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View Full Version : Looking for a poem.

08-22-2011, 10:53 PM
I hardly ever forget poems I read and their names, but in this instance I have.

The poem started with a couple sitting on a bridge staring at the moonlight.
A woman walks up to the woman in the couple and warns her that her ex and her used to sit at the very same spot, until he left her and her heart was broken. This served as a warning to the former woman.
The woman with the warning eventually leaves, but the woman in the relationship shudders to hold hands with her significant other, now that fear and doubt have settled in.

Does anyone know what poem I'm talking about? I can't for the life of me remember it.

08-24-2011, 08:16 AM
Does anyone know what poem I'm talking about? I can't for the life of me remember it.

I have no idea, not that I didn't try looking the same way I'd look for anything else. What I'd like to see is how much this poem resembles your description.

By the way, probably some more details could be helpful if you know them:
Is it classical?
Possible nationality of poet?
Was it published? (I'd think that it was, otherwise you wouldn't be asking)
Does the poet have many works published?

And lastly, 2 more questions that shouldn't have to be asked, but will anyways. These aren't lyrics to a song, and this wasn't sold to you by a homeless dude?

08-26-2011, 09:07 AM
I found it. I ripped apart my entire collection of old books, papers, and personal notes until I found it.

Plena Timoris by Thomas Hardy. My memory has a lot of failings though, but the specifics aren't all that bad.

I have no idea, not that I didn't try looking the same way I'd look for anything else. What I'd like to see is how much this poem resembles your description.

By the way, probably some more details could be helpful if you know them:
Is it classical?
Possible nationality of poet?
Was it published? (I'd think that it was, otherwise you wouldn't be asking)
Does the poet have many works published?

And lastly, 2 more questions that shouldn't have to be asked, but will anyways. These aren't lyrics to a song, and this wasn't sold to you by a homeless dude?

Thought I'd answer anyway.

I wouldn't call it classical. I never research the writers or poetry I read, I just weed through a gigantic collection handed down to me whenever I feel like it. Don't know if it's achieved the classical status quo.
English or American, definitely. Simply because of the way I remember the poem was written. It had a native flair that only those two Nationalities could encompass.
Yes it was published many times, I remember reading the poem in two different places a lifetime ago.
If the poet made it to my collection, he/she must have had a lot of poetry published. I don't keep scraps of paper with poetry lying around. They're usually in anthologies.

Definitely was not a song.
I don't speak to the homeless.


Funny story. When I was turning over my room chaotically trying to regain my sanity by finding the poem, I found an anthology with a poem called "Poem" in it. AHA! I yelled out to myself. I really expected it to be the one, simply to explain to myself why I forgot the name. It wasn't.

fear and doubt.

Funny how my head works. I knew the name all along. Just in the wrong language.

08-26-2011, 08:05 PM
So I read the poem and all I could say is I would have never found it on that description.

So you were kinda close on details, but the woman's suicide was pretty critical. That and there were men coming up to the lovers to relay her story.

08-27-2011, 12:26 AM

1/3rd of the poem escaped me. I'd say that's pretty good for something I read over 8 years ago.

The way I searched was "love warning poem" - "fear and doubt in love poem" and so on. Didn't really care much for the warning part specifically. Sorry if I threw you off.

08-27-2011, 02:24 AM
I accidentally read like 12 poems, the damage is done.

08-27-2011, 10:26 AM
Just doing my little part to spread literacy.

With you being American and all, your president should be here anytime now to thank me.

08-27-2011, 01:53 PM
Just doing my little part to spread literacy.

With you being American and all, your president should be here anytime now to thank me.

My "ancestors" are from Ontario, and I left my heart in Toronto. I'd rather be a North American, you know, like the Mexicans