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08-19-2011, 04:54 PM


I received a massive amount of PMs, please read this also, it will answer some of your questions :



As you may know, The Trusted Community (TTC) is an hidden forum section on FST.

The goal of this section is to bring together a small group of members that can trust each other in a private atmosphere. Members of TTC are long term Bittorrent users and tracker staff.

Needless to say, once you gain the trust of this group, you might have the opportunity to discover other things that you might even not know about yet.

In order to find new possible members for this section we decided to give you a chance to join.

Please post your application here. Tell us why we should invite you and, most importantly, why you can be trusted.

We might ask for more info on the specific sites you are a member of once we pick the best applicants, but no need to post any kind of screenshots or speedtest, we are not interested in that.


08-19-2011, 05:03 PM
Just so you know, this is legit, staff approved this recruitment thread.

08-19-2011, 05:20 PM
Well I've always been interested in TTC, (not the FTP myths, though) since Idol rudely called me ignorant enlightened me about it.
I'd be willing to put forth a legitimate application if mayhaps we get a little bit more information? There's plenty of invites and good nature out here, what's special about the hidden section that makes it ... well, worth hiding?

Also, how really does one go about proving their trustworthiness? Isn't the onus on the person trying to prove my (or others') illegitimacy? I could talk myself up all day, but unless you have something against me, the argument is pretty much at a stalemate ...

08-19-2011, 05:54 PM
When I discovered the TTC my bittorrent quality of life rose dramatically, thanks to its solid network of likeminded peers. Nothing hurts your bittorrent systems worse than isolation or the lack of a network built from the ground up on dependability and innovation. I am so grateful the TTC found me when they did. Thanks TTC!


08-19-2011, 06:21 PM
You can't. You can only believe that I will have a good behaviour in the community and I will do my best to raise at your standards. But you can never trust the new guy. My personal theory, and it will be a self-lie if I apply with the sentence "Why should you trust me".
I want to find out more of p2p, how everything started, to meet "oldmens" of p2p, maybe even I could help with something one day. For now, I will stop here. Waiting for TTC to ask me more.

08-19-2011, 06:22 PM
Please invite me to the TTC. I would love to become a member of the group where relations are built in an atmosphere of trust and privacy. Why can I be trusted? Well, I don't do bad things; that's why I believe I can be trusted. Thank you in advance for considering my application.

08-19-2011, 06:23 PM
TTC is cool.

Applications of females >18 directly to my mailbox. Pictures are mandatory.

08-19-2011, 06:35 PM
TTC is cool.

As usual : define cool.

08-19-2011, 06:36 PM
I want to be a part of TTC. I am a trusted guy in FST. Have given invites in FST. Thanx.

08-19-2011, 07:41 PM
I wouldn't mind being a part of TTC. The only drawback is that I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone. I am prepared to speak my mind . I do what I do, I am who I am. I give and I take. I learnt about Bittorrent from this site. I was also a mod at IPT for a while. But I am not going to kiss ass to become part of something. That's about it really...oh and I have been a member of this site since April 2004.

08-19-2011, 09:04 PM
As I read this topic I noticed
you might have the opportunity to discover other things that you might even not know about yet. so I would like to join because I'd really like to know everything there is to know about the p2p world and even more . So why should you invite me ? The answer is that you should invite me because I would like to be a part of a place that teaches me new things and where I can improve my knowledge ( I'm kind of a geek ) . This may not be a good enough reason , but basically I just wanna learn from other people , people with experience .
Why can I be trusted ? Because I would have nothing to gain from betraying the trust of people so I like to be honest and fair . I'm more of a helper then a snitch ...

That's about it . I know my reason for asking this invite might not be sufficient but I hope you will understand that for me , it's more then sufficient .
Hope I get in! Thanks !

08-19-2011, 09:38 PM
..... I just wanna learn from other people , people with experience .

Coincidentally a woman said the exact same thing to Darth Rings last Saturday night.
Boy was she talking to the wrong person.

Btw I never said anything to Darth Rings so he's a liar and you should disqualify him on the basis of him being a prevaricator and quite possibly swarthy.

Sorry I see that I'm being redundant.
Also if there is any learning involved attached to whatever this is count me out.

08-19-2011, 10:07 PM
The Trusted Community (TTC), Is that what It stands for...People have called It so many different names, I wasn't sure It was for real or not.

08-19-2011, 10:19 PM
Yeah, it's the real name. It used to be the ATG (Anti-trader group) but after a surge of violent crimes and blood baths, FST opted for a more pacific name.

08-19-2011, 10:29 PM
jez i thought that the ATG (Anti-trader group) was disbanded years ago.
and to think i was almost a member of it anyways good look in the recruiting stakes...

08-19-2011, 10:37 PM
TTC is cool.

As usual : define cool.

You just asked a polar bear to define cool. If anyone understands cool, it's a polar bear. Jeesh. :D

08-20-2011, 01:17 AM
I received a LOT of PM of people asking me what was all the fuzz about TTC, so I will reply here instead.

Let's just say that, yes, rumors are true, from this section originated another project that has grown outside of FST since. It was created about 3 years ago. Those who join the TTC become member of this satellite site once we know them better and it will remain this way. You may call it a topsite if you will, but that's a bit more than that.

FST and its staff are not founders nor administrators of this site in any way, they are kindly offering a private place to chit chat, that's about it. Don't waste your time and theirs asking invites please.

There are other ways to join this site, but I'll let those concerned the decision to reveal it or not. We decided to open the door a bit more than it was previously as we didn't have a new member coming directly from FST in nearly a year and a half and I think there are good people here.

Other than that, not much to say, the TTC is a fun place to hang on, we try to make sure every new member will blend in with those already there. A lot of members there never actually post outside this section, we'd like more activity on the public board but we respect their decision.

Just give it your best, so far it felt a bit...not convincing.

If you are only interested in the topsite part, don't waste your time applying. It's a friendly community, with some benefits of course, but still, we want posters first.

How long have you been file sharing? How much is respecting the spirit of file sharing important to you? Describe you as much as possible, what are your interests, tell us something interesting, anything relevant :)

08-20-2011, 05:33 AM
Alright, well it sounds like a fun proposition and I might enjoy it so here's a shot. Although, I'll be perfectly honest: While this is an application to TTC, and I'm interested in joining, I'm not really interested in parading against traders (I don't know the history, but the group's older name would be a red flag for me usually), nor can I definitely promise to enjoy the experience. I'm a chronic poster (my activity on multiple forums with 1000+ posts - some of which are bittorrent related - can be provided), but am still selective. I only participate in communities that I enjoy, so if I don't enjoy taking around TTC, I hope you don't mind my backing away quietly, all gratitude owed to your gracious offer, of course.

Thought I'd start with a little bit about my posting habits, since you seem to be interested in that the most, then I'll get to stuff about who I am. I've been using my online pseudonym online since 2003, but have been active on fora and IRC since '99. A lot of the fora I visited then have long since deceased (the latest of which died around this time last year), so I don't really have proof dating to back then, but do have forum accounts dating to 2006 still active. As to what topics I dabble with: Anything really from philosophical great debates, to computer parts sourcing and comparison of brand advantages, to witty remarks (or lack thereof depending on your take towards sarcasm). I started using torrenting forums once I got into ScT and genuinely enjoyed reading and posting there. Before that point, I thought all torrenting forums were rather dull. The links section was a blast on a daily basis, and I would spend a good chunk of time daily refreshing the page, awaiting the upcoming inevitable witty retorts. Once that died I moved on to FST and SCC, thinking I'll use at least the former as a stepping ladder for something better (I think even though this forum doesn't archive posts that far back, around my 20 post mark I made an application for FSC to Idol), but as time passed I became settled at those two places in the torrenting world, and they've effectively replaced my yearning for ScT's satirical member base. I haven't really searched for some place else for a while since I get my forum fix for this corner of the internet right here. And the only reason I'm applying isn't because I'm about to ditch either of those places, but a hint of curiosity as long as being open to trying new things never hurts.

Away from torrenting, gaming takes up the place as my second most time consuming online habit (well, first, really, but second most relevant to this conversation). I've been gaming since I was 5, and play every game out on the market out currently at least semi-competitively, or run a team for the game. I run my own gaming organization with a few friends, which is a full time job on its own. As far as personal professional gaming before, I've started with Half Life, moved on to Counter Strike 1.5, Halo: Combat Evolved and haven't really stepped up to anything since. Played only the last game professionally winning a CPL invitational with team EAL. Why am I telling you this? I'm a gaming head. I'm proud of what I do, and I love the gratification that comes from it. Expect me to know at least one person in every game's alpha and beta for access to private news, and to shower forum activity with old-time-gamer-depression at the deteriorating quality of games. Yes, I am very vain about my gaming ego, but then again who isn't in this industry? Also, it's a little background to who I am, and what I like to do. No reason for you not to get better acquainted with me.

My other hobbies include maintaining a floating career in biochemical research (it's only my second year in this wild, hostile environment of funding and liver competition - my first paper is actually due quite soon), dabbling around in Photoshop every chance I get (I design a lot of company logos, and even drew up a current Torrenting site's Christmas theme last year when I had the spare time), and file collection. Which brings me to your spirit of file sharing point. I was a scener quite a few years ago, but not in the direct sense. I was a source for a group that is now defunct but was very successful in its day and time, and have since only joined two topsites, only to leave within a few days because I don't feel like partaking in such communities if it weren't for the competition/thrill or the point of being active there (the entire experience, as opposed to just the files). I now sit on a few friends' private dumps and request things from them that prove too daunting to find on my own. As for the literal spirit of file sharing, I assume you mean how well I adhere to the ideals? I generally stop sharing/caring when the file no longer becomes interesting to me. That could prove to be anywhere between a month or two (for TV shows, as I don't archive those), to a hemi-decade or more (I still have some torrented files from 2003 - game backups that are pretty hard to come by nowadays). I have never cheated a ratio, and have always uploaded/provided any material I could regardless of the risks I'm taking by making it pirate-friendly. I don't really try my best to share 1:1, as I know that at the very least, as long as I made a conscious effort to share, that's all that's required for me - and spreading the material is the whole point. Whether or not all the parts I uploaded saved somebody's life.

On a personal level, I'm very friendly, very cheerful, but also very lazy. I don't really find it imperative to maintain close relations with anyone online, which might come off as apathy or selfishness to some, but is truly me thinking they and myself are alike and won't care about a single ignored private message or a missed goal. I like to dick around any kind of topic, but understand when being somber and respectful are due. Basically I'm insensitive to irrelevant issues, but I don't really joke around about death or war. I love music of all genres, (all the way from grime to Justin Bieber - yes even the extremes) but I'd say being a metalhead is my clearest definition.


EDIT: I just read over my post, and even by my admission it reads a little bit too charming. I won't change a thing about it. You're welcome to sue me for being eloquent, but it was all written in honesty.

08-20-2011, 06:06 AM
How long have you been file sharing? How much is respecting the spirit of file sharing important to you? Describe you as much as possible, what are your interests, tell us something interesting, anything relevant :)

I don't know how to answer your questions... But please invite me to the TC.

08-20-2011, 06:08 AM
Composing a post beyond the obvious cut/paste of google translate is always a plus. Contribution by members beyond simple curiosity of what lies within TTC is what we're interested in. We've seen enough trophy hunters and attention whores to know how to read between the lines, and our presence here on FST and elsewhere stretches back long enough to know how to sort out those aforementioned ones. Appreciation is extended for what is, at the very least, the first intelligent post.

08-20-2011, 06:23 AM
OlegL - Its "TTC" not "TC". It's not a good start to mix up the name of what you're applying to.

08-20-2011, 06:35 AM
OlegL - Its "TTC" not "TC". It's not a good start to mix up the name of what you're applying to.

What do you mean? I said "the TC" which is the same thing as "TTC".

I am not sure how I can contribute to TTC if I am fortunate enough to receive an invite to TTC from you. I can say nice things to people such as "Hello", "How are you?", and etc. So, if you feel that I will contribute to TTC by saying those nice things, please invite me. I just enjoy nice and relaxed atmosphere.

08-20-2011, 08:04 AM
It's good to see this here. The last time I heard about TTC, I also heard that it was dead, so getting new active members is probably a good idea.

Also, nice post, Darth Rings. With all that info I can prolly hunt you down, even without your Facebook profile! :P

Oh, and good luck to everyone applying!

08-20-2011, 08:13 AM
TTC is a peculiar place, which is founded on the cornerstone of FST's principles, freedom of speech.

Nowhere else it's implemented the way it is there. We won't ban you for not liking us, we don't have a ban hammer as some brag they do and most people can articulate a sentence there.

So, if you want to mingle with a bunch of guys and a gal who have seen it all, speak your mind.

Just don't expect to get a magical invite for uk2.
There's a much better place to get your files from and it's still one of the best kept secrets on the pirate world. It will find you like it found quite a few here in the past, and those with the keys to it have been right in front of your nose all the time.

I think I've said enough for now.

08-20-2011, 09:29 AM
Free application?

Name: mjmacky
Deserving: absolutely not
Posting habits: almost always off topic, mix of truths and random fantasy
Posting habits when being serious: Condescending, caustic, insensitive, just downright unpleasant.
Intelligence: way above average
Ego: way above average
Trustworthy: rarely
Example of untrustworthiness: I used and disseminated the FST level unlock cheat code
BT expertise: what's the deal with airline Romanians?
Interest: little
Elaboration on little interest: Joining a new forum sounds like too much work, writing a thoughtful application sounds like too much work.
Desire: wants it all easy, entitlements bitch!
Fun writing this?: yes, I did partake in some enjoyment

Self-appointed grade of application: C+

08-20-2011, 10:08 AM
The freedom of speech that FST allows is a double edged sword, at times I’ve been very grateful for it, while at other times its made me cringe, but it is what it is good or bad.

Despite the opinion of some staff in BT, FST remains one of the places I check out daily, sometimes to watch the trolls others to find a piece of information, but to be honest don’t often feel the need to post or add to what’s being said, would I post any more in TTC? This peculiar place? Who knows, I suppose it depends on what is there /me shrugs.

Anyway good luck with the recruitment, always felt there had to be more to FST than what you see at face value sometimes :)

08-20-2011, 10:56 AM
Composing a post beyond the obvious cut/paste of google translate is always a plus. Contribution by members beyond simple curiosity of what lies within TTC is what we're interested in. We've seen enough trophy hunters and attention whores to know how to read between the lines, and our presence here on FST and elsewhere stretches back long enough to know how to sort out those aforementioned ones. Appreciation is extended for what is, at the very least, the first intelligent post.

