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View Full Version : Before the English get on their high horses about grammer...

09-21-2011, 08:23 AM
Remember who sounds better speaking it.I mean...When you guys sing, You sound just like us:dabs:

09-21-2011, 08:32 AM
Remember who sounds better speaking it.I mean...When you guys sing, You sound just like us:dabs:

It's your speeling that sucks, it is grammar moron, not grammer.:frusty::frusty::frusty:

09-21-2011, 09:12 AM
English sounds best when spoken by non native speakers.

09-21-2011, 09:37 AM
Hoi foreigners. Stop being pricks.

That is all.

09-21-2011, 11:08 AM
i watch axn now .. a lot .. yesterday i saw few ponies going under ice .. frightening experience .. one decided to never gave birth another pony

J-Dye on crack. That's an interesting combo... :mellow:

09-21-2011, 11:56 AM
Remember who sounds better speaking it.I mean...When you guys sing, You sound just like us:dabs:

There is no us and even if there were wouldn't the fact that England having been around for 1000 odd years longer than the U.S. of A wouldn't the correct phrase be " Geez oh mighty jeepers and Gawd bless America , when we all sing don't we sound just like the English?"

"Or maybe the Blacks.I still haven't gotten over them getting the vote""Oh course I am particularly retarded".

09-21-2011, 02:06 PM
My vote goes to Asian Engrish as the best spoken form of English...and singing version. There is no other argument.

09-21-2011, 04:34 PM
My vote goes to Asian Engrish as the best spoken form of English...and singing version. There is no other argument.

A (somewhat distant) second would have to be illiterate Americans butchering simple sentences. See the first post in this thread for an example. Or click here (http://filesharingtalk.com/search.php?searchid=1165426) for many. :slap:

09-21-2011, 06:06 PM
yeah right:/

09-21-2011, 06:09 PM
yeah right:/

Don't you mean, "Yeah, right..."? You illiterate baboon.

09-21-2011, 07:56 PM
Well as an English person I am very pleased that in recent weeks I have been prevented from making two terrible faux pas in such short succession. If ILOVENZB and Ziggy weren't around to pre-empt me I feel sure I would have got on my high horse about something. Obesity, the English language and how much we all hate Americans are after all the two major national preoccupations for all British people (just above tea and WW2).

Instead, all I will say is that I simply love your troll-sized dinner portions, voluptuous and proud-of-it people, and your lack of attention to verbal detail. It shows that you don't always have to give a shit to be sucessful, and I personally find that incredibly inspiring and endearing as I'm sure does the rest of the world.

Well done.


09-21-2011, 08:01 PM
Yeah you just need a lot of fucking money.

09-21-2011, 08:44 PM
Yeah you just need a lot of fucking money.
Spoken like a true troll. If you're going to troll the lounge can you at least have the good grace to actually put your brain in gear first. It is no fun debating those with double digit I.Q.'s. In fact I sometimes feel like I am torturing dumb animals, when explaining that if you are going to have a game of wits, you need to turn up with some.

09-21-2011, 08:48 PM
Yeah you just need a lot of fucking money.

After you blow your bankroll on whores, you then do what?

09-21-2011, 09:24 PM
Yeah you just need a lot of fucking money.

Dear God if you actually exist and answer the sincere prayers of the self righteous please don't let this one reproduce.http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o202/Mrs_S_Brown/Smiley-Praying.gif

09-21-2011, 09:30 PM
Remember who sounds better speaking it.I mean...When you guys sing, You sound just like us:dabs:


09-21-2011, 10:52 PM
Well to play the devil's advocate here, he did say sing

09-21-2011, 11:11 PM
Two words: Herman's Hermits.


Proper Bo
09-22-2011, 12:09 AM
Remember who sounds better speaking it.I mean...When you guys sing, You sound just like us:dabs:


to be fair, les, I don't think they're English.

09-26-2011, 04:05 AM
Yeah you just need a lot of fucking money.
Spoken like a true troll. If you're going to troll the lounge can you at least have the good grace to actually put your brain in gear first. It is no fun debating those with double digit I.Q.'s. In fact I sometimes feel like I am torturing dumb animals, when explaining that if you are going to have a game of wits, you need to turn up with some.

Yet, you continue to do so.

Why is that, mate?

-doobs :idunno:

09-26-2011, 05:05 AM
I think it stems from that same impulse you have as a child to train a magnifying glass on ants, kind of pointless, but still fun. Anyway it is a safe kind of torture because in many cases the dumb animals I am winding up have little or no clue that it is happening,although it is more fun if they get pissed and fight back. If I was to blame anyone for this urge it would have to be Chalice, but then I am a mere neophyte bathing in his awesomeness as a n00b/troll torturer par excellence.

09-26-2011, 07:26 AM
Isn't there a wired-in, reflex that requires us to pester the lower primates at the zoo, then walk away muttering to ourselves with a slight bit of satisfaction, "stooopid monkeys"? :D

09-26-2011, 07:36 AM
I think it stems from that same impulse you have as a child to train a magnifying glass on ants, kind of pointless, but still fun. Anyway it is a safe kind of torture because in many cases the dumb animals I am winding up have little or no clue that it is happening,although it is more fun if they get pissed and fight back. If I was to blame anyone for this urge it would have to be Chalice, but then I am a mere neophyte bathing in his awesomeness as a n00b/troll torturer par excellence.

What is a safe form of torture, Art?

Do you mean that you feel safe belittling "the dumb animals" of the board, since there is little risk of you being made to look like a fool?


09-26-2011, 07:48 AM
Do you mean that you feel safe belittling "the dumb animals" of the board, since there is little risk of you being made to look like a fool?

I feel safe twirling my pen between my fingers and get a little pleasure out of it, should I not do that because of the lack of challenge? Your implication seems to suggest that. Also, if you refrained from teasing idiots on this board, you would either have very few people to direct comments to, or you would be attempting to educate drywall. Neither of those sound very appealing on any consistent basis.

09-26-2011, 07:53 AM
I think it stems from that same impulse you have as a child to train a magnifying glass on ants, kind of pointless, but still fun. Anyway it is a safe kind of torture because in many cases the dumb animals I am winding up have little or no clue that it is happening,although it is more fun if they get pissed and fight back. If I was to blame anyone for this urge it would have to be Chalice, but then I am a mere neophyte bathing in his awesomeness as a n00b/troll torturer par excellence.

What is a safe form of torture, Art?

Do you mean that you feel safe belittling "the dumb animals" of the board, since there is little risk of you being made to look like a fool?

I was being figurative rather than literal, but then there is a whole S&M sub-culture out there that operates on safe torture so it isn't too much of a stretch, if you swing that way.
Do I feel safe belittling the dumb little animals of the board ? An interesting way to put that question, I don't think my primary intention is to belittle anyone, I don't believe I am that callow. But then I like everyone else am the sum of my experiences, likes and dislikes, so if it seems to you that is my purpose here then let me know.