View Full Version : Blocknews/US Falling Flat On It's Face

09-18-2011, 09:35 PM
For those who may like to follow a server plant falling flat on it's face, a good example today is Blocknews/US, which I happened to notice was accepting routing packets but failing to forward them about 45 minutes ago (from the tine/date of this message).

This may cause message 'gaps' around the world, depending on how long it lasts, particularly as this is a rather major server in the usenet network. I'm sure nobody there notices this going on, it being a Sunday (like as if they would even if it was during the week).

I'm watching some message traffic particularly that was originated at Giganews/US, and was being routed through Blocknews, that came immediately to a halt about that time. It will be interesting to see if GN/EU picks up the 'gap' or indeed any other server around the planet.

09-19-2011, 02:39 AM
So I thought, what the hey, I'll open a ticket and see what gives, and lo and behold, someone did answer the query.

But I tried to respond to their query and the MySQL server that does their ticket system crashed.

Almost too funny.

09-19-2011, 04:25 PM
But I tried to respond to their query and the MySQL server that does their ticket system crashed.

Almost too funny.

Actually that's fucking hilarious

09-20-2011, 04:20 AM
I did get a couple of emails from them today, where they (kinda) admitted that they did suffer a bit of an 'outage', or a delay of some sort to their plant.

Unknown as to what caused it, or exactly when they noted that everything was 'okay' again.

I do note that their system still doesn't seem to have 'filled in' the gap that was created.