If you're really calling me either of those things (trophy hunter/attention whore) then good luck to you elsewhere, and hope you find someone with better compositional skills who words things in ways better tuned to your reading eyes. I just find it rather insulting that while I don't even regard TTC as a place to be held as a trophy, you seem to think I'm collecting it or something.

Oh well. :idunno:

Also, nice post, Darth Rings. With all that info I can prolly hunt you down, even without your Facebook profile! :P

Touche! Although, that information means nothing when it really amounts to no name. Even if you did hunt down my name/who I am, well really, so have thousands others. I understand what the internet can do, but it's not like the damage can't be done anyhow from somebody I know in real life.

08-20-2011, 11:11 AM
If you're really calling me either of those things (trophy hunter/attention whore) then good luck to you elsewhere, and hope you find someone with better compositional skills who words things in ways better tuned to your reading eyes. I just find it rather insulting that while I don't even regard TTC as a place to be held as a trophy, you seem to think I'm collecting it or something.

Oh well. :idunno:

If it makes you feel better, I seriously doubt that TTC was making that comment directly at you. I think it was made as a general post, and not towards anyone at all.

12/10 for your butthurt response though! :lol:

08-20-2011, 11:21 AM
I'm also interested in joining TTC. Why do I want to be a member?.. Well first because it does sound like a friendly place where people can chat and express their ideas & opinions freely. I am always open to meeting new people and gasping new ideas or news. What would I bring on table for TTC? I'd be an active poster as much as possible, I'd stay away from xxx or name games sections where some ppl like to increase their post count. I'm from some time on FST and I'm its friend. Also I am active in other forums & tracker forums if you are interested in this aspect.

Hope to receive a PM from you TTC.

08-20-2011, 11:54 AM
Basically I'm insensitive to irrelevant issues, but I don't really joke around about death or war. I love music of all genres, (all the way from grime to Justin Bieber - yes even the extremes) but I'd say being a metalhead is my clearest definition.


Basically I'm sensitive to irrelevant issues ( the current ones being squirrels and navel lint ), but I really joke around about death and war. :)

I also know basically nothing about anything bt related except how to downloan stuff and which hammer to use to destroy my HD in in case I ever become under investigation by the authorities.

OlegL - Its "TTC" not "TC". It's not a good start to mix up the name of what you're applying to.

What do you mean? I said "the TC" which is the same thing as "TTC".

The troll has a point.

08-20-2011, 12:07 PM
I thought this was directed at you, Darth.

Appreciation is extended for what is, at the very least, the first intelligent post.

About that other thing, I was joking (hence the smiley). If someone really wanted to know who you are, they could. All it takes is money and some connections. People don't realize what kinds of info Facebook keeps of you, though and what it does with it.....

08-20-2011, 12:45 PM
subscribed for the lulz

will read more later.

08-20-2011, 02:19 PM
I thought this was directed at you, Darth.

Appreciation is extended for what is, at the very least, the first intelligent post.

About that other thing, I was joking (hence the smiley). If someone really wanted to know who you are, they could. All it takes is money and some connections. People don't realize what kinds of info Facebook keeps of you, though and what it does with it.....

good to hear from you after such a long time

08-20-2011, 02:27 PM
I also know basically nothing about anything bt related except how to downloan stuff and which hammer to use to destroy my HD in in case I ever become under investigation by the authorities.

I thought impeding the legal system with obfuscation of evidence was accountable even in your corner of the forest?

At any rate, studies have shown that you can actually become the punchline to the death jokes if you hang out with the Brits and let them influence your sense of humor any more. :mellow:

08-20-2011, 03:55 PM
needless to say FST is one of the oldest & most informative file sharing forum on the net which due to its free mind & freedom of speech grow a lot with a very solid user base ,regarding me I am in file sharing & P2P scene for about 7 years now ,my 1st method was Ed2K in 2005 & my 1st download was Microsoft windows longhorn 4074 ( I am a dedicated windows geek ,can not wait for windows 8 !!! ) ,after that i found the way of public trackers in 2006 with isohunt & mininova , in 2007 i entered the word of public trackers with demonoid & Docs.torrents.ro ,& become more involved in private trackers ,I am a trusted member of some of the best & longest standing trackers in torrent scene some of them are up for more than 5 yes old ,also I am member of some of the best & trusted private file sharing forums ,currently I have all trackers that i need ,& all the content i need i obtain it easly from many sources ,on 2009 i statred to use direct links a bit more (thanks to jDownloader the best downloading softeware now !!! ) & found a lot of great DDL (direct download links ) boards .
file sharing is a core part of my life ,I have many seeded torrents for years in my utorrent clients ,& I upload a lot to many trackers & DDL forums ,but this is not all along with file sharing I am a hardcore strategy gamer & my current game is age of empires online ,& may best moments when i play online with my friends (I spent countless hours in playing for example of age of empires 2 with my friends ) ,also I like listening to games & movies sound tracks ,I also watch some movies specially action & historical one ,& my favorite movie downloads are AFR ,I have a lot of friends here in FST & many others from many sites ,& I like posting in forums & in IRC from which i gained some of my best friends
regarding the real life point of view ,I am a doctor cardiologist in a small but active hospital ,my favorite sport is swimming ,I am married & have one child (the best thing happened to me in my life)

Well i want to join TTC because I want to know more about file sharing & P2P ,I want to be more involved in file sharing & P2P communities & to make new friends ,I am expecting to find a lot of nice people & threads all are concerned about my best hobby (file sharing) in TTC ,I am interested mainly in the forum part of TCC as i can get any file that i need from plenty of sources .

Thank you TTC for this chance .

08-20-2011, 03:56 PM
Apart from those chi-chat & forum, does ttc actually a tracker? what is content?

08-20-2011, 03:58 PM
You should pick me for TTC, because I'm better than the rest of these pricks. I think that speaks for itself :yup:

Also I promise to use it as a platform to insult IdolEyes787 behind his back.

08-20-2011, 04:21 PM
We will let this thing run for about another week. We received some good applications so far, some wrote their application in a PM but I prefer that it remains in this thread unless you have specific info you want to keep private.

You should pick me for TTC, because I'm better than the rest of these pricks. I think that speaks for itself :yup:

An obvious pick really. :ermm:

08-20-2011, 04:23 PM
Feeling free to answer my question?

08-20-2011, 04:29 PM
Feeling free to answer my question?

Apparently not.

My impression is this isn't a Q&A thread. If you need to poke around to ask if it has a tracker or not, on top of the description TTC made on what his site's all about then maybe what you're looking for and what TTC offers is not on the same page.

08-20-2011, 04:29 PM
Also I promise to use it as a platform to insult IdolEyes787 behind his back.

That has some merit. Best candidate so far, IMO! :thumbsup:

08-20-2011, 04:35 PM
Feeling free to answer my question?
Sorry, we don't really discuss that sort of thing until after you've become a member. The hints I made in an earlier post will be the best you'll get for now. Needless to say the place does involve BitTorrent in a way.

08-20-2011, 04:45 PM
Apparently not.

My impression is this isn't a Q&A thread. If you need to poke around to ask if it has a tracker or not, on top of the description TTC made on what his site's all about then maybe what you're looking for and what TTC offers is not on the same page.

I'm just asking and i'm not interested on ttc whatsoever.I just looking for music and movie which i already have places for it. Sometimes to see why scc so great make me curious and want to join, but if i cant, i dont care much.

Sorry, we don't really discuss that sort of thing until after you've become a member. The hints I made in an earlier post will be the best you'll get for now. Needless to say the place does involve BitTorrent in a way.

What is the point becoming a member of the place which i dont know anything about? But good luck for your recruitment. :)

08-20-2011, 04:56 PM
@OP: you make TTC sound like a pretty interesting section with all that talk of 'freedom of speech'. Having said that, I was thinking of applying but decided otherwise, due to lack of time and otherwise busy RL, limiting my activity across sites am already a part of.
Anyway, judging by the applications and general activity of certain applicants on the board, I felt compelled to mention that you got 2 really good candidates (Darth and caaok). Hope they get to enjoy the extra freedom of speech that a subsection of FST would offer 'em.

Good luck with the recruitment :P

08-20-2011, 05:05 PM
Anyway, judging by the applications and general activity of certain applicants on the board, I felt compelled to mention that you got 2 really good candidates (Darth and caaok). Hope they get to enjoy the extra freedom of speech that a subsection of FST would offer 'em.

One for two which if you think about it really isn't all that impressive as it's about the same probability of being right if you gave me a question in Neo- Hittite on theoretical physics and asked me to answer yes or no.

08-20-2011, 05:23 PM
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

08-20-2011, 05:45 PM
Oh God, I hope this wasn't longer than Darth Rings'... lol

I have insatiable curiosity so.... in answer to your question:

Darth Rings - Word Count: 1158
Respawn40 - Word Count: 1150

Saved by the bell.

08-20-2011, 05:53 PM
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity.
I think the most important opportunity, and I want to get that chance.
Sorry. I am not good at English.
1. file sharing
I live, Forever. Once I make up mind to do anything , I do my best until that is completed.
2. spirit of file sharing
I loved sharing my passion for discovery.
I'm an uploader of some trackers and ftp.
each trackers Exclusive.
3. interests
encoding, ripping, file sharing, tcp/ip and system tuning, torrent and ftp

My stat-:)

activity 10/10
seeding 10/10 looooooong seeding
I can make review. and I have encoding skill.
I like community. (low seeder & leecher)

With every good wish.

08-20-2011, 06:12 PM
Word of advice, DO NOT post the ip/url or access method for TTC's external topsite.

I've already deleted posts, and the next time it will be an infraction.

08-20-2011, 07:30 PM
You should pick me for TTC, because I'm better than the rest of these pricks. I think that speaks for itself :yup:

Also I promise to use it as a platform to insult IdolEyes787 behind his back.

Caaok, what are you gonna do on TTC anyway, spot transcodes? Don't you do enough of that on what.cd? :lol:

Ok I get that TTC is a superleet forum/tracker of which a non-leet subhuman like me has no chance of getting in , but what the hell is a "topsite"?

Ok back to theplace forum..

08-20-2011, 07:44 PM
Well, since it's all about trusting and the site name has three magical word "The Trusted Community"... to be honest i found it a little bit funny because "you cannot count on anyone except yourself" this is a quote from American Beauty, one of the best movie all time... And i found this is for real, maybe it's something to do with me or something wrong with me, i dont know, i cant trust ppl or i stopped to trust ppl, especially after i started to go college...

I am in the search of a real community which will try to help my demand and i am really one of helpful guy who try to help, i am also trying to improve my french and english... What i mean i love to communicate with ppl from different nation and tongue.

but i think this application a little bit pointless as well since it looks like something "You don't ask us, we'll ask you!"

in the end i just want to share my thought if someone cares, thanks....

08-20-2011, 07:47 PM
TTC recruiting? WOW....JUST WOW!!!!

08-20-2011, 07:59 PM
A short essay on why I deserve to be a member of TTC

IdolEyes787: une vie

I was born into a quite ordinary middle class family of 17.My father a soldier, my mother a secretary. My father being in the miltary did instil some beliefs in me though even at a young age such as "Never fight unless you are first armed with some sort or automatic weapon and maybe a grenade or two".

Time passes.The seasons change.The Earth exorbitantly turns on it's axle. I am now seven.I experience my first romantic kiss. My heart flutters and I wonder how much more foreplay before I get to stoop her?
A slow fade .I am 16 all gangly arms and legs.My previous question is finally answered .It seemed a ridiculous nine year wait for 23 seconds of bliss.

More time passes I am now at Univercity and am failng Egish. Clearly the World is a cruel and unkaring place. Despair grows like the black mold on the underbelly of a porta-potty.

I sit .I wait .Occasionally I bathe or order a medium pizza.Hours turn to days and days to weeks and weeks to years and the years seem like the burning itch that you get from the bite of a mosquito.
Then suddenly light .A single brilliant ray so faint that at first it might only be imagined but then growing slowing ,yet relentlessly until it fills all my vision ,all my thoughts as my mortal mind had confronted God Himself.

What light you ask Oh great and beneficent TTC ? The light of filesharing .The ability to steal from some people and then twist things around in your mind to make yourself believe that if you seed long enough you are actually being a good person.
If only I had discovered this selective reasoning long ago things might have turned out better for me and I wouldn't have ended up being a waiter/model/actor/hitman.

la fin

Other pertinent facts that may help my chances : I can beach nearly 400lbs give or take 300 lbs .I spend about $120 a week on food and about $130 $60 on drugs and alcohol.
I only have the most basic of understanding of what FTP is and none whatsoever of topsite .
My one goal in life after being a better person , a good father,a loving husband and owning a professional sports franchise is to gain access to sites such as TTC so that when I fail at all the rest I can still hang out there and pretend I'm important.

Thank you for your time and I realize I may not be accepted .Afterall if life were indeed fair then all women would be as sexy as my Mom.

08-20-2011, 08:00 PM
but what the hell is a "topsite"?

Ok back to theplace forum..
Topsite is a term used by the warez scene to refer to high-speed FTP servers used by release groups and couriers for distribution, storage and archiving of warez releases. Topsites have very high-bandwidth Internet connections, commonly supporting transfer speeds of hundreds to thousands of megabits per second; enough to transfer a full DVD in seconds. Topsites also have very high storage capacity; a total of many terabytes is typical

1337 stuff , no jokes !

EDIT ?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

also, invite me! im awesome. this is all.

08-20-2011, 08:23 PM
I am not sure why I deserve to be a member of TTC, but please be kind and invite me to TTC. TTC is one of the hidden forum sections of FST, and since I love FST, I am sure that I will also love TTC. TTC = FST, except that it's a hidden section.

08-20-2011, 08:31 PM
Oh God, I hope this wasn't longer than Darth Rings'... lol
I have insatiable curiosity so.... in answer to your question:

Darth Rings - Word Count: 1158
Respawn40 - Word Count: 1150

Saved by the bell.

It would have been funnier if the part you quoted put him over.

What is the point becoming a member of the place which i dont know anything about? But good luck for your recruitment. :)

Up to this point, I don't think I've ever read a point you made and said to myself, "I would like to echo that". Well, I would like to echo that
@echo on
What would be the point of putting effort into becoming a member of a place I don't know anything about?

