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View Full Version : I'm building something like NZBPlayer for OS X ... anyone interested?

11-08-2011, 08:34 PM
Hi Guys,

I've just started building NZBFlix (http://www.nzbflix.com/2011/11/nzbflix-prototype.html). It's a helper application for VLC to stream content from NZBs. (so a bit like NZBPlayer but for OS X).

There's an early-alpha version available for download on the page linked, but it's not been heavily tested so YMMV.

Before I take it further I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or knows of anything similar for OS X in case I miss any tricks? Is this something you might use, or is it only me who is so impatient that I can't wait 10mins for a download :)


11-09-2011, 06:03 AM
1 post wonder........... sounds like drive by malware

11-09-2011, 07:42 AM
1 post wonder........... sounds like drive by malware

Since it's for an Apple OS, I'd say kudos for leveling out the distribution of malware. However, since it's for an Apple OS, my first thought is NOT that it was malware. 1st post aside, it's a developer who posted in a totally relevant forum, and without any other comments what else would he have to post? Should he spam some threads, and to what purpose?

@nzbflix, I saw your thread and withheld comments mostly because which mac-oriented people really want to hear the rants of the mac culture loather. Now that I'm typing out a post, I might as well.

I would think that there isn't a high overall demand for such a program. My reasoning on this is entirely based on the assumption that the circles of Mac-only users and usenet users just don't overlap in any significant way. On the other side of that, there is probably no group of computer users more in desperate need of a simple and automated program that hides the complexities of usenet than mac users. But if there haven't been any successful releases, why not continue to blaze that trail? Are you suffering through it in obj. c?

11-09-2011, 11:20 AM
I am an avid OS X user and would absolutely love to use this application and see it developed further. I downloaded the client and punched in my astraweb credentials however as you say it probably won't work and it didnt.

I will follow your blog via RSS and look forward to any updates you make.

I am using Mac OS X Lion 10.6.2 on an iMac i5 and Macbook Unibody 13" and would be more than happy to help you with BETA testing or pretty much anything.

This is awesome! :w00t:

Edit: I think you should focus on the core feature or dropping an NZB into your application and having it play in VLC before worrying about fleshing about the RSS feed interface. A program that is similar could be http://appzapper.com/ in the sense it has a Drag, Drop, Action interface. The only other feature I can think of that would be useful for me would be bandwidth throttling.

11-10-2011, 04:57 PM
Thanks. I'll hopefully have a more stable version up this weekend. Just need to setup my old Mac to test on with Lion.

Throttling is a tricky one when trying to stream, but I'll certainly look into it.... guess it would be cool if it had an option to calculate roughly how much bandwidth it needs and only use that much.

I agree that OS X usenet users are a rare bunch, but actually the bulk of the app is not written in ObjC and I'll probably make a windoze version at some point.