View Full Version : Linux how to install crashplan on ubuntu

11-01-2011, 06:24 AM
hi :) am trying to install crashplan on ubuntu with no luck i download the crashplan linux and they told me that this is the way to install it on linux

To install CrashPlan in Linux:

In a BASH Shell (aka Terminal) do the following:

~Navigate to the unzipped folder (use the cd command).
~Run the install.sh script from a BASH shell:

sudo ./install.sh

~Follow the prompts.

am stuck on the frist part sad :( but true how would i navigate to the unzipped crashplan folder from the terminal am not good with ubuntu

11-01-2011, 06:52 AM
Depends on where you unzipped it. Similar to DOS, you use the 'cd' command to change directories, just use cd to switch to that directory (directory being synonymous with folder). Example:

cd ~./downloads
would put you in the Home/downloads directory.

To move up a directory you would use the following command:

cd ..

Edit: other notes navigating in terminal
the 'ls' command (for list) will show you contents of your current directory
when typing out references to folder/file names, hitting tab will attempt to autocomplete (given that there are no variations of current spelling).

11-01-2011, 07:12 AM
thanks got everthing working now

edit : anyone here useing crashplan know what are the best settings for best speeds am getting realy bad speeds