08-20-2011, 08:40 PM
I'd like to apply for this unique opportunity. First and foremost I am a person that values respect. I started file sharing in 1998, which was my first year of college and napster had just hit the scene and universities had not caught on to restricting their networks yet. On the school's network, we were able to copy eachother's hardrives as well as sharing music on the internet. Sometime after that, Kazaa and winmx were the programs of choice before torrents took over. I was using public sites for a long time, as well as direct connect. I had always heard of private trackers but didn't understand that their purpose and advantage over public sites was the communities. I began to get involved in private trackers in 2008. I learned as much as I could about them, I became active on various forums. I have never broken any tracker rules, never traded or sold invites, and yet I was able to gain access to some of the highest level trackers; though it did take longer. I believe that information should be free, as it was back in the early days of file sharing when everyone was in it for the free music, there was no drama, no one was getting banned from anywhere or trying to stroke their egos.

Outside of torrenting, I enjoy reading and learning and sharing information about computers and technology in general. I like to travel and stay physically active by going to the gym and playing sports, skiing. Lately I have been reliving some of my youth by playing older video games on emulators. I have a life outside of the internet, I like to spend time with friends. I have recently gone back to school and I'm getting a master's degree though I am finding university policy towards file sharing has changed dramatically since '98. I respect rules and I respect other people. I like substantive debate but don't like ad homonym attacks, trolls, and immature people. I generally don't waste my time on such people. Hope that you would consider me, but I understand that there is a lot of demand, so if I am not the type of person you're looking for, that's ok too.

08-20-2011, 08:53 PM
I don't know what this TTC is all about, but the OP's description makes me a little horny. Is that normal?

08-20-2011, 08:55 PM
Man, man.. I totally wanna join.. like.. like.. I have self esteem issues and this would like totally help, man. Please, man.. let me, man, join, man.

08-20-2011, 09:43 PM
I'm on UTN... 'Nuff said.

08-20-2011, 10:22 PM
I don't know what this TTC is all about, but the OP's description makes me a little horny. Is that normal?

Only if you're n00b ;)

08-20-2011, 10:24 PM
Caaok, what are you gonna do on TTC anyway, spot transcodes? Don't you do enough of that on what.cd? :lol:
That's actually not really my job there, though I'm always willing to help if someone's in doubt and wants to post the spectrals :)

Also, as already stated, I plan on mocking IdolEyes787 behind his back while basking in the shadow of my own e-penis, which will naturally grow exponentially when I'm accepted.

08-20-2011, 11:01 PM
Do ahead and mock me to my front it's not like I can do really anything about it.:unsure:

08-21-2011, 01:45 AM
A short essay on why I deserve to be a member of TTC

Don't bother. You'll never be accepted.

08-21-2011, 05:18 AM
A short essay on why I deserve to be a member of TTC

Don't bother. You'll never be accepted.

If my impressive application is accepted, first thing I'll do is give Idol my account. It's the only consolation I can offer since he can't get into schizowhatever

08-21-2011, 11:27 AM
So, what pre-requisites are required to join TTC?

Are any formal qualifications required.

How about academia?

Does one need to be dypherious or hyperglamoculous to be considered?

Or can one gain entry by being semi-pretoricous or anally pretentious?

08-21-2011, 11:32 AM
I would really like to be a part of this secret community.
I am a long term bittorrent user and I am really curious what TTC is all about.
If you decide to let me in I can assure you I gonna be an active member. :)

08-21-2011, 11:35 AM
I don't know what this TTC is all about, but the OP's description makes me a little horny. Is that normal?

Read below :yup:

Man, man.. I totally wanna join.. like.. like.. I have self esteem issues and this would like totally help, man. Please, man.. let me, man, join, man.

08-21-2011, 06:50 PM
I like to be a member of TTC group. I don't know how to write a good application but I try to express myself as good as possible. I have been on P2P from the year of 2003 or from 2004. My first using site was supernova.org or something like this after that my first private torrent site was demonoid.com, In this hole year 2003 to 2011 I learn lots of new things about P2P and getting very interested to it. I always been a trusted user of P2P sites and still on. I have been on this forum from the year of 2008 and always been a trusted member of FST. I am 29 years old now, so what is my interests would be, to being a loving husband and a good father and have a good job for nursing my family, But always have the interest on internet side to making friends downloading stuff and sharing files with others. You can say this is my hobby and always it will be.
Thanking you for reading my post here and if I may not be selected for TTC group that's ok too.

08-21-2011, 09:47 PM
OP, I still don't understand what exactly you want from us. I can only tell you one thing: I can be trusted. So, allow me to become a member of TTC please.

08-21-2011, 09:52 PM
Just curious, Oleg. What have people trusted you with before? If you are going to be trusted, it seems like you should have some experience with it.

So, what pre-requisites are required to join TTC?

Are any formal qualifications required.

How about academia?

Does one need to be dypherious or hyperglamoculous to be considered?

Or can one gain entry by being semi-pretoricous or anally pretentious?

Luckily, since most there are BT users, it is very unlikely you will be judged on any of the words they don't understand. On the downside, I get a distinct feeling that they recognize the word "anally". Since you are the one who brought it up, you'd probably better do some butt kegels, or something else. :fear:

08-21-2011, 10:38 PM
Just curious, Oleg. What have people trusted you with before? If you are going to be trusted, it seems like you should have some experience with it.

Well, it's a rather difficult question, and I've been thinking how to answer it for quite some time already. To be honest, I don't know how other people perceive me as a person. I don't know if they trust me or not.

08-21-2011, 11:15 PM
I am on many other sites (Bitme, SCC, Torrentleech, etc.) I have invited to these and many other. I am interested in TCC.

08-21-2011, 11:19 PM
I am on many other sites (Bitme, SCC, Torrentleech, etc.) I have invited to these and many other. I am interested in TCC.

You made a pretty good job in the Hello, Noobs... in '08.

I unconditionally vouch for this guy.

08-21-2011, 11:30 PM
I am on many other sites (Bitme, SCC, Torrentleech, etc.) I have invited to these and many other. I am interested in TCC.

What the heck, I'll back this guy for TCC, also!

08-21-2011, 11:45 PM

08-22-2011, 12:03 AM
I am on many other sites (Bitme, SCC, Torrentleech, etc.) I have invited to these and many other. I am interested in TCC.

Looks like you're in

Other than that, not much to say, the TTC is a fun place to hang on, we try to make sure every new member will blend in with those already there. A lot of members there never actually post outside this section, we'd like more activity on the public board but we respect their decision.

08-22-2011, 02:55 AM
I look forward to the invite..........

08-22-2011, 03:04 AM
I look forward to the invite..........


08-22-2011, 03:13 AM
I look forward to the invite..........

Dude, click here (http://www.tcc.fl.edu/) and sign up. Enjoy your gnu community!!!

08-22-2011, 03:30 AM
I look forward to the invite..........

Me too.

08-22-2011, 05:05 AM
I honestly dont know exactly what it is that you guys are looking for. So ill just explain a little bit about myself so you can get to know me as a PERSON not just a name on the screen mixed in with all the others. Im a 30 yr old family man. I graduated from the university of iowa with a degree in electronics. My upbringing was actually very normal. I was part of a middle class family. The oldest of 3 kids. I have 2 younger sisters age 25 and 22. My parents were hard workers and involved in the community. My dad was a highschool basketball coach while my mother is an interior designer. I grew up in a fairly quiet community. Nothing high class...it wasnt like one of those gated communities or anything. Everyone just knew everyone. The kind of community where you could trust your neighbors. Where you almost never had to lock your doors. My parents instilled in us many old values. Among these was that if you want to succeed in this world you need to work hard. You should value your friends and neighbors as you value yourself. Dont put yourself on a pedistal...everyone is equal and we shouldnt see anyone as being either above or below us. Treat others as you would want to be treated. And that above all your word is your bond. My father always said no matter what you will always have 2 things...your word and your balls...and not to break either of them for anyone. My parents also taught us that everyone makes mistakes...because nobody is perfect. But the important thing is to identify those mistakes and to learn from them.

I am married to a wonderful woman. We were actually highschool sweethearts. We have been married going on 10 years now. We have 2 children...both boys. Ages 4 yrs and 5 months. My wife and my kids are my life. There is nothing that i hold more important than my family. my wife is a graduate of the university of iowa...with a degree in business. She is actually the one that takes care of most the day to day operations with our business. We own a place called "automotive innovations". We do custom car audio & video installs. She takes care of the dealings in the office while im usually out in the shop making sure procedures are followed and everyone is doing what they need to be doing. But im also right there along side of my employees doing installs. I am MECP certified as are all of my employees that do actual installs. We do however from time to time have employees who arent. These employees mostly take care of unloading the trucks when supplies come in as well as cleaning up around the shop. Whey also observe as actual installs are taking place. Once they feel they are ready we have them take the MECP course to become master certified which pay for. Once that course is passed we hire them on as fulltime master installers.

I have lots of hobbies. First and formost is spending time with my family. I enjoy restoring old cars. I like to write poetry. I enjoy wood working. I also like to work with the community. Particualarly people that arent as fortunate as us. We recently opened up a community center for troubled inner city youth. Where we try to show them that guns, gangs and drugs arent the way. My wife also works with families of homicide victims since she knows they type of pain that they experience...as both of her parents were killed in a car jacking when she was 16. We also host an annual softball tournament for inner city youth every summer.

Ive been torrenting for about 5yrs now. And yes i havent posted here in awhile. I just honestly havent really had the time. My wife had some complications during her last pregnancy. We just got finished building a new home. We moved into our new business location about 13 months ago as well. And i just had to let those thing take priority. Im now in the position where i have more free time on my hands though. As far as where i am a menber at. Im on FTN FSC and PTN as well as a few other sites.

Am i trustworthy? I feel that i am but everyone has there own opinion of what a trustworthy person is. So i will leave that conclusion up to you. Everyone has there option and they are rightfully intitled to it.

Hopefully ill be able to be a member of your community...if not id just like to thank you for reading my sorta "long winded" post and considering me. Hope you find the good members you are looking for here at FST and may your lives be long and prosperous.

08-22-2011, 07:05 AM
., ill send a pm instead.

08-22-2011, 07:40 AM
Sent my application via pm. Hope thats okay.

08-22-2011, 08:50 AM
OP, I still don't understand what exactly you want from us.

To see how creative you write when begging something you didnt even know.Apart from chi-chat,forum & BT ofc.Btw you already have it all here and there, why bother?

Sent my application via pm. Hope thats okay.


p/s; Looking forward next week for 10 ttc thread by OlegL dissappointment.

08-22-2011, 09:47 AM
i'm already there, fucking awesome place i assure you!

08-22-2011, 10:35 AM
Sent my application via pm. Hope thats okay.
That surely wasn't a good idea. :noes:

08-22-2011, 02:54 PM
I am married to a wonderful woman
pics of said woman

08-22-2011, 03:26 PM
pics of said woman



08-22-2011, 04:43 PM
I look forward to the invite..........

Dude, click here (http://www.tcc.fl.edu/) and sign up. Enjoy your gnu community!!!

Of all the TCCs you could find, what made you pick THAT one? I used to live in Tally so it was scarily familiar.

08-22-2011, 05:35 PM

08-22-2011, 07:41 PM
I can has TTC?
Thx :D

08-22-2011, 08:06 PM
I am married to a wonderful woman
pics of said woman

Ahh what the heck. I supose a can show what me and my family looks like


08-22-2011, 08:28 PM
pics of said woman

Ahh what the heck. I supose a can show what me and my family looks like


cute :)

p.s. unlike most people who live here(or anywhere on the internet for that matter),u have a life,dont fret bout this ttc deal too much

08-22-2011, 08:30 PM
Moar pictures of applicants balancing keyboards on their heads pl0x.

seriously, I'll put in my best word for this.

08-22-2011, 08:39 PM
Moar pictures of applicants balancing keyboards on their heads pl0x.

seriously, I'll put in my best word for this.

+1 - totaly agree

08-22-2011, 08:58 PM
Moar pictures of applicants balancing keyboards on their heads pl0x.

seriously, I'll put in my best word for this.

that can only get you FTN invite. to get TTC you would have to do something more :lol:

08-22-2011, 09:24 PM
Moar pictures of applicants balancing keyboards on their heads pl0x.

do something more :lol:


Not shopped.

08-23-2011, 01:15 AM
that can only get you FTN invite. to get TTC you would have to do something more :lol:

Like record me dancing? :naughty:

08-23-2011, 01:54 AM
I'd like to be part of the community of TTC

I'm an old bitTorrent user,I'll be an active member as much as I can

Best Regards

08-23-2011, 02:11 AM
How about a beyboard on head, hands handcuffed, gas mask on, and the silliest pair of oversized glasses you have ever seen? Is that TTC material? :P

08-23-2011, 03:20 AM
pics of said woman

Ahh what the heck. I supose a can show what me and my family looks like

adorable :D

08-23-2011, 05:19 AM
Well.. cause I love Bittorrent :D

08-23-2011, 06:29 AM
Yeah, it's the real name. It used to be the ATG (Anti-trader group) but after a surge of violent crimes and blood baths, FST opted for a more pacific name.

i could've sworn there was a sub-forum of this nature around fst a couple of years ago, but i couldn't remember the name. was that taken down or just changed to ttc?

in any case, here's the opener for my application:

i was born a poor black child . . .

08-23-2011, 09:40 AM

this is my application for the TTC section. Before I introduce myself, let me say that I've been lurking Filesharingtalk since at least two years, even it's not my native language. It's a good resource for technical guides or just to read some general chatter. I registered just to take my chance and hope something good comes out of it. Even if I'm not allowed, maybe we can have a chat somewhere? :)

I'm a german tracker owner and am applying because there are two things I really appreciate and which are harder to find in my national torrent community than love in real life: Real trust and technical expertise. Anyway: I've been into sharing since I got my first computer when I was nine years old. Back then Hotline was the next big thing and most Servers for it were invite-only. I did a fair share with Hotline, mostly supporting other users with the local rules. Then came highschool and I started programming C and Perl (back then the webservice language of choice), thats when I got my first contact with some FTP folks. I didn't like their elitarian style, so I switched to BitTorrent antileech trackers where I've been actively coding since 2005. Now I'm studying computer science at a local university with security being my research interest.

But it's not the code or axx or something similar I'm seeking with this application. I'm really after nice chats nowadays, because thats what makes this whole thing fun: Meeting nice people you can trust and talk. If there is a special section where more open talks about torrent related topics or tracker steering can take place, that's a place I'd like to be. It's not always easy to take the right (programming-,social-,management-)decisions and a second view can help lots.

