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View Full Version : Possible to Manage Seedbox From Iphone

10-19-2011, 01:48 AM
Are there any seed box providers that offer a web ui that can be managed from your iphone? What about managing your FTP from your iphone and remotely moving files from your seedbox to your computer via iphone. I have stumbled across forum posts other places where guys have claimed to be capable of doing this however I think the set up the web ui themselves and I have no clue how where to even begin doing that. It would be nice if there were a seedbox provider that offered these features. If anyone has any information on this please let me know.

10-19-2011, 03:15 AM
For the first part, it depends on your torrent client. There are various webui apps for certain clients, or at least accessibility via their web interface.

As for FTP, you'd need an FXP client for your iPhone and an FXP compatible FTP config on both ends. I'm not sure I've ever seen an FXP client for the iPhone, though they might exist.

10-19-2011, 11:35 AM
Would it not be simpler to use something like LogMeIn Ignition to just control your home computer and do everything from there?

10-19-2011, 07:39 PM
possibly, but so far I have not found those types of apps to be very reliable or effective, however they might have gotten better.....what is your experience with LogMeIn Ignition?

10-19-2011, 08:19 PM
To be fair I have only used the standard logmein . Never had any trouble with that. It just works. Never tried the iPhone version.

10-19-2011, 10:47 PM
If it was android I could help you, as there are plenty of apps to do what you need.

10-20-2011, 05:41 AM
What's stopping OP from jailbreaking and putting a superior OS on the phone? All issues solved, and then some. Not jailbroken yet?

10-20-2011, 07:50 PM
No, its not jail borken yet, that is really my last resort because the first iphone i had i did jail break and when I took it back to apple to have it worked on for something they refused to fix it because they said that jail breaking it voided my warranty. I realize now that I should have just figured out how to restore the defualt OS before taking it in. Anyway I would really like to accomplish this goal with out jail breaking my iphone I realize the jailbreak software is superior however I would rather just not deal with the hassle.

10-20-2011, 07:51 PM
Jailbreaking doesn't put a new OS on the phone, it's just access to the linux innards of iOS. And I'm not really sure how that'd help him at all, software that basic is certainly available. An FXP client might be tough but to be honest, most desktop based FXP clients suck total ass and are buggy as well, so it's not that surprising that no one's really looking to implement that hacked together format into their clients :P

Unless you're talking about that ridiculous port of Android to the phone which was more of a proof of concept. It's buggy as hell and drains the battery like no one's business.

Also, regarding what you just said, restore the phone via iTunes next time and they'll never know.

10-20-2011, 08:22 PM
Also, regarding what you just said, restore the phone via iTunes next time and they'll never know.

I've heard the same thing. Apparently Apple makes it super convenient to remove anything cool from your phone.

Also, is the port buggy for all of them, or just the recent ones?

10-20-2011, 11:19 PM
Buggy for all of them afaik. The port was never really made to be functional, it was mostly for the lulz of "here's android running on an iPhone". If you want Android get an Android phone, if you want iOS get an iPhone. It's pretty simple.

You can always just make a backup of the phone in the jailbroken state so you can revert back to it if you were ever in that situation where you need to restore the phone to the stock firmware. Backup via iTunes and something to save your Cydia packages (pkgbackup, aptbackup, etc).

A quick google doesn't bring up much for mobile fxp clients period. Looks like there's a port of lftp for android which is CLI, you might be able to compile it by hand on your jailbroken phone if you were desperate. It might be easier just to SSH into one of the machines and use an FTP client from there.

10-21-2011, 09:46 AM
Logmein works flawless, as well as Teamviewer. Wich one to chose is just a matter of personal taste.

BTW. Non-jailbroken-devices are a waste of space!