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11-13-2003, 02:15 AM
Sometimes the way we look deceives people into thinking that is what we are. I can remember when my car died, the driver who picked me up wanted to start converstation so he said " look at the stupid nigger over there". I couldn't have been more offended, I just grunted at the man and hoped that my car would soon be functional.

I guarantee that if I showed up in Kentucky and introduced myself to FC, he would seriously not want me to meet his friends. I would definitely be a source of ridicule.

I like this forum because our minds and attitudes get to represent us, not our genetic physiology.

11-13-2003, 02:33 AM
So very true.

11-13-2003, 02:34 AM
Actually today I was thinking of that same exact thing.

11-13-2003, 02:40 AM
My mind represents me here??..............Whoa............thats scary :blink:

Heh, Agreed dude :)

Jonno B)

11-13-2003, 02:42 AM
yea i tottally agree couldnt of said it better myself

11-13-2003, 02:47 AM
I agree too, Jonno's mind representing anything scares the shit out of me. :lol:

11-13-2003, 02:49 AM
@Lynx..........How do you think I feel, I got it 24/7 :unsure:

Ok seriously.........I do agree Hobbes, what we know of each other on here is thoughts, not actions and sometimes actions don't speak louder than words :)

Jonno B)

11-13-2003, 02:59 AM
@ hobbes - I could not agree more! On here no one can see what we look like to be able to judge us by our look's so they have to do so from what's said and how it's said. It's sad really that so much enphasis is placed on a person's look's when that's not the important thing, it's !who! the person is that matter's.

Also, you said "I guarantee that if I showed up in Kentucky and introduced myself to FC, he would seriously not want me to meet his friends. I would definitely be a source of ridicule", why put yourself down like that? :-(

@ JONNO_CELEBS - rofl I've seen some of your post's, mostly the one's concerning NikkiD, it seem's fairly obvious what's on your mind most of the time ;-)

Anyway's, great thread hobbes :-)


11-13-2003, 03:11 AM
Actually, as I read it, I consider that I disrespect FC. That is not right. I have followed some of FC's threads and have seen some of his biker friends ( the one who died). I was envisioning myself showing up at his funeral. What would they think of me?

I look like something the "local boy biker" would hate, but to charge FC with such a label is unfair on my part. For this I apolgize.

The point I wanted to make does remain, I just should have not implicated a forum member. To be honest though, I have always thought that if I were to enter a bar filled with FCs friend, I would imagine that they would kick my ass.

11-13-2003, 03:36 AM
@Snipe...........Glad I can entertain :D :lol:

@Hobbes......Dude, I seriously doubt you offended FC with what you said, I'm not what you would call "A Biker" , yes I have a bike but you know what I mean, having said that I have been in several "Biker Bars"..........I thought I was gonna get my ass kicked too, especially when one of them acused me of trying to hustle him :unsure: at pool............he was kidding........I had a great laugh, AC/DC pumping out the Jukebox and all these great stories being shared...........and some SERIOUS drinking :blink: ...........I think for the most part they get a bad rep when all they are is a clan, no different to my clan of surfers.........Friends.........Watch each others backs and would do anything for eachother...........A Family.........a chosen family :) .....................That you don't piss off :blink: :lol:

Jonno B)

11-13-2003, 04:34 AM
Good point taken up here. I have often wondered who it was at the other end of that keyboard - now at least a few faces are turning up to give clarity to my imagination. Allthough why i posted my pic is beyond me - seeing my face and comparing with my posts must really confuse people - how can a really great guy like that post such good stuff :D :lol: B)


11-13-2003, 04:38 AM
a receptacle for the respectable

11-13-2003, 05:09 AM

Come on up north. ;)

Clocker will be here for a few days the week after Thanksgiving-we'll go find some bikers and kick their asses.

It's getting cold here, but I could probably persuade some of the neighborhood kids to ride around a bit. :)


I think you and I both have thought about what it would be like to get a bunch of us together, kind of a forum summit.

I still think it would be a significant event, if it ever came to pass, and I'd lay odds that FC woud show (without his "biker" friends).

Remember that "What would you do if you had a billion dollars?" thread, or whatever it was?

If I had it, I'd finance a gathering that would leave the "Board Statistics" numbers at ZERO, 'cuz everyone would be at the "1st KLF Summit".

Attendance would be mandatory.

Think we might have some fun? ;)

BTW-I drive through Louisville on my way back and forth to Georgia to visit; I'm mulling the idea of knocking on FC's door with a bottle of bourbon.

Think he'd turn me down?