I read the posts of some others seeking all there is to know about p2p. I'd like to know more about myself and how others feel about themselves when running a tracker. There is not much cooperation in my community, I tried hard the last year to make german trackers more secure by providing security advisories and helping secure their databases where I could, but ultimately failed because of ignorance. Maybe someone can learn from what I did or I can, by how you do it here.

Personal I'm around my middle twenties, my hobbies have evolved from running thirteen servers in the supposed kitchen to Sports and Home Theater. Got a girlfriend thats backing me up when I need it and am looking forward to (well baby, hope you don't read that the coming two years :P) marry her. I've not been the most nicest guy in the past, but have done all I could to improve the last five years. I deeply believe thats what life is about: Trying to improve oneself and try to be better. (Which StarTrek character said said?:) ).

If you can profit somehow by me posting or answering some of the questions in your TTC section, I'd be grateful.


EDIT1: Oops, I just re-read the first post just to be sure I don't miss anything. Why can I be trusted? First from an objective standpoint, because I don't gain anything by betrayal. My reason for applying is talking to people, that would not work without trust. From a subjective point of view it's my belief in trust itself. Trust is like a raw egg. Once broken, you can never fix it. Hope being honest is not seen negative here.

EDIT2: If you want links to my security project or my trackers, please lets find some private way to exchange them :)

08-23-2011, 09:48 AM
I'm a german tracker owner
Which one?

08-23-2011, 09:52 AM
I'm applying here for TTC. If your are one of the decision makers, I can send a PM. Else I don't want to disclose this information. It scared me to hell to post this in a public forum, sorry :-)

08-23-2011, 10:39 AM
I'm applying here for TTC. If your are one of the decision makers, I can send a PM. Else I don't want to disclose this information. It scared me to hell to post this in a public forum, sorry :-)
Fine. Send me a PM.

08-23-2011, 11:04 AM
Before I submit my application and this is one very honest question: what would I gain from joining? apart from all the hate and bashing that traders would give to anyone who is classified as an Anti-trader?
it's 11 pages so far and I still cant see the reason for joining such groups

08-23-2011, 11:52 AM
Hello Polarbear,

unfortunately I'm not old enough here to be able to send private messages. I could join some IRC or send mail, so we can continue this in private.

Hope privacy is not seen negatively :)

08-23-2011, 12:39 PM
Oh dear. Then PM me when you're allowed to. It's not like you'll be hunted down if you say what tracker you staff at.

08-23-2011, 12:59 PM
Its TmA, Torrent mal Anders.

08-23-2011, 05:42 PM
This is my application :

i've been in torrenting , filesharing world for about 8 years and each time i find out something i didn't know . I' m not a tracker stuff or anything but i like finding out new things or helping out members when i can . If there are serious discussions in ttc about filesharing and real life as well then i'm very interested in joining . What i'm looking for and still haven't found yet is a place with serious discussions , troll free place where each one knows each other and can talk and ask help about anything .

This is my short but honest application , hopefully i will meet you there

08-23-2011, 06:07 PM
I would also like to apply if it's not too late...

Some of you know me, i am listed as QPD in absolutely all BT related places i have an account to. I am member of many trackers, and i am active on all of them. I spend a lot of time lurking around few IRC channels as well.I am also staffer on a certain tracker and member of other staff forums communities.

How long have you been file sharing? Describe you as much as possible, what are your interests, tell us something interesting, anything relevant
I started filesharing in jan 2007 on open trackers, then in march 2007 i joined my first private tracker where i became administrator after 6 months and over 3000 uploads, then i grew little by little...

How much is respecting the spirit of file sharing important to you?
Only thing i can say here is that even in open trackers I used to seed to a minimum 1:1 ratio. It is also true that i have very decent internet speed.

Describe you as much as possible, what are your interests, tell us something interesting, anything relevant.
I can only do that in PM..trust issues... :P

Why should you invite me?
Now to be honest, i don't know too many things about TTC, but it sounds like a place to be with civilized people and interesting discussions. If you consider me belonging there, then help me out!
There is no "absolute" reason for me to be invited.It's all about the interviewer's desire to hook me up.I am not looking for any benefits other than nice atmosphere and intelligent discussions.
Oh and if there are any trolls there, please disregard my application.

Why can i be trusted ?
Nobody can be trusted 100%, and i consider you cannot buy trust with good behavior. In the end trust is just another calculated risk...


08-23-2011, 06:17 PM
quite right.

08-23-2011, 07:33 PM
Before I submit my application and this is one very honest question: what would I gain from joining?

apart from that kind of elite feeling that you will all deny having if you do have the access, what do I gain from joining?

08-23-2011, 07:36 PM
Let's just say that, yes, rumors are true, from this section originated another project that has grown outside of FST since. It was created about 3 years ago. Those who join the TTC become member of this satellite site once we know them better and it will remain this way. You may call it a topsite if you will, but that's a bit more than that.kind of like what bcc, isc or bit-esc are/used to be?

also, remember mango, polarbear?


08-23-2011, 07:57 PM
Mango is cool.

08-23-2011, 08:29 PM
Before I submit my application and this is one very honest question: what would I gain from joining?

In other words you want to know what's in it for you? Not a good start.. imho.

08-23-2011, 09:01 PM
Before I submit my application and this is one very honest question: what would I gain from joining?

In other words you want to know what's in it for you? Not a good start.. imho.ofc he wants to know what's in it for him. why would he join if it was a lame, dead place where he could find nothing to do, meaning he wouldn't gain anything from joining. it's actually a pretty valid worry. you always join a website/place/whatnot because you expect you will gain something, whether it be downloading files, interacting with other members or admiring the site's design. to me your stance on this is that he is a parasite for actually wanting to gain something from that place, not just bringing something in and losing his time while getting nothing in return

08-23-2011, 09:23 PM
Well ajsi, if one were truly a remarkable forum poster you would think the TTC would have privately offered him membership ages ago. spark must not meet that criteria of excellence required for the TTC to offer membership in the capacity he thinks he deserves.

08-23-2011, 09:25 PM
Its a private axx, not something to buy. You can't kick the wheels and figure.. meh.. sure I'll give it a ride. Anyone who's in BT with more than 2 brain cells knows there's layers of places out there beyond the front door of public sites, never mind those that are very well hidden. Show me one person who will actually post on a forum and say they know what's out there in p2p and I'll reply they know 1% of what really is.

edit: ^^ Plus what he said ;)

08-23-2011, 09:44 PM
Dude, click here (http://www.tcc.fl.edu/) and sign up. Enjoy your gnu community!!!

Of all the TCCs you could find, what made you pick THAT one? I used to live in Tally so it was scarily familiar.

It just happened to be towards the top, and being from the western part of the country, Tally seemed to be just redneck enough for me to use it. Also, the limited nature of a community college paired nicely with the applicant. There you go... a glimpse into my lazy, stereotyping mind. :P

08-23-2011, 09:49 PM
Its a private axx, not something to buy. You can't kick the wheels and figure.. meh.. sure I'll give it a ride. Anyone who's in BT with more than 2 brain cells knows there's layers of places out there beyond the front door of public sites, never mind those that are very well hidden. Show me one person who will actually post on a forum and say they know what's out there in p2p and I'll reply they know 1% of what really is.

edit: ^^ Plus what he said ;)

Pretty sure some of the biggest public warez boards/trackers (and usenet or even google) have like 99% of the content one would ever think of. I doubt a small, private site could offer much more than some old and obscure content. There's no denying that the privacy of those sites bring some nice advantages though.

08-23-2011, 10:18 PM
It's the 1% that you can't get on the public boards, that makes it interesting.

08-23-2011, 10:44 PM
Pretty sure some of the biggest public warez boards/trackers (and usenet or even google) have like 99% of the content one would ever think of. I doubt a small, private site could offer much more than some old and obscure content.
^this. and this only.

There's no denying that the privacy of those sites bring some nice advantages though. if you are talking about security, it's arguable at best, a small site with a few members gets taken down and there's a good chance you might get fucked up if you live in a country with some anti-piracy laws, a huge site with lots of members gets taken down and you have a pretty good chance of blending in and getting away. we've seen huge sites getting taken down without any impact on its members, and we've seen small sites taken down without any impact on its members, so i wouldn't be concerned about security that much (depends on your paranoia and the country you live in though, also selling that new movie won't do you any good).

the only reason i can think of why you would really, like really want to become a member of a small/popular/elite site is that you could feel elite as well. or to have the possibility to download files from a "better" place. well i've been there, done that, and you can do that for some time, but after a while, it doesn't matter, cause in the end it is about getting the files you need and period. and as far as i know, the files are same everywhere. after a while you don't pay attention if the site banner says FSC, SCC, or IPT(and honestly we all know which one of the three comes out as winner)

and for those wanting to interact in forums regulary, the argument that there are better users at those better sites is not really valid either, cause a big site or a small site, you're always gonna end up with a group of good and active posters, a group of downloaders, and a group of morons who just make trouble. by joining a better/more secret site won't prevent you from seeing/dealing with morons. from what i've seen during the years i've been using bt, even at the biggest sites there's just a small group of active and quality posters just like at those smaller sites that pick their members more carefully. it really is just about finding that place where you will like the people and the discussions that take place there. and finding that place doesn't necessarily mean getting into the most secret tracker. you don't join those places because of that. people always say i wanna join because i want to be a member of a great community, but you never see them saying i tried to interact at forums there and there and it sucked, it always seems that when they hear about fsc etc., something clicks in their brain and tells them that they need to become members of a great community only the most secret/"elite" place can offer... geez

it's always the same story, you're new, you want to have access to everything, after some time you gain access to everything and then you stop to give a damn...

08-23-2011, 10:46 PM
It's the 1% that you can't get on the public boards, that makes it interesting.

the 1% that people dont see obviously isn't in the publics interest anyway or it would be released to everyone, unless your into techno-funkhouse-jazzstep i doubt you'd give a fuck about Techno.Funkhouse.Jazz.Step.Allstars.Volume.3.SHiTRlS

that 1% doesnt even matter to 99% of the people :)

08-23-2011, 10:50 PM
Which only makes sense right. And that's the point missing in this thread for most posting. They're like that 99% of people who a site like this doesn't matter. Most people posting here want axx just because. They see it as the next l33t thing and not what it really is. I still don't think the peeps here have fully wrapped their head around what TTC is about.

08-23-2011, 11:02 PM
I still don't think the peeps here have fully wrapped their head around what TTC is about.

good thing this thread was started w/ all of the pertinent information one would need to make an informed post that can be considered an application

ps, say hi to dv8 for me

08-23-2011, 11:05 PM
Which only makes sense right. And that's the point missing in this thread for most posting. They're like that 99% of people who a site like this doesn't matter. Most people posting here want axx just because. They see it as the next l33t thing and not what it really is. I still don't think the peeps here have fully wrapped their head around what TTC is about.you didn't really expect not to have people come here and apply just because they would think this was the next l33t thing and so that they would have access to an axx... I know I haven't been active here in a very long time, but FST possibly couldn't have changed that much since then

08-23-2011, 11:12 PM
Who says it's just about FST?

08-23-2011, 11:18 PM
Who says it's just about FST?Ye, I know, but we are at FST, and this was posted here at FST, hence why I said you couldn't have not expected most of FST members come in and act like they care about anything else than the axx, which is totally typical behaviour for FST members from what my experience is

08-23-2011, 11:22 PM
Sure. There's loads of trophy whores here, but every now and then someone who has a different perspective shows up. My guess is that was TTC's intent. It remains to be seen I suppose if it all works out.

08-23-2011, 11:27 PM
ye, sure, there must be at least a few promising members worth taking on board, just working your way through the rest to get to them might be a pain in the ass. but you gotta account for that in a huge place like this

08-24-2011, 04:22 AM
I don't get it. TTC is just another FST section, so why was there a need to create this thread? Do you just want to know if I can be trusted? Define "trust". What is trust, in your opinion? Nobody asked me if I could be trusted before I registered on FST. So, why did the issue of trust suddenly come up when you started talking about TTC, folks? It's just another FST section! What's so special about it?

08-24-2011, 04:24 AM
I don't get it. TTC is just another FST section, so why was there a need to create this thread? Do you just want to know if I can be trusted? Define "trust". What is trust, in your opinion? Nobody asked me if I could be trusted before I registered on FST. So, why did the issue of trust suddenly come up when you started talking about TTC, folks? It's just another FST section! What's so special about it?

You aren't in that section. :happy:

08-24-2011, 04:27 AM
TTC is cool.

Applications of females >18 directly to my mailbox. Pictures are mandatory.

Oh well if polarbear says it's cool........pics are sent! choose me, choose me!!! :P

08-24-2011, 04:49 AM
I don't get it. TTC is just another FST section, so why was there a need to create this thread? Do you just want to know if I can be trusted? Define "trust". What is trust, in your opinion? Nobody asked me if I could be trusted before I registered on FST. So, why did the issue of trust suddenly come up when you started talking about TTC, folks? It's just another FST section! What's so special about it?

You aren't in that section. :happy:

Well, OP, define "trust" please. What makes you think that only the members of TTC can be completely trusted?

08-24-2011, 06:49 AM
Who says it's just about FST?

So many trophy whores here, and quite a few who diss fst on places they think we can't read those posts or know who they are.

I was going to be really unpleasant but I'll leave those thoughts for when I'm sober.

If there were yet any doubts how rotten and egotistical the userbase around the whole bt scene is, now those are gone.

Fuck's sake, this has been ridiculous so far. No fucking honesty, no new ideas, nothing.

How the hell can someone who never posts here suddenly start posting on the TTC just because they feel it's safer? This is just the Internet. At least admit it, you want access to the external site(s).

FYI, even if you get access to the TTC, only then you will be being scrutinised to access the goodies. You won't know who can get you in, and believe me when I tell you, until very recently many of those didn't even suspect about its existence and kept saying it's some made up story.

So cut the crap, if you think you won't be granted access, you're most probably right.

08-24-2011, 07:02 AM
Fuck's sake, this has been ridiculous so far. No fucking honesty, no new ideas, nothing.

Define honesty :P

08-24-2011, 08:11 AM
I guess it's not about accessing some maybe mediocre site, anyone can get into a legit Dump and work his way up from there (I wont tell you where to get that). But it's new ideas and general chatter on a higher level, most people are after, I guess.

