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12-17-2011, 01:41 PM
... comes with the discovery of having had that bastard the tax man rip the fuck out of my wages again... 44%... 44 fucking % man :angry:

12-17-2011, 01:53 PM
Afternoon Dave.

I do payroll for a living and could prolly help you out with your tax bracket, but I don't like you so I won't, innit. So suck it up, stalker.

12-17-2011, 02:15 PM
Are we doing this again?

Haven't we covered this enough already?

I get it. In your warped little world men should:
- Accept women treating them like shit, because they're all soft and cuddly (ie. they have tits).
- Lie to protect the thoughts and feelings of women who have personally treated them like shit, lest something they say somewhere, which said woman might or might not read, might upset the little dears feelings. That really, really wouldn't be acceptable.

Well sorry, I'm going to disappoint you:
- I won't be lying, to protect the thoughts and feelings of someone who didn't give a fuck about mine.
- If you ask me a question about the subject don't be expecting me to waste time phrasing stuff so that it causes the least upset to someone who never gave a fuck about upsetting me. If that's a problem for you, it's probably best not to ask the question or make the statement.

Now back on topic.

It's Christmas party season. You been to any? Or are you so disliked by everyone that you never got invited by anyone?

12-17-2011, 02:28 PM
Yeah 44% is a weird percentage. No combination of NI and tax that I can think of would amount to that.
Unless it's an overall percentage of deductions relative to gross pay.
There's probably some mistake.

You should show a payroll manager or an accountant your payslip and find out for definite.
Are there any professional people of that kind of standing who like you. They might do it for free.

12-17-2011, 02:35 PM
It's because of 'benefits in kind'. They've added all of the things they perceive I get as benefits in kind (ignored completely the fact that I can't actually do my job without some of those things) and worked out that I don't earn enough to pay as much tax as I should. So they add a nominal amount of extra (non-existant) earnings onto what I actually earn, and tax me against that as well.

You been to any Xmas parties?

12-18-2011, 11:14 PM
44% as an aggregate is actually a small percent. Most folks pay up to 60% of their wages in taxes if you count EVERYTHING. If your actual tax rate is 44% though, that's crazy!

12-18-2011, 11:32 PM
That 44% is only direct taxation, the indirect stuff is still to be paid out of my net income.

12-19-2011, 01:27 AM
It's only fair that you would get charged tax on the vehicle you use for stalking purposes. :dry: