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View Full Version : Do you still care about 9/11?

09-11-2011, 06:17 AM
Just that, I would like to know if people still care about 9/11. It has been 10 years, and we are still at war.

What's it mean to you?...

*I would also appreciate feedback from non-Americans. Are you sick of hearing of our greatest tragedy?

09-11-2011, 06:36 AM
Drawing Room material?

09-11-2011, 06:40 AM
I thought about that, but I am mainly just looking for a general overview of what people think. If it gets heated, or serious with some of the members, then it would make sense to move it. For now, this section leaves it up to people to express themselves in a more direct manner.

Mr. Mulder
09-11-2011, 11:24 AM
I feel like i should lower the tone of this thread :eyebrows:

09-11-2011, 12:11 PM
I feel like i should lower the tone of this thread :eyebrows:

You already have....

09-11-2011, 12:33 PM
I feel like i should lower the tone of this thread :eyebrows:

I feel you shouldn't.
All politics aside, the immense human tragedy that occurred is nothing to make light of.

09-11-2011, 12:36 PM
Politics not aside it still doesn't compare to the largely unnecessary bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or for that matter Dresden.

09-11-2011, 12:53 PM
Just that, I would like to know if people still care about 9/11. It has been 10 years, and we are still at war.

What's it mean to you?...

*I would also appreciate feedback from non-Americans. Are you sick of hearing of our greatest tragedy?

It's not been 10 years, it's started the day Moses lead the Jews from Egypt to holyland, 9/11 was only a halt in this journey. The journey of humanity where all the races are traveling like caravans toward one common destination, one common manifesto, one common law for all, peace and justice through equality and fraternity. Ironically some people want more share then the others and they are ready to go any extent for it, your nation leads the council of such people and has complete dedication towards terminating anyone or anything that preaches equality or peace or any of that crap, this is your war against terror. I bothered to make it clear in case if you've deluded yourself believing in something else.

9/11 was a biggest diplomatic mistake from the Moslem world and the west responded with even bigger, streaching their war against Iraq, the consequences of which are going to be disastrous. There's a Chinese maxim that when a player is in strong position, they tend to make a deadly mistake which eventually lead to their failure, Israel was that mistake and everything from thereon.

Also your greatest tragedy wasn't 9/11, it's yet to come.

09-11-2011, 12:59 PM
Now offense whatthefuckcd but you make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

09-11-2011, 01:00 PM
"Peace and justice through equality and fraternity" but lets work toward that by killing anyone we don't like.

09-11-2011, 01:00 PM
Brainwashed much?

09-11-2011, 03:54 PM
"Peace and justice through equality and fraternity" but lets work toward that by killing anyone we don't like.

Actually, you need to free your senses from greed and lust to be able to see the point, no offense you fucking moron.

Also, the act of 9/11 is by no means tolerated in any degree by the cult of faithful believers but I guess based on your approach, in your sight, we are too small to be visible and we don't represent our faith. Thank God, somebody else holds the lordship of the judgement day.

P.S Why is that we are always talking about the people died in the west from the Moslem attackers and nobody wishes to talk about the multi-millions that died by the hands of westerners.

P.P.S why is that we never talk about the millions of the women that were/are sexually enslaved and skins were/are being torn apart, those women who were raised in the culture where modesty is an essential part of life style.

No offense you disgusting shit.

09-11-2011, 04:01 PM
Just that, I would like to know if people still care about 9/11. It has been 10 years, and we are still at war.

What's it mean to you?...

*I would also appreciate feedback from non-Americans. Are you sick of hearing of our greatest tragedy?

Hmmm, well it doesn't really mean much to me but I'm happy to take a back seat on the whole thing and let the people who were affected mourn their loss. Some aspects of it move me more than others I suppose. The politics/nationalism/religion aspects go under my radar because frankly those things are just part of the problem of the human condition and I can't see that changing any time soon. Not until I finally realise and patent my dream of a genetic lobotomy for the human race anyway. What does move me is the self sacrifice of a few brave individuals: not the ones on the planes who stormed the cockpit. I'd want to go down fighting too. The firemen and paramedics who conquered every instinct for survival to help others.
As for all the emotion junkies just using 9/11 as an excuse to spew their emotional diarrhoea about the place even though it had absolutely nothing to do with them personally.....I'd throw them in those pretty reflection pools myself.