I'm just after chat with experienced coders first, I admin :P

And for the new things:
Am writing an IRC-Framework for a PreDB thats using shared memory and pointer magic to be lightning-fast and could use some feedback. In PHP. Yeah, not TCL for Eggdrop, I got enough of that.

But if there are questions, why not help the guys out? :-)

08-24-2011, 10:37 AM
Before I submit my application and this is one very honest question: what would I gain from joining?

In other words you want to know what's in it for you? Not a good start.. imho.

I am so sorry that I am not Jesus but in our world dear immortal people join places cause there is something useful for them there

My question is still standing

08-24-2011, 10:56 AM
I don't get it. TTC is just another FST section, so why was there a need to create this thread? Do you just want to know if I can be trusted? Define "trust". What is trust, in your opinion? Nobody asked me if I could be trusted before I registered on FST. So, why did the issue of trust suddenly come up when you started talking about TTC, folks? It's just another FST section! What's so special about it?

On a side note, but somewhat related, you go from I...I...I am disabled to this rather cogent post in one day. Wow the poor autistic kid suddenly stepped up his game. It is posts like this that confirm that much of your woe is me posts and the other repetitive questions are simply trolling posts.
My main question is, what is the point of acting like something you are obviously not ?
( I hope those who are watching the applications check Oleg's post history to see exactly what he brings to a discussion)

08-24-2011, 02:12 PM
On a side note, but somewhat related, you go from I...I...I am disabled to this rather cogent post in one day. Wow the poor autistic kid suddenly stepped up his game. It is posts like this that confirm that much of your woe is me posts and the other repetitive questions are simply trolling posts.
My main question is, what is the point of acting like something you are obviously not ?
( I hope those who are watching the applications check Oleg's post history to see exactly what he brings to a discussion)

He's actually trolled this thread like a pro, thus far. I'm very impressed with his posts this time around.

08-24-2011, 03:12 PM
Ahh what the heck. I supose a can show what me and my family looks like


cute :)

p.s. unlike most people who live here(or anywhere on the internet for that matter),u have a life,dont fret bout this ttc deal too much

Thank you. And your right i do have a life outside of fst, bittorrent and the internet. I wont comment on the subject of other people having a live outside of it or not. I dont know most of the people on this board or even in the bittorrent world so i really cant comment or judge them. It would be very close minded of me to do so without knowing them personally. It does seem like quite a few people live and breathe bittorrent though. with threads such as "omg i need this site" or "for the love of god please invite me to that site or ill die without it". It seems to me like some people are way to into it. Real life should always take precidence over the internet or some site...bittorrent or not. I wouldnt mind being apart of TTC. But ill also survive without it. There is only one thing in this life that i need...and thats the other 3 people that are in the picture with me...MY FAMILY. I put nothing above them...never have and never will. Basically what im saying is that if i become part of ttc it will be because i deserve to be there. If not then it will be because i dont deserve to be. But at the end of the day no matter what the outcome is i still have what i need...and thats my family. So no...i really wont be stressing over this.

08-24-2011, 03:37 PM
Bringing hdbits's thread to ttc? That could bring some life to ttc's discussion board :yup:

08-24-2011, 05:06 PM
I am so sorry that I am not Jesus but in our world dear immortal people join places cause there is something useful for them there

My question is still standing

My intuition suggests this thread is not about getting you or anyone else to determine if TTC is right for you, but rather for TTC to throw out a net and see what bounces back. If you can see the difference you'll understand why your question will likely go unanswered

08-24-2011, 05:10 PM
I'd like to join TTC

08-24-2011, 05:11 PM
Wouldn't be a better idea of recruiting members who you actually trust,rather than to make it public and recruit members based on their application.

08-24-2011, 05:50 PM
Wouldn't be a better idea of recruiting members who you actually trust,rather than to make it public and recruit members based on their application.

I didn't know about TTC before reading this thread.. Is this bad bad??

08-24-2011, 06:09 PM
Before I submit my application and this is one very honest question: What would I gain from joining? apart from all the hate and bashing that traders would give to anyone who is classified as an Anti-trader?
it's 11 pages so far and I still cant see the reason for joining such groups

Spark, It not what you would gain from joining...It about what you can bring or contribute to being a member of TTC, but I would think you would already know this.

I think I've said this before.

If you ran a tracker wouldn't you be looking for levelheadedness, people with discretion and at least a little commonsense.


08-24-2011, 07:20 PM
^this. and this only.

There's no denying that the privacy of those sites bring some nice advantages though. if you are talking about security, it's arguable at best, a small site with a few members gets taken down and there's a good chance you might get fucked up if you live in a country with some anti-piracy laws, a huge site with lots of members gets taken down and you have a pretty good chance of blending in and getting away. we've seen huge sites getting taken down without any impact on its members, and we've seen small sites taken down without any impact on its members, so i wouldn't be concerned about security that much (depends on your paranoia and the country you live in though, also selling that new movie won't do you any good).

Content wise, i guess the biggest advantages of private sites are quality, speed and the ability to make requests when you need something you can't find or want to get something fast (talking about trackers here, and yeah this may not apply to all of them). Private DLL boards also have better retention.
Security is arguable indeed and there's no place 100% secure. There's less chance someone would get your IP on a private site though.

08-24-2011, 09:16 PM
^this. and this only.

if you are talking about security, it's arguable at best, a small site with a few members gets taken down and there's a good chance you might get fucked up if you live in a country with some anti-piracy laws, a huge site with lots of members gets taken down and you have a pretty good chance of blending in and getting away. we've seen huge sites getting taken down without any impact on its members, and we've seen small sites taken down without any impact on its members, so i wouldn't be concerned about security that much (depends on your paranoia and the country you live in though, also selling that new movie won't do you any good).

Content wise, i guess the biggest advantages of private sites are quality, speed and the ability to make requests when you need something you can't find or want to get something fast (talking about trackers here, and yeah this may not apply to all of them). Private DLL boards also have better retention.
Security is arguable indeed and there's no place 100% secure. There's less chance someone would get your IP on a private site though.
sorry if I confused you there, I was talking about big private and small private trackers :) public trackers are not a subject here obviously :)

08-24-2011, 11:44 PM
Spark, It not what you would gain from joining...It about what you can bring or contribute to being a member of TTC

Loads of BS and ass kissing.. if TCC offers nothing then why would anybody contribute? pls quit this rubbish and talk with sense, I've been torrenting for years now and I was a stupid collector for some time so dont give me this BS
What do they offer apart from the hatred towards sick traders who ruined the chances of many great uploaders? invites? technical support? or what exactly?

08-25-2011, 12:14 AM
Spark, It not what you would gain from joining...It about what you can bring or contribute to being a member of TTC

Loads of BS and ass kissing.. if TCC offers nothing then why would anybody contribute? pls quit this rubbish and talk with sense, I've been torrenting for years now and I was a stupid collector for some time so dont give me this BS
What do they offer apart from the hatred towards sick traders who ruined the chances of many great uploaders? invites? technical support? or what exactly?

For what you've just posted, the only person this applies to Is yourself...no one else In the is thread.
Arse Kissing...Well she don't know It, yet but she will one day

08-25-2011, 12:34 AM
I only blame myself for trying to use logic with a cunt, the first post suggests they have nothing to offer...

08-25-2011, 12:57 AM
I only blame myself for trying to use logic with a
cunt, the first post suggests they have nothing to offer...

You are not guaranteed any tangible rewards for simple association, if that's what you're asking. There is no gift basket for gaining entry; members make what they will of the opportunity and therein lies the 'reward'.

08-25-2011, 01:06 AM
New to FST because I feel it is for the most part a plague on the file sharing community as a whole. I heard about this opportunity on a forum I help out with so I decided to sign up just to make this post. I'm an active and posting member on LL and a contributing member on many p2p and ddl file sharing sites / forums that I don't wish to name drop here. I've been involved in the file sharing community since '06. I love to write guides and scripts. It's kind of my thing. I'm sure there will at least be one member that will recognize this handle. I know a couple admins of notable sites and have helped people out with their sites and or seedboxes in the past.

If you want a member who posts, writes guides, and more or less knows what he's talking about when it comes to p2p and ddl I'd be willing to offer my services.


08-25-2011, 01:15 AM
It amuses me that you think someone that thinks of FST as a "blight" on file sharing thinks they'd be given access to a subsection of FST.

08-25-2011, 01:18 AM
My main question is, what is the point of acting like something you are obviously not ?

I don't wanna discuss my personal issues in this thread...

Anyway, OP, what is it that you want from us?

08-25-2011, 01:20 AM
Best first post I've ever seen by Platopi. Never seen your username at LL so I guess your not as known as you might hope. Same goes for the p2p and ddl file sharing sites, don't recall a platopi afaik.

08-25-2011, 01:29 AM
New to FST because I feel it is for the most part a plague on the file sharing community as a whole.

If you want a member who posts, writes guides, and more or less knows what he's talking about when it comes to p2p and ddl I'd be willing to offer my services.


Oh yeah, with that post I have no doubt that the other members will vote for you to get in. So keep your hopes up, you'll be accepted shortly.

08-25-2011, 01:35 AM
Oh yeah, with that post I have no doubt that the other members will vote for you to get in. So keep your hopes up, you'll be accepted shortly.

He just want to offer his services, why you be so cruel Funkin' :lol:

08-25-2011, 01:36 AM
Best first post I've ever seen by Platopi. Never seen your username at LL so I guess your not as known as you might hope. Same goes for the p2p and ddl file sharing sites, don't recall a platopi afaik.

That's because I'm known by people I should be known by. You should check out the DL script I posted a while back if you are on LL. I'm in the process of rewriting it.

It amuses me that you think someone that thinks of FST as a "blight" on file sharing thinks they'd be given access to a subsection of FST.

LOL There is a reason the site branched off from this forum and hasn't had any members come directly from it in a year and a half. -__- There are a ton of untrustworthy people looking for invites here. I'm looking to offer services and add to a community, not an invite. I already have access to the content I want.

08-25-2011, 01:47 AM
These five days are taking a long time. Any word on when you are going to give out the invites.

08-25-2011, 01:50 AM
LOL There is a reason the site branched off from this forum and hasn't had any members come directly from it in a year and a half. -__- There are a ton of untrustworthy people looking for invites here.

But there are so many intelligent people on FST. I also love the freedom of speech this site offers. You really can be yourself on this site. If TTC offers the same kind of freedom of speech that FST offers, then I would love to receive an invite to TTC.

08-25-2011, 01:57 AM
There are a ton of untrustworthy people looking for invites here

Post #1, ask for invite to forum, post #2, this quote ^^^

If this laptop ran on SSD I could punch it for the seething irony it's throwing at me

08-25-2011, 01:58 AM
Blah,blah,blah illusory superiority,blah,blah,blah.....

That's because I'm known by people I should be known by.

I'm hoping this is a troll account btw because otherwise boy are you a tool.

Best first post I've ever seen by Platopi. Never seen your username at LL so I guess your not as known as you might hope. Same goes for the p2p and ddl file sharing sites, don't recall a platopi afaik.Somehow I'm not surprised that you've weaseled your way onto another site . Now please go cry someplace else because there are bad,bad people here you have nothing better to do than flame sincere ,upstanding posters like you.
PS wah.

08-25-2011, 02:05 AM
These five days are taking a long time. Any word on when you are going to give out the invites.

If you know you know, if you don't you won't, I guess.

I mean, with 4 posts in three years you already know your chances are pretty low. :idunno:

08-25-2011, 02:07 AM
That's because I'm known by people I should be known by.

I'm hoping this is a troll account btw because otherwise boy are you a tool.

It is a handle I use but yes I think It's obvious I made this account to troll. I think it's great that I got flamed within minutes. What I posted is exactly the kind of people who lurk this forum asking for invites. It's why I gave up on this forum years ago and joined a tight knit community of delinquents instead. The few familiar faces I see here definitely know my nick and will hopefully have a good laugh.

08-25-2011, 02:08 AM
I definitely vote tool.

@ platopi - Grow up, boy. This is the internet. No one gives half a shit about who you know or who knows you. I don't care to join TTC myself, but I hope on the behalf of others that do, that there aren't a lot of people like you there.

08-25-2011, 02:16 AM
Congratulations Platopi

You have been invited to the Tool Community!

Here at the Tool Community (tTC), we partake in all things with maximum douche. We share information between each other about people we know and try to get to know those same people... that way we all know those people and each other. Then we all sit around in dead silence and help each other write scripts and such. It's sort of like a job, but better because you'll know people that other people don't know, and they'll know you, which is even better.

Be sure to say hello in our, "Hi, this is a list of people that I know and know me" thread in the Connections section at the Tool Community.

08-25-2011, 02:40 AM
How to be more social and get bitches
Tip #1: Don't give a shit
Really. People that don't give a shit tend to be confident. And you've probably heard this before, but confidence is what bitches like. If you don't believe in yourself, who the fuck is going to believe in you? That's right motherfucker, this is in your hands. Fuck that. From this day on you don't give a shit what other people think of you. Do you have problems that make you sad? Everyone has problems to deal with, so deal with it.

TTC invite please. :yup:

Killercam101 - anti-tool

08-25-2011, 02:43 AM
People who don't give a shit tend to constipated.

08-25-2011, 02:44 AM
That's because I'm known by people I should be known by.

I'm hoping this is a troll account btw because otherwise boy are you a tool.

Best first post I've ever seen by Platopi. Never seen your username at LL so I guess your not as known as you might hope. Same goes for the p2p and ddl file sharing sites, don't recall a platopi afaik.Somehow I'm not surprised that you've weaseled your way onto another site . Now please go cry someplace else because there are bad,bad people here you have nothing better to do than flame sincere ,upstanding posters like you.
PS wah.

Yes, I think it's pretty clear I was trolling to make a point of some of the users on this forum and why a thread recruitment here for anything but asshattery is not a good idea. I got flamed within minutes by at least four different people. Keep up the good work guys.

08-25-2011, 02:48 AM
People who don't give a shit tend to constipated.

which brings me to Rule #2 .

Tip #2: Always smell good
This is really important, motherfucker. If you ever stink, you're doing it wrong. No you cannot wear the same pair of pants two or three days in a row, that's gross. Wear clean clothes, asshole. I don't give a shit if you have to take 3 showers a day, you should never EVER fucking smell bad. Use soap, and wear clean clothes motherfucker. If you can smell yourself, other people can smell you twice as bad. Don't be gross.

