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View Full Version : So I've been watching some of the new TV shows

09-28-2011, 01:12 PM
A Person of Interest was better than I thought it would be . Jim Caviezel surprised me.Sure the whole thing was overdone , ultimately not sustainable and the inclusion of Michael Emerson presumably only to assure the fanboy turnout was distracting but I thought that the show for that hour was enjoyable and moved with a little grace.

Prime Suspect is not your parent's Prime Suspect but if you can get past that the show stands pretty well on it's own merits. Some decent writing and a good cast lead by the surprisingly convincing Maria Bello.I liked it .Good not great.

The New Girl I also liked and obviously Zooey Deschanel has major appeal but the show will need to get past the stereotypical supporting characters if it wants to last. Of course obvious and one dimensional has never hurt shows like Two and a Half Men so who knows.

Whitney , funny and as much as the structure of a sitcom allows,original. The only question is will America embrace a Whitney?

I recorded Unforgettable but so far only managed to get through the first ten odd minutes as I didn't really hold my interest up to that point.

Now for the dregs:Charlie's Angels and The Playboy Club.I had low expectations going in and they didn't even live up to those.Not exciting.Not dramatic.Not sexy.Not funny. Only bad.I will never watch either again and regret wasting my time doing so already.

09-29-2011, 12:50 AM
I haven't watched any of those except The New Girl, and I found the stereotypicism loathesome (with a silent e). If I happen to ever be caught watching another episode, it'll be because I'm masturbating to Zooey.

Ringer - soap opera-like shit
Up All Night - not enthused, didn't really laugh, felt really disappointed
Terra Nova - I really like the show. However I found some of the writing and acting a bit cliched, maybe the show needs time to grow into its own writing style, or they just stay focused on Jurassic Park/Predator/someFUTUREshow like action sequences.

09-29-2011, 01:37 AM
I haven't watched any of those except The New Girl, and I found the stereotypicism loathesome (with a silent e). If I happen to ever be caught watching another episode, it'll be because I'm masturbating to Zooey.

Ringer - soap opera-like shit
Up All Night - not enthused, didn't really laugh, felt really disappointed
Terra Nova - I really like the show. However I found some of the writing and acting a bit cliched, maybe the show needs time to grow into its own writing style, or they just stay focused on Jurassic Park/Predator/someFUTUREshow like action sequences.

The only reason I would watch Ringer is for SMG.As for Terra Nova I purposely avoided it .I read that it was considerably better as it was originally filmed but then the network suits got worried that it didn't mesh with the target audience of teens and so amped up the family/younger people story lines.I surprised at that rate that they didn't also demand inclusion of a hot but conflicted vampire and a giant robot or two.

I'm waiting for the premieres of Grimm and Once Upon a Time which sort of share a premise and American Horror Story billed as "the scariest TV series ever" for my Fall fantasy fix.

09-29-2011, 04:25 AM
I'm an aussie, our tv is shite at the best of times. I'm reallly enjoying the choices that are now available to watch.

I'm loving The Good Wife is back on. I'm missing Harvey Spectre in Suits. Spooks - awesome BBC tv, NCIS, Greys, Sons of Anarchy, all the great stuff is back on! yay.

Thanks for the heads up about A Person of Interest, i was debating getting that.

09-29-2011, 05:28 AM
The only reason I would watch Ringer is for SMG
Do it if you want to suddenly hate an uzi.

As for Terra Nova I purposely avoided it .I read that it was considerably better as it was originally filmed but then the network suits got worried that it didn't mesh with the target audience of teens and so amped up the family/younger people story lines.I surprised at that rate that they didn't also demand inclusion of a hot but conflicted vampire and a giant robot or two.

I didn't research my shows as thoroughly as you did, I only knew it had something to do with ancient urf. However, the teen storyline was so overly cliche, it's pretty much the only target for my gripes about the show. I'm holding out for a remedy.

I'm an aussie, our tv is shite at the best of times.

I actually really enjoyed "This Is Not My Life" much more than the American mini-series "Prisoner".

/NZ=Australia reference to piss off an aussie

09-29-2011, 05:34 PM
If it weren't for cartoons and football(get to watch another seasons of the Bears losing every Sunday) I'd probably have nothing new to watch.

The only one of that list that looks halfway entertaining is The New Girl. Only because I think Zooey is pretty funny. That and I've had a crush on her since first seeing her on Weeds. So I might check it out. Me and macky will probably be masturbating to her at the same times.

09-29-2011, 05:54 PM
Being a major TV fiend myself, I was very much looking forward to the fall season hoping for a some good shows to follow but its been disappointing thus far barring may be a couple of procedurals.

Person of interest is the best among the new lot imo, for its interesting storyline and rather believable acting. I don't care much for Emerson (in fact I find his mechanical voice a bit annoying) but the other guy is fine. Also, the episode trackline about the lawyer was pretty neat and it'd be interesting to see how the main background story of the two leads is developed over coming episodes.