Now offense whatthefuckcd but you make absolutely no sense whatsoever.


09-11-2011, 04:02 PM
"Peace and justice through equality and fraternity" but lets work toward that by killing anyone we don't like.

Actually, you need to free your senses from greed and lust to be able to see the point, no offense you fucking moron.

Also, the act of 9/11 is by no means tolerated in any degree by the cult of faithful believers but I guess based on your approach, in your sight, we are too small to be visible and we don't represent our faith. Thank God, somebody else holds the lordship of the judgement day.

P.S Why is that we are always talking about the people died in the west from the Moslem attackers and nobody wishes to talk about the multi-millions that died by the hands of westerners.

P.P.S why is that we never talk about the millions of the women that were/are sexually enslaved and skins were/are being torn apart, those women who were raised in the culture where modesty is an essential part of life style.

No offense you disgusting shit.

You need to be quiet now, you're embarrassing yourself.

09-11-2011, 04:33 PM
Brainwashed much?

Yeah, also eye washed Israel do not exist, ear washed 15 million death after the U.S invasion in Iraq alone, oh wait..............if I come down at the point of your communal and racists crimes, I would need a whole board to cover everything up so let's get on with something else.

You have the allowances to spend 300 dollars a week on your cat but you don't have a single dollar to donate to the mother in another part of the world whose child is hungry and crying and she can't do anything about it but gaze at the skies, because she has a different skin color and first language as if humans were given a choice before being born to which race they wish to belong to and fucktard bush says "capitalism is the best system ever deviced"

You emphasize on distribution of the available resources based on the ability and the power possessed, the power and ability that has no son, sometime it favors the west and sometime shows in the east. The Idiots Romans also thought their empire would never end.

09-11-2011, 04:40 PM
You need to be quiet now, you're embarrassing yourself.

I'm gonna agree to that, No moral reasoning about our greed and our ability to spill the blood sometimes only because we like to have some fun.

09-11-2011, 05:06 PM
Brainwashed much?

Yeah, also eye washed Israel do not exist, ear washed 15 million death after the U.S invasion in Iraq alone, oh wait..............if I come down at the point of your communal and racists crimes, I would need a whole board to cover everything up so let's get on with something else.

You have the allowances to spend 300 dollars a week on your cat but you don't have a single dollar to donate to the mother in another part of the world whose child is hungry and crying and she can't do anything about it but gaze at the skies, because she has a different skin color and first language as if humans were given a choice before being born to which race they wish to belong to and fucktard bush says "capitalism is the best system ever deviced"

You emphasize on distribution of the available resources based on the ability and the power possessed, the power and ability that has no son, sometime it favors the west and sometime shows in the east. The Idiots Romans also thought their empire would never end.

Seriously who is the moron here.First you don't have a fucking clue as to what I spend my vast wealth on , unlike I might add the Arab ruling class who do apparently make it a habit of blissfully pissing away fortunes while their own "brothers" make it a habit of starving to death in Africa. Second the saner one of the two of us doesn't wish ill of almost anyone and even in the extremely rare instances when he does remains enough in control of his senses to realize that inflicting suffering on some innocent bystanders would accomplish nothing except demonstrating my capacity for evil.
And my stupidity.

Btw if I was staff were I would consider your particular type of bile, hate mongering and speak to you about it.

09-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Seriously who is the moron here.First you don't have a fucking clue as to what I spend my vast wealth on , unlike I might add the Arab ruling class who do apparently make it a habit of blissfully pissing away fortunes while their own "brothers" make it a habit of starving to death in Africa. Second the saner one of the two of us doesn't wish ill of almost anyone and even in the extremely rare instances when he does remains enough in control of his senses to realize that inflicting suffering on some innocent bystanders would accomplish nothing except demonstrating my capacity for evil.
And my stupidity.

Btw if I was staff were I would consider your particular type of bile, hate mongering and speak to you about it.

I should apologies, I've read enough of your post that it would be safe to say that you don't belong to the group of people I was referring to, whatever I said still stands, every word of it but it was misdirected towards you, I'm sorry for abhorrent behavior (to you alone) I've seen enough that I can't indite and all that junk has permanently settled at the bottom of my heart, whenever something like this erupts, I loose my ability to differentiate.

Forgive me please.

Also the Arab bastards should be held accountable first before anyone else, their intentions are in perfect alinement with the rest of the beasts.