11-13-2003, 07:06 AM
:huh: Hold up.I am kinda shocked at this whole thing.I know that you picked my name for real no Reason just to start a Thread(or I hope so). :P

And I only have a few Biker Freinds really.And I would not really call them Bikers, they just guys that Ride Bikes...Motorcycles...whatever.

I have gone over and Read a few of what People have said and from what I get People still think Bikers are Racist.Yeah maybe there is a few.But at every Rally I have been at or weekly Bike Show at the Local Bar when the few do show up there is no Comments and if there was I do not think I would be hanging with them People long.

I need to wake up some more and read over this whole Thread again.Do not know why my Name was Picked out of everybody. :huh:

*If that has anything to do with the you know what Threads(will not even use the name) then I am sorry.I am making fun of my own kind.....my Race.And when I say they should act like them selves I am not saying because acting like a Black Man(or whatever) is wrong because of the Race.*

*2ND EDIT:And no I am not offened.....just need to wake up.Maybe erase what I have Posted. :blink: *

11-13-2003, 07:58 AM

Gabba Gabba We accept YOU We accept YOU .... One of Us

Gabba Gabba We accept YOU We accept YOU .... One of Us

"The Ramones"

Peace brotherdoobie :)

11-13-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by brotherdoobie@13 November 2003 - 02:58

Gabba Gabba We accept YOU We accept YOU .... One of Us

Gabba Gabba We accept YOU We accept YOU .... One of Us

"The Ramones"

Peace brotherdoobie :)

Peace brotherdoobie

11-13-2003, 06:20 PM
Ooo sorry.............was that me :blink:

Ok this forum does rock cos a lot of you guys I would happily consider friends :)

Jonno B)

11-13-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@13 November 2003 - 14:20

Ok this forum does rock cos a lot of you guys I would happily consider friends :)

Just so-

Well put, Jonno.

BTW-see if you can mirror your av to right-hand status, eh? ;)

Unless you're a lefty, of course, in which case your sig needs attention. :)

11-13-2003, 06:51 PM
Sorry, this thread was just about how we have expectations about what people look and act like based on what we read about them and from them on the forum. I would imagine that seeing them in photo or real life might be a disappointment/shock in some cases.

Just like when you read a novel, you picture what the characters look like in your head. When a movie is made of that novel, most of us exclaim, "oh, he shouldn't look like that. How could you cast "x" in that role?"

I had just been looking at the pictures on Funky's web-page and I thought he was good example of someone who looks quite different than myself (a good juxtapostion). I had remebered him telling of the death of a friend and about how 500 or so bikers would be coming to town that weekend. I was imagining myself entering a bar filled with this crowd and their response to my rather boyish clean cut look. I would be wearing a t-shirt that said "I'm with Funky!"

So the thread wasn't about Funky, but rather he was just an example, to help illustrate my point. I posted an addendum later, simply to try an clarify this.

What would be really fun would be to be able to post a picture of what you think a person looks like, but that is technically challenging. Or better yet, have everyone submit a picture anonymously and let people attempt to match the picture with the poster.

But the fun about not knowing is that anyone could anybody at all. Hell, I could be Sandra Bullock for all you know? That is why this forum rocks, the possibilities are endless.

Edit: The problem I had with the first post was that I was playing on the "stereotype" of the intolerant leather clad biker for effect. And the apology was to indicate that I was not trying to imply that about Funky, himself.

11-13-2003, 06:55 PM
@J2k4............Very good point...........Done it :D

@Hobbes..........Dude, why do you think I have my pictures and voice files posted all over the place?, as much as you all think cos I'm an extrovert, it's not, it's so you can see and here who I am and who you're chatting to :) I have ay least 1 pic of a lot of people here and my place, cos I like to know, IMO it does'nt matter what you look or sound like, if I like you, I like you plain and simple, nothing more, nothing less.

We are who we are, and will always be :)

Jonno B)

11-13-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@13 November 2003 - 14:55
@J2k4............Very good point...........Done it :D

@Hobbes..........Dude, why do you think I have my pictures and voice files posted all over the place?, as much as you all think cos I'm an extrovert, it's not, it's so you can see and here who I am and who you're chatting to :) I have ay least 1 pic of a lot of people here and my place, cos I like to know, IMO it does'nt matter what you look or sound like, if I like you, I like you plain and simple, nothing more, nothing less.

We are who we are, and will always be :)

Jonno B)
There, Jonno-

Now you rock and match. ;)

I'll echo your sentiment on the other. :)

11-13-2003, 07:04 PM
What I like is that I could be Sandra Bullock and come here and shoot the shit with you guys and be just another member of this forum. I could sit around in my panties and talk to Jonno about his bum.

