View Full Version : Help me find a stylesheet for blogger.

11-08-2011, 06:40 AM
I'm planning to make a music sharing blog. I've searched for a compatible stylesheet (3 columns) but I couldn't find anything to my likes. Do tell me if you know of any.

Thank you.

11-08-2011, 06:48 AM
I'm wondering what gave you the idea that any of your posts have been indicative of intelligence, and would therefore warrant my pointing you in the right direction. Do prove to me that you're worth the information, though.

You're welcome.

11-08-2011, 07:30 AM
I'm wondering what gave you the idea that any of your posts have been indicative of intelligence, and would therefore warrant my pointing you in the right direction. Do prove to me that you're worth the information, though.

You're welcome.

It requires an intelligent to judge an intelligent, if you think you're intelligent enough to form a judgement, please tell me why do you want another intelligent?

Also, help is not warranted, that's not it's feature and I truly believe that I can still pull off a good blog without much of your intelligence.

Thank you for your time, sir.

11-08-2011, 07:34 AM
I'm wondering what gave you the idea that any of your posts have been indicative of intelligence, and would therefore warrant my pointing you in the right direction. Do prove to me that you're worth the information, though.

You're welcome.

It requires an intelligent to judge an intelligent, if you think you're intelligent enough to form a judgement, please tell me why do you want another intelligent?

Also, help is not warranted, that's not it's feature and I truly believe that I can still pull off a good blog without much of your intelligence.

Thank you for your time, sir.

I'm sure you are inebriated by the locquaciousness of your own vituperation but sadly, that made fuck all sense......

11-08-2011, 08:13 PM
It requires an intelligent to judge an intelligent, if you think you're intelligent enough to form a judgement, please tell me why do you want another intelligent?

Also, help is not warranted, that's not it's feature and I truly believe that I can still pull off a good blog without much of your intelligence.

Thank you for your time, sir.

Still waiting on the proof I requested, madam.

Also, are you really telling me that your way to prove to me your capability of running a successful site, is through berating me, as opposed to actually throwing out some of the ideas you have to test waters?

11-15-2011, 02:52 AM
You're going to use Blogger to run yet another music blog? Why bother proving you have any form intellect?

If you want to go down the cheapo route, use Tumblr. There are some nice themes there and you can edit html. Also if you do decide to get a job you could route a custom domain to the Tumblr url.

12-20-2011, 04:16 PM
You're going to use Blogger to run yet another music blog? Why bother proving you have any form intellect?

If you want to go down the cheapo route, use Tumblr. There are some nice themes there and you can edit html. Also if you do decide to get a job you could route a custom domain to the Tumblr url.

I wasn't around all this time and just saw your post, tried tumblr, didn't impress me. Whatever features tumblr's offering so does blogger and as for the stylesheet, I think it's not the best but still very acceptable so I'll stick to blogger.

Thank you for the suggestion though:)

12-21-2011, 03:14 AM
Tumblr is HIGHLY customizable, to the point where you can edit HTML code of pre-defined themes. Also you can upload video and mp3's on Tumblr and even use SoundCloud to post music. Don't expect them to last long if they contain somebody's intellectual property.

Max Davis' is known for his aesthetic Tumblr themes: http://themes.themaxdavis.com/

Official Tumblr themes: http://www.tumblr.com/themes/popular

You'll most likely get a wider audience if you use Tumblr especially when you use appropriate tags in the post. There's a few music blogs already on Tumblr; Thriller Than Most (http://trillerthanmost.tumblr.com/), Pigeons & Planes (http://pigsandplans.tumblr.com/) etc: http://www.tumblr.com/spotlight/music

12-28-2011, 03:32 AM