I do seriously hope, someday western nukes would wipe the dirt off then we'll have the chance to start building from the scratch.

09-11-2011, 05:41 PM
Well it had some potential for a reasonable thread, then some cunt hijacked it... shame really.

09-11-2011, 06:44 PM
It will go into the history books. It's a bit different today (or not), but in '01 USA was the most powerful country in all the important aspects. Thus if it's important to them, then it's also important to the whole world.

Where I come from, we still remember the victims of WWII annually, IDK why it shouldn't be the same for 9/11. No need it to be THE news anymore, though.

09-11-2011, 06:56 PM
I do care in the sort of sense that I will respect others personal loss, but also today is no different than any other day for me, emotionally or otherwise.

09-11-2011, 07:13 PM
It will go into the history books. It's a bit different today (or not), but in '01 USA was the most powerful country in all the important aspects. Thus if it's important to them, then it's also important to the whole world.

Where I come from, we still remember the victims of WWII annually, IDK why it shouldn't be the same for 9/11. No need it to be THE news anymore, though.

I think the reason many people here in the US don't seem to speak about WWII as much now, is because every day there are fewer & fewer vets & their families left from that era. It will never be far from my mind though, because I had two family members that were in it & my uncle eventually died from the injuries he received.

9/11 on the other hand, also happened in the continental US, which is a very big reason why people in the US will talk about it & remember it for a very long time. Also, the majority of the victims & their families are still around, and will be for many years to come, is another reason it will stay fresh in most people minds that live in the US. Not to mention all the stories that the rescue workers & cleanup crews are still releasing.

That being said, the American media does go overboard with it now, & it's a shame because I don't really believe that most of the stuff they put out is done out of reverence for the people killed, or their families. It's all just ratings & revenue.

09-11-2011, 08:01 PM
That being said, the American media does go overboard with it now, & it's a shame because I don't really believe that most of the stuff they put out is done out of reverence for the people killed, or their families. It's all just ratings & revenue.

This is exactly where I am coming from. Personally, I as an American, somehow feel those 3000 people killed we "on my team". I never met them, and most likely, would have never known of their existence. However, the symbolism that has been attached to the attack, does still make a connection with me. I no longer want to be in a war; we have MORE than avenged ourselves, and are now doing wrong. It doesn't take much to realize that we have been bombing countries who were NOT involved in the hijackings (there were NO Iraqis, no people from Afghanistan. It just worked out nicely that neither country was being protected militarily by one of THE BIG BOYS with nukes. These countries were easy, politically safe countries to attack.

That said, the original cause still weighs in my heart. I wish peace for those killed in the buildings that day.

09-11-2011, 08:08 PM
9/11 was a big tragedy; many innocent lives were lost. Each human life is sacred, so, of course, when at least one person gets murdered, it's always a big tragedy. People should always remember 9/11 as the worst terrorist act on our soil. However, some incorrect decisions were made in the aftermath of 9/11.

09-11-2011, 08:12 PM

Something Else
09-11-2011, 08:30 PM
I feel like i should lower the tone of this thread :eyebrows:

I feel you shouldn't.
All politics aside, the immense human tragedy that occurred is nothing to make light of.

Not a tragedy. Fact. Terrible thing sure, but tragedy it was not.

Something Else
09-11-2011, 08:41 PM
Why are New Yorkers the fastest readers?

They can go through 110 stories in 10 seconds

09-11-2011, 08:53 PM
The only real lesson in life is that your life is something others will use without any regard for you or what you want, think, or feel.

The only answer to that is to not give any kind of fuck about anything that anyone else wants, thinks, or feels.

9/11 is just another event that proves this.

09-11-2011, 09:40 PM
Why are New Yorkers the fastest readers?

They can go through 110 stories in 10 seconds

Thank you for that, SE! That's why this is in the Lounge- complete free speech (dark humor included). And it is TOTALLY relevant to the topic. It took a long time before jokes like that could even be told. I remember on another forum, one of the members asked how to build a replica of the New World Trade Center out of paper. He got some WONDERFUL answers from some engineers, and had answered his question. Now the funny part, was when someone gave detailed instructions on how to make a paper airplane to crash into the building. :lol: Unfortunately, the TS was from New York, and had a half dozen reasons why that OFFENDED HIM PERSONALLY. I thought it was one of the funnies, right on target, posts I had ever seen.

