scene.

08-28-2011, 04:55 PM
i totally got in.

08-28-2011, 05:00 PM
Like I said Cabalo, is my lack of activity here is the reason I wouldn't be considered for the TTC...fair enough, I'm planning on being more active here...my post count has gone up 1000% in mere hours lol. Seriously though, I'll be active here...and perhaps next time I'll be considered after I've put some time in here. 4.5 years of not posting doesn't seem acceptable, and I'm ok with that. I'm not saying I wouldn't be an asset to the TTC though by any means. Not sure what you mean by your second statement about being a stepstone for the scene though. If I wanted my scene axx back, I'd just contact the people who I would need to. TBH I have no idea what goes on in the TTC - just seems where all the cool people hang out lol....and I want to be a cool kid lmao.

Regardless, I plan on being active here TTC or not ;)

08-28-2011, 06:02 PM
Like I said Cabalo, is my lack of activity here is the reason I wouldn't be considered for the TTC...fair enough, I'm planning on being more active here...my post count has gone up 1000% in mere hours lol. Seriously though, I'll be active here...and perhaps next time I'll be considered after I've put some time in here. 4.5 years of not posting doesn't seem acceptable, and I'm ok with that. I'm not saying I wouldn't be an asset to the TTC though by any means. Not sure what you mean by your second statement about being a stepstone for the scene though. If I wanted my scene axx back, I'd just contact the people who I would need to. TBH I have no idea what goes on in the TTC - just seems where all the cool people hang out lol....and I want to be a cool kid lmao.

Regardless, I plan on being active here TTC or not ;)


08-28-2011, 07:30 PM
Well, backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads. I don't know if he's right about that, but that's what I want to find out, so I hope I'll be invited to TTC.

Nobody is in charge of the section on FST per se as a vote is mandatory to admit new members. There is no moderation needed there too.

Time is running out, keep the applications coming while you still can!

We don't plan on opening for several months after this one (unless there is a nomination made from the inside, like it's done normally).

Well, as I keep saying, if TTC has the same policies that the rest of FST does, then I would love to get invited to TTC.

Well, backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads. I don't know if he's right about that, but that's what I want to find out, so I hope I'll be invited to TTC.

I could ask him if he like likes you, if you want...

What do you mean? English is not my first language, so I don't understand what you mean by "...if he like likes you...". I hope Backie doesn't think that I am a dickhead, if that's what you mean.

08-28-2011, 07:40 PM
i totally got in.


as for backie.. i admire your boldness and disregard for any kind of rules laid out by the trackers! kudos! *end of sarcasm*

08-28-2011, 08:08 PM
ill trade Olegl's sister for vote

08-28-2011, 09:27 PM
i totally got in.


as for backie.. i admire your boldness and disregard for any kind of rules laid out by the trackers! kudos! *end of sarcasm*

thanks for the congratulations but i was lying, i havent even applied

08-28-2011, 10:13 PM
Rhetorically speaking, why would anyone who is not active on the board become an asset to the TTC?

Unfortunately my judgement tells me it will be a stepstone for the scene.
You just made your own job a whole lot harder. You implied that the more a person spams this forum, the more likely they are to become super leet sceners. Hope you brought a paddle to steer your boat through the impending flood.

08-28-2011, 10:18 PM
Yes...yes I am, so where do I know that Nick from??

Your mum calls me that post coital like.

08-28-2011, 11:18 PM
Yes...yes I am, so where do I know that Nick from??

Your mum calls me that post coital like.

So you are my new Daddy...I want some money for booze and such...and a hug.

08-29-2011, 12:18 AM
Ironically, you need at least 14,000 posts to qualify for a hug from Idol.
A tad higher than the amount needed for TTC.

Sarcasm aside, you do seem like a level-headed person with no strings or fuss attached.

08-29-2011, 12:37 AM
Rhetorically speaking, why would anyone who is not active on the board become an asset to the TTC?

Unfortunately my judgement tells me it will be a stepstone for the scene.
You just made your own job a whole lot harder. You implied that the more a person spams this forum, the more likely they are to become super leet sceners. Hope you brought a paddle to steer your boat through the impending flood.
That comment really shows how off the loop you are. :)

08-29-2011, 12:43 AM
Ironically, you need at least 14,000 posts to qualify for a hug from Idol.
A tad higher than the amount needed for TTC.

Sarcasm aside, you do seem like a level-headed person with no strings or fuss attached.

Damn...now to post some non-spam threads for the next 8 months straight lol...Cheers...I need that hug.

08-29-2011, 12:50 AM
Your mum calls me that post coital like.

So you are my new Daddy...I want some money for booze and such...and a hug.