If you all knew I was Sandra Bullock or a Catholic priest, or a famous business tycoon, then people would expect me to act a certain way and would treat me differently. It would change the whole relationship I have with forum members.

In a forum you define youself but the quality of your posts, all physical and material items are irrelevant.

Edit: You know what else is cool, I live 5 minutes from work and I can come home for lunch at noon and attempt to clean up my previous posts.

What is not cool: It is 1:05.

11-13-2003, 07:08 PM
You were doing so well hobbes and then you went and ruined it.

In the future, every time I read a post of yours, I'm going to think of Sandra Bullock in panties.

11-13-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by hobbes@13 November 2003 - 19:04

If you all knew I was Sandra Bullock or a Catholic priest, or a famous business tycoon, then people would expect me to act a certain way and would treat me differently. It would change the whole relationship I have with forum members.

Ok this is the gods honest truth.

I do not care who any of you are, I am me, you either like me or you don't, choice is your's, Hobbes if you proved that you were Sandra Bullock I would congratulate you on your fine acting and carry on anyway, you would probably get more smutty comments for being a girl but I would treat you no different, people are people, you can be a skint bloke with a bike and a pair of shades like me or you could be a multi millionare president of a country, I don't care, on here or irl I will treat you how I treat people...............That is the bottom line of Jonno :)

And you may dream about my bum if you so wish :P :lol:

Jonno B)

11-13-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by clocker@13 November 2003 - 19:08
You were doing so well hobbes and then you went and ruined it.

In the future, every time I read a post of yours, I'm going to think of Sandra Bullock in panties.
Same here I think, but I don't think the image in my mind will be focusing on the panties as if that's all she'd be wearing if it were her then i'd be focusing a bit higher up ;-) (Soz hobbes, no offence intended, I just think Sandra is hot and your post has my mind thinking thing's now :-))


11-14-2003, 12:01 AM
UKMan falls into a long sleep, drifting into the arms of Sandra Bullock wearing only see through nylon panties. Sandra is also wearing panties...... -_-

11-14-2003, 12:08 AM
:o i kept my furom life and real life seperate, till school banned all the flash games sites <_<

11-14-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by TheDave@14 November 2003 - 01:08
:o i kept my furom life and real life seperate, till school banned all the flash games sites <_<
So this isnt real ? damn - now i&#39;m worried :blink:

11-14-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by UKMan@14 November 2003 - 00:26

So this isnt real ? damn - now i&#39;m worried :blink:
you know what i mean&#33;? im not sure though

11-14-2003, 01:01 AM
Shit man, wouldn&#39;t a KLF gathering be the bollocks (greatest to all the non UK members)? I&#39;d love to have drink with Jonno and FC. And to clash wits with UKman (the picture as I thought you to be but with less hair :P ) , virtualbody and clocker.
The UK&#39;s a small place so I think we could hook up our end for one weekend (any room at yours jonno?) wouldn&#39;t that just rock? Even a M&#036; net meeting would kick arse, why not do it?

Or I could just have another voddy and coke and shut the fook up&#33;

And the response to the original topic:

People are people, some are arseholes some are good/all right/nice/etc.
Thats the sad way of life. I hag out with blacks (half my family are from Jamaica-by marriage but close family all the same) and some of this "group" can be cool with you but some can be as racist as you&#39;d like. I love rock/metal/punk/(insert genre here) but still hang out with "pop idols". My best friend was a biker who was tragically taken from us YetI attended the funeral surrounded by bikers and they were cool with anyone wherever they came from, whoever they were.

Basically, no matter what "group" of people you associate with (be it rich/poor, goth/pop, black/white etc. we could go on forever) there will always be a few pricks who hate for the sake of hating (or if they believe their particular fashion/group demands it). The trick is to distinguish between the real people and the followers.

Anyways I&#39;m proper pissed and I&#39;m outta here.

Here&#39;s to a meeting one day :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:

Edit: I think this must be the longest most serious reply I have ever posted, in the Lounge as well&#33; Quick someone put me on moderation now before I do it again&#33; Lamsey, Rat faced, [B][O][T] anyone? HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP&#33;&#33;&#33;

11-14-2003, 02:59 AM
Originally posted by namzuf9@14 November 2003 - 01:01
I&#39;d love to have drink with Jonno and FC.
:lol: :lol: Thats a scary thought :lol: :lol:

The UK&#39;s a small place so I think we could hook up our end for one weekend (any room at yours jonno?) wouldn&#39;t that just rock?

erm............Yeah...........you could stay in the shed with lilmiss :lol: :lol:

Jonno B)