I went to our local Fair last night, and there was a big, time consuming, "Remembrance" and a "special" flag that was supposed to remind people of 9/11. I was just there to see some cows get their feets tied together- I really didn't want propaganda being thrown at me. The media has kept this thing alive; being at war (again, with innocent countries) has kept this alive. We need to get out of there, make a HUGE apology, and come home. After that, we should clean up the "mess" we made, rebuild their infrastructure, and make sure those who we maimed get proper care. Will ANY of this happen? Not f&%$#* likely. And, that is what I think about now. AND those thoughts disturb me as an individual, and as an Merkin...

09-11-2011, 10:12 PM
Well if we're doing anything goes and having fun with people being murdered, someone should add this.

At 2:12 you can actually here the guy die.


09-11-2011, 10:23 PM
Politics not aside it still doesn't compare to the largely unnecessary bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or for that matter Dresden.

The A-bomb was tactically a good decision, simply because it simply lessened the casualties American forces (not including allied forces) would have suffered had a ground assault been used. Also, the nightly firebombing of Japanese provinces is nothing short of horrific and in my opinion is more morally unjust than the devastating affect of the A-bombs. Undoubtedly, there use also ended the conflict. At the end of the day it's a moral debate which I can understand.

9/11 is still important, though like anything else the bludgeoning we get from the media defuses the impact of it. Also it probably helps because I'm Canadian though it honestly irks me when people talk about how they were affected by the tragedy just by being alive at the time. I'm sorry but if you think you have the right to have grief while having suffered no lose in the tragedy, you just have sympathy pains. To those who have suffered a lose in the horrific tragedy you have my empathy. To those that haven't you have my disgust.

09-11-2011, 10:53 PM
Well if we're doing anything goes and having fun with people being murdered, someone should add this.

At 2:12 you can actually here the guy die.


Very poignant comment, reject. I didn't watch the video, but I remember it happening live on television.

I believe one of the effects of humor is to ease the pain of events that evoke other emotions, ones we don't want to have. There is something healing in being able to laugh, instead of being stuck with grief/anger/resentment/fear/revenge/rage...

NTL, it is very sobering when we do, once again, look at the situation we want to forget. I do thank you for your post.

09-11-2011, 11:53 PM
I believe one of the effects of humor is to ease the pain of events that evoke other emotions, ones we don't want to have. There is something healing in being able to laugh, instead of being stuck with grief/anger/resentment/fear/revenge/rage...


Absolutely... and I support the right of anyone who is a big enough to actually listen to a man who is about to make the journey... joke about New Yorkers doing 110 stories in 10 seconds.

It doesn't seem like very much to ask tbh... that those who want to make such jokes, should have the bollocks to face upto that which they want to make fun of.

09-12-2011, 12:25 AM
I'm jumping in, then jumping right back out of this thread.

I sincerely did not care about 9/11. I was on campus when it was happening with all the TVs and literally everyone stopped in their tracks watching it. I looked and thought, "Oh a plane crashed into the twin towers. Oh another one. Hmm, I was there last year. I hope classes are cancelled, I want to go get something to eat". I still don't really care about it, there's shit like this happening all around the world. The U.S. isn't a special exception.

It's lunacy how each of these events gets special dedication, like they were some major accomplishment (e.g. day of independence).

So, just throwing that out there in case anyone didn't hate me enough already.

Osama bin Laden's nephew comes home crying one day from school. Osama, who happened to be there asks him what's wrong. He said, "the teacher asked what's the tallest "tower" in the world, and I said the Eiffel tower. Then the teacher said I was wrong and everyone started laughing at me. She said it's the Twin Towers". Osama looked at his nephew and said, "don't worry, I'll fix that."
(possibly riddled with inaccuracies).