I would hug you but I'm thinking that you don't need any more encouragement in that particular direction if you get my drift.:)

08-29-2011, 01:10 AM
Nope, sorry don't follow what you are trying to say...I want that hug damnit!.....annnnd the post count go higher...*cough*

08-29-2011, 04:44 AM
Well, ol'e Chief has laid his eyes upon the subject at hand here and he wants to share his story! :lol: The Chief doesn't really talk too much about himself, so perhaps for some of his friends here, this may be very interesting. Also, this will be a rare post by the Chief in which you will see him step out of his dotty 3rd person costume. :yes:

I guess it all started back when I got my first computer, an Apple ][e. It had two 5 1/4" disk drives, and I had a monochrome screen. I had a bunch of disks that came with the computer that had different games. I played them non-stop. Soon after I started dissecting the games, I was introduced to BASIC. It was a whole new world for me, lol! I started learning the commands by seeing how the other games did it. From there I was making my own little dumb programs and games. From there the family got a 486/DX computer with Windows 3.11. I loved how it was graphical, and I could change the sounds, fonts, colors, icons to how I wanted them. It was such a step-up from the Apple! My first interaction with the internet was once my Mom got us AOL. I used the 2400 baud modem in it to connect and I was INSTANTLY addicted! Back then, I think it was AOL v1.5, and there was no such thing as Unlimited. You only had so many hours each month you were allowed, then you would get disconnected and wouldn't be able to login again till the next billing period. I was getting in trouble constantly for eating up the family's AOL time each month, not to mention making the phone unusable to anyone in the house and making a busy signal for anyone dialing in. This was back before Call Waiting. I guess this is kinda where I went to "the grass is always greener on the other side" approach with the internet. :P I needed more AOL.. if I have no more, I guess I need to use other peoples accounts! So back then there was a whole load of abusive AOL programs, most notably "AOHell" that one could use to phish or other annoying ASCII scroll bots for the chat rooms. These programs would also have fake CC generators in them where all you had to do is use the CC generator and the program would make you an account that would last for a month, sometimes longer before they caught on. So BAM, I was set, I could have all the AOL I wanted. Now what? I started hearing about private chat rooms that you could go into to find games, porn, music, etc. This was all called warez. To make a long story short, I ended up being able to use unlimited hours staff accounts to get warez and go deeper and deeper into that AOL scene. It was just people uploading stuff from the scene, and spreading it. From there I joined different groups on AOL, I was introduced to IRC. From there I started meeting a whole underground network of people. I not too soon later joined 'The Scene'. At this point I had hundreds of shell accounts across the world I brute forced the passwd files to get accounts on. I did nothing but courier at the start. After a year or so I started finding some programs I really liked for Windows that I wanted to use past its demo limitations. I got my hands on my first hex editor.. I even remember the name, ZipZap. I started sifting through code, and before long started learning some programing and decompiling stuff. After I realized I was getting pretty good I was then moved into the Cracker bracket of the member list of the scene groups I was in. I continued doing that for a couple more years. I guess at this point I was around 17. All was good, until one day I woke up, and my Mom was standing over my bed and said "We have to talk". Oohhhhhh shit, what could it be?

Now, I hate to give you a cliffhanger here, but if anyone is asking wtf this has to at all do with me wanting to be apart of TTC, this is my story on how I ended up where I am right this very second on the internet. It's an important part of me really, through this journey all the different things I've learned and done, and all the different people I interacted with through out the years. Things like this help you, the reader, understand someone's true character. Ok, back to the story. :P

That morning before I awoke my Mom got a call from our ISP. My ISP had received a phone call from the IT department at UC Berkeley. I had been caught. :ermm: At the time there was a huge exploit out that allowed VERY easy access for me to check out a system and snatch the passwd file with no restrictions. However it only at the time worked for servers ending with .edu - so basically almost every University in the USA at the time. I had already cracked hundreds of logins on Berkeley's system but had never used any of them because I had sooo many accounts elsewhere at the time that I didn't need them, I guess one could say they were surplus, lol. So somehow they were able to trace my steps all the way back to my home IP. I even had telnet'd through a DE, AU, and TW shell before I entered Berkeley. Anyhow, I had to call and apologize to the IT department, the ISP kicked us off as customers, and we had to pay the $250 early contract termination fee, got grounded from the computer for 9 months, and received a letter in the mail from UC Berkeley stating that I was never allowed to step foot on the campus for the rest of my life. Given the conditions, the was the end of my scene days. I was able to use a friends computer to relay a msg to my affils and explain the situation and retirement.

Nine months pass, and I get my computer back. I decided that I wanted to stay outta trouble and just be apart of a local network. I started my own BBS with 2 dial-up nodes. I feel old using the term BBS, LOL. So I ran the board for about 1.5 years then my hard drive crashed and I lost everything. So months later I ended up moving to go to a PC Networking/Computer Repair 2 year college. I hardly had any activity on the internet while going to college. I used Napster quite a bit to get music, but not much socializing.. more partying! After a couple years of education I moved back to my home state and got a job with computers. I remember then using AudioGalaxy to get music and live electronic music sets. Then a couple years later I start using Soulseek to find music. I meet a whole new crew of friends hanging out in the trance channel on Soulseek. Towards the end of 2004 I am using DC+ to connect to hubs as well to get music, and some of those first public torrent sites. Mid-2005 I hear of a Trance torrent site that my friends on Slsk say has everything new, and there is no waiting in line like in Slsk, or waiting for open ports in DC+. I join TranceTraffic as my first private tracker in mid-2005. Back then TT did open singups like one day a month for a few hours. Then I think I joined TBy, then TL. At this point I start meeting a bunch of new friends, and starting idling back in irc. I joined numerous sites through out the years, and have seen some come and go as well. Some are missed, and some are not. Through this whole journey of private trackers, from 2005 to present day, I have only ever received 1 warning on a site. It was on TT when I first joined, and it was for a low ratio.