08-25-2011, 02:55 AM
Dear FST,

Free speech here is obviously a joke because I got my posting privileges revoked as a result
of other people flaming my good natured troll posts. Yes, I think it's pretty clear I was trolling
to make a point of some of the users on this forum and why a thread recruitment here for
anything but asshattery will generally not bear fruit. Even former staff? Really?

P.S. Hi Killercam!

Love, Platopi

08-25-2011, 03:07 AM
OP, I hope I was able to convince you that I am worthy of an invitation to TTC.

08-25-2011, 03:37 AM
don't hold your breath

08-25-2011, 04:00 AM
OP, I hope I was able to convince you that I am NOT worthy of an invitation to ANYWHERE.

There ya go OlegL. I fixed your post for you :lol:

08-25-2011, 06:48 AM
I'd like to join TTC

Definitely worth a couple uk2 invites in the trade section.

08-25-2011, 07:18 AM
yes , i'm a noob here and then ???

it's funny read posts who make a war to receive one invite...
Here nobody know me , it's a good thing , it's better for me , and it's better nobody cares me ....
I want an invite ?? yes i try , why i can't try , only because i never write here... ?
i'm a longest user of bittorrent ,i use only torrent , i don't want to be a member of LL or other site, so i can say " i'm a member of that site ".... i have 2 server ,a work, a son , a wife (damn!!!)... want my credit card number , my ass ???
no it's impossible , the only thing i can give to you it's my wife , but she break balls also when she sleep...



08-25-2011, 07:27 AM
yes , i'm a noob here and then ???

it's funny read posts who make a war to receive one invite...
Here nobody know me , it's a good thing , it's better for me , and it's better nobody cares me ....
I want an invite ?? yes i try , why i can't try , only because i never write here... ?
i'm a longest user of bittorrent ,i use only torrent , i don't want to be a member of LL or other site, so i can say " i'm a member of that site ".... i have 2 server ,a work, a son , a wife (damn!!!)... want my credit card number , my ass ???
no it's impossible , the only thing i can give to you it's my wife , but she break balls also when she sleep...



Alright, who published a moron to English dictionary with the intent to disrupt the peace?

P.S. If you don't get the reference, hang out in the lounge more.

08-25-2011, 08:21 AM
if you don't see killercam as somebody who could revive the ttc section, you should close it down right now :D

08-25-2011, 10:18 AM
yes , i'm a noob here and then ???

it's funny read posts who make a war to receive one invite...
Here nobody know me , it's a good thing , it's better for me , and it's better nobody cares me ....
I want an invite ?? yes i try , why i can't try , only because i never write here... ?
i'm a longest user of bittorrent ,i use only torrent , i don't want to be a member of LL or other site, so i can say " i'm a member of that site ".... i have 2 server ,a work, a son , a wife (damn!!!)... want my credit card number , my ass ???
no it's impossible , the only thing i can give to you it's my wife , but she break balls also when she sleep...



Alright, who published a moron to English dictionary with the intent to disrupt the peace?

P.S. If you don't get the reference, hang out in the lounge more.

i'm a user in all the best tracker in the world(?), since 2003 in italy , and 2005 with foreign language , want the list or you believe me ??? i don't like make spot , if someone of TTC wants my reference can pm me...

ah , i forgot ,i eat lasagne , i'm italian.

sorry i know a bad english , and sometimes it will be funny :shifty:



08-25-2011, 10:27 AM
Best first post I've ever seen by Platopi. Never seen your username at LL so I guess your not as known as you might hope. Same goes for the p2p and ddl file sharing sites, don't recall a platopi afaik.Somehow I'm not surprised that you've weaseled your way onto another site . Now please go cry someplace else because there are bad,bad people here you have nothing better to do than flame sincere ,upstanding posters like you.
PS wah.

Why should I expect any better from the king shitposter around here. Stay classy.

08-25-2011, 10:50 AM
platopi probably has the must legit request in this whole retarded thread, i know him and i know that he can bring something decent to a community

as for everyone else in this thread, well........

so glad i found other community's other than FST while i had the chance, now i mostly come here for the lulz considering some of the most active and coherent posters are still retards and cunts

as for TTC i guess i'll never find out but i hope the few regular people here who can withstand the pitfalls of being dragged into FST's general retardedness can find a safe haven on this site which might just be what TTC is for

08-25-2011, 01:19 PM
if there is someone to invite on this subsection is Oleg,he is full of ideas, a brainstorming machine,a respectful guy,in other words all-in-one guy.
and if you are not going to accept him,you(TTC) will be the one who'll loose.

08-25-2011, 02:36 PM
if there is someone to invite on this subsection is Oleg,he is full of ideas, a brainstorming machine,a respectful guy,in other words all-in-one guy.
and if you are not going to accept him,you(TTC) will be the one who'll loose.


08-25-2011, 02:44 PM
I would like to apply. I am interested in joining a group like TTC for the purpose of sharing information and making friends. I'm not looking for invites to anywhere as I am a member of all the sites I need to find what I want to download. I started Bittorrent from the begining using sites like Elitetorrents, Torrentbits, UKTorrents, Oink, etc The idea of a tight community with like minded individuals who share information about the bitorrent world sounds like a place I want to belong to. Thanks for you consideration.

08-25-2011, 05:01 PM
if there is someone to invite on this subsection is Oleg,he is full of ideas, a brainstorming machine,a respectful guy,in other words all-in-one guy.
and if you are not going to accept him,you(TTC) will be the one who'll loose.
Loose what, the chains that bind?

This . lose (http://www.google.ca/search?q=lose&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)

08-25-2011, 05:51 PM
platopi probably has the must legit request in this whole retarded thread, i know him and i know that he can bring something decent to a community

as for everyone else in this thread, well........

so glad i found other community's other than FST while i had the chance, now i mostly come here for the lulz considering some of the most active and coherent posters are still retards and cunts

as for TTC i guess i'll never find out but i hope the few regular people here who can withstand the pitfalls of being dragged into FST's general retardedness can find a safe haven on this site which might just be what TTC is for

You know, I've been torrenting for quite a while, & have been around forums and blogs even longer, and there's one thing (among many) that I have surely realized over the years. No matter what bittorrent community, forum, or whatever I have been involved in (& there have been many, public & private) There's always a fair share of retards & cunts. The only difference between here and other/smaller forums/trackers, is that there may be a few more of them here & most don't try to hide it, or at least are easily identified after a few posts. On the other hand, on a lot of smaller sites, the true retards and cunts are careful to hide it. I'd be willing to bet a lot of them come here to vent their retardation/cuntile tendencies.

Myself, if someone is a complete asshat I'd rather they bring it out in the open, which usually happens pretty quick here. That's why I started being a bit more active here lately.
If you don't like the way this place is, you should go back to your imaginary "close knit community" & play with your imaginary friends who you think so highly of. But don't be surprised if somewhere along the line, you find some of the people there aren't quite what you thought they were.

08-25-2011, 06:22 PM
yes , i'm a noob here and then ???

it's funny read posts who make a war to receive one invite...
Here nobody know me , it's a good thing , it's better for me , and it's better nobody cares me ....
I want an invite ?? yes i try , why i can't try , only because i never write here... ?
i'm a longest user of bittorrent ,i use only torrent , i don't want to be a member of LL or other site, so i can say " i'm a member of that site ".... i have 2 server ,a work, a son , a wife (damn!!!)... want my credit card number , my ass ???
no it's impossible , the only thing i can give to you it's my wife , but she break balls also when she sleep...



Alright, who published a moron to English dictionary with the intent to disrupt the peace?

P.S. If you don't get the reference, hang out in the lounge more.

May I be excused? I call forthwith a need to extradite an ethereal production

platopi probably has the must legit request in this whole retarded thread, i know him and i know that he can bring something decent to a community

as for everyone else in this thread, well........

so glad i found other community's other than FST while i had the chance, now i mostly come here for the lulz considering some of the most active and coherent posters are still retards and cunts

as for TTC i guess i'll never find out but i hope the few regular people here who can withstand the pitfalls of being dragged into FST's general retardedness can find a safe haven on this site which might just be what TTC is for

I can invite you to tTC, would you like to join?

08-25-2011, 07:34 PM
platopi probably has the must legit request in this whole retarded thread, i know him and i know that he can bring something decent to a community

as for everyone else in this thread, well........

so glad i found other community's other than FST while i had the chance, now i mostly come here for the lulz considering some of the most active and coherent posters are still retards and cunts

as for TTC i guess i'll never find out but i hope the few regular people here who can withstand the pitfalls of being dragged into FST's general retardedness can find a safe haven on this site which might just be what TTC is for

I can invite you to tTC, would you like to join?

shit son, the Tool Community sounds a whole lot better than the trusted community. count me in :)

1 condition though, you have to touch deez nuts

08-25-2011, 08:25 PM
if there is someone to invite on this subsection is Oleg,he is full of ideas, a brainstorming machine,a respectful guy,in other words all-in-one guy.
and if you are not going to accept him,you(TTC) will be the one who'll loose.
Loose what, the chains that bind?

This . lose (http://www.google.ca/search?q=lose&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)Don't know how, but when I read Il_professore's post and saw him write "loose" isntead of "lose", I knew you were gonna correct him. I guess nothing here has changed. It's still the same place it was 18 months ago

08-25-2011, 09:05 PM
Loose what, the chains that bind?

This . lose (http://www.google.ca/search?q=lose&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)Don't know how, but when I read Il_professore's post and saw him write "loose" isntead of "lose", I knew you were gonna correct him. I guess nothing here has changed. It's still the same place it was 18 months ago

See you in another 18 months then....

08-25-2011, 09:34 PM
I would love to join on TTC too,can anyone invite me there?

08-25-2011, 09:47 PM
Yep, cause in an area built around no trading, I'm sure the idiot with +40 trader rep and like 10 posts outside the trade section is top of the list :yup:

08-25-2011, 10:07 PM
Yep, cause in an area built around no trading, I'm sure the idiot with +40 trader rep and like 10 posts outside the trade section is top of the list :yup:

That's a bit harsh, you should at least hear what his offer is ?

08-25-2011, 11:15 PM
Loose what, the chains that bind?

This . lose (http://www.google.ca/search?q=lose&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)Don't know how, but when I read Il_professore's post and saw him write "loose" isntead of "lose", I knew you were gonna correct him. I guess nothing here has changed. It's still the same place it was 18 months ago

And guess what, I knew someone like you as going to take me to task over it .

Question if I'm SOB and my post invariably begets yours , then are you then the grandson of a bitch or just a humourless wank who believes people are so petty and self absorbed that every word not in fawning agreement is some sort of disrespectful personal attack ?

Somehow I'm not surprised that you've weaseled your way onto another site . Now please go cry someplace else because there are bad,bad people here you have nothing better to do than flame sincere ,upstanding posters like you.
PS wah.

Why should I expect any better from the king shitposter around here. Stay classy.

Seriously if people like you hate me I know I can't be all bad.

08-26-2011, 01:20 AM
i never thought bcc would be looking for more members

08-26-2011, 01:35 AM
Is BCC still around? I have had (former?) members PM me asking, so I guess not.

08-26-2011, 03:28 PM
Nice, good luck to all applications :) .

08-26-2011, 03:58 PM
I would like to take a peek...been Staffing at private sites going on almost 9yrs. Still active at a few sites (Staffing wise). I've probably Staffed with a few of you in the TTC who can vouch for me...plus I haz cookies. And I really should be more active here lol.

Some of the sites I've Staff(ed) at are:
Super-Omega - which started late 2002/early 2003 and later went through a few name changes and finally settled on:
The Dark Syndicate
The Peer Group - some of you may have been part of that site ;)
The Black Hand (formally CN...and stuff)
TTC the dot com site lol
and a few others that either aren't around or didn't make it after a year - so not worth mentioning ;)

Some of the sites I'm on that I'm a Comm Rep/Torrent Celebrity/VIP are:

Digital Hive
Umbrella Corp

I'm also on a bunch more as a Member or P/U or other level

08-26-2011, 04:59 PM
Dear Madam,

I am writing to in relation to your recruitment drive for the once great TTC. While it does bring a smile to my face to see a community which prided themselves in being secret and exclusive being brought to it's knees to the point where it has to beg for new blood, I have decided to take pity on yourselves and offer myself as your savior. I shall point out all the reasons why you not only need me you deeply want me too.

I'm a kind person, be it random strangers, people on the interwebz or douchebags who spend their free time stopping other people from downloading free shit. If I have an invite free I'll hook you up with it, if I have a tracker I nolonger want I'll give that shit away (as long as it's within the rules!) which you can see by my thread at http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/417941-TT-and-Bit-HDTV/ if you want to deal with the kind of guy that'll let you steal shit and not stop you like the douchebags you have in TTC then I'm your guy!

I'm a funny guy, we should all remember my funny as blog On A Soapbox (I so wish I kept a db dump of that site) it was constant lulz from dummies trying to scare me by posting my details, to MuddSlinger and the other guys who names I can't remember talking shit about TPS in a log caling it fake, then saying it was edited then admitting it was real all within the space of less than 24 hours. There also a few examples on here which shows how much of a funny guy I am http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/379366-General-tracker? and http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/372185-I-got-banned-help-me!!!! so if you want a guy who will cheer you up after dealing with all the douchebags in TTC then I am your man!

I'm a smart guy, we've all seen it were the only comebacks people have for my points are "OMG YOU CAN'T SPELL YOU FUCKING IDIOT", when it's actually a grammar issue then they say "NO IT'S SPELLING, NEXT TIME RUN THE GRAMMAR CHECK" (ok they didn't say grammar check they gave the shortcut for it but I can't remember off the top of my head what it is so fuck it that'll have to do) As we've seen some of the current TTC members appear to need to be reminded to breath in and out, since I am smart and a nice guy (see first point) I'll happy remind your members to breath in and out so you don't lose any more by them forgetting to!

I'm trustworthy if I like you, if I screw you over I always do it from the out side, so the phrase better to be with me than against me comes to mind. I have no need to trade since I really couldn't give a toss about trackers had them all - twice. Simply I've found my torrent needs are served by the ultimate tracker TorrentLeech the rest are just a waste of time. I have no need to cheat, I got a bigger buffer than I'll ever use. I've properly already told everyone who fucking stupid and how big an asshole you are so no real need to do it again. It's all good on HMS Backie! Plus you guys gotta worry about the guys you're calling friends, you guys will fuck each other over faster than you'll download a tv show to a 10Gbit server.