09-12-2011, 12:30 AM
In answer to your original posit, MegaByteMe, I think that the attack is overhyped by the media, but I think that there needs to be the outpouring and the anger to justify so many of the things that America is doing (and has done) in response to the attacks. There is a long list of moral wrongs including the sidelining of the Geneva Convention (in the case of the Guatanamo Bay detainee's they are simply given a classification outside of the Geneva Convention), Abu Ghraib and the other tortures of Iraqi/Afghani prisoners which are filtering back from the wars, and the simple fact that 10 years later the U.S. is still an occupying force in foreign lands.
I understand the Geopolitical reasons for staying as an occupying force in Iraq, that with how destabilised the country there is politically the vacuum that would bring in counter-revolutionary forces (i.e. Iran) who are not politically aligned with the U.S. or it's economic aims, but now that Afghanistan's infrastructure has been blasted back into the 19th century, while the Al Qaeda was happily hiding in Pakistan ( a country friendly to the U.S.) isn't it time to leave ?
Also in the case of Iraq, who destabilised the country ? for what real (not imagined intel related) reason. When the occupying forces took over Iraq they completely dismantled the government infrastructure, and have tried to force their version of a political vision on the people. Has this ever worked in history ? Has an invading force ever won the hearts and minds of those who are invaded ?
I see the level of media fervor about the attacks as a way to whip up support for some deeply unpopular foreign policies which amount to the same kind of colonialism which America has accused the European nations of for the last two centuries, but is the worse for the U.S. since they believe they have some moral high ground, while continuing to oppress other nations.

09-12-2011, 05:06 AM
I believe one of the effects of humor is to ease the pain of events that evoke other emotions, ones we don't want to have. There is something healing in being able to laugh, instead of being stuck with grief/anger/resentment/fear/revenge/rage......

Absolutely... and I support the right of anyone who is a big enough to actually listen to a man who is about to make the journey... joke about New Yorkers doing 110 stories in 10 seconds.

It doesn't seem like very much to ask tbh... that those who want to make such jokes, should have the bollocks to face upto that which they want to make fun of.

Yeah, yeah. We are all evil for making jokes about tragedies, or different gender, race, nationality, handicap, deformity, etc. It isn't about bravery, and confrontation, it's about having a laugh. Dark humor is no more hideous than horror movies depicting harm done to individuals.

It would be easy to take the high-ground on this. I know. "Just don't do it, man. That's wrong!" Yeah, not going to happen anytime soon no matter how hard the politically correct movement gets.

And, seriously, you are criticizing dark humor with a screen name of, "rejectOfAllah". No, you'd NEVER want to offend anyone, would you? :lol:

NTL, your argument is a good, yet easily safe one. And was a worthwhile attempt to get people thinking about the true horror of the actual event. Keep posting like that, and some of us may think you are of some value around here. :D

09-12-2011, 07:24 AM
Criticising! Me! Never, just pointing out what it is your all having fun with.

09-12-2011, 11:05 AM
Why are New Yorkers the fastest readers?

They can go through 110 stories in 10 seconds


The A-bomb was tactically a good decision, simply because it simply lessened the casualties American forces (not including allied forces) would have suffered had a ground assault been used. Also, the nightly firebombing of Japanese provinces is nothing short of horrific and in my opinion is more morally unjust than the devastating affect of the A-bombs. Undoubtedly, there use also ended the conflict. At the end of the day it's a moral debate which I can understand.

And lets not forget it was 3 days after the first A-bomb that the second was deployed. If you consider the unconditional surrender of the Japanese to be essential then it was absolutely the right tactical decision. I'm not about to second guess America on this. The Japanese knew what they were getting into and this was a time when people had a lot fewer scruples regarding international conflict and politics than we do now.

09-12-2011, 11:35 AM
Well that's new, a touch of dyslexia with our quoted sources Squeamous ?

09-12-2011, 02:55 PM
no offense you fucking moron.


That made me laugh so much my eyes bled :happy:

09-12-2011, 02:56 PM
EDIT: Double post :(

09-12-2011, 04:50 PM
Well that's new, a touch of dyslexia with our quoted sources Squeamous ?

Just a little in-joke between me and Something Else that I'm sure he is entirely unaware of :happy:

09-12-2011, 05:42 PM
Well that's new, a touch of dyslexia with our quoted sources Squeamous ?

Just a little in-joke between me and Something Else that I'm sure he is entirely unaware of :happy:

Well that's all good then, I was concerned longterm exposure to the mongs had caused an embolism.....

Something Else
09-12-2011, 06:17 PM
I'm aware of the existence of this so called in-joke. I read something about it on the internets, or something else.

09-13-2011, 10:43 AM
OP...yeah all this self indulgent 'wound licking' is beginning to get on my tits. The Americans need to stop raking up the past and move on - and tbh, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't that tragic. I don't see any "RIP" articles/statuses to the 20,000 people that died in the Japanese tsunami (9/11 being the 6 month aniversary for that).