So I guess I've been file sharing since my wreckless AOL days. Wikipedia says AOL v1.5 came out in June of 1994. So I guess we could say about 17 years! Oh man, that makes me old eh!?! :noes: I've seen sooo many different protocals of file sharing too. Starting from BBS to things like bittorrent today. Any file sharing place that I have been apart of I have always followed the rules. As in the trackers I belong to now, I use them with the utmost pride. I have to hold back when I see comments on torrents where people talk crap, complaining, etc. A lot of these people just arn't thankful for what we have, and only dream of what it could be. I have met many friends at these trackers, and have no enemies. I always have given WAY more than I have ever taken. The word ratio has never really meant anything to me as I always just share it back for a long time. Some of you know me, and some of you are my friends on trackers and know the ratio is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to show how dedicated I am to letting everyone around me to be able to enjoy what I did as well.

I'm married for about a year now to an amazing woman. We both goto work full time, and she is writing a thesis, then onto a Masters program. At that point we will move out of this state and start a family, buy a home, and enjoy life to it fullest. I have always been a positive person, and look for the humor in every situation. I always try to help people. I am never afraid to show my graditude for anything as well. I think its safe to say my personality just flows from me through my fingers onto the keyboard, and for you all to see. I don't hold back, or hide anything about who I am. My mother always told me "Just be yourself". I want TTC to invite me so I can be with the other members there to learn. I want to meet more people that share similar traits in computing and file sharing and just every day general life. I want to be able to make people smile regardless of what kind of day they are having. You say TTC is a fun place to hang, I'm always down for something fun, that word in a way describes me. I always look into everything to make it fun, to make things enjoyable, to add something others can benefit from. I'm hoping that TTC sees me as someone who can blend in and grow in that fun. I have a long background with computers and the internet. I have been apart of many groups/sites/communities and have learned the code of trust. When you take absolute pride in something you do, you are showing that you are proud to be there and can be trusted. Pride comes with trust. The three most important things to me about interating with other humans is Respect, Pride, and Trust. I probably have some friends in TTC that could answer questions about me. I have no problem with anyone in TTC asking anyone I know anything about me. I have nothing to hide. I don't act like someone online who I am not, I bring everything I have to the table. If you need more information I will be glad to answer. I will answer in the thread here for everyone too, I have no reason to answer in private. (Given it's not uber-personal or like my social # :P ) Even if the members of TTC believe it is not for me, I still thank you for creating the thread and giving me a chance to share some about myself! :cool:

:::changes back into 3rd person costume:::

Welp, there it is! The Chief is glad to share a chapter of his life with yah. The Chief hopes someone found it interesting or fun to read. Remember my fellow tribesmen, you have to have the bad days before you can have the good days! :D

08-29-2011, 05:25 AM
^ Nice! I can relate as I was not as hardcore as yourself but used BBS's back in the day, knew more than my computer teacher, had the apple ]['s, and right on down the line to AOL on a floppy disk. Welcome to the old ass basterds club ;)

08-29-2011, 05:30 AM
You had me at,

Well, ol'e Chief

Why the heck haven't they been wise enough to recruit you already? :unsure:

Get with it, TTC. Chief is good people (in first and third person)! :happy:

08-29-2011, 08:56 AM
Hi and thanks for this opportunity. I would like to join TTC as i am really interested in torrenting and p2p became a hobby for me. I am an old trackers user, so i know some things. I enjoy reading p2p related articles and interact with some other users, share invites and i usually help as much as i can. I visit daily my forums and i am an active member on my favourite trackers. I know i wasn't very active here on FST but, as we all know, it's summer and summer means parties and trips. Thanks again for the opportunity and good luck to all those who applied. Wish you a nice day :)

08-29-2011, 12:39 PM
Why the heck haven't they been wise enough to recruit you already? :unsure:

I don't know. But if I had to guess, maybe TTC finds constant third person dialogue to be a bit annoying?

08-29-2011, 05:39 PM
From there I was making my own little dumb programs and games.

Sometimes I make dumb games too. The rand() function is the king! This is one of my games: http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/430428-My-C-games . It's nice to meet you!

08-29-2011, 05:46 PM
The rand() function is the king!

In the games I play, people curse the RNG. A lot.

By the way, great post, Chief_Garbonzo. :)

08-29-2011, 05:57 PM
Why the heck haven't they been wise enough to recruit you already? :unsure:

I don't know. But if I had to guess, maybe TTC finds constant third person dialogue to be a bit annoying?

megabyteme has never had a problem with chief's use of third-person. :idunno:

08-29-2011, 06:25 PM
You had me at,

Well, ol'e Chief

Tell the truth you saw that wall of text and that quote was all you read.