So to sum it up, we've seen that you've got a pile of dickheads who go around banning people from torrent sites for fun, seriously fucking wankers! We've gone over how I am a funny guy, lulz will be had! We've gone over how you guys are fucking idiots while I am king of the castle when it comes to smarts. Then there was the fact you're all a bunch of backstabbing fucks. It's quite clear not only do you guys want me real bad, you need me even worse!



08-26-2011, 05:11 PM
yes , i'm a noob here and then ???

it's funny read posts who make a war to receive one invite...
Here nobody know me , it's a good thing , it's better for me , and it's better nobody cares me ....
I want an invite ?? yes i try , why i can't try , only because i never write here... ?
i'm a longest user of bittorrent ,i use only torrent , i don't want to be a member of LL or other site, so i can say " i'm a member of that site ".... i have 2 server ,a work, a son , a wife (damn!!!)... want my credit card number , my ass ???
no it's impossible , the only thing i can give to you it's my wife , but she break balls also when she sleep...



Tip #6: Don't be weird
Last quarter, I had this kid introduce himself to my physics class as a "hardcore gamer." What the FUCK was he thinking? You don't do that shit. Be fucking normal. You know what it looks like. Don't be quiet, don't be shy. Take up space, walk around like you own the place.

08-26-2011, 05:15 PM
Backie my friend, you are still jaded as fuck.

08-26-2011, 05:35 PM
Dear Madam,

I am writing to in relation to your recruitment drive for the once great TTC. While it does bring a smile to my face to see a community which prided themselves in being secret and exclusive being brought to it's knees to the point where it has to beg for new blood, I have decided to take pity on yourselves and offer myself as your savior. I shall point out all the reasons why you not only need me you deeply want me too.

I'm a kind person, be it random strangers, people on the interwebz or douchebags who spend their free time stopping other people from downloading free shit. If I have an invite free I'll hook you up with it, if I have a tracker I nolonger want I'll give that shit away (as long as it's within the rules!) which you can see by my thread at http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/417941-TT-and-Bit-HDTV/ if you want to deal with the kind of guy that'll let you steal shit and not stop you like the douchebags you have in TTC then I'm your guy!

I'm a funny guy, we should all remember my funny as blog On A Soapbox (I so wish I kept a db dump of that site) it was constant lulz from dummies trying to scare me by posting my details, to MuddSlinger and the other guys who names I can't remember talking shit about TPS in a log caling it fake, then saying it was edited then admitting it was real all within the space of less than 24 hours. There also a few examples on here which shows how much of a funny guy I am http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/379366-General-tracker? and http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/372185-I-got-banned-help-me!!!! so if you want a guy who will cheer you up after dealing with all the douchebags in TTC then I am your man!

I'm a smart guy, we've all seen it were the only comebacks people have for my points are "OMG YOU CAN'T SPELL YOU FUCKING IDIOT", when it's actually a grammar issue then they say "NO IT'S SPELLING, NEXT TIME RUN THE GRAMMAR CHECK" (ok they didn't say grammar check they gave the shortcut for it but I can't remember off the top of my head what it is so fuck it that'll have to do) As we've seen some of the current TTC members appear to need to be reminded to breath in and out, since I am smart and a nice guy (see first point) I'll happy remind your members to breath in and out so you don't lose any more by them forgetting to!

I'm trustworthy if I like you, if I screw you over I always do it from the out side, so the phrase better to be with me than against me comes to mind. I have no need to trade since I really couldn't give a toss about trackers had them all - twice. Simply I've found my torrent needs are served by the ultimate tracker TorrentLeech the rest are just a waste of time. I have no need to cheat, I got a bigger buffer than I'll ever use. I've properly already told everyone who fucking stupid and how big an asshole you are so no real need to do it again. It's all good on HMS Backie! Plus you guys gotta worry about the guys you're calling friends, you guys will fuck each other over faster than you'll download a tv show to a 10Gbit server.

So to sum it up, we've seen that you've got a pile of dickheads who go around banning people from torrent sites for fun, seriously fucking wankers! We've gone over how I am a funny guy, lulz will be had! We've gone over how you guys are fucking idiots while I am king of the castle when it comes to smarts. Then there was the fact you're all a bunch of backstabbing fucks. It's quite clear not only do you guys want me real bad, you need me even worse!



This is actually the most intelligent post in this thread. So, are you saying that TTC is no longer the place it used to be? You also said, "So to sum it up, we've seen that you've got a pile of dickheads who go around banning people from torrent sites for fun, seriously fucking wankers!" So, the people who are in charge of TTC are a bunch of dickheads?

08-26-2011, 05:47 PM
Dear Madam,

I am writing to in relation to your recruitment drive for the once great TTC. While it does bring a smile to my face to see a community which prided themselves in being secret and exclusive being brought to it's knees to the point where it has to beg for new blood, I have decided to take pity on yourselves and offer myself as your savior. I shall point out all the reasons why you not only need me you deeply want me too.

I'm a kind person, be it random strangers, people on the interwebz or douchebags who spend their free time stopping other people from downloading free shit. If I have an invite free I'll hook you up with it, if I have a tracker I nolonger want I'll give that shit away (as long as it's within the rules!) which you can see by my thread at http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/417941-TT-and-Bit-HDTV/ if you want to deal with the kind of guy that'll let you steal shit and not stop you like the douchebags you have in TTC then I'm your guy!

I'm a funny guy, we should all remember my funny as blog On A Soapbox (I so wish I kept a db dump of that site) it was constant lulz from dummies trying to scare me by posting my details, to MuddSlinger and the other guys who names I can't remember talking shit about TPS in a log caling it fake, then saying it was edited then admitting it was real all within the space of less than 24 hours. There also a few examples on here which shows how much of a funny guy I am http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/379366-General-tracker? and http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/372185-I-got-banned-help-me!!!! so if you want a guy who will cheer you up after dealing with all the douchebags in TTC then I am your man!

I'm a smart guy, we've all seen it were the only comebacks people have for my points are "OMG YOU CAN'T SPELL YOU FUCKING IDIOT", when it's actually a grammar issue then they say "NO IT'S SPELLING, NEXT TIME RUN THE GRAMMAR CHECK" (ok they didn't say grammar check they gave the shortcut for it but I can't remember off the top of my head what it is so fuck it that'll have to do) As we've seen some of the current TTC members appear to need to be reminded to breath in and out, since I am smart and a nice guy (see first point) I'll happy remind your members to breath in and out so you don't lose any more by them forgetting to!

I'm trustworthy if I like you, if I screw you over I always do it from the out side, so the phrase better to be with me than against me comes to mind. I have no need to trade since I really couldn't give a toss about trackers had them all - twice. Simply I've found my torrent needs are served by the ultimate tracker TorrentLeech the rest are just a waste of time. I have no need to cheat, I got a bigger buffer than I'll ever use. I've properly already told everyone who fucking stupid and how big an asshole you are so no real need to do it again. It's all good on HMS Backie! Plus you guys gotta worry about the guys you're calling friends, you guys will fuck each other over faster than you'll download a tv show to a 10Gbit server.

So to sum it up, we've seen that you've got a pile of dickheads who go around banning people from torrent sites for fun, seriously fucking wankers! We've gone over how I am a funny guy, lulz will be had! We've gone over how you guys are fucking idiots while I am king of the castle when it comes to smarts. Then there was the fact you're all a bunch of backstabbing fucks. It's quite clear not only do you guys want me real bad, you need me even worse!



This is actually the most intelligent post in this thread. So, are you saying that TTC is no longer the place it used to be? You also said, "So to sum it up, we've seen that you've got a pile of dickheads who go around banning people from torrent sites for fun, seriously fucking wankers!" So, the people who are in charge of TTC are a bunch of dickheads?

Yes and for the most part yes

08-26-2011, 06:51 PM
I sent you a friendship request, backie. It would be an honor for me to be listed as one of your friends here.

08-26-2011, 06:52 PM
I sent you a friendship request, backie. It would be an honor for me to be listed as one of your friends here.

You two will make a real sweet couple...

08-26-2011, 07:00 PM
yes , i'm a noob here and then ???

it's funny read posts who make a war to receive one invite...
Here nobody know me , it's a good thing , it's better for me , and it's better nobody cares me ....
I want an invite ?? yes i try , why i can't try , only because i never write here... ?
i'm a longest user of bittorrent ,i use only torrent , i don't want to be a member of LL or other site, so i can say " i'm a member of that site ".... i have 2 server ,a work, a son , a wife (damn!!!)... want my credit card number , my ass ???
no it's impossible , the only thing i can give to you it's my wife , but she break balls also when she sleep...



Tip #6: Don't be weird
Last quarter, I had this kid introduce himself to my physics class as a "hardcore gamer." What the FUCK was he thinking? You don't do that shit. Be fucking normal. You know what it looks like. Don't be quiet, don't be shy. Take up space, walk around like you own the place.

/me eat spagetti with sauce and play mandolino

08-26-2011, 07:23 PM
Is BCC still around? I have had (former?) members PM me asking, so I guess not.i doubt it, but i kind of thought the intent of this thread was to start funneling new blood over there or some other private bittorrent community

Some of the sites I've staff(ed) at are:
The Peer Group - some of you may have been part of that site ;)
i remember thepeergroup, originally started as tazz's playground or something; good bunch of people and a ton of vips/staffers from lower tier trackers looking to get good word-of-mouth for their trackers

08-26-2011, 07:53 PM
I would like to take a peek...been Staffing at private sites going on almost 9yrs. Still active at a few sites (Staffing wise). I've probably Staffed with a few of you in the TTC who can vouch for me...plus I haz cookies. And I really should be more active here lol.

Some of the sites I've Staff(ed) at are:
Super-Omega - which started late 2002/early 2003 and later went through a few name changes and finally settled on:
The Dark Syndicate
The Peer Group - some of you may have been part of that site ;)
The Black Hand (formally CN...and stuff)
TTC the dot com site lol
and a few others that either aren't around or didn't make it after a year - so not worth mentioning ;)

Some of the sites I'm on that I'm a Comm Rep/Torrent Celebrity/VIP are:

Digital Hive
Umbrella Corp

I'm also on a bunch more as a Member or P/U or other level

And why did you staff at so many sites? Were you one of those staffers that basically has the title just to show up once in awhile? Did you lose interest in sites as quickly as you were promoted, but for some reason still decided staffing is your preferred hobby? I can't imagine a good reason for someone staffing so many sites, I hope at least they weren't all done simultaneously.

08-26-2011, 07:57 PM
I would like to take a peek...been Staffing at private sites going on almost 9yrs. Still active at a few sites (Staffing wise). I've probably Staffed with a few of you in the TTC who can vouch for me...plus I haz cookies. And I really should be more active here lol.

Some of the sites I've Staff(ed) at are:
Super-Omega - which started late 2002/early 2003 and later went through a few name changes and finally settled on:
The Dark Syndicate
The Peer Group - some of you may have been part of that site ;)
The Black Hand (formally CN...and stuff)
TTC the dot com site lol
and a few others that either aren't around or didn't make it after a year - so not worth mentioning ;)

Some of the sites I'm on that I'm a Comm Rep/Torrent Celebrity/VIP are:

Digital Hive
Umbrella Corp

I'm also on a bunch more as a Member or P/U or other level

And why did you staff at so many sites? Were you one of those staffers that basically has the title just to show up once in awhile? Did you lose interest in sites as quickly as you were promoted, but for some reason still decided staffing is your preferred hobby? I can't imagine a good reason for someone staffing so many sites, I hope at least they weren't all done simultaneously.

You know the reason why, everything he touches turns to shit. TDS was shit from the start and guess who was there from the start. TPG I remember him going to other forums begging for members, I looked it was crap. TBH/CN we all know about that, no real need to mention that except to point out their pixel proof was bollocks, blamed someone saying they had the proof in the pixels when it was me that took the screenshot without being a member/signed in lulz. He basically trades off of Araditracker.

08-26-2011, 08:21 PM
please mods censor backie!


08-26-2011, 11:26 PM
I sent you a friendship request, backie. It would be an honor for me to be listed as one of your friends here.
Backie's found a fan, and it's OlegL.
Absolute perfection.

08-26-2011, 11:34 PM
Backie is my bitch, and doesn't know what he is talking about...but backie is being backie - just who he is, maybe thats why so many people like him.

No I didn't Staff at all those sites at the same time, it was a progression, SO became FT, FT became CT, CT became AT, AT became TDS...yeah...

Not sure where the hostility is coming from backie, considering you frequently send me photos of you fucking goats, and I reciprocate in turn, is it because I haven't been on CFS for a while? Did you miss me...man I missed you and OSB...I did honestly like your blog, and while I didn't always agree with some things being said, I did admire your honesty and straight-forwardness...that, and well the photos you send me.

Love you backie!

08-26-2011, 11:34 PM
I sent you a friendship request, backie. It would be an honor for me to be listed as one of your friends here.
Backie's found a fan, and it's OlegL.
Absolute perfection.

An image similar to this comes to mind:


08-26-2011, 11:39 PM
The troll to the right is striking the same pose as backie's avatar.

08-26-2011, 11:40 PM
I'm waiting for a friendship request from backie too...I'm his biggest fan, and can't wait to meet him in person...so we can Dutch Rudder...damn this isn't CFS is it???

And in 4.5yrs of being here I've now made 5 posts...I suck

08-26-2011, 11:45 PM
I sent you a friendship request, backie. It would be an honor for me to be listed as one of your friends here.
Backie's found a fan, and it's OlegL.
Absolute perfection.
I agree, I personally grabbed the popcorn for this most recent development.

08-27-2011, 12:04 AM
The troll to the right is striking the same pose as backie's avatar.

Guess that means he's the butch in the relationship:naughty:

08-27-2011, 12:24 AM
Dear Madam,

I am writing to in relation to your recruitment drive for the once great TTC. While it does bring a smile to my face to see a community which prided themselves in being secret and exclusive being brought to it's knees to the point where it has to beg for new blood, I have decided to take pity on yourselves and offer myself as your savior. I shall point out all the reasons why you not only need me you deeply want me too.

I'm a kind person, be it random strangers, people on the interwebz or douchebags who spend their free time stopping other people from downloading free shit. If I have an invite free I'll hook you up with it, if I have a tracker I nolonger want I'll give that shit away (as long as it's within the rules!) which you can see by my thread at http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/417941-TT-and-Bit-HDTV/ if you want to deal with the kind of guy that'll let you steal shit and not stop you like the douchebags you have in TTC then I'm your guy!