Some perspective is needed on the whole 9/11 issue. "New York's 9/11 is Gaza's 24/7". And I'll leave it with that.

09-13-2011, 11:43 AM
I'm aware of the existence of this so called in-joke. I read something about it on the internets, or something else.

09-14-2011, 08:54 PM
The American govt., and by extension its people deserved 9/11. They used the Mujahideen, then dumped them over, creating a private army with no proper leadership. So it came and bit them back. Then, they being what they are, chose to attack oil-rich countries under the pretext of rightful justice. They are still doing it. Libya was all about Oil. Most of the merkin propaganda is bullshit.

Although as Individuals, I have my sympathies with those who died in that attack. Very few people deserve to die that way. May God give them peace.

Something Else
09-14-2011, 09:22 PM
Very few people deserve to die that way.

Care to give an example.

09-14-2011, 10:05 PM

09-14-2011, 10:50 PM

09-14-2011, 11:27 PM

He did, just in a shorter building. :happy:

09-15-2011, 11:48 PM
Very few people deserve to die that way.

Care to give an example.


09-16-2011, 01:48 PM
Yes, and I think it's important to check carefully the roles of all the main "players"..there were some strange anomalies ... but ... we should better care more about 10-11

09-16-2011, 06:48 PM
The deaths are still tragic, but the initial shock has long since departed, and relative to other disasters throughout the world, 9/11 was minor. Nationalism causes folks to attribute more significance to the loss of American life, while over in Iraq and other regions of the world, the death toll is staggeringly high and numbs the mind. For instance, imagine yourself as a young child in Somalia who has grown up around death and seen dozens, if not hundreds of human corpses before even reaching adulthood, while also knowing that tens of thousands of others in his country starve to death on a yearly basis.

09-17-2011, 05:22 PM
Yes, and I think it's important to check carefully the roles of all the main "players"..there were some strange anomalies ... but ... we should better care more about 10-11

I remember hearing 9/11 was Muhammad's birthday, or something significant. Other than conspiracy-based fear mongering, what is the significance of "10/11"?

09-17-2011, 10:56 PM
Yes, and I think it's important to check carefully the roles of all the main "players"..there were some strange anomalies ... but ... we should better care more about 10-11

I remember hearing 9/11 was Muhammad's birthday, or something significant. Other than conspiracy-based fear mongering, what is the significance of "10/11"?

The wizard has gone again, you will have to wait for his next visit for the next exciting and cryptic comment, or you could just bone up on old ep's of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory.

Something Else
09-18-2011, 11:07 AM
I think he was hinting at prevention, rather than retrospective action. Innit.

09-19-2011, 08:52 PM
It will be rememebered till the end of time so we better get used to caring...

09-19-2011, 10:36 PM
It will be rememebered till the end of time so we better get used to caring...

From that convoluted logic I can only surmise that you weren't wearing your seatbelt when mummy smacked into the truck ?
It's going to be remembered so we'd better get used to caring....
Let's see, there was the spanish lady (the 1918 flu epidemic) estimates of between 20-50 million dead, interesting but no I don't particularly care, There was the eruption of Krakatoa and the Tsunami afterward (only 3,600 that time) again nope not a tear shed, The Honkeiko Colliery explosion 1,549 dead, nope still not caring.....

09-19-2011, 11:45 PM
Glod works in mysterious ways.

09-20-2011, 11:46 AM
As long as he's working and not behaving like the rest of the scrounging needy scum... I can forgive him being a mysterious cunt.

09-22-2011, 07:55 AM
yeah i do.

09-22-2011, 01:37 PM
Of course I still care. Why would anyone who mourned over thousands of deaths just suddenly one day up and not give a shit?

09-22-2011, 06:03 PM
Of course I still care. Why would anyone who mourned over thousands of deaths just suddenly one day up and not give a shit?

Lack of media attention (which there has been no shortage of), and more pressing concerns- such as the economy, or a new video game coming out.

How is your mourning the loss of Vietnam vets coming? Need something more recent... How about the victims of the Indonesian tsunami? Japan quakes? <-- Hint: they are still working on that one. :ermm:

Don't give up now, you've got A LOT of mourning to do. Burn some candles...or something else, Weepy!