My real name is Job and even I gave up after the first paragraph.

08-29-2011, 09:01 PM
You had me at,

Tell the truth you saw that wall of text and that quote was all you read.

My real name is Job and even I gave up after the first paragraph.

The first time I looked at the wall of text I went fark myself, but if you settle down take your Ritalin and breathe deeply it is actually worth the read.

08-29-2011, 11:31 PM

.... but if you settle down take your Ritalin and breathe deeply it is actually worth the read.

You lied.:(

08-29-2011, 11:44 PM
My real name is Job and even I gave up after the first paragraph.





08-29-2011, 11:44 PM
OP, as I mentioned before, I like people who treat me nicely and I don't like people who don't treat me nicely. Anyone who decides to treat me nicely will become my best friend, and anyone who decides to treat me like shit will become my worst enemy. If TTC folks treat each other nicely, then invite me to TTC please.

08-30-2011, 12:07 AM
OP, as I mentioned before, I like people who treat me nicely and I don't like people who don't treat me nicely. Anyone who decides to treat me nicely will become my best friend, and anyone who decides to treat me like shit will become my worst enemy. If TTC folks treat each other nicely, then invite me to TTC please.

What if I were a member, Oleg? I don't like you anymore, and have decided it is more fun to treat you like shit than it is to feed your desire for attention and pity.
since I would treat you worse in that section, don't you think it best to withdraw your TTC applications?

08-30-2011, 12:18 AM
If it's really true that you are a member of TTC, then, yes, I will have to withdraw my application.

Green Goblin
08-30-2011, 12:47 AM
If it's really true that you are a member of TTC, then, yes, I will have to withdraw my application.

ffs if megabyteme is not a member please make him one, i didn't relise this group was still around, might explain where some older members went.

08-30-2011, 01:55 AM
.........might explain where some older members went.

No some regained a measure of sanity and the others fell prey to a particularly nasty nest of vampires.

My real name is Job and even I gave up after the first paragraph.







08-30-2011, 02:06 AM
Haha, awesome. Although if you wanted more people to get the joke, I would've just faked being in a certain profession (IT, programming, something tedious) and more would get the point :P

/Got it the first time around, knew dating a Catholic chick for a couple years and standing that book stuff for a while would pay off XP
//And Chief's post wasn't that bad, somewhat interesting, but to be fair it did take me 3 runs at it to read top to bottom though

08-30-2011, 02:21 AM
/Got it the first time around, knew dating a Catholic chick for a couple years and standing that book stuff for a while would pay off XP

Don't get cocky. MBM got the joke, it might not seem like it, but 65 years ago she was a Catholic School girl. She eventually fell funny while fucking in a bathroom stall, and the nurse had to come to the scene only to find her naked, bruised, and stretched out over two stalls. On questioning she screamed out "Bite me!", and thus the humble beginnings for her pseudonym.

Also, my real name is Job, too. So does that make us Jobs, Idol?

08-30-2011, 02:26 AM
You certainly are.

08-30-2011, 02:54 AM
OP, is megabyteme a member of TTC? If he's a member of TTC, then I will have to withdraw my application because I really don't want to be a part of the community where someone will treat me like shit.

08-30-2011, 03:20 AM
And yet you constantly attempt to rejoin HDBits :P

I think you're running out of fresh ideas for trolling, your last few posts were all along the same lines. Tsk tsk, gotta work on some new material.

08-30-2011, 03:39 AM
And yet you constantly attempt to rejoin HDBits :P

I think you're running out of fresh ideas for trolling, your last few posts were all along the same lines. Tsk tsk, gotta work on some new material.

HDBits is different. Almost everyone at HDBits is nice. I've never been a member of TTC, so I am really worried that MBM will create an unpleasant atmosphere for me there.

08-30-2011, 03:59 AM
OP, is megabyteme a member of TTC? If he's a member of TTC, then I will have to withdraw my application because I really don't want to be a part of the community where someone will treat me like shit.

So you're leaving FST?

08-30-2011, 04:18 AM
OP, is megabyteme a member of TTC? If he's a member of TTC, then I will have to withdraw my application because I really don't want to be a part of the community where someone will treat me like shit.

So you're leaving FST?

No. As I said before, most people who post here are really nice and understanding, including you, mjmacky. Even though you probably think I am weird, you still treat me nicely, buddy. But MBM told me that he would create a really unpleasant atmosphere for me in TTC section of the forums, so if he's indeed a member there, I don't want to be invited to TTC.

08-30-2011, 04:53 AM
Also, my real name is Job, too. So does that make us Jobs, Idol?





65 years ago she was a Catholic School girl...

