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11-14-2003, 03:22 PM
Are these products same if so why the prices r too diffrent

Yamaha CRW-F1ZUX 44x24x44 External USB-2.0 CD-RW Drive with DiscT ... (http://froogle.google.com/froogle_url?q=http://www.chumbo.com/info.asp%3Fs%3D027108103075%26ptr%3Dfg&fr=APW7SjNm7Qfo2eeb9CVvTHRVVEJC4PYPDVrFiKi0R55NAAAAAAAAAAA)
Yamaha CRW-F1ZUX External USB 2.0 [CRWF1ZUX] (http://froogle.google.com/froogle_url?q=http://store.yahoo.com/digitalunderground/crwf1zux.html&fr=AOD5TShJb8mMKS6lGMpTixPgtYPPbEYrFYmu5ZF4wh7GmcxEUFv9cXPBJuItiIzoIwAAAAAAAAAA)
Yamaha 44x24x44 External USB 2.0 CD-RW - Refurbish (http://froogle.google.com/froogle_url?q=http://www.storewow.com/Item.aspx%3FItemID%3D911&fr=AGyQn32P0bCT82o0YfBrUQxdJy5oGSA1IXLb_LVmlUBTAAAAAAAAAAA)

11-14-2003, 03:25 PM
Middle link not working for me.

The other two are obviously the same except one is new and the other has been rehabbed.

11-14-2003, 04:09 PM
if there same why the price r way diffrent as u can see #1 link say's its 211usd and #3 link saya 151usd :blink:
ok i knew they r on same kind of sell
wat u mean by rehabbed :unsure:

can i trust the dealer :lol: ?

and iam new to online shopping can u explain how dose it work i mean wat i need and how they take money from ma account

11-14-2003, 04:19 PM
"rehabbed"= used and then reconditioned by the manufacturer. It may have been returned for a simple cosmetic flaw, or there may have been something worse wrong with it. Who knows?

I don't shop online so I have nothing to say about it...

11-15-2003, 05:15 AM
rehabbed"= used and then reconditioned by the manufacturer. It may have been returned for a simple cosmetic flaw, or there may have been something worse wrong with it. Who knows?

u mean its 2nd hand or wat?
and ist worth to buy it?

I don't shop online so I have nothing to say about it...
that product is not availabe in our country so i must buy it online

11-15-2003, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by bawa@Klite_user@14 November 2003 - 22:15

u mean its 2nd hand or wat?
and ist worth to buy it?

I mean it was returned for one reason or another, but there is no way of knowing what that reason might have been. The buyer may have changed their mind or maybe it just didn't match the new carpet.

Or maybe it was a POS.

If the warranty is good, I might consider it.

11-15-2003, 05:49 AM
waranty... i guess i can take advantage of it if i buy it online cuz the site r in US or some where else but iam sure its not in ma country so the waranty is not big deal :( and iam sure ill need it :lol: