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View Full Version : [Request] BootyTorrents Invite

10-06-2011, 03:20 PM
Hi, I'd like to request an invite into this site, since it looks like theres no open signups for a while and I'm a big fan.. :naughty:

10-06-2011, 04:08 PM
Farewell FST? :unsure:

10-06-2011, 04:21 PM
Circa 2007
Since it wasn't possible to get neither tracker and I just found out I don't have anymore time for this I will give whatever I have left and stay with only one tracker I truly value.

To Giveaway.
1 Bitseduce Acc 20G Up and 4 invites
1 demonoid and a Few invites
Blackcats-Games Fresh acc

Well post a speedtest and why u want it that's it.

BTW I just found out how much ppl value the FTN tracker so I guess there's no way I'll get it free.
Check it out:

As for FTWR I hope the admin will see this thread.:yup:

If I had a nickle for every time I heard that I could buy a cup of coffee or something.
Considering that you'd think there would be a sliver of pride somewhere to at least seek his trackers somewhere else.

Oh well at least his area of interest has progressed from bt l33tness to porn.:mellow:

10-06-2011, 09:08 PM
Circa 2007
Since it wasn't possible to get neither tracker and I just found out I don't have anymore time for this I will give whatever I have left and stay with only one tracker I truly value.

To Giveaway.
1 Bitseduce Acc 20G Up and 4 invites
1 demonoid and a Few invites
Blackcats-Games Fresh acc

Well post a speedtest and why u want it that's it.

BTW I just found out how much ppl value the FTN tracker so I guess there's no way I'll get it free.
Check it out:

As for FTWR I hope the admin will see this thread.:yup:

If I had a nickle for every time I heard that I could buy a cup of coffee or something.
Considering that you'd think there would be a sliver of pride somewhere (LOL! In a forum?) to at least seek his trackers somewhere else.

Oh well at least his area of interest has progressed from bt l33tness to porn.:mellow:

...bt l33tness.:rolleyes: I guess if I had a nickle for for any person who still cared about l33tness instead of the content of the site then I could still buy myself a cup of coffee, and a turkey ham egg and cheese!

I like what I like, and if I have the seedbox to maintain an extraordinary ratio and I'm requesting a totally valid torrent site then I don't see what the big hoopla is abt....regardless of the type of content.

The same way I will give out an invite to anyone who requests one...rather than criticize what level tracker they're requesting..ridiculous!!