Well played, sir. Made me laugh which, unless I'm mistaken, would be your first successful joke on this site. :D

I still fit in my old uniform, FYI. :naughty:

No. As I said before, most people who post here are really nice and understanding, including you, mjmacky. Even though you probably think I am weird, you still treat me nicely, buddy. But MBM told me that he would create a really unpleasant atmosphere for me in TTC section of the forums, so if he's indeed a member there, I don't want to be invited to TTC.

Dear TTC elitez,

Plz accept the above post as good reason to invite me into yer sekret sexun.



08-30-2011, 05:08 AM
Here is my application:
I want to be a member of TTC. Now do your job and run a background check on me

08-30-2011, 08:52 AM
Here is my application:
I want to be a member of TTC. Now do your job and run a background check on me

Same here. I am into torrenting since '03. I started Filesharing with napster and edonkey2k later.

08-30-2011, 09:28 AM
Here is my application:
I want to be a member of TTC. Now do your job and run a background check on me

Same here. I am into torrenting since '03. I started Filesharing with napster and edonkey2k later.

One post in 3 years, w0w you sure bring alot to the table, I'm sure the gnomes of TTC will be tripping over themselves :whistling

08-30-2011, 12:58 PM
application sent by pm.

08-30-2011, 03:29 PM
application sent by pm.
What a great idea you had!

08-30-2011, 03:37 PM
1 days left :unsure:

08-30-2011, 03:42 PM
1 days left :unsure:

and im still not in wtf ? TTC pull your finger out your ass and send me that invite quick

08-30-2011, 04:34 PM
How come nobody contacted me yet? are not I 1337 enough?

08-30-2011, 05:04 PM
1 day(s) left :unsure:

maybe it'll be extended ? :lol:

08-30-2011, 05:09 PM
1 day(s) left :unsure:

maybe it'll be extended ? :lol:lets hope not....

08-30-2011, 05:18 PM
Hope all the applicants get in :P

08-30-2011, 05:32 PM
VinX gets bonus points for understanding what I meant.

08-30-2011, 07:26 PM
So I can not haz TTC?

08-30-2011, 07:31 PM
So I can not haz TTC?

I fought for you tooth and nail brah. I'm sorry that everyone else has to unnecessarily be such uncaring, elitist cunts.

08-30-2011, 09:24 PM
Don't believe him, Tokeman. There were seventeen votes for you and not a single one was a yes. But don't feel bad, I wasn't accepted either.

08-30-2011, 09:27 PM
A unanimous vote, rock on! Who could ask for more?

08-30-2011, 09:33 PM
So I can not haz TTC?

I fought for you tooth and nail brah. I'm sorry that everyone else has to unnecessarily be such uncaring, elitist cunts.

together,united,we can over throw them cunts,lets us pledge allegiance under the pirate flag with OlegL as our leader,i can talk him into making u general secretary if u would like!!

and they shall call us the "agency"

08-30-2011, 10:05 PM
Okay, OP, I officially withdraw my application to join TTC because I just found out that MBM had joined it. Have a great day, OP!

08-30-2011, 10:09 PM

08-30-2011, 10:30 PM
MBM, why you tryin' to make contributions to TTC? We had to experience an existential crisis to let you in tTC, and we were going to show you how to know important people.

08-31-2011, 12:10 AM
I ve been bashing all the traders (and their fans) all day pls let me in

08-31-2011, 12:24 AM
Labeling every person you see in a thread that someone disagrees/puts a dissenting opinion to yours a trader doesn't really count. Don't believe me, check any of the threads he posted in the Giveaway section in the last 3 days. :P

08-31-2011, 12:27 AM
Okay, OP, I officially withdraw my application to join TTC because I just found out that MBM had joined it. Have a great day, OP!

A l33k leak about who's in!! Impossible. Such bragging doesn't happen in BT does it?

08-31-2011, 12:35 AM
I don't think it is ever possible. It is a myth. Maybe OlegL is making a smokescreen to make us believe that Megabyteme got in so that we all don't figure out that he got in and not MBM. Would be pretty clever.

08-31-2011, 02:01 AM
MBM, why you tryin' to make contributions to TTC? We had to experience an existential crisis to let you in tTC, and we were going to show you how to know important people.


*PS PLEEEESEe let me in now, TTC. I don't want to look bad in front of the guys... :(

08-31-2011, 02:08 AM
Anybody who throws mjmacky under a bus gets automatic entry into TTC, anyone who wholeheartedly sucks at attempting to do so will be given automatic entry into tTC.

08-31-2011, 02:16 AM
Anybody who throws mjmacky under a bus gets automatic entry into TTC, anyone who wholeheartedly sucks at attempting to do so will be given automatic entry into tTC.

As a fellow tTC staff member, I'd like to tell you one thing.

Don't limit yourself to just buses.

08-31-2011, 02:19 AM
Who? Who. Who!


Don't think he'll object to my joke since he was proud of it the other day.

08-31-2011, 02:28 AM
I'd like to join TTC, What i should do to join it ?

please anyone answer me.


08-31-2011, 02:39 AM
I'd like to join TTC, What i should do to join it ?

please anyone answer me.


Coherence is a plus.

