View Full Version : switching to IPv6

10-04-2011, 11:30 AM
hy guys

i was wondering if it's worth it to switch to ipv6 on usenet?

10-04-2011, 03:40 PM
You don't "switch" to IPv6 as far as I know, you have to install a tunnelbroker unless you're one of those lucky people whose ISP has native support.

If it's worth it... you might want to look here (http://en.cship.org/wiki/Free_Usenet_Newsservers_with_alt.binaries#Free_IPv6_Newsservers) and on the IPv6 server-related threads in this forum and see what people say. I haven't tried it myself yet (I'm okay with Binload and XS which require no extra work) so I can't give a personal opinion.

10-04-2011, 03:47 PM
yeah my ISP gave me Ipv6
and i've found a tut on google how to connect on Ipv6 usenet servers

10-06-2011, 08:09 PM
I only got 1 of the free IPv6 Usenet providers to work out of the ones posted. I gave up on it pretty much. Hopefully my ISP will give me an IPv6 address soon. They are having sign ups for it and I of course applied for it.