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View Full Version : Linux Fedora 16 was released today

11-08-2011, 06:05 PM
Many of you probably already know that Fedora 16 was released today, but I decided to create this thread anyway. Even though I became a freebsd fan, sometimes I install linux on one of my hard drives. Fedora 16 features gnome 3.2, which is a cool desktop environment. I recently became a fvwm fan, but when I play with linux, I also play with gnome 3.x. So, if you want to play with Fedora 16, I am sure you'll have a lot of fun.

11-15-2011, 06:50 PM
Yesterday, I decided to say "good-bye" to linux. It doesn't make much sense to have 3 different OSes installed on one computer unless you are a software developer. Since freebsd can be used for desktop purposes nowadays, it officially became my favorite OS.

12-16-2011, 06:17 AM
After driven insane for a night with fedora 16(fuck you gnome3 fuck youuuu! fuck you for not reading bash_login, fuck you for not reading your prescript directory), I'm thinking pretty much about migrating to bsd. What did you missed the most about linux? does linux stuff works decent when compiled on bsd? Is it solid as they say?

12-16-2011, 08:56 AM
I don't miss anything about linux. I use FreeBSD for watching Blu-rays, watching/recording TV (since linuxtv drivers (v4l and v4l2) have been ported to the FreeBSD userland), and I enjoy the fact that unlike linux, FreeBSD doesn't use crappy alsa for sound. The FreeBSD ports collection contains software such as libreoffice, mythtv, fvwm2. It also has kde and gnome2. Some ports such as mplayer are a bit outdated, but you can easily compile the latest version of mplayer or mplayer2 with gcc46 or gcc47. The 32-bit adobe flash linux driver works on FreeBSD in a 64-bit browser (firefox). I don't know if everything that you used linux for will work on FreeBSD, but everything that I used linux for works on FreeBSD.

Edit: and yes, FreeBSD is rock solid.