08-31-2011, 02:51 AM
I'd like to join TTC, What i should do to join it ?

please anyone answer me.


Coherence is a plus.

No hope to get it ?

08-31-2011, 02:55 AM
Coherence is a plus.

No hope to get it ?

You didn't bring the lube.....

08-31-2011, 03:11 AM
*PS PLEEEESEe let me in now, TTC. I don't want to look bad in front of the guys... :(

Oh lawd.

08-31-2011, 03:13 AM
No hope to get it ?

You didn't bring the lube.....

I will bring it next time

08-31-2011, 03:44 AM
Hi,what kind of torrents are on TTC?I am interested in 0DAY and MOBILE torrents.

08-31-2011, 04:21 AM
Did you read the OP? Never mind. Let's short cut this. What's your offer. Show me some screens, give me axx to your paypal account, and maybe I can help you out.

08-31-2011, 05:10 AM
*PS PLEEEESEe let me in now, TTC. I don't want to look bad in front of the guys... :(

Oh lawd.

Hey, you weren't supposed to read that. Can't you see it was meant for TTC only?

08-31-2011, 05:55 AM
Hey, you weren't supposed to read that. Can't you see it was meant for TTC only?
Guess you forgot to use the [hidefornonttc] tags.
BTW, awesome avatar/shirt, although the "2 people fucking on the back of my shirt" one is the best :P

08-31-2011, 06:12 AM
LOL, I stumbled across a banner for T-shirt Hell tonight. Last I heard, the owner had decided to give it up, and didn't want to sell. I've never seen so many, crude, right-on-the-mark ideas come out of any who have tried to duplicate them.

I was VERY happy to see them back. I grabbed a few others for when I feel like making a quick change of the avy. :)

EDIT- my long-time favorite is, "I support single moms." Pure classic!

08-31-2011, 06:24 AM
That shirt is pretty sweet. I still own the "This shirt doesn't make sense, and neither does this apple". Also have the "You wish you didn't read this t-shirt when the sketch aritist asks you to describe my face" one.
/Need to find that interview the owner did for CNN, absolutely hilarious trolling effort :P

08-31-2011, 06:45 AM
Need to find that interview the owner did for CNN, absolutely hilarious trolling effort :P

Never seen that. If you do come across it, please post. That guy has got to be extremely sharp.

08-31-2011, 01:33 PM
I nominate myself and megabyteme. We can haz some votes? We will be bringing both of OlegL's sisters with us to be used as evberyone so pleases :yes:

08-31-2011, 01:49 PM
i not voted...hairy ass licker , so i haven't nobody to vote....

08-31-2011, 03:42 PM
i not voted...hairy ass licker , so i haven't nobody to vote....

An Italian talking about hairy asses. At least you speak on a topic you know well.

08-31-2011, 03:52 PM

Just edit. Danger to show my acc

I do not have axx

08-31-2011, 04:02 PM
Hi,what kind of torrents are on TTC?I am interested in 0DAY and MOBILE torrents.


What's the point of censoring your username if you leave the titlebar and user ID untouched?

08-31-2011, 04:07 PM
kallieb I can pm to you?

I do not have axx

Srsly, I was kidding. I can't give you axx and I certainly don't want your paypal info.

08-31-2011, 04:09 PM
I know this

08-31-2011, 04:21 PM
Good. Glad we cleared that up. Carry on as you will and ignore my inanely irrelevant posts.

Edit: I just saw your screens.. If you want a bit of BT advice please learn how to protect your privacy. I could figure out your u/n in two seconds with all the info you didn't black out.

08-31-2011, 04:29 PM
Just request un invite. I have nothing to hide or lose

08-31-2011, 04:31 PM
Just request un invite. I have nothing to hide or lose

That's the problem. This is NOT an invite request thread.( at least, not the type of invite that I believe you are thinking of)
You need to go back and read the 1st post.

08-31-2011, 04:40 PM
Just request un invite. I have nothing to hide or lose

That's the problem. This is NOT an invite request thread.( at least, not the type of invite that I believe you are thinking of)
You need to go back and read the 1st post.

I read but i can trust a people only after my life was in his hand

08-31-2011, 04:41 PM
I can't request an invite. It was a joke. Sarcasm within ESL clearly doesn't work...

08-31-2011, 04:46 PM
Ah, I see what's going on now..I missed that lol. Looks like you've got yourself a new special friend kallieb

08-31-2011, 04:49 PM
Ok, I understand

08-31-2011, 04:52 PM
Phew.. relief. Back to the thread. Sorry for any confusion.

08-31-2011, 05:38 PM
It's such posts that make it worthwhile. Can you imagine this thread with only good applications made by people who have actually read TTC's (the user) posts? :fear:

08-31-2011, 05:57 PM
It wouldn't be regular day at FST if that were to happen ;) You have to love the collective wisdom woven throughout these pages and take great comfort in the possibility that future world leaders may actually be gracing these pages. The influence we could peddle, the direction of geo-politics we could shape. I encourage everyone to use their befriend button with more frequency. You never know when it could help you out down the road.

