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11-12-2003, 11:29 PM
Are all the Rocky Movies good? i mean there's 5 and its gonna take a while to watch em all and just woundering is it worth it to watch em all? :)

(dont wanna waste my time ya know ;) )

11-13-2003, 12:11 AM
the first one is great-- it's the kind of story you can really believe, and it makes you want to see rocky win at the end.

the 2nd and 3rd are pretty good-- they're sequels, so they're bigger and louder, but the story takes second priority.

the 4th is okay-- the steroids and USSR stuff seem dated now, it's hard to take it seriously... the USA vs Russia angle almost borders on comedy.

the 5th sucks-- rocky's too old to still be doing this, and the bad guy is just a lame character without much personality.

so the 1st rocky movie is the only one that you really need to see just because it's a great film, period. the 2nd and 3rd are worth watching if you like action. the 4th and 5th... only if you a hardcore rocky addict and you just have to know what happens next, because they pretty much stink.

11-13-2003, 12:20 AM
And don't forget they're making a sixth Rocky film, spoilers ahead:

The movie takes place 10 yrs after the fifth Rocky film. As it stands, Stallone works in an ice cream van. Adrian cannot take the pain of once being rich and now living in a state of poverty.
After Rocky returns home from a long day of selling ice cream he returns to find his wife in bed with a picture of Apollo Creed performing acts of obscene pleasure. Immediately, Rocky tears up the picture and ends up slapping Adrian.
Adrian files for divorce, but the custody of their son is still up for grabs. Rocky proposes a challenge. He suggests that his ex-wife fight in a steel boxing cage and the special guest referee is none other than their own son. The winner of the match wins custody of their only child (Adrian)
The training sequences are spectacular. For the role Adrian will put on twenty pounds of pure muscle, throughout the course of filming, Adrian will be taking in Creatine. It has been tossed around the office that Adrian will be trained by none other than Ivan Drago himself. She will have to fly to Russia and train like Rocky did as shown in Rocky IV.
While Rocky's wife is training, Rocky realizes he will need to reach peak physical condition to even stand a chance of defeating his ex-wife. He calls upon the aid of his old enemies Tommy Gunn and Clubber Lang to patch old wounds.
Who will win in this grueling brawl, the one and only Rocky or the vicious Adrian? Prepare yourself for one hell-of-a-battle.

This film will rock.

11-13-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Withcheese@13 November 2003 - 00:20
And don't forget they're making a sixth Rocky film, spoilers ahead:

The movie takes place 10 yrs after the fifth Rocky film. As it stands, Stallone works in an ice cream van. Adrian cannot take the pain of once being rich and now living in a state of poverty.
After Rocky returns home from a long day of selling ice cream he returns to find his wife in bed with a picture of Apollo Creed performing acts of obscene pleasure. Immediately, Rocky tears up the picture and ends up slapping Adrian.
Adrian files for divorce, but the custody of their son is still up for grabs. Rocky proposes a challenge. He suggests that his ex-wife fight in a steel boxing cage and the special guest referee is none other than their own son. The winner of the match wins custody of their only child (Adrian)
The training sequences are spectacular. For the role Adrian will put on twenty pounds of pure muscle, throughout the course of filming, Adrian will be taking in Creatine. It has been tossed around the office that Adrian will be trained by none other than Ivan Drago himself. She will have to fly to Russia and train like Rocky did as shown in Rocky IV.
While Rocky's wife is training, Rocky realizes he will need to reach peak physical condition to even stand a chance of defeating his ex-wife. He calls upon the aid of his old enemies Tommy Gunn and Clubber Lang to patch old wounds.
Who will win in this grueling brawl, the one and only Rocky or the vicious Adrian? Prepare yourself for one hell-of-a-battle.

This film will rock.
oooh a rocky six no way!! I NEED RESOURCE where did you hear it?

11-13-2003, 12:37 AM
that's a fake story, monkeee. he's just being funny. stallone is trying to get Rocky VI made. i doubt MGM are really interested in making another one, considering how old stallone is and how bad the last 2 rocky movies were... so it's prolly going to be low budget with a second-rate director.

here's the "actual" story:

Premise: The story this time around has an aging Rocky Balboa (in his 50s) (Stallone) getting in the ring one last time as a fund raiser for the youth center he now runs. Comparisons to George Foreman's comeback have been made.

11-13-2003, 12:42 AM
Yeah sorry monkee :D

Rocky 1 is a good film but kind of slow if you like action movies, 3 and 4 are really good fun to watch and I would reccomend anyone to watch them.

Rocky 5? Don't even bother.

11-13-2003, 12:46 AM
hey i'm trying to find a movie with stallone in it but i forgot i watched it along time ago .... stallone's like a trucker then his like wife dies and he only has his son and his job is like arm wrestling and some stuff does anybody know this movie? :unsure:

11-13-2003, 12:54 AM
that'd be the arm-wrasslin' trucker classic "Over The Top."

11-13-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by 3RA1N1AC@13 November 2003 - 00:54
that'd be the arm-wrasslin' trucker classic "Over The Top."
oh yeah sweet thx you know where i can DL this or something :D not on kazaa :-(

11-13-2003, 01:48 AM
"Rocky was a movie of it's time, It was cool then and I think the sequals summed up the coolness of it including the last one.

11-13-2003, 02:22 AM
Rocky 1 a true master peice makign somethign out of nothing

Rocky 2 The story continues but the fight this time is un realistic over the top

Rocky 3 Coach magaer dies Mr T is anoying Rocky has to get his title back

Rocky 4 I really liked this on ewas massivly over the top lbut i think the music is why i liked it

Rocky 5 well........ Crap money for salvester is all it was for

11-13-2003, 05:34 AM
i like all 5 of them rocky 5 wasnt as good but i like the story behind the movie .SLYIS MAKING PART 6 WICH WILL BE GAY I THINK SORTA LIKE MATRIX 3

11-13-2003, 06:19 AM
you guys are right man ROCKY was the best!! gonna start on II now :) .... so far so good!

11-13-2003, 06:30 AM
i like all of them but 5