View Full Version : Help me using video courses

10-06-2011, 08:09 AM
I'd like you mates to tell me the right way to get the most benefit from a video course.
Say, With a piece of video showing some soft skills, time management or how to use some software or any.

My problem is when i start viewing the course i'm involved in taking alot of notes, This gets me bored quickly and it takes alot of time to complete the course, It's time may be doubled or even more.

What is the right way you recommend me ?

10-15-2011, 10:14 PM
I don't think you should take any notes, because you can always watch specific part you want. Most of the video courses come together with an ebook, which already contains notes you need. When I use video courses I usually lock myself in the room and put my headphones on so that nothing disturbs me. I know it can be boring but learning isn't always fun. You should immediately try to apply what you learn because that way you make learning fun and more efficient. :)