I'm a funny guy, we should all remember my funny as blog On A Soapbox (I so wish I kept a db dump of that site) it was constant lulz from dummies trying to scare me by posting my details, to MuddSlinger and the other guys who names I can't remember talking shit about TPS in a log caling it fake, then saying it was edited then admitting it was real all within the space of less than 24 hours. There also a few examples on here which shows how much of a funny guy I am http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/379366-General-tracker? and http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/372185-I-got-banned-help-me!!!! so if you want a guy who will cheer you up after dealing with all the douchebags in TTC then I am your man!

I'm a smart guy, we've all seen it were the only comebacks people have for my points are "OMG YOU CAN'T SPELL YOU FUCKING IDIOT", when it's actually a grammar issue then they say "NO IT'S SPELLING, NEXT TIME RUN THE GRAMMAR CHECK" (ok they didn't say grammar check they gave the shortcut for it but I can't remember off the top of my head what it is so fuck it that'll have to do) As we've seen some of the current TTC members appear to need to be reminded to breath in and out, since I am smart and a nice guy (see first point) I'll happy remind your members to breath in and out so you don't lose any more by them forgetting to!

I'm trustworthy if I like you, if I screw you over I always do it from the out side, so the phrase better to be with me than against me comes to mind. I have no need to trade since I really couldn't give a toss about trackers had them all - twice. Simply I've found my torrent needs are served by the ultimate tracker TorrentLeech the rest are just a waste of time. I have no need to cheat, I got a bigger buffer than I'll ever use. I've properly already told everyone who fucking stupid and how big an asshole you are so no real need to do it again. It's all good on HMS Backie! Plus you guys gotta worry about the guys you're calling friends, you guys will fuck each other over faster than you'll download a tv show to a 10Gbit server.

So to sum it up, we've seen that you've got a pile of dickheads who go around banning people from torrent sites for fun, seriously fucking wankers! We've gone over how I am a funny guy, lulz will be had! We've gone over how you guys are fucking idiots while I am king of the castle when it comes to smarts. Then there was the fact you're all a bunch of backstabbing fucks. It's quite clear not only do you guys want me real bad, you need me even worse!


Being a smart-ass requires equally both parts of the equation . You seem to be relying too heavily on the second and very little on the first.:mellow:

Btw since I've had no word back from you on my application TTC I going to assume that I've been accepted and start using that fact on my resume to try and get into the i** fanclub, aka pbp or sch**ost***:)

proud TTC member IE787

PS If I should limit future comments to PM for security reasons please let me know.:)

08-27-2011, 04:02 AM
Wasn't backie the guy, who couldn't figure out why 720p wasn't 720 pixels vertical for the most part?

And for the ones asking, I don't get either why we even want any new blood. The only pleasure I got was tipping the vote for mjmacky. If that dickwad ever got in, I would most likely delete my bookmark.

And BTW yes you have been accepted idol.

08-27-2011, 04:33 AM
@Night0wl: yeah, there was an article he did a while back on that. The part you mentioned was very off, but there was a mention of different crops/AR's for x amount of P2P encodes using the same exact source, which was an interesting point.

@ Idol, looks like you are in with those big leagues now. Please tell us when you get into sch**ost***/eti/some sixteen asterisk and 10 letter site that doesn't exist yet :P

08-27-2011, 05:39 AM
The only pleasure I got was tipping the vote for mjmacky


Why the fuck would there even been a vote for me in the first place?! It wasn't a real application. My real application would have looked like this:

Hi, I want to join. I'm mjmacky, invite me bitch

Well, if I got voted in, I would have said, give it to Idol (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/436534-TTC-recruitment-(3-days-left)?p=3606702&viewfull=1#post3606702), so it all worked out.

P.S. Have you not realized the amount of disdain I have for elitism at this point? I mean I thought it was blaringly obvious. It's why I started tTC to begin with.

08-27-2011, 05:56 AM
Hello there ! I'm an old fst member and i have 100-200weeks old acc ( ftn, tt, iplay ) . I don't know very much about TTC, but it sounds good ! Prove me the community is friendly as u say and I will be extremely glad joining .

08-27-2011, 06:18 AM
In one was truly indifferent they'd avoid this thread in its entirety. Those posting are either spiteful, interested, or confused. To my read of the 23 pages thus far the vast majority fit into two of the three. I leave it to anyone with more than one brain cell to figure out which one doesn't apply.

08-27-2011, 07:17 AM
How i can get invite ?

08-27-2011, 08:20 AM
How i can get invite ?

In your case, my guess is a large quantity of anal lube.

08-27-2011, 10:24 AM
Wasn't backie the guy, who couldn't figure out why 720p wasn't 720 pixels vertical for the most part?

And for the ones asking, I don't get either why we even want any new blood. The only pleasure I got was tipping the vote for mjmacky. If that dickwad ever got in, I would most likely delete my bookmark.

And BTW yes you have been accepted idol.

Is this a serious post?

08-27-2011, 10:38 AM
Backie is my bitch, and doesn't know what he is talking about...but backie is being backie - just who he is, maybe thats why so many people like him.

No I didn't Staff at all those sites at the same time, it was a progression, SO became FT, FT became CT, CT became AT, AT became TDS...yeah...

Not sure where the hostility is coming from backie, considering you frequently send me photos of you fucking goats, and I reciprocate in turn, is it because I haven't been on CFS for a while? Did you miss me...man I missed you and OSB...I did honestly like your blog, and while I didn't always agree with some things being said, I did admire your honesty and straight-forwardness...that, and well the photos you send me.

Love you backie!

Honestly isn't hostility.

Wasn't backie the guy, who couldn't figure out why 720p wasn't 720 pixels vertical for the most part?

No Backie was the guy who trolled the shit out of people who didn't understand the technical specifications for 720p. With most comments saying to be 720p it didn't have to be 720 pixels high just 1280 pixels wide. There was even one guy who said the guys who wrote the specifications got it wrong. I really wish I kept a dump of that site. Cheers for cheering me up by reminding me of that.

08-27-2011, 11:51 AM
And you did provide some of the good articles in your site backie,whether serious or for the lulz..I guess 720p specifications guys and PTP will always remember you :)

you deserve to be in TTC, backie (atleast for the lulz ) !!

08-27-2011, 12:05 PM
No, you're confused...He belongs in tTC (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/436666-tTC-Recruitment-the-other-one) . He would probably be accepted with no questions asked. Hell, he might even be able to snag a staff position ;)

08-27-2011, 12:10 PM
TTC is cool.

Applications of females >18 directly to my mailbox. Pictures are mandatory.

And what about shemales? :sick:

How i can get invite ?

Change the last character of your nick from s to c and you will get one.

08-27-2011, 12:22 PM

Why the fuck would there even been a vote for me in the first place?! It wasn't a real application. My real application would have looked like this:

Hi, I want to join. I'm mjmacky, invite me bitch

Well, if I got voted in, I would have said, give it to Idol (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/436534-TTC-recruitment-%283-days-left%29?p=3606702&viewfull=1#post3606702), so it all worked out.

P.S. Have you not realized the amount of disdain I have for elitism at this point? I mean I thought it was blaringly obvious. It's why I started tTC to begin with.

I only wanted it to spite that Gameover fuck .Basically that is was my sole purpose in life now.
So far as sole purposes go mine chronologically have been breast feeding, learning not to poop my pants,getting to first base , earning enough money to buy an X-box, avoiding as much work as possible , and the thus just fulfilled spitting the fuck out of gameover.
The only downside to my success currently I am now adrift in a life bereft of purpose so if anyone can suggest another sole purpose for me to fixate on please feel free as long as said purpose doesn't require either dedication or intelligence.

Btw anyone who uses lutz in a sentence doesn't deserve to be anywhere except maybe primary school.

08-27-2011, 02:09 PM
Wasn't backie the guy, who couldn't figure out why 720p wasn't 720 pixels vertical for the most part?

And for the ones asking, I don't get either why we even want any new blood. The only pleasure I got was tipping the vote for mjmacky. If that dickwad ever got in, I would most likely delete my bookmark.

And BTW yes you have been accepted idol.

Is this a serious post?

Who knows, he gets really agitated by the fact that I have nothing positive to say about the staff of x264. The same staff that treated him like shit and then properly had him suck their dick. I don't know if it's low self-respect or low self-esteem, but he now holds them in high regard. I've been under his skin for awhile now. From what I can tell, he would be the kind of person to weasel in a comment like that.

I only wanted it to spite that Gameover fuck

Who is Gameover? Is he a member of tTC?

08-27-2011, 03:31 PM
Who is Gameover? Is he a member of tTC?

you have got a prospective staff member for the tool community. :lol:

08-27-2011, 03:47 PM
Hello ! Here is my application for this community.

To know me better, here is my "filesharing story":
I started this thing back in 2003-2004 i think, that time using the p2p Direct Connect . That time DC wasn't very popular, so I started to expand the p2p idea in my country, and in 2006 I reached 2000 users with my hub, a record that time. After that, i had a break of 1 year somewhere in 2006 ( i studied very hard ) , and got back ( not in DC but in the "bittorrent bussiness " ) after. I enjoyed the community on FST from 2007, and I also have been uploader on several trackers. In 2010 I had a break also (same reasons, had studying ) and from some time i got back to the FST comunity and I'm also uploader on a respectable tracker.
I heard about TTC in this thread , and it sounds interesting, i hope the ppl are as friendly as described . So if u want me , PM me, short as that. :d
High regards !

08-27-2011, 07:41 PM
I would like to take a peek...been Staffing at private sites going on almost 9yrs. Still active at a few sites (Staffing wise). I've probably Staffed with a few of you in the TTC who can vouch for me...plus I haz cookies. And I really should be more active here lol.

Some of the sites I've Staff(ed) at are:
Super-Omega - which started late 2002/early 2003 and later went through a few name changes and finally settled on:
The Dark Syndicate
The Peer Group - some of you may have been part of that site ;)
The Black Hand (formally CN...and stuff)
TTC the dot com site lol
and a few others that either aren't around or didn't make it after a year - so not worth mentioning ;)

Some of the sites I'm on that I'm a Comm Rep/Torrent Celebrity/VIP are:

Digital Hive
Umbrella Corp

I'm also on a bunch more as a Member or P/U or other level

Weren't you on CFS, one of the guys who pushed for my ban?

08-27-2011, 07:51 PM

08-27-2011, 08:31 PM
Hello ! Here is my application for this community.

To know me better, here is my "filesharing story":
I started this thing back in 2003-2004 i think, that time using the p2p Direct Connect . That time DC wasn't very popular, so I started to expand the p2p idea in my country, and in 2006 I reached 2000 users with my hub, a record that time. After that, i had a break of 1 year somewhere in 2006 ( i studied very hard ) , and got back ( not in DC but in the "bittorrent bussiness " ) after. I enjoyed the community on FST from 2007, and I also have been uploader on several trackers. In 2010 I had a break also (same reasons, had studying ) and from some time i got back to the FST comunity and I'm also uploader on a respectable tracker.
I heard about TTC in this thread , and it sounds interesting, i hope the ppl are as friendly as described . So if u want me , PM me, short as that. :d
High regards !

Today ifs the first time that you've posted on FST in 3 years and you've still managed 2 requests.I congratulate you on your total lack of propriety .

Btw I've been an uploader on certain sites and truthfully that's nothing to crow about.

I would like to take a peek...been Staffing at private sites going on almost 9yrs. Still active at a few sites (Staffing wise). I've probably Staffed with a few of you in the TTC who can vouch for me...plus I haz cookies. And I really should be more active here lol.

Some of the sites I've Staff(ed) at are:
Super-Omega - which started late 2002/early 2003 and later went through a few name changes and finally settled on:
The Dark Syndicate
The Peer Group - some of you may have been part of that site ;)
The Black Hand (formally CN...and stuff)
TTC the dot com site lol
and a few others that either aren't around or didn't make it after a year - so not worth mentioning ;)

Some of the sites I'm on that I'm a Comm Rep/Torrent Celebrity/VIP are:

Digital Hive
Umbrella Corp

I'm also on a bunch more as a Member or P/U or other level

Weren't you on CFS, one of the guys who pushed for my ban?

Yes he was but he still needs to be l33t so show a little sympathy.

08-27-2011, 11:09 PM
I want to join TTC because of I want to join.

08-27-2011, 11:21 PM
Actually no Cabalo, I wasn't one to push for a ban, and yes, all I want is to have a larger e-p33n.

08-28-2011, 12:45 AM
With only a couple applications posted that were even interesting enough to dredge through, it seems TTC has its work cut out if it hopes to find any new members here. Now, if they were looking for trainable monkeys, that might be another story. At least half of the applicants rose to that level. The rest*, well, chances are either their mothers, or grandmothers, love tolerate them...

*excluding merwais, ofc...

EDIT- Just noticed merwais hadn't actually posted in this thread, but am leaving it because it's true, anyway.

08-28-2011, 12:54 AM
Well, backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads. I don't know if he's right about that, but that's what I want to find out, so I hope I'll be invited to TTC.

08-28-2011, 01:00 AM
backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads

I think I may believe that as well. Despite the fact that I don't know who is in charge. Fucking dickheads, all of those people I don't know who they are.

08-28-2011, 01:52 AM
With only a couple applications posted that were even interesting enough to dredge through, it seems TTC has its work cut out if it hopes to find any new members here. Now, if they were looking for trainable monkeys, that might be another story. At least half of the applicants rose to that level. The rest*, well, chances are either their mothers, or grandmothers, love tolerate them...

*excluding merwais, ofc...

EDIT- Just noticed merwais hadn't actually posted in this thread, but am leaving it because it's true, anyway.

I agree. There was A LOT of piss poor "applications". I seen a lot of 1 liners such as "id like to be part of ttc" or "please invite me" or "this sounds nice...ill be waiting for my invite". Seems like there are a lot of people that are too lazy to at least put some effort into it. While ill admit my application wasn't the best. It surely wasn't the worst. I just choose to explain who I am as a person and give a short version of my life story. I have a feeling there are very few people that have posted in this topic that will end up with an invite if any at all.

On a side not ill give both OlegL and soulxp sister to anyone that votes for me...that's 2 sisters for one vote :lol:

08-28-2011, 03:22 AM
Well, backie believes that a lot of people who are in charge of TTC are dickheads. I don't know if he's right about that, but that's what I want to find out, so I hope I'll be invited to TTC.

Nobody is in charge of the section on FST per se as a vote is mandatory to admit new members. There is no moderation needed there too.

Time is running out, keep the applications coming while you still can!

We don't plan on opening for several months after this one (unless there is a nomination made from the inside, like it's done normally).