08-31-2011, 06:24 PM
I apply TTC invite.if you agree & yes i am trusted person.

08-31-2011, 06:25 PM
EDIT- my long-time favorite is, "I support single moms." Pure classic!

If this is the shirt with the stripper on a pole, then I am with you...Used to have that t-shirt. Scored it at a motorcycle rally somewhere...Wish I knew what happened to that shirt...loved it! Where is this site that you are speaking of? Are you referring to a site that sells such shirts?

Edit: Just googled t-shirt hell...now there!

08-31-2011, 06:46 PM
I read but i can trust a people only after my life was in his hand
I think the idea is to trust someone before you put your life in his hands.:unsure:


08-31-2011, 06:48 PM
Ah, I see what's going on now..I missed that lol. Looks like you've got yourself a new special friend kallieb

Awwww, a pet. How adorable! You can love him, and squeeeeze him, and name him George, kallie. (REF: a very old, classic Bugs Bunny)


08-31-2011, 06:53 PM
EDIT- my long-time favorite is, "I support single moms." Pure classic!

If this is the shirt with the stripper on a pole, then I am with you...Used to have that t-shirt. Scored it at a motorcycle rally somewhere...Wish I knew what happened to that shirt...loved it! Where is this site that you are speaking of? Are you referring to a site that sells such shirts?

Yeah, the site went out of existence for a while (the owner got tired of being bombarded with humorless, PC-types), but now looks to be back. It's TShirtHell. Here is the "Single Moms" shirt, which I also plan(ned) to use as a future avy, but will leave it up-for-grabs for you, or anyone else quick enough to grab it. Sharing is caring, right? Enjoy the site, it is certainly worth a look, if not a plug from me. There's a lot of good laughs to be had there. :happy:


08-31-2011, 07:01 PM
If this is the shirt with the stripper on a pole, then I am with you...Used to have that t-shirt. Scored it at a motorcycle rally somewhere...Wish I knew what happened to that shirt...loved it! Where is this site that you are speaking of? Are you referring to a site that sells such shirts?

Yeah, the site went out of existence for a while (the owner got tired of being bombarded with humorless, PC-types), but now looks to be back. It's TShirtHell. Here is the "Single Moms" shirt, which I also plan(ned) to use as a future avy, but will leave it up-for-grabs for you, or anyone else quick enough to grab it. Sharing is caring, right? Enjoy the site, it is certainly worth a look, if not a plug from me. There's a lot of good laughs to be had there. :happy:


Ive seen a t-shirt similar to that. But the one i seen actually said "i support single moms...one buck at a time"

08-31-2011, 07:03 PM
I was going to plug the site anyways, so no worries there :P
Also, along six-degrees-of-separation from cats, here's a vid:


08-31-2011, 09:53 PM
While I still have the chance TTC I would like to respectfully request the i** fanclub, aka pbp or sch**ost*** please.
Thank you.

08-31-2011, 11:29 PM
While I still have the chance TTC I would like to respectfully request the i** fanclub, aka pbp or sch**ost*** please.
Thank you.

That's a heck of an idea, Idol, if ANYONE could grant such a wish, it would be TTC. It is a shame more people did not think to make requests for other trackers/forums they want. Even if a member here doesn't get into TTC, it is a VERY rare opportunity to be able to ask TTC directly for invites. I've heard they just have open invites to all the trackers in case a member needs to contact someone on one of the elite sites...

Time is ticking. People need to get those last-minute requests in before it is too late...

09-01-2011, 12:32 AM
That's a heck of an idea, Idol, if ANYONE could grant such a wish, it would be TTC. It is a shame more people did not think to make requests for other trackers/forums they want. Even if a member here doesn't get into TTC, it is a VERY rare opportunity to be able to ask TTC directly for invites. I've heard they just have open invites to all the trackers in case a member needs to contact someone on one of the elite sites...

You've been tTC staff for less than a day and are on the lookout for potential members already, that's cool.

09-01-2011, 12:38 AM
That's it guys, thanks to all who applied, it might take a while to process this all considering the amount of applications.

09-01-2011, 12:39 AM
You've been tTC staff for less than a day and are on the lookout for potential members already, that's cool.


09-01-2011, 12:39 AM
I can't close this thread myself, so if any moderator see this, no need to keep it open.


09-01-2011, 12:51 AM
I can't close this thread myself, so if any moderator see this, no need to keep it open.



09-01-2011, 02:07 AM
If this is the last post, then whoever reads it must go fuck themselves

09-01-2011, 02:15 AM
It isn't the last post sorry...although I will go fuck myself....to your avatar....BEEFCAKE!

09-01-2011, 02:16 AM
It isn't the last post sorry...although I will go fuck myself....to your avatar....BEEFCAKE!

Dammit, you're cockblocking

09-01-2011, 02:18 AM
*You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby right round round round*

09-01-2011, 02:19 AM
I can't close this thread myself, so if any moderator see this, no need to keep it open.

