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View Full Version : My viewing of MTV programming has gone up by infinity, a stifling realization

11-11-2011, 12:43 AM
For about 1.5 decades I could claim I watch absolutely no MTV programming. That has changed, as I've come to realize I watch 2 MTV programs (this started about a week ago). Beavis & Butthead, and Death Valley.

Beavis & Butthead - needs no explanation

Death Valley - kind of like Reno 911, but the cops are physically competent, and they are a special task force dealing with zombies, vampires and werewolves, and we're always aware of the cameramen filming them. Like Reno, it's a bit lowbrow, but so low as you'd think some MTV monkeys were writing it. Also, it's not the zombie apocalypse, there's just a bit of a zombie problem (kind of like having a raccoon problem). Some of the shit Captain Dashell says is brilliantly nuts.

"I didn't know him really well. From what I could tell he was a natural blonde who smelled like apricots. And he deserved to die that way." -Dashell

"You know, your father's a zombie, I'm a nudist. It's all the same thing sometimes." -Dashell, following a bizarre rant about how he likes the feeling of being nude.

11-23-2011, 12:41 PM
0 responses, no love for the Beavis & Butthead?!

11-23-2011, 08:59 PM
Same as you. I pretty much stopped tuning into the station many years ago when it stopped being a music television channel and became reality tv. But recently I started switching to the station once a week for Beavis & Butthead. Death Valley sounds halfway interesting though so maybe I'll check that out as well.

11-24-2011, 09:32 PM
Same as you. I pretty much stopped tuning into the station many years ago when it stopped being a music television channel and became reality tv. But recently I started switching to the station once a week for Beavis & Butthead. Death Valley sounds halfway interesting though so maybe I'll check that out as well.

You are so right about that. While reading Macky's description of the show (vampires, werewolves, etc.), I still had the briefest thought of "is this another reality-tv twist? Doh!

But, yeah, I gave up on them long ago, too. As for B&B, I'll keep downloading those as long as they can keep the ideas fresh-ish.

11-25-2011, 03:51 AM
On your advice I watched Death Valley and although there is nothing terrible about it other than the special effects which I've seen done more professionally at community theatre , there was also really nothing good enough to recommend it either.

It did have a Reno feel to it though as in it came off as a cheap imitation of something better.

The chicks were hot though.Hot and vacant so there was no doubt I was watching MTV.

11-26-2011, 03:11 AM
I also watched [just the first episode of] Death Valley and thought, "ok but meh." Does it get significantly better?

As for Beavis and Butthead, that's just too schoolboy. I swear it's aimed at 9 year old wannabe teens.

11-26-2011, 08:22 AM
Yeah my interest in Death Valley goes about as far as Reno 911. If I see it, I'll grab it, but otherwise I won't miss it. I found I really only have an appreciation for the Captain Dashell quotes, one of my favoritest characters in awhile.

Beavis & Butthead seem to be above average intelligence compared to the rest of society these days, when before it seemed like they were at the bottom. I'm pretty sure I said something similar about this earlier in another thread. I'm getting a mix of nostalgia and appreciation of the reinvention of the show, it feels very much the same but with a new direction. I have enjoyed every episode so far.

11-26-2011, 10:40 AM
Well, tbh, I haven't really watched B&B, just a few clips. Maybe I'll give it a proper look for the sake of objectivity. :D

11-26-2011, 01:19 PM
Yeah my interest in Death Valley goes about as far as Reno 911. If I see it, I'll grab it, but otherwise I won't miss it. I found I really only have an appreciation for the Captain Dashell quotes, one of my favoritest characters in awhile.

For someone who professes to not take anything too seriously,you take things far too seriously.


And I'm sure like most serials, full enjoyment only comes with being a little more entrenched in the story.

11-28-2011, 10:00 AM
For someone who professes to not take anything too seriously,you take things far too seriously.

Maybe I'm professing it incorrectly. I mean to say, I'm not too committed to my opinions.