Prime suspect seemed to spend much of its first episode introducing us to the characters and the episode case suffered because of that. The killer getting caught due to a call from the community center guy seemed like they were out of time and had to get it done hastily. But yeah now that all the characters are familiar, the coming episodes should hopefully have strong cases. Also, the lead actress fits well into her character...could do without the hat though.

Liked the first episode of 2 broke girls, but this week was a total snooze fest. Writing is pretty inconsistent at this point with some of the dialogues being genuinely funny while the rest being cringeworthy (and the laughter track making it even worse). The lead actors are pretty good though so its not all bad. Remains to be seen which direction this show will take..

As for new girl, I am still undecided about it. Zoey is good, the rest not so much.

09-30-2011, 02:39 AM
Me and macky will probably be masturbating to her at the same times.

Just don't forget to picture my avatar >:]

09-30-2011, 08:04 PM
I have avatars turned off. But now I'm curious and will have to temporarily turn them back on.

09-30-2011, 11:24 PM
watched terra nova, the premise is good but the first ep felt like a teen movie... that i didn't like

09-30-2011, 11:37 PM
watched terra nova, the premise is good but the first ep felt like a teen movie... that i didn't like

The premise must be good since it's been used a zillion times before. Then again TV is more about execution than premise.

10-01-2011, 03:28 AM
The premise must be good since it's been used a zillion times before. Then again TV is more about execution than premise.

Saw this yesterday and it didn't do very well on the execution front either. Writing could have done without the teen drama..read elsewhere that teen/family elements were put in later at the insistence of studios to grab more eyeballs and the initial reels were much more sci-fi oriented. Hopefully, they have reserved those plotlines for later episodes rather than dumping them altogether. The acting was OK but some of the scenes seemed grossly out of place (editing gone bad?!). Of course, it wasn't all bad...they did manage to open a couple of interesting plots. The special effects were pretty neat....dinosaurs seemed menacing enough and the dense forest serves as a perfect backdrop for the numerous disasters that will befall them sooner than later.

10-02-2011, 01:25 AM
The only reason I would watch Ringer is for SMG.

I tuned in to Ringer for SMG as well but for some reason just had to stop after watching this scene.


10-02-2011, 01:37 AM
The only reason I would watch Ringer is for SMG.

I tuned in to Ringer for SMG as well but for some reason just had to stop after watching this scene.

Dear God you know the scene in Plan Nine From Outer Space with the spaceship where the spaceship is actually a pie plate and you can see the wires holding it up?


That was more believable than that boat scene.

10-02-2011, 01:40 AM
Now for the dregs:Charlie's Angels and The Playboy Club.I had low expectations going in and they didn't even live up to those.Not exciting.Not dramatic.Not sexy.Not funny. Only bad.I will never watch either again and regret wasting my time doing so already.

No offense but if you are going to copy/paste something and pretend you said it then might I suggest a good starting point might to at least take it from another thread.:mellow:

10-02-2011, 04:23 AM
Also saw revenge couple of days back....liked it. well paced show and good acting . The writing could use a bit more polishing and some tighter editing perhaps (couple of obvious red herrings which they could have avoided).

EDIT: Apparently, there is a big buzz around ringer because of SMG. Honestly, I did not much about her until news about ringer came along. Was she so good in buffy the vampire slayer?!

12-17-2011, 06:31 PM
A Person of Interest was better than I thought it would be . Jim Caviezel surprised me.Sure the whole thing was overdone , ultimately not sustainable and the inclusion of Michael Emerson presumably only to assure the fanboy turnout was distracting but I thought that the show for that hour was enjoyable and moved with a little grace.

Besides creating multifaceted characters who though flawed you truly care for , PoI has developed several interesting continuing plot lines. It also has consistently has some of the best use of music on TV.
Quite probably my current favourite show. Of course I've always been more about the white than the black and PoI revels in it's tale of good (hopefully) triumphing over evil.

The last episode's climax though not unexpected was brilliantly done.

06-15-2012, 05:03 PM
The only reason I would watch Ringer is for SMG.

I tuned in to Ringer for SMG as well but for some reason just had to stop after watching this scene.


And now Ringer is cancelled, and I hope no one misses the show.

06-16-2012, 02:12 AM
The show that got canned that was MUUUUCH better than I thought it would be was....Missing. At least the show was only 10 episodes and had closure. It did open it up for "a next season" but nevertheless, closure.

I will go back and watch all the episodes of Ringer....one day, but I had to cut it for other shows. The same for Unforgettable. That show is ULTRA formulaic.

Person Of Interest is beast. I wonder how good it would be with "low-talking loner badass" but it works and has some good twists.

06-16-2012, 05:24 AM
The show that got canned that was MUUUUCH better than I thought it would be was....Missing. At least the show was only 10 episodes and had closure. It did open it up for "a next season" but nevertheless, closure.

I will go back and watch all the episodes of Ringer....one day, but I had to cut it for other shows. The same for Unforgettable. That show is ULTRA formulaic.

Person Of Interest is beast. I wonder how good it would be with "low-talking loner badass" but it works and has some good twists.

I think I stopped watching the first episode of Ringer at the very scene Oleg posted. Missing turned out to be much worse that I thought it would be, first episode of course.