You know TTC seems to be humourless yet ever so slightly dense so I'm thinking it may in fact be a polarbear dupe after all.:unsure:

09-01-2011, 02:41 AM
I must say this has been a pretty good thread...Turned out better than most seem to. Good luck bishes!

Edit: The response below is proof! lmao!

09-01-2011, 03:35 AM
If this is the last post, then whoever reads it must go fuck themselves


09-01-2011, 04:51 AM

09-01-2011, 10:18 AM
lol, missed it by one day :P
It would have been unlikely to be of any use for me anyways, having already a nice forum, for which I nearly have no time anyways and friends with axx for the odd file here and there. Obviously, Retro, you are disqualified for using words nobody understands! :D
I am quite new to torrenting btw.. only did it for 6 or 7 years, cant recall exactly anymore.. getting too old!
Btw if you decide to let me in and give me funny permissions I can promise you to bring lots of disorder in the folder structure with lftp (by accident ofc)!

ps: at first I thought this was a thread about tc, but I guess its anyways as silent as it used to be and my last visit was in april so that wouldnt have helped either.

09-01-2011, 01:28 PM
That's it guys, thanks to all who applied, it might take a while to process this all considering the amount of applications.
I wrote a application here but it was not big so don't know it lost in other big applied application or not. I try to express myself on that application as good as possible.

09-01-2011, 02:27 PM
i don't really know olegl but he is the most popular in this thread , i think he deserves a chance to prove himself at ttc ;)

09-01-2011, 09:31 PM
olegl is the man dawg. real shit.

09-01-2011, 09:50 PM
I'm the most trustworthy and OG person here. Too bad I missed it...

09-02-2011, 03:25 AM
What is an OG ? :blink:

09-02-2011, 03:33 AM
What is an OG ? :blink:
He's either overly groomed and is a very pretty guy, or he's been organically grown in a test tube, or he fancies himself as an online god.

And if you tilt your head to the left it's supposed to look like somebody fapping, so maybe he's a wanker. :shifty:

09-02-2011, 03:39 AM
Don't be silly, OG is an Original Gangbanger... the orgy kind... probably from the 70s

09-02-2011, 05:11 AM
Well, he says he's a "trustworthy gangbanger", so I guess that means he'll service the party all night long, and then tell nobody. That's professional.

09-02-2011, 05:21 AM
Well, he says he's a "trustworthy gangbanger", so I guess that means he'll service the party all night long, and then tell nobody. That's professional.

Or maybe it means he won't steal your wife's car.

09-02-2011, 05:25 AM
Or he might just try to have sex with it. Heard all the kids were trying the new "have sex with a car's tailpipe" craze. Bigger than planking, I hear.

09-02-2011, 05:31 AM
Or he might just try to have sex with it. Heard all the kids were trying the new "have sex with a car's tailpipe" craze. Bigger than planking, I hear.


09-02-2011, 06:12 AM
Or he might just try to have sex with it. Heard all the kids were trying the new "have sex with a car's tailpipe" craze. Bigger than planking, I hear.


This is actually a sexually dysfunctional condition called objectum sexualis. There is one woman who is in love with the Berlin wall and even moved from the U.S. to Berlin to be near her love. She has several models of sections that still remain, but one in particular that she sleeps with every night. But the variety objects is open to the limits of your imagination.

09-02-2011, 10:41 AM
This is actually a sexually dysfunctional condition called objectum sexualis. There is one woman who is in love with the Berlin wall and even moved from the U.S. to Berlin to be near her love. She has several models of sections that still remain, but one in particular that she sleeps with every night. But the variety objects is open to the limits of your imagination.

Why not after all, men just want to put it in a hole, while women just want to put it in their hole (well some men do that too).

09-02-2011, 04:30 PM
Why not after all, men just want to put it in a hole, while women just want to put it in their hole (well some men do that too).

If by "it" you are referring to pie, yes, yes, pie is good. :)

09-02-2011, 04:57 PM
Why not after all, men just want to put it in a hole, while women just want to put it in their hole (well some men do that too).

If by "it" you are referring to pie, yes, yes, pie is good. :)

You didn't clarify which hole you stuff pies into. If you're talking about the one I think you are, notify Squeamous immediately. She has a queue of experiments to determine what happens to things that go up her hole, and your input could be valuable.

09-02-2011, 05:06 PM
I always knew MBM had a feminine air about him her. :no:

09-02-2011, 10:39 PM
i have no trust in TTC so good luck for every one

09-02-2011, 11:20 PM
i have no trust in TTC so good luck for every one

Look what that post did to my mong translator, there is smoke pissing out of it now!!!!!:angry:

09-04-2011, 08:09 AM
What a strange way to go about it, given the described nature of the group. :huh:

Having run things not totally dissimilar to this, I'd think anyone with a shot would already be known to the existing members and could be approached individually, rather than a scatter shot leaving you with masses of unsuited to wade through...

Still, giving a few hopefuls a leg up sounds generous, so best of luck and I hope it works out! :)

09-04-2011, 09:59 PM
Too much offtopic now.