06-16-2012, 01:15 PM
The show that got canned that was MUUUUCH better than I thought it would be was....Missing. At least the show was only 10 episodes and had closure. It did open it up for "a next season" but nevertheless, closure.

I will go back and watch all the episodes of Ringer....one day, but I had to cut it for other shows. The same for Unforgettable. That show is ULTRA formulaic.

Person Of Interest is beast. I wonder how good it would be with "low-talking loner badass" but it works and has some good twists.

I think I stopped watching the first episode of Ringer at the very scene Oleg posted. Missing turned out to be much worse that I thought it would be, first episode of course.

Missing was fantastic.

Funny enough, the great thing is that it can be watched as a one-shot now.

06-16-2012, 01:34 PM
I think I stopped watching the first episode of Ringer at the very scene Oleg posted. Missing turned out to be much worse that I thought it would be, first episode of course.

Missing was fantastic.

Funny enough, the great thing is that it can be watched as a one-shot now.

I tried to watch a couple of episodes of Missing but I could never get past the part of Ashley Judd being so preposterously wrong for the part.
In which universe am I suppose to believe that she is an unstoppable assassin?

Remember this is with me having no problem with 5'2'' SMG as a vampire killing machine.

06-17-2012, 01:21 AM
Missing was fantastic.

Funny enough, the great thing is that it can be watched as a one-shot now.

I tried to watch a couple of episodes of Missing but I could never get past the part of Ashley Judd being so preposterously wrong for the part.
In which universe am I suppose to believe that she is an unstoppable assassin?

Remember this is with me having no problem with 5'2'' SMG as a vampire killing machine.

I actually liked how out of the blue, soccer mom starting kicking ahole. Plus, she wasn't some unstoppable assassin. She simply knew how to fight...well. She gets her ass kicked often in the show.

The ending, the very ending sucked tho' and since it's a one-shot now, that ending can be ignored.

06-17-2012, 12:26 PM
I actually liked how out of the blue, soccer mom starting kicking ahole. Plus, she wasn't some unstoppable assassin. She simply knew how to fight...well. She gets her ass kicked often in the show.

I think you miss my point. I had no problem with the dichotomy of Mom/agent thing .The problem I had was in the parts I watched Ms Judd couldn't even run non-spastically for the 5 seconds needed for a take.
An actor (see my SMG reference as she ran like a gimp also) doesn't necessarily need to bring all the physicality required to a part like this but if they don't then them damn sure better make up for it in acting ability.Judd didn't.The term flaccid to describe both her physic and acting come to mind.

06-17-2012, 06:06 PM
I actually liked how out of the blue, soccer mom starting kicking ahole. Plus, she wasn't some unstoppable assassin. She simply knew how to fight...well. She gets her ass kicked often in the show.

I think you miss my point. I had no problem with the dichotomy of Mom/agent thing .The problem I had was in the parts I watched Ms Judd couldn't even run non-spastically for the 5 seconds needed for a take.
An actor (see my SMG reference as she ran like a gimp also) doesn't necessarily need to bring all the physicality required to a part like this but if they don't then them damn sure better make up for it in acting ability.Judd didn't.The term flaccid to describe both her physic and acting come to mind.

Well, you obviously didn't watch the show enough to even know. I can't say her acting was Emmy Award winning but it was good and her physique and energy showed well throughout the series.

06-17-2012, 06:42 PM
I think you miss my point. I had no problem with the dichotomy of Mom/agent thing .The problem I had was in the parts I watched Ms Judd couldn't even run non-spastically for the 5 seconds needed for a take.

I thought of this (specifically @ ~ 1:00):


06-17-2012, 08:14 PM
i think you miss my point. I had no problem with the dichotomy of mom/agent thing .the problem i had was in the parts i watched ms judd couldn't even run non-spastically for the 5 seconds needed for a take.

i thought of this (specifically @ ~ 1:00):



06-17-2012, 08:19 PM
i thought of this (specifically @ ~ 1:00):



Fuck, it was already taken down. I'll put it up on Vimeo instead.

Edit: Wait it works in my post, just not yours, wtf did you do to my link?

Edit2: You converted all the capitals to lowercase, YT is case-sensitive.

06-17-2012, 08:27 PM

Fuck, it was already taken down. I'll put it up on Vimeo instead.

Edit: Wait it works in my post, just not yours, wtf did you do to my link?

Edit2: You converted all the capitals to lowercase, YT is case-sensitive.

How about notadamnthing? I can see the vid just fine.

06-17-2012, 08:29 PM
How about notadamnthing? I can see the vid just fine.

I can see it fine in my post, but not in yours.

06-17-2012, 08:54 PM
How about notadamnthing? I can see the vid just fine.

I can see it fine in my post, but not in yours.

That's unfortunate.

06-17-2012, 09:02 PM
That's unfortunate.

Are you sticking around? I want you to. You can fix the shortage of idiots.

06-18-2012, 01:23 AM
I can see it fine in my post, but not in yours.

That's unfortunate.

For the masses it is, for the masses.